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Hypocrisy Question for religiouscels

Kawaii Kitsune

Kawaii Kitsune

blackpilled and blueballed
Jul 17, 2024
I am talking about Christianity in particular but I guess this includes the others. If you believe that god exists and is omnibenevolent and has a grand plan for all his followers, then why don't you just accept your inceldom and get on with life? Maybe this is god's test for you and you are failing it by classifying yourself as an incel and rotting on here. Maybe your time hasn't come yet. Patience is a virtue after all. Get off this forum and grind for 10 hours a day 7 days a week at a wage slave job, save up your money, work on IMPROOOOOVEing yourself so that maybe one day god will bless you with the opportunity to betabuxx a 35 year old born again virgin christian woman with 3 kids from 3 different fathers.

Or maybe sex and relationships is not part of god's plan for you. In that case, shouldn't you accept being a life long khhv and stfu about it? Would Jesus want you raging and seething at foids and chads for hours on end on an incel forum? Sounds like Wrath to me, which I believe is one of the 7 deadly sins.

An outspoken Christcel wrote the following post. Hypocracy is thy name :feelsclown::feelskek:

I've posted about this before, just rot in a monestary theory
Assuming he exists the creator God is an evil piece of shit who created the world so he could enjoy human suffering.
I use this forum for entertainment and social activity. I don't wallow in self-pity or vent.
If no god why bother talking about it atheistcel?
Religion is super cucked in general and its essentially designed to enslave you especially with morals
who says i’m raging and seething?
who says i’m raging and seething?
Lol I already do.
God already confirmed that I will be incel forever because of sin, but it doesn't stop me from having to work forever.
jewish system forces me to.
Most religion is just retarded unaware low level ego games. It’s just hierarchy games too. Religious leaders power trip and literally they become pedos the especially priests, imams etc. it’s just another manifestation of fucked up power dynamics. All this social power gets to them tbh. Tale as old as time.
Psychedelics and direct experience is where it’s at tbh :shock:
I am talking about Christianity in particular but I guess this includes the others. If you believe that god exists and is omnibenevolent and has a grand plan for all his followers, then why don't you just accept your inceldom and get on with life? Maybe this is god's test for you and you are failing it by classifying yourself as an incel and rotting on here. Maybe your time hasn't come yet. Patience is a virtue after all. Get off this forum and grind for 10 hours a day 7 days a week at a wage slave job, save up your money, work on IMPROOOOOVEing yourself so that maybe one day god will bless you with the opportunity to betabuxx a 35 year old born again virgin christian woman with 3 kids from 3 different fathers.

Or maybe sex and relationships is not part of god's plan for you. In that case, shouldn't you accept being a life long khhv and stfu about it? Would Jesus want you raging and seething at foids and chads for hours on end on an incel forum? Sounds like Wrath to me, which I believe is one of the 7 deadly sins.

An outspoken Christcel wrote the following post. Hypocracy is thy name :feelsclown::feelskek:

Christians are not automatons or angels. They have feelings and are human too. The difference is that they try. So of course a christian incel will sometimes feel rage for his situation and post things like what you've posted.

Now, regarding this part :

If you believe that god exists and is omnibenevolent and has a grand plan for all his followers, then why don't you just accept your inceldom and get on with life?

I don't know how protestants see life, it appears lot of them believe God's "great plan for them" is to eventually make them rich and successfull in this life (especially blacks believe that). That's not how catholics and orthodoxes see it, at all.

The "great plan" is for you to suffer, repent and eventually go to heaven. That's the great plan. If you become successful good for you but it might actually turn against you for it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.

So why not just "accept" our inecldom ? The question implies that Christian should just not do anything given God is supposed to provide for them. Let's follow that logic : why work ? Shouldnt God give you food ? why consult a doctor ? Shouldnt God heal you ? The logic is absurd and no christian believe that, it's a dumb argument atheists make all the time.

Here's the thing : you're supposed to do your part. That's why we do our part and we pray for the things we cannot control.
The "great plan" is for you to suffer, repent and eventually go to heaven. That's the great plan. If you become successful good for you but it might actually turn against you for it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.
You suffer, you die and you don't go to heaven or hell, you just cease to exist. There is absolutely no scientific proof that there is an afterlife and there also no proof that morals exist in nature, atleast not the moral and ethic rules we are taught by religion
God created a good system, humans (especially kikes) have turned it to shit.
There is absolutely no scientific proof

"that I'm willing to accept because they don't come from atheists and they don't support my vision of the world"

What about the shroud of turin ?
what about the miracle of the sun ?
what about the miracle of lanciano ?
what about NDEs ?
what about the miracle of fatima ?
what about the miracles of Lourde ?
What about the non-scientific proofs such as the fact that every human civilisation that has ever existed has always believed in the super natural ?
what about the metaphysical proofs such as the 5 ways of Thomas Aquinas ?
what about fish fossils discovered at high altitude in the himalayah ?

I perfectly know atheists are gonna come with massive copes and weird explanations for each single one of these items.
Because at the end of day the there is no "ultimate proof". I can literally show you that fire's hot and water's wet and you could deny if you want it bad enough.
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Before someone wants to believe in fairytales, believe in yourself

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