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Venting Putting in Effort on Work/Assignments Feels Pointless.



Nov 20, 2022
I had to do sort of a mini-essay I guess we can say for one of my classes at college; I had previously had this professor before & know sort of the overall formatting we have to do for these, so that wasn't an issue. I decided to visit my professor during office-hours, since I wanted to make sure I at least was on somewhat of a right track before submitting it in.

However, instead of him just pointing out one or two minor faults(which is what I was expecting & hoping for) he went on about how I had "not explained it well enough," used a "quote incorrectly," and some other babble.

Keep in mind, I actually tried on this fairly well & put in a good amount of effort: I didn't just bs it like some of the fucktards at my college do.

I basically have to restructure my whole damn paper now.

This is how working an actual fucking job must feel like- you go to work & try hard just so you can afford to live & stay alive in this Jew-globohomo world and be labeled a "productive member of soyciety!" JFL.

Any one of the fucking whores at my college could just suck-off some smart normgroid to do their assignment for them, while I have to fucking mentally torture myself just so I can get a good fucking grade so I can get a degree to go on and be a slave to the system we have in this shithole known as the U.S.

I also fucking hate how I have to actually try to get a decent mark & really fucking push myself to even make a good-grade.

This shit ain't gonna help with my norwooding- that's for fucking sure.

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i will go to college soon because my parents force me man fuck everything unfair system
I thought you were in Italy
I said I am of Italian ancestry & descent multiple times on the forum which doesn't mean or even implies I live there; quit probing for info about me, glowie.
I had to do sort of a mini-essay I guess we can say for one of my classes at college; I had previously had this professor before & know sort of the overall formatting we have to do for these, so that wasn't an issue. I decided to visit my professor during office-hours, since I wanted to make sure I at least was on somewhat of a right track before submitting it in.

However, instead of him just pointing out one or two minor faults(which is what I was expecting & hoping for) he went on about how I had "not explained it well enough," used a "quote incorrectly," and some other babble.

Keep in mind, I actually tried on this fairly well & put in a good amount of effort: I didn't just bs it like some of the fucktards at my college do.

This is how working an actual fucking job must feel like- you go to work & try hard just so you can afford to live & stay alive in this Jew-globohomo world and be labeled a "productive member of soyciety!" JFL.

Any one of the fucking whores at my college could just suck-off some smart normgroid to do their assignment for them, while I have to fucking mentally torture myself just so I can get a good fucking grade so I can get a degree to go on and be a slave to the system we have in this shithole known as the U.S.

I also fucking hate how I have to actually try to get a decent mark & really fucking push myself to even make a good-grade.

This shit ain't gonna help with my norwooding- that's for fucking sure.

I feel your pain brocel. I had a difficult time as an undergrad myself many years ago and was constantly thinking of the massively disparate opportunities that existed between all the frivolous cunts who never took academics seriously and the low-tier males who applied themselves and their superior intellectual abilities yet for whom there only really existed wage slavery, immiserating and dejection. I eventually overcame my own despair by gymaxxing, studymaxxing, graduating from law school and now presently working in a high status job in academia. That being said, what I truly believe we as incels need is an actual proper organization irl so as to coordinate our efforts, provide solidarity and camaraderie to our Brothers in Arms and to create a militant sub component which will carry out operations against foidkind and soyciety.
Yeah, sometimes when there's wiggle-room professors will just mark you down because you're not normie enough

It's BS

It's why foids excel at meme 'creative' degrees, because they can get by easily since professors like them
I bet your name isn't even DarkStarDown
Are you really this bad at your job; holy fuck :feelskek:.

No one here is gonna use their real name or anything connected to anything in their life for a forum such as this, so yes, my name isn't DarkStarDown like yours isn't General Alek.

I'm sick of you shitting up .is, as are many many of us here.

If I was mod, this place would be getting a massive clear-out, starting with you.
my name is Joseph Coffin
Probably a fake name, but if it is your real one, you are officially the biggest retard I have ever met.
and I serve the legacy of ER, and have the balls to admit it
Again, quit sucking off that Twink who if anything, made things worse for us by giving normies an excuse to shit on "Incels"(quotation marks because ER wasn't an Incel).
Tagging fellow Unicels:

@MiSKiRaT @Grim_Reaper @IronsideCel @LeFrenchCel
foids dont have to do any of this. just be foid theory
I've been having a hard time in uni as well, even though I finally started putting effort into my studies. This one course that's been a pain in my ass, recommends you to do the assignments with a partner, but I have no friends to work with so I have to do them by myself (I do have one friend but he has a partner:feelsrope:).
I'm going for a Bsc in Neuropsychology at Preston UCLAN fairly soon, coulda tagged me
I didn't know that information prior, so how could I have tagged you?

Must be nice getting free-education on that sweet FBI paycheck.
Catman would be a better name for you than the mess you've got as a name ;)
But.. but I am the soycuck God of Reddit

It's not just a name, it's a title

foids dont have to do any of this. just be foid theory
True tbh

Foids can just flunk out or get a meme degree

They'll end up with a well-paid HR role or sth, or just get money from OF subs or other simps

None of these things is a serious setback to a foid
True tbh

Foids can just flunk out or get a meme degree

They'll end up with a well-paid HR role or sth, or just get money from OF subs or other simps

None of these things is a serious setback to a foid
nah even worse the professors just give them A's without even reading because they have holes and it would be sexist/patriarchal otherwise. foids arent allowed to have setbacks
nah even worse the professors just give them A's without even reading because they have holes and it would be sexist/patriarchal otherwise. foids arent allowed to have setbacks
That 100% happens

Modern school system is set up for girls to ace everything

But even if they flunked out somehow or dropped out, would be barely a hindrance compared to what most male dropouts would have to go through
It's joever for unicels
foids dont have to do any of this. just be foid theory
Foids live life on "just exist & don't be an actual landwhale fat waste of space bitch" mode.

Uni in the U.S. is basically just a four-year vacation for foids; basically every guy will chase after you, tons of alcohol & drugs to do, plenty of Chad Frat parties to go to, etc.
girls are supposed to be told what to do, so they would ace school
Foids conform more easily, so they get by effortlessly in the modern school environment

But they also get blatant favouritism
Institutions in kikeland is purely globo homo.
I just got done with a mandatory online training on literal lgbtq soy tranny shit

I hope your marks go well this semester though :feelsYall:
im really hoping enough of us go undetected in the system to where we get power and can change this stupid shit we have in this cucked country
I've been having a hard time in uni as well, even though I finally started putting effort into my studies.
That's rough. I hate how I actually have a drive to do well, but also am a massive procrastinator; my motivation is bipolar basically.
This one course that's been a pain in my ass, recommends you to do the assignments with a partner, but I have no friends to work with so I have to do them by myself (I do have one friend but he has a partner:feelsrope:).
Fucking brutal as fuck man. I know that feeling of being your friends "last pick" ig we can say: My senior year of HS, we had to have partners for an assignment in a Science class I took, but then the teacher said we could have groups of three: Three of my "friends" then worked together on it while I was with some random.
Enjoy it while you can. A real job is MUCH worse.
I think my main goal in life is actually to land the best job I possibly can.
Incels shouldn't be forced to work

Pussy and family is a very needed motivator which is impossible to work productivelywithout
Finally a good take from you:feelsaww:.

NPNW needs to become much more mainstream.

Colleges should provide free sex-services for their male students: in which a male student can book an appointment with a trained sex-worker(possibly a foid student) to satisfy his sexual urges.
Fucking brutal as fuck man. I know that feeling of being your friends "last pick" ig we can say: My senior year of HS, we had to have partners for an assignment in a Science class I took, but then the teacher said we could have groups of three: Three of my "friends" then worked together on it while I was with some random.
Incel trait: You actually wanted the teachers to assign you partners of letting you choose.
Incel trait: You actually wanted the teachers to assign you partners of letting you choose.
Holy fuck- I literally would wish for this every-time they assigned partner work.
Incel trait: You actually wanted the teachers to assign you partners of letting you choose.
when that happened to me it was usually teachers that did not like me so they would put me with foids on purpose because it was so awkward between me and foids in school

I relate to this post though sometimes I put a little effort in and I think oh ok I should pass easy but I end up having to redo it all.

My thing im doing is so fucking aids I have been stuck on one thing for 2 weeks (on and off) and it ended up being the fault of my professors instructions that I was failing, this shit is such a fucking grind, all just for a paper so that I can apply to wage slave jobs. Thats what makes it so crushing its a grind for a pathetic piece of paper.
Tagging fellow Unicels:

@MiSKiRaT @Grim_Reaper @IronsideCel @LeFrenchCel
I just had a midterm exam yesterday and I barely solved any of the questions or I didn't bother solving them so I'm probably gonna score 3/20
Use chatGPT buddy boyo
Do you actually expect uni to get you anywhere? So much time and effort could've gone into something else if you think it's pointless.
All this shit is pointless. Congrats on filling your head with useless garbage.
I had to do sort of a mini-essay I guess we can say for one of my classes at college; I had previously had this professor before & know sort of the overall formatting we have to do for these, so that wasn't an issue. I decided to visit my professor during office-hours, since I wanted to make sure I at least was on somewhat of a right track before submitting it in.

However, instead of him just pointing out one or two minor faults(which is what I was expecting & hoping for) he went on about how I had "not explained it well enough," used a "quote incorrectly," and some other babble.

Keep in mind, I actually tried on this fairly well & put in a good amount of effort: I didn't just bs it like some of the fucktards at my college do.

I basically have to restructure my whole damn paper now.

This is how working an actual fucking job must feel like- you go to work & try hard just so you can afford to live & stay alive in this Jew-globohomo world and be labeled a "productive member of soyciety!" JFL.

Any one of the fucking whores at my college could just suck-off some smart normgroid to do their assignment for them, while I have to fucking mentally torture myself just so I can get a good fucking grade so I can get a degree to go on and be a slave to the system we have in this shithole known as the U.S.

I also fucking hate how I have to actually try to get a decent mark & really fucking push myself to even make a good-grade.

This shit ain't gonna help with my norwooding- that's for fucking sure.

You and me are the same fellow Collegecel. I fucking hate studying and my College coursework. Half the shit I am doing ain't even related to my major but still I gotta do this so that I can moneymaxx.
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