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Venting Putting an end to improve yourself bullshit + some thoughts

  • Thread starter Deleted member 24081
  • Start date

Deleted member 24081

Jan 16, 2020
Ok I’m going to end this now.
  • “Get a hobby”
I don’t have enough money for a hobby. Hobbies are a financial drain and I don’t have the money. They require things such as certain clothing, equipment, memberships and sometimes even friends to participate with.
  • “Find a job for income then”
Can’t. I’m autistic and can’t work with others.
  • “Claim benefits for money”
I do. Most of it goes towards providing for myself.
  • “Respecting women costs nothing, inkel”
Women don’t even respect themselves. Plus they treat me with disdain. Respecting someone who disrespects you openly is soy.
  • “Get better clothes”
Costs money.
  • “Get a better haircut“
Costs money. Some people don’t have hair or can’t have their hair in certain styles.
  • “Have a shower“
I shower everyday.
  • “Improve your overall personality“
Costs money. Plus I’m not Chad so I can’t bypass this. Also is a extremely vague statement. Improving your personality could mean anything and often serves to deflect away from the real issue: looks.
  • “Leave the basement“
I go out for walks some days. However, I’m also socially incompetent due to autism so I fear interacting with people outside, leading me to stay in most days.
  • “Strike up a conversation with women”
This can get you arrested for harassment in my country. Game is also cope. Chad only.
  • “This is why you can’t get laid”
If you think I would refer to females as foids and openly hate them in the real world when trying to get a date, you’re a retard.
  • “Get some friends”
Requires social competence. I’m autistic and can’t communicate effectively. Plus I don’t enjoy communicating and enjoy my own company without obnoxious normie friends being around me talking about girls, football and other crap I don’t give a damn about.
  • “You’re not entitled to sex”
Sex is a physiological need on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. I need sex in order to function and not become depressed and bitter.

I can’t think of anything else to add but I know that I would have an answer in response to anything else that is added.

Do you see how hopeless it is? How everything I try goes wrong? How there’s always something in the way? Life is not a switch. You don’t just hit it and all of a sudden you’re a handsome guy with a great “personality” whatever the fuck that really means. Life just doesn’t pan out for some people. Some people are born with a terrible genetic hand in life that makes it borderline impossible to succeed in the dating arena. Some have a mental illness such as autism that stunts their ability to socialise. It’s unfeasible for certain individuals.

My mother used to tell me when I was younger that I shouldn’t be scared to go outside because I have every right to live my life like everybody else. But when you get shit on for just existing, all you feel like doing is skulking away indoors and hiding yourself from the world. You realise that this modern existence isn’t meant for some people.

I NEED love. I NEED sex. One of the reasons men feel depressed because they can’t gain access to these things is because we are animals. An animal who fails to find a mate to have sex with and spread his genes is a FAILURE. He cannot complete his one biological objective and therefore he becomes chronically depressed knowing full well that his genes are defunct.

We’re the forgotten ones. The lost, the downtrodden, the left behind. Nobody gives a fuck about us. So is it any surprise that after being spat at for years that some people say “I’ve had enough of this” and flip out on society like ER did, or end up on .co as yet another lost soul?

TL;DR: All of the suggestions of improvement are useless and cope. Stop telling me to improve myself when it isn't fucking possible.
Remember that a person decides in 13ms if a person is worthy of being sexually engaged with.
So women take 13ms to decide whether they should fuck the living shit out of you and get your baby or ignore you.
the fact that you are probably short, ethnic and have a deformed face, no matter how much you improve yourself, youll never experience real love.
Remember that a person decides in 13ms if a person is worthy of being sexually engaged with.
So women take 13ms to decide whether they should fuck the living shit out of you and get your baby or ignore you.
the fact that you are probably short, ethnic and have a deformed face, no matter how much you improve yourself, youll never experience real love.
Improvement is a cope really
Remember that a person decides in 13ms if a person is worthy of being sexually engaged with.
So women take 13ms to decide whether they should fuck the living shit out of you and get your baby or ignore you.
the fact that you are probably short, ethnic and have a deformed face, no matter how much you improve yourself, youll never experience real love.
Why don't you google "ways autistic people can make money" and see what you can do.

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