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It's Over Proof that 5'11'' = manlet

Total Imbecile

Total Imbecile

Honorary ethnic
Dec 19, 2017
My ex stayed 5’9 forever until a random small growth spurt at 21. He’s still only 5’11, but hey. It’s two inches more. There’s always hope.






Female standards are getting ridicilous, even 6ft is nothing impressive these days, I feel like these days being 6'4'' isnt even seen as being tall

Were basically at the point where either youre short (6' 4'' or shorter) or youre too tall (6'5'' or taller)

There is no ideal male height, men cannot win, no matter your height its not enough
i'm more than 5'11 and a half...does that mean im 6'???
My granny said 6' isn't tall :feelsbadman:. "She's used to be a model though, of course she'd have high standards, not all women are like that":soy:
My granny said 6' isn't tall :feelsbadman:. "She's used to be a model though, of course she'd have high standards, not all women are like that":soy:
From my height, (5'10.5) 6' doesn't look tall tbh. It's only slightly above average.
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no one going to call ya short to your face if ya 5’9+ and have decent frame , but the day some girl does that to ya @Total Imbecile thats the day that I will acknowledge 5’11 is manlet tier and you should confront her because I would.
I would literally kill to be 5'11

You have to be 6’0 MINIMUM just to be seen as human to foids
My granny said 6' isn't tall :feelsbadman:. "She's used to be a model though, of course she'd have high standards, not all women are like that":soy:
being 6' is literally less than 10% of the population in terms of height how the fuck is that not tall?
5'11 is an above average male height in the vast majority of countries. It's not enough to make one incel by itself at all. It has to go hand in hand with poor looks.
The most damning fact is that all the women who deny heightism all have 6'3 bfs.
"My ex GF stayed over 200 lbs until for a while she got on a diet and got down to 180" just imagine a man talking this kind of eugenics shit about women. Even then it isn't really comparable as height is genetically predetermined whereas weight is not but you get my drift
5’11 is definitely not a Manlet
6'4 minimum or death
I visited some family last Christmas. We were spending a night drinking with some relatives. We watched some movie from telly and we discussed actors and their heights. My aunt said me and my father are "below average height" but I'm actually 5'10½ (the ½ is coping) and my father is 5'9. That's around the average in this country. She didn't know our measured heights, only what she saw. I would understand her statement if we were 5'7 or 5'8 as that would be actually below average. That was a brutal real life blackpill.
Anything below top 10% is below average for women. The new average is closer to 6'2 or something. But cut off for tall is around 6'5.
5'11 is an above average male height in the vast majority of countries. It's not enough to make one incel by itself at all. It has to go hand in hand with poor looks.
"My ex GF stayed over 200 lbs until for a while she got on a diet and got down to 180" just imagine a man talking this kind of eugenics shit about women. Even then it isn't really comparable as height is genetically predetermined whereas weight is not but you get my drift
My ex stayed 200lbs forever until a random small decision to diet at 21. She's still a whopping 180lbs, but hey. It’s 20lbs less. There’s always hope.

on second thought that's a shit comparison you can always lose weight
Tbh I'm quite happy with my height, I might still grow an inch if I'm really lucky, but I think I'm about done with puberty since I did not grow at all since I was 13. Only time will tell.
The most damning fact is that all the women who deny heightism all have 6'3 bfs.
'He's not some 6'5 giant, he's only 6'1' :becky:
If you’re not 8’11’’ ITS FUCKING OVER
My ex stayed 5’9 forever until a random small growth spurt at 21. He’s still only 5’11, but hey. It’s two inches more. There’s always hope.
How tf does one get a 'random small growth spurt at 21' ? I call that a LARP.
There is no ideal male height, men cannot win, no matter your height its not enough
This is why Face > Height
Keep coping, everyone above 5’7 deserves to die
5ft 11 is not enough on its own
Same. That's taller than most foids.

And I'm only 5'3".
Im about 5’8 or 5’9. I dont know if thats good or not though. Im only 17 so I dont know if I stopped growing or not. Plus I drink a lot, so my height is probably stunned.
not tall =/= manlet.

5'11 might not look good on paper but you still tower over a considerable amount of foids. Do you really think a 5'4 foid would be able to tell you apart from someone who is 6 foot, honestly stop insulting actual manlets.
I'm 5' 7" as a toe-walker. Never began.
6'2", but im narrow framed slenderman with a beta face. Height is worthless on it's own.
lol i was never depressed about my height , since i met this site. the pain of being 5'7 suddenly showed up. maybe because my mother is short and she always kept telling me i'm tall af.
6'2", but im narrow framed slenderman with a beta face. Height is worthless on it's own.
based on what i've learned in all these years , height is the multiplier.
if you're 0 face and body , it doesn't matter shit.
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Im sure you made this post just to piss off manlets, after all you said it before that you go on r/short to feel better by mogging them.

@LittleBoy isn't a post like this warning worthy?

Within this context can't say it is.
When I was blue-pilled back in my early days in college I used to think 5'8 was tall (as a 5'6 ricecel).

I thought that was the threshold for someone considered being tall.

The truth is that 5'8 is not ideal at all whatsoever to foids. Its not a total manlet (5'6 territory and below) but no foid especially today would ever brag about their bf being 5'8.

With that said, foids are extremely shallow and really stupid. And that is objectively speaking. To them life is a silly game of showing off their shoes, clothing, how popular they are, and how valuable they are by what kinda car they drive, how big their houses are, etc...

And the silliest thing of course, how tall their partners are.
Im about 5’8 or 5’9. I dont know if thats good or not though. Im only 17 so I dont know if I stopped growing or not. Plus I drink a lot, so my height is probably stunned.
That's like borderline average. A person with a good face at that height would definitely be a normie since a lot of foids are going to be around your height or shorter, so you'll definitely mog a foid who's petit. Although, it isn't considered tall to impress most foids.

If you're a late bloomer, you might still have enough time to grow a few more inches provided you get enough sleep. I'm 19 and I've been done with puberty a long, long time ago.
If you're a late bloomer, you might still have enough time to grow a few more inches provided you get enough sleep. I'm 19 and I've been done with puberty a long, long time ago.
Lol Im fucked then. I barely sleep at night. I always play games or scroll throught the web at night. Anyways, i’m pretty sure I reached my peak already, since I started puberty a bit earlier than most people. So 5’8 it is.
6'0 night height with medium eye level (bit over 170 cm) is okay tbh.

As it gets lower, your suffering is only increased.
I've been up for 8 hours. My eye level is 167.8 (5'6). What height would I be?
My ex stayed 5’9 forever until a random small growth spurt at 21. He’s still only 5’11, but hey. It’s two inches more. There’s always hope.






Female standards are getting ridicilous, even 6ft is nothing impressive these days, I feel like these days being 6'4'' isnt even seen as being tall

Were basically at the point where either youre short (6' 4'' or shorter) or youre too tall (6'5'' or taller)

There is no ideal male height, men cannot win, no matter your height its not enough
niggas here would kill to be 5'11, sure it's not tall it's above average, and also you're being ridiculous 6'4-6'5 is extremely tall, but yeah women always want more
lol , typical me not understanding American system metrics. thought 5'7 is higher than 5'11. how stupid am i , seemed like 5.7 > 5.11.
how a nation ended up using two metric to describe height.
5f 11" for a man is decidedly average now, to be considered tall you need to be 6f 3+ these days really. You still need the right build and face no matter.

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