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RageFuel PROOF CHAD CAN'T RAPE - Slut gets pregnant by Chad she doesn't like and forgives him.

Dry Spell

Dry Spell

Nov 21, 2017
Proof only ugly guys can be labeled rapists.
Chad is incapable of rape.

1. She's TOTALLY not into him. He's totes not my type.
He wasn’t even my type.

I mean, he was tall and cute, and his body was awesome—strong and dense, but not overly ripped. What people would describe as husky, but I really don’t like that word, so yeah, strong and dense.

2. Once again, not her type.
He had a nose ring though, and unless you’re Lenny Kravitz, that’s not a look I’ll ever be into. But with my heart as broken as it was—with every moment of every day punctuated by the pain of having been left by the love of my life—I ignored the nose ring and concentrated on the body.

3. Femoid seduces guy in bar.
I knew exactly what I was doing: Make sure he sees you, but don’t make direct eye contact. Turn your attention to the SportsCenter segment playing behind the bar. Comment loud enough for him to hear you.
“Wait—Rondo plays for the Bulls? Since when?”
“Since a while ago. Where have you been?”
So easy.

4. Takes him to HER apartment, even though his apartment was an option.
He wanted to go to his house, but I insisted on mine.

5. Brad isn't wasting money on this slut that gives it away freely and once again she reminds us how this muscular, tall Chad with piercings is totally not her type.
He didn’t offer to pay for the cab, which annoyed me but I ignored that like I did the nose ring. I focused on numbing my pain.

6. Femoid has sex with stranger.
Door. Bed. Condom. Bed. Couch. Floor. Wall. Bed.
It was just what I wanted and felt I needed, until it wasn’t.

7. Femoid notices something is wrong....
“Wait—where’s the condom?”

“I took it off.”

8. Femoid cries RAPE and tell him to GTFO of her apartment and calls the cops on the guy for stealthing her.
“What? No. Why? Put another one (condom) on.”
(just kidding, she continues having sex with him.)

6. She even lets him spend the night.
Bed. Bed. Bed. Enough. Enough for me at least.
“I feel like I’m enjoying this way more than you are. Why can’t I make you...”
“No, no—it’s not you. This is just how I am. You good?”
“I’m good.”
“OK. Let’s go to sleep.”
In the morning there was a long, lingering kiss goodbye. A “talk soon” that actually meant talk soon. And we did.

7. Heartless femoid gets pregnant, makes appointment for an abortion and goes to a party.
I almost dropped the test on the floor
then I went home and called Planned Parenthood. Afterwards I got ready for my friend’s birthday party.

8. Femoid tells the guy (who she is still texting and meeting with days after the rape) about her pregnancy and decision to have an abortion.
“Yes, I’m sure. You’re the only person I’ve been with recently, and the guy before you didn’t take the condom off.”

I asked if he had strong feelings about my decision, though I didn’t really care if he did.

“I’m not going to tell you what to do with your body. That’s for you to decide, and I’m either going to be there, or I’m not.

9. Playing hard to get with her rapist.
I spoke to him that day, too. He called not knowing what to say, and I told him he didn’t have to pretend like he cared.

“I’m not pretending like I care. I do care.”

I’ll let you know when it’s over.”

10. ONCE AGAIN reminding us how he is totally not her type, even though after he raped her she is still texting and meeting with him and hanging out with him. Also Comparing herself to other women in the abortion clinic.
I looked at all the other women in the waiting rooms, and I wondered if they were as ashamed as I was, as sad as I was. I wondered if they were also mad at themselves for being irresponsible—
mad at themselves for getting pregnan
t by a stranger whom they didn’t even know and didn’t even like. I hoped that they were OK.

11. Femoid meets her rapist again and forgives him. I wonder why.
A few weeks later I asked him to meet me at a coffee shop. I needed some closure—even if it was the smallest amount of closure possible—so I could feel a little less awful.

Did I tell him it was OK to take the condom off? Did I miss the part when he came and went soft?

The answer to both was no.

He took it off without asking. He never came and went soft.

“I’m sorry for ruining your life.”

I told him that he didn’t, then told him that I shouldn’t be reassuring him.

tl;dr: Slut goes out to a bar, purposely seduces a probably Brad/Chad, take him to HER home, has sex with him, gets pregnant and then aborts the baby even though the one-night stand said he would be there for her. All the while, the foid claims she doesn't even like the guy.

Oh well, at least she didn't cry "rape" like most other femoids would have.
Why would a good looking guy need to rape?
Why would a rich guy need to steal? (unless that's how he became rich in the first place)
That's like worrying about a well fed lion eating you.
Being raped by chad is an honor to them.
Most rapists prob aren’t chad. Cuz they don’t need to do such things
He never came and went soft.

Lifefuel for the high-T hobgoblins here.

Makes me wonder though..the odds of becoming pregnant from just precum / a guy not ejaculating are incredibly low. She probably banged another guy and just chose to forget about it to make it a more exciting story.
You can see the cognitive dissonance.

Rape = Bad

... but

Chad = Good
why would a chad rape a girl
And we're the evil ones. Also chad had an outstanding personality, right CuckTears? He's basically a stranger but she let her to go inside both her house and her pussy
Its not about the fact that they are Chad's and dont need to rape. Some people have a fetish to rape whether its a Chad or not.
Many foids love being raped by chad.
The female's brain is incapable of understanding the concept of Chad raping them. The concept of rape is only mental and to keep the incels from rising up.

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