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Media Pro-Russia Music Thread.

Glad to see this thread became active & did its job

more like that, the true hymn of russia, this should be its national anthem
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Patriotism is disgusting.
in the context of this thread it is absolutely the case.

But I'm an American, and I just want to make it clear, I would never make a thread like this for my own country at all; fuck this shit place it's made my life worse in every way possible.

But I'm an American, and I just want to make it clear, I would never make a thread like this for my own country at all; fuck this shit place it's made my life worse in every way possible.
Patriotism is not nacessarily all bad. But in relation to russia this word is strongly associated with official patriotism, because patriotism is what russian public speakers and official media often cite as one of the core components to the traditional russian mentality that can't be broken and which makes russians who they are (this is a dumb and blank statement, we won't get into that). Often it isn't made clear what patriotism means precisely. But you can read between the lines. In short, what they essentially mean is willingness to serve the (current) state and regime. This is bad because of the imperialist and corporativist (not sure if that's a word) mindset that russian elites profess. Which pedestalizes the idea of russian empire as a russian state that has strong central power and army, one that projects itself not by (peaceful) cultural expansion and economic cooperation, but by undermining other countries' independence and military campaigns. As well as one that sabotages national building and takes away agency from its titular nation. This simply follows the tradition of the USSR and Russian Empire, both corporativist regimes that didn't give a fuck about russian people and used them as building material, a resource for winning russian imperial glory.
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Patriotism is akin to worship of the state. A nation state doesn't give a shit whether you live or die, in the end, the state represents nothing about you, the Russian men that are getting killed in this pointless war are getting replaced by immigrants and niggers in their country. Russia is merely continuing the blood thirsty legacy of the Soviet union, sending millions of young men to die a meaningless death on the battle field . Patriotism is the delusion state instills in these men so they willingly become the canon fodder.
Patriotism is akin to worship of the state. A nation state doesn't give a shit whether you live or die, in the end, the state represents nothing about you, the Russian men that are getting killed in this pointless war are getting replaced by immigrants and niggers in their country. Russia is merely continuing the blood thirsty legacy of the Soviet union, sending millions of young men to die a meaningless death on the battle field . Patriotism is the delusion state instills in these men so they willingly become the canon fodder.
Fair enough, and valid point.

I feel very bad for all the Russian men who are dying, whilst their foids are being snatched up by Niggers & they import millions of immigrants, all part of the Great Replacement ofc. And in fact, this kind of reasoning is why I won't fight for the US, since whilst it is getting flooded with illegals who ruin the country, I will be fighting for them & a country of foids who would rather fuck a dog than me.

I think I made this, just because I at least respect Russia for standing against NATO & the likes, which are objectively more degenerate & also more harmful to the world overall, I'm sure you understand. Plus you can't deny, the music is good regardless.

Personally, I do think that acknowledging the need for racial & national distinctions is fair, since it allows for better cohesive organization & collectivism: Not to mention, that it can be "done right" in a sense, provided the nation-state is set-up to serve the interests of the men of the nation.
Patriotism is not nacessarily all bad. But in relation to russia this word is strongly associated with official patriotism, because patriotism is what russian public speakers and official media often cite as one of the core components to the traditional russian mentality that can't be broken and which makes russians who they are (this is a dumb and blank statement, we won't get into that). Often it isn't made clear what patriotism means precisely. But you can read between the lines. In short, what they essentially mean is willingness to serve the (current) state and regime. This is bad because of the imperialist and corporativist (not sure if that's a word) mindset that russian elites profess. Which pedestalizes the idea of russian empire as a russian state that has strong central power and army, one that projects itself not by (peaceful) cultural expansion and economic cooperation, but by undermining other countries' independence and military campaigns. As well as one that sabotages national building and takes away agency from its titular nation. This simply follows the tradition of the USSR and Russian Empire, both corporativist regimes that didn't give a fuck about russian people and used them as building material, a resource for winning russian imperial glory.
Russian mentality is a product of its history and huge territory.
Russia would just cease to exist without strong central government and big army.
Russian mentality is a product of its history and huge territory.
Of course, but you forget that the majority of russians weren't free historically, they were not even citizens in Russian Empire. "Russian" mentality as seen by russian state propaganda was largely formed by russian and german aristocracy during the imperial period. There's no "national" component to it, as the "greater" russian nation never developed in Russian Empire and even the USSR.
Russia would just cease to exist without strong central government and big army.
Yes, because in the absence of a "grater" nation there's no other way to hold the such a diverse amalgam of peoples together. If you take Russian Empire, 80% of its population (mostly slavs) had no personal freedom throughout most of its history, whereas all privileges were given out to the foreign-speaking periphery (the Tsardom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Finland each had their own law-making, constitution, citizenship, army etc.) . There was no way to hold this artificial quazi-state together. And later, the RSFSR as a part of the soviet state-bulding project was designed specifically so that it was easier to govern from one center. All of these ethnic republics in todays Russia cannot operate on their own, they are not self-sustainable, and weren't meant to be.
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Also something to make myself clear. Russia cannot operate without a strong central power because it was designed that way. On the other hand, this also means that the official propaganda frothing about "muh they want to divide russia into several states and rule over them1!!!" is full of shit. Various parts of Russia were deliberately made dependent on the central government.
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Seen most of these and this thread deserves a bump

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