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Private FB MGTOW group perfect example of toxic masculinity

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Midlife Recovery
Dec 21, 2020
I was invited to join a popular private Facebook MGTOW group after someone read anti-feminist comments I made on several YouTube videos. There were 1000's of men in this group, all reposting awful shit that women had done to men from different news sites. Occasionally posting videos of men hitting women which usually resulted in many of the male members laughing. One post was about a feminist that was murdered had gotten many likes. Those of us that spoke out against such things were ridiculed. I ended up blocking many of the assholes in the group before leaving. One thing became obvious to me: Many of them men in the group had bad experiences with women because they were assholes, probably abusers, and incapable of being in a healthy relationship with anyone.
I like the idea of MGTOW. Unfortunately, for men going their own way many of them fail to leave one important thing behind - their anger.

I will not tolerate online bullies. I don't support violence against women at all. Whether we are alone or not, our freedom should be something we try to preserve.
GrAYcel moment
@ScornedStoic @ThoughtfulCel @The Abyss @Robtical Check out this soy faggot. :feelshaha:
I will not tolerate online bullies. I don't support violence against women at all. Whether we are alone or not, our freedom should be something we try to preserve.
Screenshot 20201110 084057 Reddit
:feelsseriously::feelssus: i aren't believe that.

wrong forum.

tell me why they are supposed to be happy?
After a couple days of being here, I'm getting that impression.
Why are they supposed to be happy?
@ScornedStoic @ThoughtfulCel @The Abyss @Robtical Check out this soy faggot. :feelshaha:
I get the impression there are a lot of feminists in this forum trying to discourage engagement by pretending to be immature young men.
Well, if you are leaving a bad situation, you should be relieved and want to get on with your life; not dwell on what you left behind. If you dwell on what you left behind, you're still there.
I agree with you, but these are not popular views.
@ScornedStoic @ThoughtfulCel @The Abyss @Robtical Check out this soy faggot. :feelshaha:
Can you articulate anything that hasn't been programmed into you?
You don't support women getting what they deserve?
Why does anyone deserve to be a victim of violence?
I agree with you, but these are not popular views.
Thank you. These views don't make me any less involuntary celibate.
View attachment 386386
How long do you plan on being a full-time loser?
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@ScornedStoic @ThoughtfulCel @The Abyss @Robtical Check out this soy faggot. :feelshaha:
What a cucked fag IT post. I almost forgot I was on .co.
I like the idea of MGTOW. Unfortunately, for men going their own way many of them fail to leave one important thing behind - their anger.
Tell all the whores who get raped and abused to leave their anger behind too.
@ScornedStoic @ThoughtfulCel @The Abyss @Robtical Check out this soy faggot. :feelshaha:
Im honestly surprised this infiltrating piece of trash isn't banned yet.

Buffalo Zoo Escaped G Hugh medium
OP is an obvious infiltrator GrAYcel.
reddit 100
keanu chungus 100
greycel 100
I wouldn't reinforce their anger by constantly posting shit about other women getting raped. I wouldn't encourage violence against all men just because some men are rapists. Leaving your anger behind is the end goal for most people who want to be healthy.
I wouldn't reinforce their anger by constantly posting shit about other women getting raped. I wouldn't encourage violence against all men just because some men are rapists. Leaving your anger behind is the end goal for most people who want to be healthy.
Shut the fuck up and go lick the boot of a woman fucking shit
reddit 100
keanu chungus 100
greycel 100
Is this what santa fucker claus giving to us incels on xmas? a fucking larper? fuck him, gonna destroy that bastard!
This thread is like a masterclass in trolling incels on their own turf.

Post your application
It’s wrong that they’re hating women and being abusers, but why do you care when women don’t care about you?

Women aren’t even going to respect you for saying this. And if YOU were in a case of abuse, the women won’t care about you.
I've been here 3 days. I haven't gotten attached to anyone yet. I haven't even figured out your lingo.
U literally made me feel better.
As of now, you might be the stupidest .co "user".
All of this reminds me of Lord of the Flies. Is this the damaging effects of young men being isolated from women for too long?
I don't know why this bastard hasn't been banned?
@knajjd @GoffSystemQB @mental_out
U literally made me feel better.
As of now, you might be the stupidest .co "user".
I just read a book about Black Pill Theory and am working on a Men's book myself. Yes, you are right. I don't understand your language.
Is this what santa fucker claus giving to us incels on xmas? a fucking larper? fuck him, gonna destroy that bastard!
All of this reminds me of Lord of the Flies. Is this the damaging effects of young men being isolated from women for too long?
Females only want chad, we know this and we hate them for it. There's no "damage from isolation" involved.
All of this reminds me of Lord of the Flies. Is this the damaging effects of young men being isolated from women for too long?
WHAT A FAG. How did YOU get this way?? Seriously
You found a forum about topic "X" and you saw posts about "X" and you imagined that means "the people here dwell on X!!" but that's not how the internet tubes work. Anyone who wants to talk about topic "Y" goes to a different forum because "Y" is off-topic in a forum about "X"

This is true of any topic. I'm in a tesla facebook group. "ZOMG EVEryoNE hear IS dwELLing on TESLA!!!" No, it's just that this is the topic here.

This is basically selection bias. You've fallen for selection bias.

if you are leaving a bad situation, you should be relieved and want to get on with your life; not dwell on what you left behind.

Two things: first, men are programmed by natural selection to favor women. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women-are-wonderful_effect Turning away from women is no small thing. It makes perfect sense that we need to constantly remind ourselves why we made that decision. I haven't looked at any vegan forums, but I bet they have memes about how the meat industry is cruel and eating meat is immoral. It's the same idea.

Secondly, this is as I said above, selection bias. You assume that because you see posts in a MGTOW forum, that means the men there aren't talking about other topics on other forums. If a MGTOW dude wants to discuss Java, he's going to go to a Java forum to do it. And then later, he'll return to the MGTOW forum to discuss that.
You found a forum about topic "X" and you saw posts about "X" and you imagined that means "the people here dwell on X!!" but that's not how the internet tubes work. Anyone who wants to talk about topic "Y" goes to a different forum because "Y" is off-topic in a forum about "X"

This is true of any topic. I'm in a tesla facebook group. "ZOMG EVEryoNE hear IS dwELLing on TESLA!!!" No, it's just that this is the topic here.

This is basically selection bias. You've fallen for selection bias.

Two things: first, men are programmed by natural selection to favor women. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women-are-wonderful_effect Turning away from women is no small thing. It makes perfect sense that we need to constantly remind ourselves why we made that decision. I haven't looked at any vegan forums, but I bet they have memes about how the meat industry is cruel and eating meat is immoral. It's the same idea.

Secondly, this is as I said above, selection bias. You assume that because you see posts in a MGTOW forum, that means the men there aren't talking about other topics on other forums. If a MGTOW dude wants to discuss Java, he's going to go to a Java forum to do it. And then later, he'll return to the MGTOW forum to discuss that.
I did think there would be more men on MGTOW forums discussing how much money they were saving or all the cool things they were doing with their buddies. Maybe even attempting to create close male friendships through the group. (Which was the only positive thing that came from my experience there. I developed 3 close friendships with guys I still talk to several years after in that group.)

I don't think most vegan would watch videos of cruelty to animals to constantly have their convictions reinforced. If I hate someone, I don't want to hear about them, see them or be reminded of them. Maybe that's just me, but the wounds are enough to remind me not to make the same mistake again.
WHAT A FAG. How did YOU get this way?? Seriously
Hope we're okay now, @SlayerSlayer. I'm okay. Years of isolation and celibacy have been traumatizing for me too quite honestly. I have managed to break free of the negative feedback loop in some ways. Enough not to relate to many of the thing on this forum.
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I have managed to break free of the negative feedback loop in some ways. Enough not to relate to many of the thing on this forum.
Are you basically a blue pilled incel then?
I wouldn't reinforce their anger by constantly posting shit about other women getting raped. I wouldn't encourage violence against all men just because some men are rapists. Leaving your anger behind is the end goal for most people who want to be healthy.

18 yo virgin looksmatch pussy might make me healthy and even that is an if. Leaving behind anger wont do shit GrAYcel.
I don't think most vegan would watch videos of cruelty to animals to constantly have their convictions reinforced.
If you're truly interested in an honest discussion on this topic, then please take a moment and consider the truth of the comparison I made.

What do vegans talk about? If I go to reddit right now, here are the top posts on /r/vegan:

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/vegan/comments/kj65y3/47_years/
- current top post is about a killer whale being mistreated.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/vegan/comments/kisxn7/veganism_is_child_abuse_meanwhile/
- number two post. It makes the point that non-vegans are abusing their kids

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/vegan/comments/kj02fa/for_the_animals_the_voiceless_especially_those_on/
- number three post. Cruelty toward animals

I could go on. The point is, r/vegan is open to exactly the same criticism you made of MGTOW. "Come you vegans! If you're really given up meat then why do you keep talking about it??"
Jfl Toxic Masculinity what a Fag :feelskek:
Not necessarily an infiltrator, but definitely some progressive social justice purity spiraling lefty weakling that allow feminists and society to walk all over them.

I don't think he should be banned, even if he is a soyboy.

And for the record op plenty of that is posted here so you should probably leave this forum also.
Even if we were agreeing with you and were offended by this, we're certainly not the kind of guys who would put a shiny white armor and rush to the rescue of the poor, oppressed ladies.

Not our females, not our problem.
I will not tolerate online bullies. I don't support violence against women at all. Whether we are alone or not, our freedom should be something we try to preserve.
Godspeed, valiant soldier !

Statues will be built to your glory, someday !

Cervantes 1330091 1280
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I laugh at beheading videos of women.
You are in the wrong forum, buddy.
Strong trolling graycel
Big Big Chungus Big Chungus Big Chungus Big Big Chungus Big Chungus Big Chungus Big Big Chungus Big Chungus Big Chungus Big Big Chungus Big Chungus Big Chungus Big Big Chungus Big Chungus Big Chungus Big Big Chungus Big Chungus Big Chungus Big Big Chungus Big Chungus Big Chungus Big Big Chungus Big Chungus Big Chungus Chungus, Big Chungus Chungus, Big Chungus Chungus, Big Chungus Chungus, Big Chungus Big Big Chungus Big Chungus Big Chungus Big Big Chungus Big Chungus Big Chungus Big Big Chungus Big Chungus Big Chungus Big Big Chungus Big Chungus Big Chungus Chungus, Big Chungus Chungus, Big Chungus Chungus, Big Chungus Chungus, Big Chungus Big Big Chungus
If this is not a troll, you will not like it here
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