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Prison should not exist.

Kina Hikikomori

Kina Hikikomori

Dec 8, 2023
Prison is like a “school” for a real criminal to leave, these shits go there and spend years being fed and treated like real NEETs, and we here just get fucked. in addition to facing these criminals probably on a daily basis.

Prisons should not exist, all prisoners should be slaves and there should be the death penalty. Prisoners should be slaves to public works during their sentence, they should not receive any money, they would be monitored. They should build roads and serve in some other way, while others should simply be exterminated, so it is also difficult for the Foid to idolize most criminals in life.
Prison is like a “school” for a real criminal to leave, these shits go there and spend years being fed and treated like real NEETs, and we here just get fucked. in addition to facing these criminals probably on a daily basis.

Prisons should not exist, all prisoners should be slaves and there should be the death penalty. Prisoners should be slaves to public works during their sentence, they should not receive any money, they would be monitored. They should build roads and serve in some other way, while others should simply be exterminated, so it is also difficult for the Foid to idolize most criminals in life.
What you are describing is literally called the GULAG and was under Stalin of the USSR, when prisoners were used for slave labor to build some infrastructure projects.
Prison doesn't change behavior
It makes it worse lol.
why do you want to give the gynocracy more power, they will just use it against men
there would have still been an exception made for jeremy meeks
there would have still been an exception made for jeremy meeks
Thousand weeks of gym up against one meeks, who comes out strongest?
Prison abolition movement is a thing
Prisons should not exist, all prisoners should be slaves and there should be the death penalty. Prisoners should be slaves to public works during their sentence, they should not receive any money, they would be monitored.
This is what I want for aggressive Chads and bad boys.
Foids would imprison all sub 8 males and only let chads/tyrones with criminal records roaming free if they could
We need more gulags tbh
What you are describing is literally called the GULAG and was under Stalin of the USSR, when prisoners were used for slave labor to build some infrastructure projects.
This makes much more sense than a tax-funded prison system.
Thousand weeks of gym up against one meeks, who comes out strongest?
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Another cuck slave. Expected from a japanese fag
Another cuck slave. Expected from a japanese fag

I said criminals, I don't know how difficult it is for your cognitive capacity not to understand the verb, if you project your vision of a “cuckold” (something without correlation) onto this, then you are the cuckold. Because the issue is to make criminals slaves, even the administrator is agreeing with me, and other possible Americans, and it's funny that you call me a "cuckold" being Western, take it up your ass, you piece of shit!If you feel uncomfortable it is because you are a criminal or a worshiper of them.

Nothing new coming from a stupid mob with no training and only hunches in the structure.

Shit cell from 2024, you piece of shit
I said criminals, I don't know how difficult it is for your cognitive capacity not to understand the verb, if you project your vision of a “cuckold” (something without correlation) onto this, then you are the cuckold. Because the issue is to make criminals slaves, even the administrator is agreeing with me, and other possible Americans, and it's funny that you call me a "cuckold" being Western, take it up your ass, you piece of shit!If you feel uncomfortable it is because you are a criminal or a worshiper of them.

Nothing new coming from a stupid mob with no training and only hunches in the structure.

Shit cell from 2024, you piece of shit
You do understand that incels can be criminals aswell including you and that society hates us right? Even posting some messages on here can break the law in some countries. No im not a criminal and I dont worship them but i dont hate them for breaking man made laws either. You worship the law and the goverment because you are a fucking cuck slave
what a 2d way of thinking
There's many different types of crimes, should a harmless guy arrested for tax evasion be treated the same way as a thug murderer? Probably yes according to you. But I'm not surprised since you're from a country with one of the shittiest justice systems
You do understand that incels can be criminals aswell including you and that society hates us right? Even posting some messages on here can break the law in some countries. No im not a criminal and I dont worship them but i dont hate them for breaking man made laws either. You worship the law and the goverment because you are a fucking cuck slave
First, society doesn't hate us, normies will hate you if you try to be like them, it's different, no one hates you specifically, because you're nothing, schizophrenic. Truecels are not 'criminals', where did you go with that phrase..... Another detail is, the master himself said that no one here is watched or persecuted, that's your complex, you idiot who thinks it's important, COPE!

And in case you don't know, going against the state in itself is a fagot, as this is part of ancap, which in case you don't know is a liberal movement. You're one of those idiots who is uneducated and thinks about your own assumptions, your whole life has been shit because of your genetics, so you create a coping mechanism by "discovering" politics and saying stupid things, which is "your fault." his and his", and so on, but it's your genetics, simple, DEAL WITH IT.

You are no different from a right-wing cuckold, an illiterate idiot.
what a 2d way of thinking
There's many different types of crimes, should a harmless guy arrested for tax evasion be treated the same way as a thug murderer? Probably yes according to you. But I'm not surprised since you're from a country with one of the shittiest justice systems
OK, you Westerner, do you mean anything else when you're Westerner?! LOL

Your justice system is rubbish. The government must control all the capital and moral sources of society, the contemporary world is only degenerated due to issues of deviation from the State's duties. I am 100% in favor of the government, they are the ones who control the free market, preventing further degeneration, they are the ones who support the industry. The government is the biggest reason, because it is STRONG!

I'm not a shitty left-right enlightener, I'm a TEACHER WITH TRAINING IN THREE AREAS, and you're a schizophrenic idiot who thinks the “state is bad” – huga buga bro.

If your state goes bankrupt, that's your problem, that's none of my business, if you're an idiot covered in contemporary financial ideologies, damn it, I'm not a liberal like you, stupid redpill.
OK, you Westerner, do you mean anything else when you're Westerner?! LOL

Your justice system is rubbish. The government must control all the capital and moral sources of society, the contemporary world is only degenerated due to issues of deviation from the State's duties. I am 100% in favor of the government, they are the ones who control the free market, preventing further degeneration, they are the ones who support the industry. The government is the biggest reason, because it is STRONG!

I'm not a shitty left-right enlightener, I'm a TEACHER WITH TRAINING IN THREE AREAS, and you're a schizophrenic idiot who thinks the “state is bad” – huga buga bro.

If your state goes bankrupt, that's your problem, that's none of my business, if you're an idiot covered in contemporary financial ideologies, damn it, I'm not a liberal like you, stupid redpill.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

the topic is for something serious, but it seems to attract idiots with low IQ hahaha

Fuck you and get off this thread, illiterate. When you find out where I live, be sure to bring gifts.

@LeFrenchCel Ban this idiot
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the topic is for something serious, but it seems to attract idiots with low IQ hahaha
I am serious, civilian, dont fuck with the Incel Rapist Brigade
When you find out where I live, be sure to bring gifts.
I know where you live
also what does that even mean, ''bring gifts'' is that a jap custom or something. Only gifts I can bring are special flavor soap bottles
First, society doesn't hate us, normies will hate you if you try to be like them, it's different, no one hates you specifically, because you're nothing, schizophrenic. Truecels are not 'criminals', where did you go with that phrase..... Another detail is, the master himself said that no one here is watched or persecuted, that's your complex, you idiot who thinks it's important, COPE!
You are fucking retarded. If they dont hate me then why am i getting treated like shit by everyone? Why am i ignored, mocked and not taken seriously? Like I already told you they CAN be criminals. And the fact that you see criminals as something so bad and evil makes you a cuck and a slave. You see criminals as some kind of demons because you are so fucking brainwashed. I told you already saying some shit on the internet can make you break laws in a lot of countries and even get you in prison

And in case you don't know, going against the state in itself is a fagot, as this is part of ancap, which in case you don't know is a liberal movement.
What the actual fuck are you talking about? I never mentioned that i support any kind of movement im just not a slave that follows rules blindly

You're one of those idiots who is uneducated and thinks about your own assumptions, your whole life has been shit because of your genetics, so you create a coping mechanism by "discovering" politics and saying stupid things, which is "your fault." his and his", and so on, but it's your genetics, simple, DEAL WITH IT.
Yes my genetics are the reason that i get treated like shit in this fucked up society, whats your point? Im saying that the society is the problem and not me. Unlike you, a selfblaming cuck. If you think you are the problem then go kill yourself now. that would solve it right?

You are no different from a right-wing cuckold, an illiterate idiot.
And you are just another slave that thinks breaking rules set by the state is bad
OK, you Westerner, do you mean anything else when you're Westerner?! LOL

Your justice system is rubbish. The government must control all the capital and moral sources of society, the contemporary world is only degenerated due to issues of deviation from the State's duties. I am 100% in favor of the government, they are the ones who control the free market, preventing further degeneration, they are the ones who support the industry. The government is the biggest reason, because it is STRONG!

I'm not a shitty left-right enlightener, I'm a TEACHER WITH TRAINING IN THREE AREAS, and you're a schizophrenic idiot who thinks the “state is bad” – huga buga bro.

If your state goes bankrupt, that's your problem, that's none of my business, if you're an idiot covered in contemporary financial ideologies, damn it, I'm not a liberal like you, stupid redpill.
You are the biggest slave cuck faggot ive seen jfl
I am serious, civilian, dont fuck with the Incel Rapist Brigade

Okay, angry teenager. I've been in the truecel community since the beginning of 2 chan, you are by far not someone I care about.
I've been in the truecel community since the beginning of 2 chan
yea I figured that one out you jap
Imma visit your Saitama residence, me and my gang. @edgelordcel get your hooligan army ready and book them tickets, we're going to Japan on a special mission
Kill yourself

Don't project your depression onto me like a mentally complex queer. The government doesn't mess with me, you're not important, you fucking schizophrenic, DEAL WITH IT, YOU FUCKER!Your assimilations are useless, which telegram group did you learn about geopolitics? LOL
yea I figured that one out you jap
Imma visit your Saitama residence, me and my gang. @edgelordcel get your hooligan army ready and book them tickets, we're going to Japan on a special mission
LIKE I never said I lived in Saitama AHAHAHA

You don't scare me, illiterate.
Don't project your depression onto me like a mentally complex queer. The government doesn't mess with me, you're not important, you fucking schizophrenic, DEAL WITH IT, YOU FUCKER!Your assimilations are useless, which telegram group did you learn about geopolitics? LOL
You are on an incel forum talking about how you cant get a woman to fuck and youre blaming yourself for it. Why is the goverment you worship so much not trying to help you?
You are fucking retarded. If they dont hate me then why am i getting treated like shit by everyone? Why am i ignored, mocked and not taken seriously? Like I already told you they CAN be criminals. And the fact that you see criminals as something so bad and evil makes you a cuck and a slave. You see criminals as some kind of demons because you are so fucking brainwashed. I told you already saying some shit on the internet can make you break laws in a lot of countries and even get you in prison

Normies are indifferent to you, you miserable amoeba. Nobody here cares if you suffer or not, they want a dick in your mouth to keep you quiet, faggot.
What the actual fuck are you talking about? I never mentioned that i support any kind of movement im just not a slave that follows rules blindly

Without cohesion and argumentation, this is a result of your lack of knowledge. He talks nonsense that he doesn't even know where it comes from. Animal. Stupid gang.
Yes my genetics are the reason that i get treated like shit in this fucked up society, whats your point? Im saying that the society is the problem and not me. Unlike you, a selfblaming cuck. If you think you are the problem then go kill yourself now. that would solve it right?

If dimorphism has left you completely broken, that's no one's fault externally, the normies don't care about you, it's just your bewilderment at thinking that you're being persecuted and suffering such huge shit, crying is free, you idiot .
And you are just another slave that thinks breaking rules set by the state is bad

I'm a first-class truecel, I'm lucky to understand that I'm not illiterate with low cognitive ability, there are still people worse off than me.
Normies are indifferent to you, you miserable amoeba. Nobody here cares if you suffer or not, they want a dick in your mouth to keep you quiet, faggot.

Without cohesion and argumentation, this is a result of your lack of knowledge. He talks nonsense that he doesn't even know where it comes from. Animal. Stupid gang.

If dimorphism has left you completely broken, that's no one's fault externally, the normies don't care about you, it's just your bewilderment at thinking that you're being persecuted and suffering such huge shit, crying is free, you idiot .


I'm a first-class truecel, I'm lucky to understand that I'm not illiterate with low cognitive ability, there are still people worse off than me.
Alright keep worshipping the goverment slave
You are on an incel forum talking about how you cant get a woman to fuck and youre blaming yourself for it. Why is the goverment you worship so much not trying to help you?

This is not the government's cause, it is natural selection, my function is to ease the burden of my own life by giving myself better circumstances. I didn't come to this forum to say that I can't have sex with women, as that is obvious in my anathema, I came here to say the hypocrisy of foid and communicate with others like me, both cognitively and physically. The government can't be bothered to give you a girlfriend, your fantasy is so big that you start throwing your reality at others, that doesn't change the fact that you are dealing with and being a denialist.

Obviously there are fucked up people in government, just as there aren't, and government continues to be the greatest force, not like I deify it, but it is a relief mechanism for society as a whole, destroying all liberal standards and establishment more comfortable.

Your problem is blaming something that has no correlation, just because of your schizophrenic thinking in search of an answer, that's how they are, deal with it.

no one cares about you, that's not why you're on this forum, your contradictions are so stupid.

you are as ridiculous as an emotionally "delicate" foid LOL
you are following rules blindly which is a foid trait

talking to you is as if I were talking to a complex foid; jfl

For you to have greater discernment about everything, you will have to accept things and study, because I realize that this has never been your focus. I'm not talking about school, I'm talking about study, you don't have it.

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