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Blackpill Prison is the closest you get to a natural state



i can't breed
Aug 13, 2022
Prison is realer than the outside world. It would be almost like a jungle life, provided there'd be women and food to compete for. Violence is common place. Nature HATES the weak, everyone hates the weak. In polite society it is simply put under a facade. You need to kill the other guy, or you will be beaten, raped and worse. The "roman" sexuality model of the one being penetrated being worse than the penetrator rings true. This is also why we as men subconsciously look down upon women, and consider them lesser than us - they are weak and penetrated, their sexuality is inherently submissive.

Height is god in prison. Short prisoners have a fighting disadvantage. Weightcoping won't save you, because it's easier to get to 200 pounds as a 6'4 man than a 5'7 man. We whites are retarded. We let the comforts of civilisation turn us weak and in turn get brutalised and raped by strong niggers in prison. https://www.hrw.org/reports/2001/prison/report4.html#N_213_

If you are weak or unmanly it's over and you might as well die. If you are short then you must die. Nature hates the short, nature hates the weak. There is no hope for you. If you cannot kill everyone on earth and rape all the women you are NEVER in the clear. This applies to polite society also, just in a different manner.

IQcoping and guncoping is a good idea and from a natural standpoint is probably the best, but you will never have the women overcome their natural revulsion towards you nor will you be able to live with yourself. Unless you are Eddie Hall or any other 1% beast fighter then you are fucked.

Again, there is no cope for this. You just have to suffer with the pain of an unfulfillable objective. I cannot cope with this. I would brutalise a strong tallfag in minecraft if I didnt have anything to lose, but I'm too comfortable, weak and cowardly to pull that off.

It's over it's over bones are law
prison is not a natural state, its a state of low IQ plus low inhib. the natural state for humans are hunter gatherers, where you have strong communal ties. a structures heirarchy where you pass on skills from father to son. where men make the decisions and women follow.

however since agriculture rape went up as tribes raided each other for women and livestock.
If that was the case then all of the gymmaxxers would be slaying and foids wouldn't be choosing the "pretty boys"
Prisoners mock incels into another dimension, be it their social circle, physical prowess or knowledge of social cues and the streets
If that was the case then all of the gymmaxxers would be slaying and foids wouldn't be choosing the "pretty boys"
they should be, soyciety is unfortunately preventing them from doing their natural job of beating the pretty boys until they are dead + the tall gymmaxxers are slaying
Society is a direct reflection of nature (the bitch responsible for all suffering)

Prison is the closest you get to a natural state​

Animals in captivity behave even worse than in nature. It shouldn't be possible, but with baboons they will rape the female baboons to death and they mutilate each other in captivity. In solitary confinement monkeys often kill and mutilate themselves.
I want to be thrown into a prison with some of you niggers so I can shank the shit out of the tallfags (in Prison Architect).
Animals in captivity behave even worse than in nature. It shouldn't be possible, but with baboons they will rape the female baboons to death and they mutilate each other in captivity. In solitary confinement monkeys often kill and mutilate themselves.
if i cant reproduce i wish that this happens to society. check out my last thread, where the women openly say what we say to them too
If that was the case then all of the gymmaxxers would be slaying and foids wouldn't be choosing the "pretty boys"
Nature HATES the weak
Nature hates the short, nature hates the weak.

natures doesnt hate anything, as nature doesnt have any emotions or preferences.....

IQcoping and guncoping is a good idea and from a natural standpoint is probably the best, but you will never have the women overcome their natural revulsion towards you nor will you be able to live with yourself. Unless you are Eddie Hall or any other 1% beast fighter then you are fucked.

pure violence isnt necessarily what females want... thinking females only like buff alpha guys is some delusional gay fantasy...
in humans, deception, looks, social status, height, sexual prowess, ability to make a girl fall in love with you, are all more important to females than physical strength
buff gym guys are incels
tall hung prettyboys run through girls
I just read about edmund kempner. Similar IQ to mine, 2 meter height. I would kill to be able to steal his body away from him and use it like a skin suit for my brain. I want nothing more than to outsmart that faggot and kill him, because i deserve his shit, not him
prisoners are just impulsive people with poorly developed frontal lobes who were too retarded to not get caught. the smart criminals still run free.

Animals in captivity behave even worse than in nature. It shouldn't be possible, but with baboons they will rape the female baboons to death and they mutilate each other in captivity. In solitary confinement monkeys often kill and mutilate themselves.
this, and also masturbation doesnt really happen in the wild, only among zoos and animals in captivity. what does that say about us?
prisoners are just impulsive people with poorly developed frontal lobes who were too retarded to not get caught. the smart criminals still run free.

this, and also masturbation doesnt really happen in the wild, only among zoos and animals in captivity. what does that say about us?

Pretty sure I saw a chimp jerking off in a nature documentary. Do you have any proof of the 'no masturbation in nature' thing?
I'm weak and unmanly.
in many parts of the US, different races are not allowed to attack or rape one another or it will lead to a race riot (since they are all ganged up there based on race).
The Prison in the states look way different ,compared to like the luxury prisonhotels, scandinavians have
Watch a documentary about the savanna you'll see what nature is or an xl bully on a rampage mauling kids and old people (strongest triumphing over the weak).
prison is not a natural state, its a state of low IQ plus low inhib. the natural state for humans are hunter gatherers, where you have strong communal ties. a structures heirarchy where you pass on skills from father to son. where men make the decisions and women follow.

however since agriculture rape went up as tribes raided each other for women and livestock.
Prison is a collection of low IQ retards who would never survive in nature.
I think prisoners are more likely to survive in nature than you

There are more fathers behind bars than sexless men. Brootal.
Average NIGGER poster tbh.
dont drop the soap

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