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Blackpill post that everyone is going to hate: only 10% of users know what being blackpilled is, and think if you believe in lookism, you are blackpilled



evolutionary psychology enthusiast
Jun 8, 2021
I'm about to make a post that will either piss a lot of people off or be ignored.
Users here consistently fail to accept realities that make them uncomfortable, and are not blackpilled but just took the looks pill and any others that they have no reason not to, but almost never accept uncomfortable reality. For example, any tall user seems to deny that height matters as much as it does, because they happen to be tall. Infact, that is often how you know they are, by them saying that it is not a fakecel trait. It can't possibly be true that they are fakecels. To them height matters less than it does in reality. Because that is an un-comfortable reality to believe in, and they aren't blackpilled. Before shortcels yell true, remember, if a user is not tall, they believe they are all fakecels for being tall. I see users who think height > looks because they're 5'4 and 5/10. That is the most beneficial opinion to have. One of the least common things to see here is acknowledgement of the vast amount of fakecels that exist in our world, guys who say they're incel but never tried. Because it buys into arguments we don't like to see made. And it probably invalidates a good deal of stat liars. Lots exist, more and more each year, but, if a fact is uncomfortable, seemingly, it's ignored. And that's bluepilled too, avoiding reality because it makes you uncomfortable.

The people who are absolutely blackpilled for believing lookism exists are sexhavers and briefly, bluepillcels who change their mind. Because, for them, this is uncomfortable. But if you already took the looks pill years ago, how exactly is it still uncomfortable reality to believe in 2 years later? Users regularly and repeatedly say that that being blackpilled is the only comfort because atleast you know it is not your fault. True. For a sexhaver to be blackpilled they have to actually forego ego, admit they were wrong, and admit something that excuses a hole in their morality, the way they treat and speak of incels.

I can fucking even predict that users will read that last point and not like it because its UNCOMFORTABLE and it takes away 'i'm special' points. That is bluepilled. It's an uncomfortable reality that many only really took the blackpill when they had no choice and it does not mean you are just, always blackpilled. If you fail to accept uncomfortable realities, for example when you are wrong in an argument, you aren't blackpilled. That itself is an uncomfortable reality, and it is one I accept.

If 2 years ago a user came around to the idea that looks matter, then how is that still blackpilled today? They got to a point where it was essentially impossible to believe in the comfortable reality and take yourself seriously as a human. Impossible. They had no option.

Another example; people here think if they were sexhavers they'd still be blackpilled. Giant cope, you'd believe in self affirming lies too. it's an uncomfortable reality. You gain nothing by believing in it. But. It's true. And that's the point of being blackpilled. Cope. People voted something like 15-6 on a thread about not betraying your incelbros to ascend. Yeah you fucking would if you had that chance. Immediately.

Fucking look at greycels. They ALL repeatedly disguise their real takes and feel insecure and parrot people because their primary concern is to avoid being hazed. They hide their opinions and do what they think people will like. That is avoiding an uncomfortable reality that they can't share their own opinions. And it's lying to fit in. Bluepilled.

I am not leveling this against all users. Many are blackpilled.

I see autists here denying that LOOKS matter. They say if you are NT you can ascend. That's literally an IT argument 'Just be normal and confident and you can ascend, your looks won't fuck you over'. Cope. I'm reading bluepills on incels.is every day. Muh autism > looks muh looks > autism. The harsh uncomfortable reality is that it's over for both of you and forum points don't matter. Just earlier, I got a reply from a user claiming that you can be 2.5/10 and have a normal social life if you have a high IQ. Guy had low IQ and so believed it was a fakecel trait to have high IQ. A high IQ! Actual bluepillerly. That is stating that a guy can overcome looks through other qualities. Sound familiar? :feelsUgh: Same with low inhib, it gets shat on all the time. If being low inhib is fakecel then you essentially believe that being low inhib is enough to ascend. As an ugly male. Idiots.
To me this forum doesn't have much actual impact on the looks pill but it pisses me off to see bluepills slip in even if they don't actually matter.

I see endless threads 'muh he's white' 'muh he's black just thugmaxx'. To me, sounds a lot like bluepilled advice. It doesn't matter, if the guy is ugly, it's fucking OVER, you're just coping for forum points. You're coping if you think you aren't.

This is not a blackpill forum. This is an incel forum. And because it is, we take the looks pill by default, and each user calls themselves blackpilled, but a good 90% of users don't know what it even means they just read it and go 'oh yeah I do that' when they don't. It's basically just a cope, which in itself is in turn, bluepilled. It benefits them, it's uncomfortable to think they're just accepting shit when there's no benefit. It's something they do because they think it makes them better. It makes you feel smart, it makes you feel awake to things. But if you are incapable of

- Accepting people who are capable of speaking to foids at work where they have no choice aren't all fakecels
- Applying your own hate of foids to your own mother or sisters
- Considering whether or not you are a fakecel based purely on stats
- Accepting when you are wrong in an argument
- Accepting that politics is dead because you can no longer vote for fiscal / financial change and are a slave

Then you aren't blackpilled. All of these are uncomfortable realities I see users deny regularly. You're doing something that chooses the comforting, self affirming reality over what makes you uncomfortable.

People here lie about their stats for forum points. That is probably the worst one for me.
Only they will ever know they do. If you do that shit so people like you more and are a larping tiktokcel, you're bluepilled. Doesn't matter what you think of the looks pill. Stick to your principles.

@Animecel2D @nice_try @based_meme give me shit if I'm wrong.
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I deny no part of the BP. As a 6'0" guy, I acknowledge height still matters a lot because I used to be short too and felt the effects. I'm also a Sperg but do not deny that looks matter a ton. If I was good looking enough, I'd still ascend easily despite being non NT. It all matters and denying any part of it is retarded
I'm about to make a post that will either piss a lot of people off or be ignored.
Users here consistently fail to accept realities that make them uncomfortable, and are not blackpilled but just took the looks pill and any others that they have no reason not to, but almost never accept uncomfortable reality. For example, any tall user seems to deny that height matters as much as it does, because they happen to be tall. Infact, that is often how you know they are, by them saying that it is not a fakecel trait. It can't possibly be true that they are fakecels. To them height matters less than it does in reality. Because that is an un-comfortable reality to believe in, and they aren't blackpilled. Before shortcels yell true, remember, if a user is not tall, they believe they are all fakecels for being tall. I see users who think height > looks because they're 5'4 and 5/10. That is the most beneficial opinion to have. One of the least common things to see here is acknowledgement of the vast amount of fakecels that exist in our world, because it buys into arguments we don't like to see made, but it is true, and that's bluepilled too, avoiding reality because it makes you uncomfortable is bluepilled.

The people who are absolutely blackpilled for believing lookism exists are sexhavers and briefly, bluepillcels who change their mind. Because, for them, this is uncomfortable. But if you already took the looks pill years ago, how exactly is it still uncomfortable reality to believe in 2 years later? Users regularly and repeatedly say that that being blackpilled is the only comfort because atleast you know it is not your fault. True. For a sexhaver to be blackpilled they have to actually forego ego, admit they were wrong, and admit something that excuses a hole in their morality, the way they treat and speak of incels.

I can fucking even predict that users will read that last point and not like it because its UNCOMFORTABLE and it takes away 'i'm special' points. That is bluepilled. It's an uncomfortable reality that many only really took the blackpill when they had no choice and it does not mean you are just, always blackpilled. If you fail to accept uncomfortable realities, for example when you are wrong in an argument, you aren't blackpilled. That itself is an uncomfortable reality, and it is one I accept.

If 2 years ago a user came around to the idea that looks matter, then how is that still blackpilled today? They got to a point where it was essentially impossible to believe in the comfortable reality and take yourself seriously as a human. Impossible. They had no option.

Another example; people here think if they were sexhavers they'd still be blackpilled. Giant cope, you'd believe in self affirming lies too. it's an uncomfortable reality. You gain nothing by believing in it. But. It's true. And that's the point of being blackpilled. Cope. People voted something like 15-6 on a thread about not betraying your incelbros to ascend. Yeah you fucking would if you had that chance. Immediately.

Fucking look at greycels. They ALL repeatedly disguise their real takes and feel insecure and parrot people because their primary concern is to avoid being hazed. They hide their opinions and do what they think people will like. That is avoiding an uncomfortable reality that they can't share their own opinions. And it's lying to fit in. Bluepilled.

I am not leveling this against all users. Many are blackpilled.

I see autists here denying that LOOKS matter. They say if you are NT you can ascend. That's literally an IT argument 'Just be normal and confident and you can ascend, your looks won't fuck you over'. Cope. I'm reading bluepills on incels.is every day. Muh autism > looks muh looks > autism. The harsh uncomfortable reality is that it's over for both of you and forum points don't matter. Just earlier, I got a reply from a user claiming that you can be 2.5/10 and have a normal social life if you have a high IQ. Guy had low IQ and so believed it was a fakecel trait to have high IQ. A high IQ! Actual bluepillerly. That is stating that a guy can overcome looks through other qualities. Sound familiar? :feelsUgh: Same with low inhib, it gets shat on all the time. If being low inhib is fakecel then you essentially believe that being low inhib is enough to ascend. As an ugly male. Idiots.
To me this forum doesn't have much actual impact on the looks pill but it pisses me off to see bluepills slip in even if they don't actually matter.

I see endless threads 'muh he's white' 'muh he's black just thugmaxx'. To me, sounds a lot like bluepilled advice. It doesn't matter, if the guy is ugly, it's fucking OVER, you're just coping for forum points. You're coping if you think you aren't.

This is not a blackpill forum. This is an incel forum. And because it is, we take the looks pill by default, and each user calls themselves blackpilled, but a good 90% of users don't know what it even means they just read it and go 'oh yeah I do that' when they don't. It's basically just a cope, which in itself is in turn, bluepilled. It benefits them, it's uncomfortable to think they're just accepting shit when there's no benefit. It's something they do because they think it makes them better. It makes you feel smart, it makes you feel awake to things. But if you are incapable of

- Accepting people who are capable of speaking to foids at work where they have no choice aren't all fakecels
- Applying your own hate of foids to your own mother or sisters
- Considering whether or not you are a fakecel based purely on stats
- Accepting when you are wrong in an argument
- Accepting that politics is dead because you can no longer vote for fiscal / financial change and are a slave

Then you aren't blackpilled. All of these are uncomfortable realities I see users deny regularly. You're doing something that chooses the comforting, self affirming reality over what makes you uncomfortable.

People here lie about their stats for forum points. That is probably the worst one for me.
Only they will ever know they do. If you do that shit so people like you more and are a larping tiktokcel, you're bluepilled. Doesn't matter what you think of the looks pill. Stick to your principles.

@Animecel2D @nice_try @based_meme give me shit if I'm wrong.
You are displaying nothing new in fact you dont know shit about the NTpill and fell for the bait of some random spergs

an ugly white guy can actually get foids through geomaxxing since white skin and white features such as light eyes and hair are considered by default attractive so by denying the racepill you are actually denying the blackpill

also hating your mother and relatives is not a blackpill believe per se, otherwise the vast majority of men are blackpillers since domestic violence is always commited by another relative
I'm about to make a post that will either piss a lot of people off or be ignored.
Users here consistently fail to accept realities that make them uncomfortable, and are not blackpilled but just took the looks pill and any others that they have no reason not to, but almost never accept uncomfortable reality. For example, any tall user seems to deny that height matters as much as it does, because they happen to be tall. Infact, that is often how you know they are, by them saying that it is not a fakecel trait. It can't possibly be true that they are fakecels. To them height matters less than it does in reality. Because that is an un-comfortable reality to believe in, and they aren't blackpilled. Before shortcels yell true, remember, if a user is not tall, they believe they are all fakecels for being tall. I see users who think height > looks because they're 5'4 and 5/10. That is the most beneficial opinion to have. One of the least common things to see here is acknowledgement of the vast amount of fakecels that exist in our world, guys who say they're incel but never tried. Because it buys into arguments we don't like to see made. And it probably invalidates a good deal of stat liars. Lots exist, more and more each year, but, if a fact is uncomfortable, seemingly, it's ignored. And that's bluepilled too, avoiding reality because it makes you uncomfortable.

The people who are absolutely blackpilled for believing lookism exists are sexhavers and briefly, bluepillcels who change their mind. Because, for them, this is uncomfortable. But if you already took the looks pill years ago, how exactly is it still uncomfortable reality to believe in 2 years later? Users regularly and repeatedly say that that being blackpilled is the only comfort because atleast you know it is not your fault. True. For a sexhaver to be blackpilled they have to actually forego ego, admit they were wrong, and admit something that excuses a hole in their morality, the way they treat and speak of incels.

I can fucking even predict that users will read that last point and not like it because its UNCOMFORTABLE and it takes away 'i'm special' points. That is bluepilled. It's an uncomfortable reality that many only really took the blackpill when they had no choice and it does not mean you are just, always blackpilled. If you fail to accept uncomfortable realities, for example when you are wrong in an argument, you aren't blackpilled. That itself is an uncomfortable reality, and it is one I accept.

If 2 years ago a user came around to the idea that looks matter, then how is that still blackpilled today? They got to a point where it was essentially impossible to believe in the comfortable reality and take yourself seriously as a human. Impossible. They had no option.

Another example; people here think if they were sexhavers they'd still be blackpilled. Giant cope, you'd believe in self affirming lies too. it's an uncomfortable reality. You gain nothing by believing in it. But. It's true. And that's the point of being blackpilled. Cope. People voted something like 15-6 on a thread about not betraying your incelbros to ascend. Yeah you fucking would if you had that chance. Immediately.

Fucking look at greycels. They ALL repeatedly disguise their real takes and feel insecure and parrot people because their primary concern is to avoid being hazed. They hide their opinions and do what they think people will like. That is avoiding an uncomfortable reality that they can't share their own opinions. And it's lying to fit in. Bluepilled.

I am not leveling this against all users. Many are blackpilled.

I see autists here denying that LOOKS matter. They say if you are NT you can ascend. That's literally an IT argument 'Just be normal and confident and you can ascend, your looks won't fuck you over'. Cope. I'm reading bluepills on incels.is every day. Muh autism > looks muh looks > autism. The harsh uncomfortable reality is that it's over for both of you and forum points don't matter. Just earlier, I got a reply from a user claiming that you can be 2.5/10 and have a normal social life if you have a high IQ. Guy had low IQ and so believed it was a fakecel trait to have high IQ. A high IQ! Actual bluepillerly. That is stating that a guy can overcome looks through other qualities. Sound familiar? :feelsUgh: Same with low inhib, it gets shat on all the time. If being low inhib is fakecel then you essentially believe that being low inhib is enough to ascend. As an ugly male. Idiots.
To me this forum doesn't have much actual impact on the looks pill but it pisses me off to see bluepills slip in even if they don't actually matter.

I see endless threads 'muh he's white' 'muh he's black just thugmaxx'. To me, sounds a lot like bluepilled advice. It doesn't matter, if the guy is ugly, it's fucking OVER, you're just coping for forum points. You're coping if you think you aren't.

This is not a blackpill forum. This is an incel forum. And because it is, we take the looks pill by default, and each user calls themselves blackpilled, but a good 90% of users don't know what it even means they just read it and go 'oh yeah I do that' when they don't. It's basically just a cope, which in itself is in turn, bluepilled. It benefits them, it's uncomfortable to think they're just accepting shit when there's no benefit. It's something they do because they think it makes them better. It makes you feel smart, it makes you feel awake to things. But if you are incapable of

- Accepting people who are capable of speaking to foids at work where they have no choice aren't all fakecels
- Applying your own hate of foids to your own mother or sisters
- Considering whether or not you are a fakecel based purely on stats
- Accepting when you are wrong in an argument
- Accepting that politics is dead because you can no longer vote for fiscal / financial change and are a slave

Then you aren't blackpilled. All of these are uncomfortable realities I see users deny regularly. You're doing something that chooses the comforting, self affirming reality over what makes you uncomfortable.

People here lie about their stats for forum points. That is probably the worst one for me.
Only they will ever know they do. If you do that shit so people like you more and are a larping tiktokcel, you're bluepilled. Doesn't matter what you think of the looks pill. Stick to your principles.

@Animecel2D @nice_try @based_meme give me shit if I'm wrong.
dnr but I skimmed over it and it seems high iq so Im gonna read it in the morning because its 3am and I need to go to sleep, leaving comment so I can find this thread
There are people who adopted blackpill, and those who were blackpilled, difference being: the latter come from their own live experiences.
And those are the people who trully understand what it is about.
For people who adopted it however, they tend to use blackpill as an exuse, a convinient self-soothing mechanism, a set of believes, they shift freely to fit their narrative.
I believe the core problem is that people consider it to be a set of believes, when it cannot be further from the truth. Blackpill is not an ideology, despite what many people say - it is simply the rules that society functions by.
I hate when I see a so-called incel saying "I took the dickpill" "I took the heightpill" It is blackPILL not a pharmacy, you either swallow it whole or you don't.
You are displaying nothing new in fact you dont know shit about the NTpill and fell for the bait of some random spergs

an ugly white guy can actually get foids through geomaxxing since white skin and white features such as light eyes and hair are considered by default attractive so by denying the racepill you are actually denying the blackpill

also hating your mother and relatives is not a blackpill believe per se, otherwise the vast majority of men are blackpillers since domestic violence is always commited by another relative
I'm pretty sure you are one of the users I include in the category of people who have said that NT's are fakecels and can ascend.

Geomaxxing is dead due to passportbros, jbw only works if you're at least a 4.5, likely atleast a 5 but hasn't been tested. Again, plays into my theory here.

Your last point misconstrues what I said. I said excluding your hate for your mothers and sisters when they do the same shit just because you love them. I didn't say hating them makes you blackpilled at all, just that if you exclude them from your ideas about lookists in society, you're coping. Unless you have a unicorn for a mom or sister, they've practiced lookism.
Fucking look at greycels. They ALL repeatedly disguise their real takes and feel insecure and parrot people because their primary concern is to avoid being hazed. They hide their opinions and do what they think people will like. That is avoiding an uncomfortable reality that they can't share their own opinions. And it's lying to fit in. Bluepilled.
I agree with this point. Honestly, for me, this forum is my only means of communication, so I don't like being left out. I often have opinions that go against the majority of users on this forum, but I don't express them.
I'm pretty sure you are one of the users I include in the category of people who have said that NT's are fakecels and can ascend.

Geomaxxing is dead due to passportbros, jbw only works if you're at least a 4.5, likely atleast a 5 but hasn't been tested. Again, plays into my theory here.

Your last point misconstrues what I said. I said excluding your hate for your mothers and sisters when they do the same shit just because you love them. I didn't say hating them makes you blackpilled at all, just that if you exclude them from your ideas about lookists in society, you're coping. Unless you have a unicorn for a mom or sister, they've practiced lookism.
i´ve never said that, i just look at actual stats that prove how the vast majority of autistic men will never ascend and on top autism is correlated with uglyness

Geomaxxing isnt dead at all if anything it will grow more since the white SMV is still the biggest one on earth, thats a blatant bluepill lie since you are pretty much denying racepill, heightpill, lookspill, etc.

And yeah i do agree with your final point, i dont believe on the so called unicorn or NAWALT
There are people who adopted blackpill, and those who were blackpilled, difference being: the latter come from their own live experiences.
And those are the people who trully understand what it is about.
For people who adopted it however, they tend to use blackpill as an exuse, a convinient self-soothing mechanism, a set of believes, they shift freely to fit their narrative.
I believe the core problem is that people consider it to be a set of believes, when it cannot be further from the truth. Blackpill is not an ideology, despite what many people say - it is simply the rules that society functions by.
I hate when I see a so-called incel saying "I took the dickpill" "I took the heightpill" It is blackPILL not a pharmacy, you either swallow it whole or you don't.
High iq response
i´ve never said that, i just look at actual stats that prove how the vast majority of autistic men will never ascend and on top autism is correlated with uglyness

Geomaxxing isnt dead at all if anything it will grow more since the white SMV is still the biggest one on earth, thats a blatant bluepill lie since you are pretty much denying racepill, heightpill, lookspill, etc.

And yeah i do agree with your final point, i dont believe on the so called unicorn or NAWALT
fair enough might not have been you

It's not denying the heightpill or lookspill whatsoever. I'm saying if a guy has low SMV, he can't SEAmaxx / geomax. So I'm affirming those. I don't really see at all how thinking that an ugly white guy can't geomaxx would be against either. I include height when I make that claim. Your opinion that an ugly white guy can still geomaxx is more denial of that than what I am saying, especially if you read my next point.

The only one I'm arguably denying is JBW. But, I did give a reason you haven't spoken to. The phenomenon of looks inflation means HTN / MTN have become 'passportbros' because they can't get laid. Which is a real thing where MTN / HTN have caught on to geomaxxing. Just like incel, mostly they're white and that's their aim. So by default, your competition in these regions is higher than ever. It used to just be low SMVs. Now, you can go and find massive amounts of passportbros
There are people who adopted blackpill, and those who were blackpilled, difference being: the latter come from their own live experiences.
And those are the people who trully understand what it is about.
For people who adopted it however, they tend to use blackpill as an exuse, a convinient self-soothing mechanism, a set of believes, they shift freely to fit their narrative.
I believe the core problem is that people consider it to be a set of believes, when it cannot be further from the truth. Blackpill is not an ideology, despite what many people say - it is simply the rules that society functions by.
I hate when I see a so-called incel saying "I took the dickpill" "I took the heightpill" It is blackPILL not a pharmacy, you either swallow it whole or you don't.
it is something i wish was not so hated on here. Many fakecels are more or less destined to be here 1-2 years, eventually get so upset about their reality that they try for a month, for the first time in their lives and ascend. Meanwhile I am left with an impossible case. I tried for years and years. But because IT argues that that is what incels do, and ignore the fact ugly guys who try get nowhere, it's not really something that is discussed. Which is my point, it's an uncomfortable reality that is not beneficial to accept. Blackpillers accept it. Glad to see other users do too.
fair enough might not have been you

It's not denying the heightpill or lookspill whatsoever. I'm saying if a guy has low SMV, he can't SEAmaxx / geomax. So I'm affirming those. I don't really see at all how thinking that an ugly white guy can't geomaxx would be against either. I include height when I make that claim. Your opinion that an ugly white guy can still geomaxx is more denial of that than what I am saying, especially if you read my next point.

The only one I'm arguably denying is JBW. But, I did give a reason you haven't spoken to. The phenomenon of looks inflation means HTN / MTN have become 'passportbros' because they can't get laid. Which is a real thing where MTN / HTN have caught on to geomaxxing. Just like incel, mostly they're white and that's their aim. So by default, your competition in these regions is higher than ever. It used to just be low SMVs. Now, you can go and find massive amounts of passportbros
passportbros are still an small minority jfl, do you believe places like Laos are packed with american geomaxxers?

sure if he has a global low SMV thanks to turbo manletism, facial deformities or something extreme its impossible for that guy to geomaxx

but a white LTN let alone an MTN can easily mog ethnic men and succesfully ascend, i myslef have done experiments with a 4/10 white manlet with blue eyes & blonde hair on dating apps with good results
Very important thread. @Fat Link @Dregster @PLA1092 @LeFrenchCel @SlayerSlayer Please pin.

This is not a blackpill forum. This is an incel forum.
This part stood out for me and is perhaps the only part I disagree with. You're right that it's an incel forum, but it is actually a black pilled incel forum. There are (or were, I don't know if they're still active) other incel forums that allowed blue pilled content. Blue pilled content is ABSOLUTELY HARAM here, because that is all falsehoods that we know are falsehoods that we don't want to clutter the forum and don't want to waste time and effort dealing with idiots who don't put in the work to see why those black pills are true and become black pills.

It's true that most users here are not black pilled at all. They're just edgy zoomers and teenagers who haven't walked a few meters in some of our shoes. A lot of users here aren't black pilled, because they haven't lived it. You truly have to live through some things to be properly black pilled. You can learn about the black pill intellectually, but unless you experience it, you'll falsely believe it to be, for example, an ideology, or some kind of internet concept and curiosity. A lot of people (red pillers mostly) mistake it as doomer nihilism.

There are people who adopted blackpill, and those who were blackpilled, difference being: the latter come from their own live experiences.
And those are the people who trully understand what it is about.
For people who adopted it however, they tend to use blackpill as an exuse, a convinient self-soothing mechanism, a set of believes, they shift freely to fit their narrative.
I believe the core problem is that people consider it to be a set of believes, when it cannot be further from the truth. Blackpill is not an ideology, despite what many people say - it is simply the rules that society functions by.
I hate when I see a so-called incel saying "I took the dickpill" "I took the heightpill" It is blackPILL not a pharmacy, you either swallow it whole or you don't.
High IQ.
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I see endless threads 'muh he's white' 'muh he's black just thugmaxx'. To me, sounds a lot like bluepilled advice. It doesn't matter, if the guy is ugly, it's fucking OVER, you're just coping for forum points. You're coping if you think you aren't.
:yes: :yes: :yes:
Do you accept genetic determinism and that any attempt to (((self-improve))) be it soft or hard is ultimately a pitiful cope?
I think the problem is that the "blackpill" has been dumbed down into catchphrases and buzzwords.
"Just be white" "Just go SEA" "If you're not Chad, it's over" "No pussy no work" "If you're ethnic it's over" "if you're below 6'0, don't even try"
-> All of this is nonesense.
Yes, it's called the blackpill, but things are not just black and white.

People who are under 25yo and claim to be incel cannot be blackpilled in my oppinion.
a) They didn't have enough time to genuinely TRY
b) They didn't have enough time to EXPERIENCE and LIVE THROUGH the blackpill

They only know the blackpill from 10 second long tiktok shorts, yet they seem to think that they know everything better.

What inceldom used to be:
"I'm 27yo, I tried everything, I'm still a virgin, it's over, here's what I learned."
What inceldom is now:
"I'm 17yo, I watched a tiktok, I'm below 6'0 so it's over."
True. You shouldn't be called a fakecel for loving your mother, having had friends or having had happy periods in your life. Some "purists" insist that you can't be an incel unless you've lived down in a soggy well being fed breadcrumbs all your life.

If you're an ugly virgin (who is not ridiculously young), that's all that matters. You haven't been selected by a female. You're incel.
Do you accept genetic determinism and that any attempt to (((self-improve))) be it soft or hard is ultimately a pitiful cope?
yes, this post says nothing about that being false, and I believe it to be true. Yet, users are going for brownie points. Infact if you read it properly, I actually think I am the one who believes it to be true more than 95% of users who make exceptions to this idea for traits they themselves do not have. See here;
I see endless threads 'muh he's white' 'muh he's black just thugmaxx'. It doesn't matter, if the guy is ugly, it's fucking OVER, you're just coping for forum points. You're coping if you think you aren
That is not blackpilled to be doing. It is dodging an uncomfortable reality. I would say I don't know why this is your take away from reading, but I do know why. It's because people of the modern internet struggle to see two things can be correct at the same time and just, ironically, avoid the uncomfortable reality that has no benefit for them to engage with.

The point of the post is that blackpill is a philosophy, and it should be applied repeatedly for a person to be blackpilled. From what I see, basically every user is not blackpilled because they don't face uncomfortable realities, ever. They don't face defeat in argument, they don't fake their fakecel traits, and they betray the looks pill if they hear a user is white or NT because it makes them feel more truecel. And a dozen other things. To me that suggests they aren't blackpilled at all because they are constantly seeking comfort, but just accepted the looks pill and think it means they are 'blackpilled' when they don't apply it to anything else, and take pride on it, which itself, is bluepilled.

Simply believing in the looks pill does not make you blackpilled and if that upsets people, they're ignoring uncomfortable reality. The problem is that people of the modern internet struggle to believe two things can be bad at once. If they see something is 'bad' but it does not benefit them or repeat the 'bad thing' which in this case is the largely unrelated looks pill, which again, is real, they read it as criticism. Another example is in this. I believe internet addiction is ruining peoples mental capacity, and that the idea that people do this is itself, a problem. But, when I mention it here (4 times without fail) users freak out because I'm not 'on topic'. You have to just say "i believe in the looks pill" or it's assumed you don't. For some fucking reason. Nowhere in the post does it suggest that but again, we're all rotting our critical faculties. Which again, people don't care about here because it doesn't benefit them to care about.

To be blackpilled you have to be blackpilled about everything. The only users who replied to or processed this were the ones I tagged JFL. All the replies seem to state that if you accept the looks pill then you are a blackpiller. Wrong. Not because it isn't blackpilled, but because that's not the end of how far it goes. If you accept but act bluepilled towards everything else, you aren't blackpilled just because you took the looks pill.

Besides, people often abandon the looks pill, the only blackpill they take, in service of their own copes. They say if you are tall, it doesn't matter if you are ugly. A guy literally told me that he thinks 2.5/10 can get a good social life by having a high IQ. Yeah sure. A guy can get a good social life as 2.5/10 by having other qualities. Sound familiar? It's copy paste bluepillery. I'm sure that guy wasn't coping on a trait he didn't happen to have. And using the lack of analytical thinking lookism deniers use to avoid the looks pill. :feelsUgh:

The majority of users just wish to be seen as 'blackpilled' but don't stick to it. Every user is just 'nah I'm blackpilled bro, but my sister and mother are good people who are the only exceptions to foideval in the entire world, because I love them'. Cope. Neets here think their parents are terrible but the uncomfortable reality is being neet makes you hate your parents. I know because that's why I hate mine. It's uncomfortable, makes me uncomfortable, and this place of bluepills pats them on the back and says 'wow they sound really mean'. Like redditors.

Sticking to shit that comforts you and getting mad at reality.
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I think the problem is that the "blackpill" has been dumbed down into catchphrases and buzzwords.
"Just be white" "Just go SEA" "If you're not Chad, it's over" "No pussy no work" "If you're ethnic it's over" "if you're below 6'0, don't even try"
-> All of this is nonesense.
Yes, it's called the blackpill, but things are not just black and white.

People who are under 25yo and claim to be incel cannot be blackpilled in my oppinion.
a) They didn't have enough time to genuinely TRY
b) They didn't have enough time to EXPERIENCE and LIVE THROUGH the blackpill

They only know the blackpill from 10 second long tiktok shorts, yet they seem to think that they know everything better.

What inceldom used to be:
"I'm 27yo, I tried everything, I'm still a virgin, it's over, here's what I learned."
What inceldom is now:
"I'm 17yo, I watched a tiktok, I'm below 6'0 so it's over."
i hate that shit so much :reeeeee:
tiktok blackpill is the epitome of what I mean in this post. Tiktokers are some of the most uncomfortable reality denying people of all time, likely the most. They don't face a single reality that makes them uncomfortable and infact form a network of opinion affirming channels to avoid uncomfortable realities about themselves, and demonize their enemies.

The way the blackpill is proliferating is shit because it is being understood to simply be a take on looks and nothing more. I guess all internet trends are inherently basic and reductionist. It is shit though because they could do with knowing what it really means. I think if blackpill philosophy went viral it would melt their brains.
But, it is only the newest example in the long line of incel terms that aren't understood to mean what they actually mean once they go mainstream. My favourite example will forever be based. People use it to mean 'I agree' and in doing so, are letting external influence into their own opinion thus are not being based. It's how it is used here too, though way way way less egregiously than on mainstream social media. Atleast the opinions here actually aren't largely externally influenced. But it is still used that way occasionally. Oh well. I have bigger problems anyway so I don't care.
The point of the post is that blackpill is a philosophy, and it should be applied repeatedly for a person to be blackpilled
Obviously, blackpill is scientism, it is positivist philosophy. It's philosophy, no one denies it, study it before making assumptions. And I know that your post was directed at certain people, precisely because YOU DIDN'T SWALLOW YOUR OWN BLACKPILL from my comment, and I see that with each sentence you try to reformulate what I say in my comments spread across IS, hilarious, I have a fan and I didn't even know.
The way the blackpill is proliferating is shit because it is being understood to simply be a take on looks and nothing more. I guess all internet trends are inherently basic and reductionist. It is shit though because they could do with knowing what it really means. I think if blackpill philosophy went viral it would melt their brains.
The black pill is a series of factors that have been questioned by any type of individual, even normies know what it is about indirectly, naturally it has always existed, its phrenomorphology has always been notable. Even more so with the positivist advances on the issue of genetics being an anathema. Furthermore, blackpill is already viral before you even “like” it, as there is the terminology ‘PSL’, which is used for a kind of “shame” about such a subhuman entity. If anything, it's just leverage for Chad. And yes, this opens the door to reductionism-opinionated, like the normies who try to connect concepts based on their false “emotional” attachment, only to continue with the wheel of illusion and manage their cattle - But NTpill is not about that, because in its form it demonstrates the subject's low level of inhibition, where our ontoadjectives are not really what this 'being' is, therefore they are nothing more than false attributions. And this science itself has a law to demonstrate why this event occurred, which is self-explanatory.

And blackpill is not an emotional state, it does not break the subject's mind simply for being what it is, it is on the contrary, the subject who breaks himself, this arises from his own perplexity. Blackpill is not ideology in its entirety, it does not judge, it has no personality. Blackpill remains indifferent, as it has already used its knowledge to help too, such as straightening teeth, choosing the most beautiful actors for films, etc.
It's like a comment on this same thread, there are those who know what blackpill is, and there are those who deify it, and that's you, attributing false things about it and trying to separate essential characteristics from it at the same time, to maintain your reductionism (guesswork, you have an acceptance problem, even regarding false brutality).
A guy literally told me that he thinks 2.5/10 can get a good social life by having a high IQ. Yeah sure. A guy can get a good social life as 2.5/10 by having other qualities. Sound familiar? It's copy paste bluepillery.
It was me, you damn insect, you take the themes out of context to attribute your reductionism, once again, bla bla bla..... I detailed why in a simple way to understand and also explained how IQ works so that this ecology can be applied in reality. And I have clearly said “why” the NT is successful in this case, a fact that cannot be swallowed by its sheer complexity. In fact, I explain a much fuller complement of this above, citing the NT.
There's nothing bluepill about it, it's like I said, you give false ontoadjectives due to your stubbornness in accepting the facts. It's easier that way, I understand.
. I'm sure that guy wasn't coping on a trait he didn't happen to have. And using the lack of analytical thinking lookism deniers use to avoid the looks pill. :feelsUgh:
YOU are dealing strongly with your false divinization of blackpill, it's the opposite, because you start from a confusing premise talking shit, the real justification is explained as 'envy' of the famous fakecel, something that truecel feels, and I have never denied anything related to this (about it being truecel), because I didn't say it "wasn't genetic garbage", your presumption in dealing with this always gets in your way, but a 2024 like you doesn't know anything, because it entered practically yesterday and uses random functions for its statement of assumptions.
- Accepting people who are capable of speaking to foids at work where they have no choice aren't all fakecels
- Applying your own hate of foids to your own mother or sisters
- Considering whether or not you are a fakecel based purely on stats
- Accepting when you are wrong in an argument
- Accepting that politics is dead because you can no longer vote for fiscal / financial change and are a slave
As you said, the forum is for incel, actually truecel categorization, because incel is used on average for larp.


Furthermore, you are trying to fit something elusive into the community for your nosy self.

Do you think the concepts based here could be an semantic reformulation of your 'opinioncentrism', clown.

Crying is free, deal with it!
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It was me, you damn insect, you take the themes out of context to attribute your reductionism, once again, bla bla bla..... I detailed why in a simple way to understand and also explained how IQ works so that this ecology can be applied in reality. And I have clearly said “why” the NT is successful in this case, a fact that cannot be swallowed by its sheer complexity. In fact, I explain a much fuller complement of this above, citing the NT.
There's nothing bluepill about it, it's like I said, you give false ontoadjectives due to your stubbornness in accepting the facts. It's easier that way, I understand.
none of this explains or even challenges the fact you think 2.5/10 isn't going to prevent that IQ from mattering. The guy was 2.5/10 and all I said is that it therefore is not going to lead to a good social life.

What you are doing here is ignoring that and arguing purely that your point was smart, when separated from the context of what he said

But the thing is I never once challenged your post being wrong in that regard. Did I? You are literally separating it from what you originally said in order for it not to be stupid.

It just ignores the looks part of the equation for you to parrot that your belief was blackpilled. Because you want it to be. You are also furious at me for disagreeing with you, but you even refuse to engage the totality of my argument against you and are trying to change it to be purely about IQ. So you shouldn't be mad at all. You're ignoring the whole problem I have with your argument just so your argument isn't so insanely incorrect that you can't defend it.

Read my words and consider them instead of just mindlessly defending your ego or don't reply otherwise it's pointless. The fact you can't be wrong or it hurts your feelings is the single reason you are even arguing, so there's no way I can win even if your point was that 2+2=3

Not once have you defended the idea that a 2.5/10 can benefit from what you said. Because you know it was a stupid opinion. Try and point out how the quote I have at the top of this reply even remotely applies to a 2.5/10 male. You just changed your argument from the stupid thing you said, to a less stupid thing and think for some reason I won't remember. But, fact is you said it about a 2.5/10 and it was so bluepilled I felt it necessary to include in this post. You're so bluepilled, here you are once again arguing it wasn't a stupid opinion, just because you can't handle the fact you said something stupid.

You are one of many users that I think are completely incapable of admitting you said something dumb no matter how stupid the thing you said happens to be. And that is one of the biggest issues this post is directed at. If you were blackpilled, you'd be able to admit when you said something dumb. I've never seen you admit you were wrong even for terribly incorrect opinions. You just inwardly, truly believe you are not wrong because you have a giant ego and can't be wrong. Guess what that is? An uncomfortable reality you are ignoring, because you're a massive bluepiller. Which is the point of my post here.
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none of this explains or even challenges the fact you think 2.5/10 isn't going to prevent that IQ from mattering. The guy was 2.5/10 and all I said is that it therefore is not going to lead to a good social life.
But the thing is, he's not subhuman. You used your opinion in the middle of this to state straight away that he was a "subhuman", and I didn't clearly say that a 2.5 would have a good life, I went into another thread to make the NT session clear, that in this case the IQ of 2 .5 NT (in your understanding), you can be lucky, and very lucky.

Say what you want about it. You join my ignore session.
- Accepting people who are capable of speaking to foids at work where they have no choice aren't all fakecels
- Applying your own hate of foids to your own mother or sisters
- Considering whether or not you are a fakecel based purely on stats
- Accepting when you are wrong in an argument
- Accepting that politics is dead because you can no longer vote for fiscal / financial change and are a slave
As you said, the forum is for incel, actually truecel categorization, because incel is used on average for larp.


Furthermore, you are trying to fit something elusive into the community for your nosy self.

Do you think the concepts based here could be an semantic reformulation of your 'opinioncentrism', clown.

Crying is free, deal with it!
And as I said, truecels are also behavioral characteristics according to your condition
But the thing is, he's not subhuman. You used your opinion in the middle of this to state straight away that he was a "subhuman", and I didn't clearly say that a 2.5 would have a good life, I went into another thread to make the NT session clear, that in this case the IQ of 2 .5 NT (in your understanding), you can be lucky, and very lucky.

Say what you want about it. You join my ignore session.
you can't even read the words I say. You just defend yourself even if I'm right. So there's no way anyone can win an argument with you. That is bluepilled as fuck
you can't even read the words I say. You just defend yourself even if I'm right. So there's no way anyone can win an argument with you. That is bluepilled as fuck

Yes, I read and see shit out of context. Also, all things said, fuck you, you really are a denialist because you don't know the whole (blackpill), deal with it.
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Yes, I read and see shit out of context.
look, you said something unbelievably stupid about 2.5/10s being able to have a good social life if they have high IQ. That is copy paste bluepillery about being able to overcome the way people think about you by having other traits. It's not even really connected to the fact that you think it's a fakecel trait. What I am criticizing here is your statement that it indicated that he would have a good social life. That is absolute cope and you know it.

But, you have such a big ego you can't be wrong.
I have never once seen you admit you are wrong but what I have seen you do is try and muddy the waters repeatedly so that you don't have to. That is bluepilled.
Yes, I read and see shit out of context. Also, all things said, fuck you, you really are a denialist because you don't know the whole (blackpill), deal with it.
again, if what I think about you is true, no matter how stupid your argument was, you aren't going to admit it and will just ignore it or try claim you never said that or call me names and if that's what you want to do then I really need no greater evidence for this pinned thread. And there's also nothing I can say to make you admit you were wrong, even if your opinion was that 2+2 = 3, you would refuse to be wrong. You're basically just being bluepilled. You are ignoring an uncomfortable reality using delusions and lies. My point here is that even if a user swallows the looks pill, they often are a bluepiller. Which is what you are being.
very much agree on all of this. when i see nevertriedcels on this forum it seems they always say "foids go ask out chads and i dont get asked out, therefore i don't have to approach and i am incel just cause i don't recieve chad treatment" they choose this argument just because it is a comfortable statement for them to justify being incel, they would never accept that not approaching means you are a fakecel because it is something uncomfortable. high iq thread OP
high iq :bigbrain: 90% of users here are massive copers and refuse uncomfortable realities.

heres an uncomfortable reality:
"I wouldn't be incel in the past!"
my nigga, if you're ugly and non nt like most people here, you would most likely end up an outcast in the past as well and no one would marry their daughter off to you. You would most likely end up in a low status job and wouldn't make much money so no one would have any reason to marry your daughter off to you. Parents also care about the status and looks of their daughters husband.
People voted something like 15-6 on a thread about not betraying your incelbros to ascend. Yeah you fucking would if you had that chance. Immediately
This is just projection. For some reason many people find it hard to believe there are good hearted people in this world.
I feel like i had a stroke attempting to read this incoherent slop
Users here consistently fail to accept realities that make them uncomfortable,

Truly accepting it is over is nearly impossible for men to accept. They will always allow one "Out" they can peg their hopes on to get through the day.
Okay I'm not gonna lie I'm what this forum considers tall but where has that ever got me?

I'm still a truecel because I'm a bald non-NT ogre

I'm so sick of all of these accusations that "tallcells are fakecels" bitch you gotta be at least 6'4 to be considered special these days

Like seriously you're so out of touch if you think that just normal tall is enough to negate an ugly balding face

Fuck you man seriously for gatekeeping this community.
:yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes:

So, blackpill is just about genetic determinism. That's all. Because of that, one can't become rich just because they really want it, for example.
I see autists here denying that LOOKS matter. They say if you are NT you can ascend. That's literally an IT argument 'Just be normal and confident and you can ascend, your looks won't fuck you over'. Cope. I'm reading bluepills on incels.is every day. Muh autism > looks muh looks > autism. The harsh uncomfortable reality is that it's over for both of you and forum points don't matter. Just earlier, I got a reply from a user claiming that you can be 2.5/10 and have a normal social life if you have a high IQ. Guy had low IQ and so believed it was a fakecel trait to have high IQ. A high IQ! Actual bluepillerly. That is stating that a guy can overcome looks through other qualities. Sound familiar? :feelsUgh: Same with low inhib, it gets shat on all the time. If being low inhib is fakecel then you essentially believe that being low inhib is enough to ascend. As an ugly male. Idiots.
To me this forum doesn't have much actual impact on the looks pill but it pisses me off to see bluepills slip in even if they don't actually matter.
Muh I'm a 6'4 terachad but it doesn't matter I'm an autist bro
I'm about to make a post that will either piss a lot of people off or be ignored.
Users here consistently fail to accept realities that make them uncomfortable, and are not blackpilled but just took the looks pill and any others that they have no reason not to, but almost never accept uncomfortable reality. For example, any tall user seems to deny that height matters as much as it does, because they happen to be tall. Infact, that is often how you know they are, by them saying that it is not a fakecel trait. It can't possibly be true that they are fakecels. To them height matters less than it does in reality. Because that is an un-comfortable reality to believe in, and they aren't blackpilled. Before shortcels yell true, remember, if a user is not tall, they believe they are all fakecels for being tall. I see users who think height > looks because they're 5'4 and 5/10. That is the most beneficial opinion to have. One of the least common things to see here is acknowledgement of the vast amount of fakecels that exist in our world, guys who say they're incel but never tried. Because it buys into arguments we don't like to see made. And it probably invalidates a good deal of stat liars. Lots exist, more and more each year, but, if a fact is uncomfortable, seemingly, it's ignored. And that's bluepilled too, avoiding reality because it makes you uncomfortable.

The people who are absolutely blackpilled for believing lookism exists are sexhavers and briefly, bluepillcels who change their mind. Because, for them, this is uncomfortable. But if you already took the looks pill years ago, how exactly is it still uncomfortable reality to believe in 2 years later? Users regularly and repeatedly say that that being blackpilled is the only comfort because atleast you know it is not your fault. True. For a sexhaver to be blackpilled they have to actually forego ego, admit they were wrong, and admit something that excuses a hole in their morality, the way they treat and speak of incels.

I can fucking even predict that users will read that last point and not like it because its UNCOMFORTABLE and it takes away 'i'm special' points. That is bluepilled. It's an uncomfortable reality that many only really took the blackpill when they had no choice and it does not mean you are just, always blackpilled. If you fail to accept uncomfortable realities, for example when you are wrong in an argument, you aren't blackpilled. That itself is an uncomfortable reality, and it is one I accept.

If 2 years ago a user came around to the idea that looks matter, then how is that still blackpilled today? They got to a point where it was essentially impossible to believe in the comfortable reality and take yourself seriously as a human. Impossible. They had no option.

Another example; people here think if they were sexhavers they'd still be blackpilled. Giant cope, you'd believe in self affirming lies too. it's an uncomfortable reality. You gain nothing by believing in it. But. It's true. And that's the point of being blackpilled. Cope. People voted something like 15-6 on a thread about not betraying your incelbros to ascend. Yeah you fucking would if you had that chance. Immediately.

Fucking look at greycels. They ALL repeatedly disguise their real takes and feel insecure and parrot people because their primary concern is to avoid being hazed. They hide their opinions and do what they think people will like. That is avoiding an uncomfortable reality that they can't share their own opinions. And it's lying to fit in. Bluepilled.

I am not leveling this against all users. Many are blackpilled.

I see autists here denying that LOOKS matter. They say if you are NT you can ascend. That's literally an IT argument 'Just be normal and confident and you can ascend, your looks won't fuck you over'. Cope. I'm reading bluepills on incels.is every day. Muh autism > looks muh looks > autism. The harsh uncomfortable reality is that it's over for both of you and forum points don't matter. Just earlier, I got a reply from a user claiming that you can be 2.5/10 and have a normal social life if you have a high IQ. Guy had low IQ and so believed it was a fakecel trait to have high IQ. A high IQ! Actual bluepillerly. That is stating that a guy can overcome looks through other qualities. Sound familiar? :feelsUgh: Same with low inhib, it gets shat on all the time. If being low inhib is fakecel then you essentially believe that being low inhib is enough to ascend. As an ugly male. Idiots.
To me this forum doesn't have much actual impact on the looks pill but it pisses me off to see bluepills slip in even if they don't actually matter.

I see endless threads 'muh he's white' 'muh he's black just thugmaxx'. To me, sounds a lot like bluepilled advice. It doesn't matter, if the guy is ugly, it's fucking OVER, you're just coping for forum points. You're coping if you think you aren't.

This is not a blackpill forum. This is an incel forum. And because it is, we take the looks pill by default, and each user calls themselves blackpilled, but a good 90% of users don't know what it even means they just read it and go 'oh yeah I do that' when they don't. It's basically just a cope, which in itself is in turn, bluepilled. It benefits them, it's uncomfortable to think they're just accepting shit when there's no benefit. It's something they do because they think it makes them better. It makes you feel smart, it makes you feel awake to things. But if you are incapable of

- Accepting people who are capable of speaking to foids at work where they have no choice aren't all fakecels
- Applying your own hate of foids to your own mother or sisters
- Considering whether or not you are a fakecel based purely on stats
- Accepting when you are wrong in an argument
- Accepting that politics is dead because you can no longer vote for fiscal / financial change and are a slave

Then you aren't blackpilled. All of these are uncomfortable realities I see users deny regularly. You're doing something that chooses the comforting, self affirming reality over what makes you uncomfortable.

People here lie about their stats for forum points. That is probably the worst one for me.
Only they will ever know they do. If you do that shit so people like you more and are a larping tiktokcel, you're bluepilled. Doesn't matter what you think of the looks pill. Stick to your principles.

@Animecel2D @nice_try @based_meme give me shit if I'm wrong.
And who is "actually" blackpilled? You?
The real blackpilled are either dead or working towards dying. They don't have any energy to write long essays on what the blackpill is or isn't. Death is the only way out, anything else is hoping and coping.
And who is "actually" blackpilled? You?
The real blackpilled are either dead or working towards dying. They don't have any energy to write long essays on what the blackpill is or isn't. Death is the only way out, anything else is hoping and coping.
Strong early post, GrAY.

What does "being black pilled" mean to you?
Strong early post, GrAY.

What does "being black pilled" mean to you?
The moment you truly lose all hope. So many incels claim 'it's over' for them, and yet you see them seething and trying and raging against misfortunes in their life, almost as if they were expecting it to be different or 'get better'. Once you lose that, you either die or become a shut-in.
I am a 100% blackpiller now after everything i saw how shallow the foids are
Height looks + NT

I'm about to make a post that will either piss a lot of people off or be ignored.
Users here consistently fail to accept realities that make them uncomfortable, and are not blackpilled but just took the looks pill and any others that they have no reason not to, but almost never accept uncomfortable reality. For example, any tall user seems to deny that height matters as much as it does, because they happen to be tall. Infact, that is often how you know they are, by them saying that it is not a fakecel trait. It can't possibly be true that they are fakecels. To them height matters less than it does in reality. Because that is an un-comfortable reality to believe in, and they aren't blackpilled. Before shortcels yell true, remember, if a user is not tall, they believe they are all fakecels for being tall. I see users who think height > looks because they're 5'4 and 5/10. That is the most beneficial opinion to have. One of the least common things to see here is acknowledgement of the vast amount of fakecels that exist in our world, guys who say they're incel but never tried. Because it buys into arguments we don't like to see made. And it probably invalidates a good deal of stat liars. Lots exist, more and more each year, but, if a fact is uncomfortable, seemingly, it's ignored. And that's bluepilled too, avoiding reality because it makes you uncomfortable.

The people who are absolutely blackpilled for believing lookism exists are sexhavers and briefly, bluepillcels who change their mind. Because, for them, this is uncomfortable. But if you already took the looks pill years ago, how exactly is it still uncomfortable reality to believe in 2 years later? Users regularly and repeatedly say that that being blackpilled is the only comfort because atleast you know it is not your fault. True. For a sexhaver to be blackpilled they have to actually forego ego, admit they were wrong, and admit something that excuses a hole in their morality, the way they treat and speak of incels.

I can fucking even predict that users will read that last point and not like it because its UNCOMFORTABLE and it takes away 'i'm special' points. That is bluepilled. It's an uncomfortable reality that many only really took the blackpill when they had no choice and it does not mean you are just, always blackpilled. If you fail to accept uncomfortable realities, for example when you are wrong in an argument, you aren't blackpilled. That itself is an uncomfortable reality, and it is one I accept.

If 2 years ago a user came around to the idea that looks matter, then how is that still blackpilled today? They got to a point where it was essentially impossible to believe in the comfortable reality and take yourself seriously as a human. Impossible. They had no option.

Another example; people here think if they were sexhavers they'd still be blackpilled. Giant cope, you'd believe in self affirming lies too. it's an uncomfortable reality. You gain nothing by believing in it. But. It's true. And that's the point of being blackpilled. Cope. People voted something like 15-6 on a thread about not betraying your incelbros to ascend. Yeah you fucking would if you had that chance. Immediately.

Fucking look at greycels. They ALL repeatedly disguise their real takes and feel insecure and parrot people because their primary concern is to avoid being hazed. They hide their opinions and do what they think people will like. That is avoiding an uncomfortable reality that they can't share their own opinions. And it's lying to fit in. Bluepilled.

I am not leveling this against all users. Many are blackpilled.

I see autists here denying that LOOKS matter. They say if you are NT you can ascend. That's literally an IT argument 'Just be normal and confident and you can ascend, your looks won't fuck you over'. Cope. I'm reading bluepills on incels.is every day. Muh autism > looks muh looks > autism. The harsh uncomfortable reality is that it's over for both of you and forum points don't matter. Just earlier, I got a reply from a user claiming that you can be 2.5/10 and have a normal social life if you have a high IQ. Guy had low IQ and so believed it was a fakecel trait to have high IQ. A high IQ! Actual bluepillerly. That is stating that a guy can overcome looks through other qualities. Sound familiar? :feelsUgh: Same with low inhib, it gets shat on all the time. If being low inhib is fakecel then you essentially believe that being low inhib is enough to ascend. As an ugly male. Idiots.
To me this forum doesn't have much actual impact on the looks pill but it pisses me off to see bluepills slip in even if they don't actually matter.

I see endless threads 'muh he's white' 'muh he's black just thugmaxx'. To me, sounds a lot like bluepilled advice. It doesn't matter, if the guy is ugly, it's fucking OVER, you're just coping for forum points. You're coping if you think you aren't.

This is not a blackpill forum. This is an incel forum. And because it is, we take the looks pill by default, and each user calls themselves blackpilled, but a good 90% of users don't know what it even means they just read it and go 'oh yeah I do that' when they don't. It's basically just a cope, which in itself is in turn, bluepilled. It benefits them, it's uncomfortable to think they're just accepting shit when there's no benefit. It's something they do because they think it makes them better. It makes you feel smart, it makes you feel awake to things. But if you are incapable of

- Accepting people who are capable of speaking to foids at work where they have no choice aren't all fakecels
- Applying your own hate of foids to your own mother or sisters
- Considering whether or not you are a fakecel based purely on stats
- Accepting when you are wrong in an argument
- Accepting that politics is dead because you can no longer vote for fiscal / financial change and are a slave

Then you aren't blackpilled. All of these are uncomfortable realities I see users deny regularly. You're doing something that chooses the comforting, self affirming reality over what makes you uncomfortable.

People here lie about their stats for forum points. That is probably the worst one for me.
Only they will ever know they do. If you do that shit so people like you more and are a larping tiktokcel, you're bluepilled. Doesn't matter what you think of the looks pill. Stick to your principles.

@Animecel2D @nice_try @based_meme give me shit if I'm wrong.
People are blinded by their realities, like you said if someone is a tall incel. He will think height is not that important. There actually was a philosopher in the 16th named Francis Bacon that realized this. And found four things people can be blinded by. He was probably more blackpilled than the 90% here.
You are displaying nothing new in fact you dont know shit about the NTpill and fell for the bait of some random spergs

an ugly white guy can actually get foids through geomaxxing since white skin and white features such as light eyes and hair are considered by default attractive so by denying the racepill you are actually denying the blackpill

also hating your mother and relatives is not a blackpill believe per se, otherwise the vast majority of men are blackpillers since domestic violence is always commited by another relative

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