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Meme post autistic shit that only you do



May 13, 2018
>i take a piece of toilet paper, twist and stretch it, so i can shove it up my ass to clean it better
>i smell my fingers before i shake hands
>i use car window's and store front glass as a mirror
>i kiss my cat on the mouth
>if the bathroom is taken for too long, ill shit in the shower
>i put candy in my pocket so my mom won't see
>if the bathroom is taken for too long, ill shit in the shower


Have fun cleaning that up.
>I use a piece of toilet paper exactly four times by folding it to save toilet paper
>When someone walks towards me on the street I always fixate on a point in the distance and I begin breathing heavily. When he/she's about half a meter away from me I quickly look up to the sky or in their eyes.
>Sitting is really uncomfortable, so I have to move every five seconds
>I'm always afraid that my back isn't straight, so every two minutes I take my hands and press my stomach in, while pressing my breasts forward.
>Sometimes I'm afraid that I have ear pressure so I start to yawn repeatedly
>Sometimes I feel like people are staring at me so I look around in panic. I do that for about two minutes.
>Sometimes I can't stop cracking my knuckles. I've been asked if I have problems with them

I could go and on. :(
>talk to myself
>cut my nails with a scalpel
>peel any loose skin i have
>masturbate naked whenever I can and always cum standing up on my carpet
>every time I see a person with a piercing I imagine ripping it out - idk if autistic or edgy
>organize icons on my phone in alphabetical order
>save every pic certain foids upload in folders just to have them
shit dissolves with water, just turn up the heat
Did you ever have to stomp it down the drain?
Every no fapper: no fap :lul::lul::lul:
> I smell my toilet paper after cleaning my anus
> I take photos of my big shits
> I browse incels.is the whole day
When my friends come over my house I break glass windows in my garage with my dumbbells to make my friends laugh
Every time I remember something embarrassing I make weird noises.
Floss in bed then spit in a cup because I'm too lazy to go to the sink.
Alone when i find something funny or exciting, i usually punch my left hand palm or right leg with my fist repeatedly very fast and i bite my teeth together at the same time.
dig my crack, talk to myself, scratch my balls in front of people, have weird beliefs, name in the jew in public, I dunno
>talk to myself in third person while staring at myself in the mirror
>whisper to myself things that I need to do, again in third person
>I hate the noise of people eating so I avoid eating with other people
>smile and make a joke if something shocks me to make light of things
>I laugh/smile at inappropriate times
>I forget to eat
the list could go on
a ton of face grimacing/twitching, but usually only when alone and stressed, and probably mostly due to drug withdrawal
Urinating in another man's mouth.
cant go to bed anytime except for 30s and 00s.
pick dingleberries out my ass and smell them and my fingers
I use a knife to cut hard skin off of my heel then eat the skin
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put plastic pencils for graphic tablet on my hear for a long moment
if a comment has exactly 12 likes, I will refuse to like it in fear of jinxing myself for the lottery
-I like to touch my pubic area in a nonsexual way when doing common tasks, it just makes my hand warm and cozy.
-Unlike Instagram posts if they're at a commonly unlucky number.
-Use a spring folded pocket knife to cut off dead skin.
-I start losing it in public if I remember something funny.
-I sometimes randomly go from happy to extremely angry/depressed/suicidal in less than a second.
-I enjoy talking to myself because I'm lonely.
-I sperg out if I eat a single thing that's considered widely unhealthy.
-I think I'm on a watchlist and I think the cops are after me, so I fastwalk whenever I see cops.
-I can't eat certain foods because it causes my esophagus to fuck itself and I will have breathing problems/GERD.
I piss on concrete floors quite often never was potty trained tbh
i refuse to have my volume on 13 for fear it'll bring bad luck
I pick and tear off my toenails instead of cutting them with clippers
I pick and tear off my toenails instead of cutting them with clippers
i used to do this and sometimes still do this, i always end up tearing it down too far and it's painful as fuck
i used to do this and sometimes still do this, i always end up tearing it down too far and it's painful as fuck
Yeah, I have done that a few times and even made my big toe bleed a little once
i used to do this and sometimes still do this, i always end up tearing it down too far and it's painful as fuck
I pulled off my whole thumb nail and pinky nail.
I hate when they change the classic dr pepper design by adding promotional artwork. For me, the changes in the coloring and packaging actually affects the way I perceive the taste. If there is no Dr. Pepper with the classic packaging, then I will buy Pepsi instead.


Another quirk i do is popping zits, even if there is only a little pus. I can't stand having any form of bacteria in my skin.
Also, in my iTunes, I make sure every song has its name, artist, and album.
>talk to myself
>peel any loose skin i have
>every time I see a person with a piercing I imagine ripping it out
>save every pic certain foids upload in folders just to have them
I do these as well. I go even further and make a separate folder for each girl.
I go even further and make a separate folder for each girl.
I have a naming system for the folders because I feel too paranoid to put their actual names as folder names. The folders all start with "St-" followed by their initials, if there are 2 of the same initial I put first 2 letters of the name and the first of the last name.

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