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Theory Possible solutions to mass Inceldom

Misogynist Vegeta

Misogynist Vegeta

The Saiyan Prince
Feb 16, 2024
1. Mass Legalization of prostitution in the western world

A normoid type of solution, theoretically if prostitution becomes more accessible to everyone it will mean sex is more accessible to incels, While that is true this wouldn't solve the inceldom problem. Many escortcels still are miserable and still consider themselves incels despite going against the literal definition of an incel. You see what makes an incel an incel isn't just a lack of sex but also love. Love that can only be obtained through a significant other. You cannot buy this from a prostitute, This solution is like putting a duck tape on a leaky water tank.

Conclusion: May help a little but won't solve the problem.

2. Government mandated gfs

A common joke idea is to have the government mandate that each man be required a gf, Either this is done by forcing women to do this, which would never happen in a western free society or the government uses your tax dollars to pay women who are willing to do this. Normies would never allow their tax dollars to go towards such a program. Even if they were it's very similar to something that is already going on today. Onlyfans e-girls are this except the sex is replaced with personal sexual videos and or photos. Do you really think that a man will pay thousands of dollars to woman just for newds? no they are paying these girls because they have been deceived into believing these girls actual like them, the girls only care about the money they are giving them. The Exploitation of lonely men is a topic for another day, The government Paying women for fake love would only solve the problem for those so delusional that they believe it, most incels do not throw their money at virtual whores because they know better

Conclusion: Not viable and won't work

3. Fixing the women by undoing the ideas of feminism

Modern feminism tells women to know their worth and to never settle for less, This convinces average women that chad is the only person for them, The average man gets left the scraps and the below average man gets nothing. Theoretically fixing the women would at least make them go for their looksmatch which could solve the incel problem. Here's the main issue, How? Prehaps you could try some propaganda campaign to convince them the ideas they hold are wrong. but you would be going against very powerful people who have successfully implanted their propaganda in young women for years and they aren't gonna let that change so easily.

Conclusion: Not viable

4. Fixing the incels

:feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha: Normoids generally buy into this idea that it's entirely an incels fault because supposedly we aren't deserving of love, What a cruel idea to push that someone just doesn't deserve to be loved. If you just showER and make your pERsonality bettER you will get a women in no time, what kind of retard do you have to be to think incels have not already tried everything possible to better themselves.

Conclusion: No fix for your face.

5. Incel Genocide/Mass imprisonment

Only the most unhinged of normies will ever be down with this, the simple cruel idea of just removing the problem by destroying it or at the very least putting every possible incel in prison like this el Salvador fighting the gang problem. Incels don't think this a solution and most normies don't believe this either yet. It still wouldn't solve the problem because incels would adept to this new crueler world by finding ways to hide they are incel, alot of us already do this in public even if some normies can sniff us out.

Conclusion: Cruel solution for unhinged savages, still wouldn't work

6. The development of sex androids/android gfs

Their are already AI girlfriends that you can buy as a cope for not having a real one, so why not take the next step and put that AI into a sex robot that could theoretically meet a incels love and sexual needs. we already have developed semi sex robots that can do basic sexual acts so we are not that far off from being able to make this a reality, only time will tell. Problems could arise in the attempt of making this a reality. First of all the technology can fall into the wrong ends imagine a world were jeff bezos forces you to buy an expansive subscription to have the android function, if you don't pay you get virtually divorced, the worst timeline possible. Second of all cheap companies could make these robots not work properly and all the sudden your dick gets ripped off, too bad you signed a contract that removes liabilities from the removal of a your penis. Finally the government could simply just outlaw these bots considering them to be unnatural for whatever reason, Ewhores and femoids would have a big incentive to fight against this since this could put them out of business as this wenches profit off the misery of man.

Conclusion: Possible in the future.
oh and btw, there is no "mass inceldom", most men fuck.
incels are a small minority.
Kill all incels. it's the easiest and best solution, most of them want to die anyways (according to their bitching on this forum "wah wah I want to die, I want to commit suicide, life is pointless, why even try wah wah")
oh and btw, there is no "mass inceldom", most men fuck.
incels are a small minority.
Kill all incels. it's the easiest and best solution, most of them want to die anyways (according to their bitching on this forum "wah wah I want to die, I want to commit suicide, life is pointless, why even try wah wah")
Inceldom is definitely on the rise, Yes most men aren't incels but it's a growing problem Millions of people are incels. Millions more will become incels.
1. Mass Legalization of prostitution in the western world

A normoid type of solution, theoretically if prostitution becomes more accessible to everyone it will mean sex is more accessible to incels, While that is true this wouldn't solve the inceldom problem. Many escortcels still are miserable and still consider themselves incels despite going against the literal definition of an incel. You see what makes an incel an incel isn't just a lack of sex but also love. Love that can only be obtained through a significant other. You cannot buy this from a prostitute, This solution is like putting a duck tape on a leaky water tank.

Conclusion: May help a little but won't solve the problem.

2. Government mandated gfs

A common joke idea is to have the government mandate that each man be required a gf, Either this is done by forcing women to do this, which would never happen in a western free society or the government uses your tax dollars to pay women who are willing to do this. Normies would never allow their tax dollars to go towards such a program. Even if they were it's very similar to something that is already going on today. Onlyfans e-girls are this except the sex is replaced with personal sexual videos and or photos. Do you really think that a man will pay thousands of dollars to woman just for newds? no they are paying these girls because they have been deceived into believing these girls actual like them, the girls only care about the money they are giving them. The Exploitation of lonely men is a topic for another day, The government Paying women for fake love would only solve the problem for those so delusional that they believe it, most incels do not throw their money at virtual whores because they know better

Conclusion: Not viable and won't work

3. Fixing the women by undoing the ideas of feminism

Modern feminism tells women to know their worth and to never settle for less, This convinces average women that chad is the only person for them, The average man gets left the scraps and the below average man gets nothing. Theoretically fixing the women would at least make them go for their looksmatch which could solve the incel problem. Here's the main issue, How? Prehaps you could try some propaganda campaign to convince them the ideas they hold are wrong. but you would be going against very powerful people who have successfully implanted their propaganda in young women for years and they aren't gonna let that change so easily.

Conclusion: Not viable

4. Fixing the incels

:feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha: Normoids generally buy into this idea that it's entirely an incels fault because supposedly we aren't deserving of love, What a cruel idea to push that someone just doesn't deserve to be loved. If you just showER and make your pERsonality bettER you will get a women in no time, what kind of retard do you have to be to think incels have not already tried everything possible to better themselves.

Conclusion: No fix for your face.

5. Incel Genocide/Mass imprisonment

Only the most unhinged of normies will ever be down with this, the simple cruel idea of just removing the problem by destroying it or at the very least putting every possible incel in prison like this el Salvador fighting the gang problem. Incels don't think this a solution and most normies don't believe this either yet. It still wouldn't solve the problem because incels would adept to this new crueler world by finding ways to hide they are incel, alot of us already do this in public even if some normies can sniff us out.

Conclusion: Cruel solution for unhinged savages, still wouldn't work

6. The development of sex androids/android gfs

Their are already AI girlfriends that you can buy as a cope for not having a real one, so why not take the next step and put that AI into a sex robot that could theoretically meet a incels love and sexual needs. we already have developed semi sex robots that can do basic sexual acts so we are not that far off from being able to make this a reality, only time will tell. Problems could arise in the attempt of making this a reality. First of all the technology can fall into the wrong ends imagine a world were jeff bezos forces you to buy an expansive subscription to have the android function, if you don't pay you get virtually divorced, the worst timeline possible. Second of all cheap companies could make these robots not work properly and all the sudden your dick gets ripped off, too bad you signed a contract that removes liabilities from the removal of a your penis. Finally the government could simply just outlaw these bots considering them to be unnatural for whatever reason, Ewhores and femoids would have a big incentive to fight against this since this could put them out of business as this wenches profit off the misery of man.

Conclusion: Possible in the future.
Bringing these ideas to fruition will require an incel dictatorship. There is no way in hell this will happen in a liberal democracy
Bringing these ideas to fruition will require an incel dictatorship. There is no way in hell this will happen in a liberal democracy
This is why a regarded most of these as not viable, Me believing sex androids are coming in the future might be cope.
This is why a regarded most of these as not viable, Me believing sex androids are coming in the future might be cope.
Do you like the idea of having an incel dictatorship?
7. Nuke the entire earth. Burn it until there's nothing left.
Jews say wont happen they caused it its over
Do you like the idea of having an incel dictatorship?
I do not like dictatorships, I do not wish for anyone to tell me how I live my life. Power corrupts all even the most benevolent.
I do not like dictatorships, I do not wish for anyone to tell me how I live my life. Power corrupts all even the most benevolent.
Without a dictatorship, inceldom cannot be solved
Without a dictatorship, inceldom cannot be solved
I could be coping by the rise of inceldom among western society would provide a oppurtunity for weathly businessmen to expand their wealth by making sex androids. Do you believe sex androids could solve inceldom?
oh and btw, there is no "mass inceldom", most men fuck.
Thank you statistician.
incels are a small minority.
You could make an argument for the west but in Asia it’s quite pronounced. More short men are committing suicide every year for example.
Kill all incels. it's the easiest and best solution, most of them want to die anyways (according to their bitching on this forum "wah wah I want to die, I want to commit suicide, life is pointless, why even try wah wah")
I normally respect oldcels but you are one massive gaping faggot. Thanks for overgeneralizing a small subset. Most of these inkwells who are neeting are complete truecels, most men within their position would find it hopeless to try. You have issues man, always hyperfocusing on vent posts.
I could be coping by the rise of inceldom among western society would provide a oppurtunity for weathly businessmen to expand their wealth by making sex androids. Do you believe sex androids could solve inceldom?
No, it will just be a cope. In order to solve inceldom, there must be a powerful centralized government that will crack down on female hypergamy, enforce state-mandated wives, and implement new laws that will prevent women from harming society and take away women's rights, this is how you fix the problem
How about making world more unsafe so foids feel pressed to have a man to protect them (and making chads more soy so they can't do it all themselves)?
No, it will just be a cope. In order to solve inceldom, there must be a powerful centralized government that will crack down on female hypergamy, enforce state-mandated wives, and implement new laws that will prevent women from harming society and take away women's rights, this is how you fix the problem
I don't think it's cope, we already are getting pictures from AI that we are unable to discern the difference between a picture that is real and one that fake. I think the same could be said for women. an incel dictatorship will never happen.
How about making world more unsafe so foids feel pressed to have a man to protect them (and making chads more soy so they can't do it all themselves)?
Didn't think of this one, but normoids would stand in the way of this.
I don't think it's cope, we already are getting pictures from AI that we are unable to discern the difference between a picture that is real and one that fake. I think the same could be said for women. an incel dictatorship will never happen.
It won't happen but it's a very good idea
Thank you statistician.

You could make an argument for the west but in Asia it’s quite pronounced. More short men are committing suicide every year for example.

I normally respect oldcels but you are one massive gaping faggot. Thanks for overgeneralizing a small subset. Most of these inkwells who are neeting are complete truecels, most men within their position would find it hopeless to try. You have issues man, always hyperfocusing on vent posts.
Those are many words to say nothing at all. You didn't refute any of my points, just some "wah wah you have issues" redditor talk.

More short men are committing suicide every year for example.
So they came to the same conclusion as me. I knew my logic is sound.
It won't happen but it's a very good idea
Sure in practice it would be, a world with hypergamy is ideal. unfortunately it's not possible and even if possible, corruption would run rampart, especially with women using seduction on the people in charge so they can get in there way.
Sure in practice it would be, a world with hypergamy is ideal. unfortunately it's not possible and even if possible, corruption would run rampart, especially with women using seduction on the people in charge so they can get in there way.
Perfection doesn't exist
Didn't think of this one, but normoids would stand in the way of this.
Foids are supporting it by letting niggERs in, advocating for good looking criminals, filming themselves in some brutal, hardcore porn and pushing their female views and behavior on sub8 men as one of the requirements to get pussy :feelskek:
Foids are supporting it by letting niggERs in, advocating for good looking criminals, filming themselves in some brutal, hardcore porn and pushing their female views and behavior on sub8 men as one of the requirements to get pussy :feelskek:
Ezgif 7 67b1010125
Reasons 1 and 6 are the most realistic. The rest are just fantasies.
Those are many words to say nothing at all. You didn't refute any of my points, just some "wah wah you have issues" redditor talk.
There's a reason no one bothers to tag you or reply to you at all, it's because you are a massive faggot buck broken by the blackpill. I'll address your points now you chad worshipping fag. Are you not an incel? What you are spouting is quite literally suicidal if you are one.
oh and btw, there is no "mass inceldom", most men fuck.
The number of incels is growing every year, hypergamy is extending to even third world shitholes because of social media. It's not totally uncommon to see foids going for men who are statistical anomalies within their countries, I've spoken to hundreds of people who live in developing countries and they are not settling for their looksmatch, even with good stats. It's not uncommon to find literal roasties in muslim countries that do the same thing that western whores do and settle down with a provider. Ten years ago a case could be made that putting in the effort would result in you finding a becky but the explosion of the coping mgtow movement and blackpill really confirms that things are harder now.

View: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/afX-lvvbcXw


incels are a small minority.
A minority that is steadily growing larger and larger.
Kill all incels. it's the easiest and best solution, most of them want to die anyways (according to their bitching on this forum "wah wah I want to die, I want to commit suicide, life is pointless, why even try wah wah")
Disregarding the fact it is impossible to create a movement where incels will somehow be sent to death, many incels contribute to society and may not consider themselves to be incels in the first place. You can seethe all you want but your only allies are 300 lbs radical feminists. I'll also ask you this does an incel ascend and become vindicated if he betabuxxes a whore and ends up in a dead bedroom? That, to me, seems like cuckoldry. Incels that are genuinely suicidal are in the minority, like I said most use this place to vent their frustrations. You hardfocus on "why even try" but a lot of people here are in academia or have jobs here and with money they go to escorts. This forum isn't representative of the vast majority of incels. I for example will try to succeed in academia but institutions are getting worse, our country has no sense of unity (no one wants to fight for some jewish oligarchy), and there is no reason to work hard when you aren't guaranteed a wife and property. The US is a corpse being eaten by maggots, soon foreigners will outnumber the people whose forbears built this country from the ground up. Look at korea and japan, high iq countries with men quitting at high rates, and it's happening for good reason.
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There's a reason no one bothers to tag you or reply to you at all, it's because you are a massive faggot buck broken by the blackpill.
Spoken like a true redditor :feelshaha: The amount of people who tag and reply to me is sufficient, but thanks for your concern.

The number of incels is growing every year, hypergamy is extending to even third world shitholes because of social media.
Nobody denies that the number is growing. It's still a minority and will be for decades to come.

A minority that is steadily growing larger and larger.
Still a minority and very likely a minority in the next couple of decades.

Nigga are you trolling? Can you read charts?
That's only a 10% increase in 30 (THIRTY) fucking years.
It also doesn't say "amount of guys who don't get sex at all" it says "who didn't had sex in the past year" which could very well mean that they had plenty of sex the year before.
Nigga that chart only shows how correct I am, how the number of sexless men is really low and only increasing in minimal steps.

Disregarding the fact it is impossible to create a movement where incels will somehow be sent to death, many incels contribute to society and may not consider themselves to be incels in the first place. You can seethe all you want but your only allies are 300 lbs radical feminists. I'll also ask you this does an incel ascend and become vindicated if he betabuxxes a whore and ends up in a dead bedroom? That, to me, seems like cuckoldry. Incels that are genuinely suicidal are in the minority, like I said most use this place to vent their frustrations. You hardfocus on "why even try" but a lot of people here are in academia or have jobs here and with money they go to escorts. This forum isn't representative of the vast majority of incels. I for example will try to succeed in academia but institutions are getting worse, our country has no sense of unity (no one wants to fight for some jewish oligarchy), and there is no reason to work hard when you aren't guaranteed a wife and property. The US is a corpse being eaten by maggots, soon foreigners will outnumber the people whose forbears built this country from the ground up. Look at korea and japan, high iq countries with men quitting at high rates, and it's happening for good reason.
It's only a hypothetical. Of course you cannot realistically genocide all incels. Also it wouldn't be morally correct. It's just a fun thought experiment. Do you really think that I unironically want to kill all incels? lol
1) don't kill women at birth like those fucking low IQ pajeets do in India and China (there are like +40 million males than females in the same age group,men that will never find a wife because she simply doesn't exist statistically
Islamic immigrants establishing Sharia Law
Islamic immigrants establishing Sharia Law
I feel like the attitudes of many normies in the west towards Islam has shifted in the last decade. Hypergamy together with the recent Palestine genocide by the kikes has made many much more accepting and respectful towards Islam.
Spoken like a true redditor :feelshaha:
How so? Also if you intend to reply in this manner then tackle all the points I have made thus far instead of picking and choosing. I barely feel like you responded.

Nobody denies that the number is growing. It's still a minority and will be for decades to come.
"For decades to come" Societies are collapsing at a far faster rate than that. People are less likely to have close friends, birth rates are down, standards keep going up, unemployment rate is going up. When you amalgamate all of this you can expect to see a lot more incels. The current batch of 18 year olds that went through the pandemic probably have a higher rate of virginity.
Still a minority and very likely a minority in the next couple of decades.
I'd give it a decade, gen alpha is pretty much retarded and dysgenic anyways. It's still a massive societal problem to have 3/10 men being virgins while the rest are fighting for scraps after studycelling or having sex quite infrequently. Think of the reason so many fakecels exist, a guy might have gotten lucky and lost his virginity but he's struggling to find genuine attraction now and that's a reality for a good amount, most people are seeking relationships through online dating. Blackpill content hasn't exploded in popularity for no reason.
Nigga that chart only shows how correct I am, how the number of sexless men is really low and only increasing in minimal steps.
How many people consult escorts or have to wait a whole month to get a one night stand? A good amount I'd wager. Most men are unhappy with the current state of society, even normies are noticing it. You think men who barely have close friends are slaying poon on a mass scale? :feelshaha::feelshaha:
Do you really think that I unironically want to kill all incels? lol
No but it's quite strange that you fantasize about it a lot.
Mass priesthood:feelsaww:
No social obligation and women will flock to you because you're out of limits no matter how ugly you are. They can't have you, so they want you.
I'm patiently waiting for your response.
There's no need for a response. Everything has been said.
Incels are a minority. Society isn't collapsing. Most men fuck and are happy with the current situation.
The reason why you think that society is collapsing and that men are unhappy is because you're chronically online.
Maybe stop doomscrolling and being traped in blackpill/redpill online echo chambers and go outside instead. Once you have left your basement you will realize that most men are actually happy in their wageslave job and that they're dating / having girlfriends.
There's no need for a response. Everything has been said.
Incels are a minority. Society isn't collapsing. Most men fuck and are happy with the current situation.
This feels like a cop out to be quite honest, especially since you are a seasoned user with 18k posts on the so called terminally online forum. We live in a weird fucking dystopia that betrays our very nature with the acceptance of the lgbtq, racial cuckoldry (miscegenation), high suicide rates, soaring obesity rates, lower iq scores (the flynn effect is tied to test taking ability btw), high neuroticism, and worsening infrastructure to name a few. No fucking wonder nobody wants to enlist and fight for globohomo. Our country has literally brung in a million illegal migrants, it's quite literally suicidal. I didn't even begin to mention how most of gen alpha/z is insanely spergy. Only literal retards are content with modern life, it absolutely is not beneficial to the average man, if you've been on this forum you have definitely seen how normies in relationships get cheated on despite being "highschool sweethearts" or end up in dead bedrooms 3 years into a relationship. We are insanely atomized and literally have zero local communities, we wageslave away at megacorporation #120 to do basically fuck all to return to a rented out hollow pod and nutritionally deficient food but yeah everything is going swiftly! Just cover your eyes and enjoy the insanity that's presented to you.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7soiA_FKWnc

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DqEm8V0qFOM

The reason why you think that society is collapsing and that men are unhappy is because you're chronically online.
Maybe stop doomscrolling and being traped in blackpill/redpill online echo chambers and go outside instead. Once you have left your basement you will realize that most men are actually happy in their wageslave job and that they're dating / having girlfriends.
What a insipid response, goddamn. I do go outside and hang out obviously the way I act here is a whole lightyear away from how I act irl, statistics and data > observance, especially since I'm not an omnipotent being that can see everything that is occuring with my own eyes. After watching/reading up on the blackpill I genuinely wanted to try before entererd the adult world, I did everything from going to the gym, joining a sports team at school, and reconnecting with my old friend groups but it didn't get me anywhere in regards to getting a relationship. Just the explosion of the tate/blackpill should reveal the relationship statuses of most men.
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This feels like a cop out to be quite honest, especially since you are a seasoned user with 18k posts on the so called terminally online forum. We live in a weird fucking dystopia that betrays our very nature with the acceptance of the lgbtq, racial cuckoldry (miscegenation), high suicide rates, soaring obesity rates, lower iq scores (the flynn effect is tied to test taking ability btw), high neuroticism, and worsening infrastructure to name a few. No fucking wonder nobody wants to enlist and fight for globohomo. Our country has literally brung in a million illegal migrants, it's quite literally suicidal. I didn't even begin to mention how most of gen alpha/z is insanely spergy. Only literal retards are content with modern life, it absolutely is not beneficial to the average man, if you've been on this forum you have definitely seen how normies in relationships get cheated on despite being "highschool sweethearts" or end up in dead bedrooms 3 years into a relationship. We are insanely atomized and literally have zero local communities, we wageslave away at megacorporation #120 to do basically fuck all to return to a rented out hollow pod and nutritionally deficient food but yeah everything is going swiftly! Just cover your eyes and enjoy the insanity that's presented to you.
The average normtard is too small minded to understand or realize any of that. For the average normie everything is fine as long as he can eat, sleep and fuck. And I don't see normies not being able to eat, sleep and fuck in the near future so nothing will collapse and nothing will change.
Society has been on a decline for over 15 years now but nobody seems to care and it's very likely that nobody will start to care in the next 15 years because normies are animals and as long as they have food, sleep and sex, they don't care.
Troll post by someone who probably isn't a real incel and more likely a I.T user, troll, or feminist.

I will contribute to it anyway. The only way you can beat inceldom is by increasing competition for women. You
would need to flood a country with migrant women, transgenderism, increase female beauty standards. Allow
men to take wives from outside your country (which they stopped in the uk because of de-population agendas)

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