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Possible Dysgenetic Effects of Modern Society



Your ride's over, lib. Time to seethe.
Oct 12, 2023
Right, I don't really want to go into too much unnecessary detail so I'll try keeping this short. After talking to a friend of mine and doing a bit more research on some stuff that he brought up during our discussions, I've come up with some more possible concepts and ideas that may be worthy of us taking a look into.

The inceldom epidemic, aside from the other various factors I've mentioned in my previous must-read post, is also tied in to a whole bunch of other stuff. The first and most obvious issue is that there is presently no such thing on our world as a benevolent blackpilled elite. Why? Because it's rare to find blackpilled yet productive and sociable/non-psychopath people; most blackpilled people (i.e. those who know the truths of this world and how it operates) are very dark triad if successful, or subhuman losers, LDARers, NEETs, etc. You need a mix of high IQ, good and dark triad traits, and an ability to dismantle coping mechanisms without turning yourself into a hyper-materialistic sociopath. We're literally talking about someone who is one in a billion.

We've talked about behavioral sink before in our circles, we've talked about the utopia mouse experiment, but we haven't talked about a few more critical things in detail. I've seen some of them mentioned before, but I'll just go ahead and list them out right now. The things I'm going to be talking about in this post are:
  1. Spiteful mutants
  2. Malthusian curve
  3. Gaia hypothesis
Rampant Dysgenics - Spiteful Mutants
When you give organisms - whether it be during mouse utopia experiments or entire human societies - relatively unlimited resources (at least, compared to the prehistoric times their original genetic code was forged in), you reduce selection pressures in an unprecedented manner. In the past, you'd possess certain desirable traits and lack undesirable ones or you'd die. There's no such thing as a participation medal or trophy in nature; you either die or you do not. You either defeat your enemies and competition, or you are in turn defeated and at the mercy of anyone and anything that overpowers you. What does this mean for us? This means that we're potentially seeing an increase in useless and/or harmful genetic traits/phenotypes/mutations (especially since (((someone))) and their normie pawns are polluting this earth more and more, putting hormones and bullshit in the air, water, food, etc.) due to said reduced selection pressures. Industrialized western nations that make sure everyone, including actual abominations, survive, and shithole third world islamic countries where arranged cousin marriages lead to incel-tier ugly and low IQ men and women reproducing and perpetually spreading actually dogshit genetic material. I also am going to include women settling for oofy-doofies in the west here, because come on. Anyways - people with undesirable/sick genes that would have otherwise died in earlier ages make it to adulthood, and then (decreasingly so, however, due to hypergamy and unlimited female options) go and reproduce on top of that - spreading unregulated genetic material which, in most cases, is detrimental. To put it simply, mutants are produced due to higher mutational/genetic load. The thing is, though, that physical mutations are often correlated with mental ones, leading to runaway individualism. These mutants often have antisocial thought processes, and due to the fact they are mutated are often seen with distrust on a subconscious level - becoming one of the factors, at least, leading them to hate or to at least not be able to identify with their own culture, ethnicity, race, even species (furfags), etc. (an identification which is critical in the formation of stable and adaptable societies). Since they're also not capable of getting power normally, they will almost always sympathize with outsiders as they are evolved to gain power by collaborating with enemies and invaders.

Reciprocally Spiteful Mutants
In my opinion, however, there's also the other extreme opposite end of this where people with really good genes often just stop relating to the majority of the population and consciously/subconsciously see themselves as above it, as something to dominate, use, abuse, and discard when it's no longer of any use - which is what can partly explain a portion of the elites' apparent sociopathy (when referring to the portion of the elite that has the potential to actually be talented and not as nepotistic). The current elite are very much blackpill aware, probably from ancient knowledge thousands of years old (or more), and cynical; they just don't say it to gullible normies. Most blackpillers with power only care about themselves and are evil - why do you think the elites are all about drugs and orgies, Epstein-level pedo rings, human sacrifice and torture, etc.? They are not bluepill personality types, and only their useful idiots and tools/weapons are. Most people who are blackpilled people are high IQ and okay looking, in addition to having very good social connections OR low IQ, non-NT, or other types of losers/dregs of society.

Don't believe me? Just look at what we think of normies. Now take what we think of normies, and apply it to someone who is actually incredibly evil, incredibly motivated/fanatical, incredibly powerful, and not at all afraid of consequences. Yeah, you see the problem yet?

Why is unregulated spreading of various types of genetic material bad?
Because you're essentially winging it when it comes to complex physico-chemical and biological complexes, further amplified by the arguably even more complex effects of sociological interactions. Mutation isn't something like in Marvel movies where you're hit by some radiation and get superpowers, JFL. Most of the time, you either get cancer and die, and in the cases where you do not it's just a random-ass change in your genetic code with unpredictable effects. Programmers here will understand what I'm saying: if I took your code, smashed in a bunch of random letters like "aJJIOHFGDUSADH83H" in, and then tried to run it, what would happen? It won't be able to run at all, cause it's just a bunch of random gibberish. The reason why there's good traits is because over millions of years, nature has spammed various different types of genetic code and basically had billions/trillions of specimens die in brutal competition to see what random genetic complex would survive. The difference now is that we can't just fucking wing it, because our society will collapse and suffering exponentially increase.

In order for genetic material to have specifically positive results, it needs to be changed and structured in very specific ways. Essentially, when it comes to mutation, it's incredibly easy to fuck it up and much harder to improve it/get it to do something beneficial. We are, essentially, at the mercy of nature - and nature has often shown us it's against us.

Malthusianism is the belief that population growth is possibly exponential, but that the supply of food/resources is linear. Essentially, the population growth rate will exceed the growth rate of our resource supply and trigger a population decline; too many people exist and they become surplus to supply - which reduces the individual value of a human being and its bargaining power, especially that of men (since women will always have both an inherent biological and artificial propaganda subsidy to their SMV/DMV and general worth as a human being, though it will also affect them). Look at countries like India, for example, who have such a high population and population growth where it essentially become a cagefight country (as Rehab Room/ITV referred to it as) where people compete for resources like it's the end of the world. Just look at all the scammers coming from India, or people like Sunil Richardson who will agree to any and every risky and delusional plastic surgery JFL. Add in the effects of what I previously mentioned, and you have a recipe for disaster. What's even worse is when they eventually not only become surplus to supply, but start becoming an added strain on the society: it's here they're truly fucked, as the only way to get rid of them is to just either let them starve and die or kill them in a war.

Gaia Hypothesis
The Gaia hypothesis is a theory created by a chemist called James Lovelock and a microbiologist known as Lynn Margulis. The theory states that living organisms interact with their inorganic surroundings on Earth in a sort of synergistic and self-regulating complex system that maintains and perpetuates the conditions of life on the planet. Essentially, humans interact with the environment and vice versa. Normies criticize it for being too teleological (fatalist) and against the principles of natural selection, but viewed through a blackpilled lense it deserves some merit (especially since we know their aversion to fatalism is more or less artificially programmed into them as a weapon).

Combining Everything
I think some of you may know where I and my friend were going with this, but if you don't I'll spell it out for you: humans are still in an ecosystem, and nature also balances things in a civilization just like it does in everything else. Once science grows too much and tech becomes too developed, the percentage of the population with defects grows due to unregulated spreading of genetic material as a result of reduced selection pressures. Right now, we are going above carrying capacity; it's why a lot of us are incel losers and blackpilled, and also one of the reasons why a lot of normies and bluepillers in denial are exhibiting degenerate symptoms (furfags, fags, trannies, etc. who screech and terrorize you if you do not conform to their fucked up and delusional view of reality). Nature finds ways of bringing the number of these muties back to capacity, and, for example, right now inceldom is removing surplus males. Another example is as medicine keeps advancing and keeps too many people alive forever, some plague evolves and breaks through our defenses - wiping out people whose natural immune system was weakened either due to epigenetic or genetic reasons (as in, people with shit genes for dealing with diseases artificially made to survive). Or when people pollute rivers and it makes people gay or sick or whatever, or when scientists cheat diseases and a mental illness plague is regulating the population. People who would have been dead long ago are kept alive due to modern medicine; your average unhealthy genetic trash is alive and passes dogshit-tier genes to the rest of the population.

This shit has probably happened before. It's likely one of the things that, 12,000 or so years ago, lead to the destruction of the civilization who built the pyramids, Atlantis, etc. or something of this order. Perhaps there were also other factors, but nearly all traces of this civilization ultimately disappeared. Humanity simply will not be able to progress and become intergalactic, as we haven't learned to cheat, bypass, and work around nature. We refuse to accept it, so we instead just keep coping harder with bluepilled myths and burying our head in the sand - calling people the usual buzzwords (incel, nazi, etc.) if they raise these points.


' , . .View attachment FO02_NPC_Frank_Horrigan.webp

In the Fallout franchise, the world was devastated by a global nuclear war and usage of biological and chemical weapons. Both the radiation and said weapons, whether it was because they had been tactically deployed during the fighting, or just because the containment systems in research and military bases they were stored in failed, spread through the surviving human population like wildfire. Elements of the United States shadow government managed to survive the subsequent nuclear exchange and enacted continuity of government protocols. When they emerged from their fortified installations years later, they refused to intermingle and coexist with the wider population of the wasteland and regarded them as mutants fit only for extermination.

Obviously the Enclave was made out to be evil and was almost comically incompetent, arrogant, and genocidal, and in the end you have to destroy them both because they cannot be reasoned with due to what I described and because of 'muh equality,' but the core ideas and themes this situation brought out in the Fallout universe remain. I admit this section of my post doesn't really matter much and can comfortably be skipped by any reader, but I just simply want to add my own two cents to the discussion. What needs to be done, in my opinion, is the formation of a global sort of blackpilled technocratic "Enclave," or, at least, the formation of such governments in as many countries as possible and the consolidation of their power. Governments that will indeed engage in genetic engineering and ensure the responsible reproduction of their constituent populations, taking careful care to monitor unsanctioned mutants - Genetic Noncompliance Offenders (GNOs) or whatever you may wish to name them - and do whatever it takes to ensure the genetic health of its population and, for those that slip through the cracks, the transhuman augmentation of their bodies in order to level the playing field.

Proper blackpilled governance would consist of, but not necessarily limited to, the following points:
  1. The elimination of any and all genetic disorders, including neurodevelopmental ones, ones responsible for causing excessive neurodivergence, etc.
  2. The elimination of poor looks and ensuring the general population maintains a looks level of around at least 6 on the 1-10 scale
  3. The elimination or, at least, the heavy modification of female hypergamy in order to prioritize personality traits and behavior so as to equalize it or even make it more important than pure looks
  4. The elimination of female infantilism, thawing of Briffault's law, and other evolved traits generally responsible for female aversion to accountability
  5. The establishment of governmental committees, offices, research organizations, and anything else required that will monitor, research, and explore the human genome and any unexpected changes in both it and the environment, allowing the government to predict future potential Gaia-type events - allowing humanity to always be one step ahead (e.g. antibiotic resistance, etc.)
  6. The proliferation of the blackpill on all levels of education, beginning from an early age, yet in such a way so as to enhance morality and strike a balance between collectivism and individualism
  7. Where needed, the containment, transhumanization/modification, or, if necessary, other methods of dealing with Genetic Noncompliance Offenders
  8. The total dismantling of the bluepill, including its associated bluepill ideological-industrial complexes - all ideologies directly associated with it (feminism, modern leftist so-called progressive liberalism, so-called social justice, etc.) and all industries (such as the divorce industry, the cheating industry, the dating app industry, the entertainment industry, etc.) associated with it, including every single thing that links the two together (the ideological-industrial complex as a whole).
These are just my own two cents, and I admit this is a bit of an ideal scenario. I'd love to hear of any thoughts any of you here may have with regards to the issues discussed.
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Will read later; already can tell this is a great post & will hopefully inspire some of mine.
Thank you for the kind words.
Ofc, and fucking BASED Enclave avi; I had a similar one when I first joined.

Ash es enclave Small

Only OGcels will remember
Ofc, and fucking BASED Enclave avi; I had a similar one when I first joined.

View attachment 1129980

Only OGcels will remember
The Enclave is literally based, though I don't personally like their whole 'kill everyone' plan. The better thing to do, imo, would be to reconquer America and get the population on its side, then gradually institute genetic screening, eugenics, genetic engineering, and so on so as to salvage, repair, and improve the American and human genome under a system of more reasonable apartheid. Kind of like the HOI4 OWB Enclave submod, if you've ever played it, where they are indeed reformers but it's a segregationist path rather than the total integrationist and democratic one. The Enclave had the capability to do this, they were just made out to be retards because the games needed a bad guy and what better way to subtly satisfy progressive and liberal audiences (the core demographics comprising artistic ventures, including video games).
The Enclave is literally based, though I don't personally like their whole 'kill everyone' plan. The better thing to do, imo, would be to reconquer America and get the population on its side, then gradually institute genetic screening, eugenics, genetic engineering, and so on so as to salvage, repair, and improve the American and human genome under a system of more reasonable apartheid. Kind of like the HOI4 OWB Enclave submod, if you've ever played it, where they are indeed reformers but it's a segregationist path rather than the total integrationist and democratic one. The Enclave had the capability to do this, they were just made out to be retards because the games needed a bad guy and what better way to subtly satisfy progressive and liberal audiences (the core demographics comprising artistic ventures, including video games).
Plus, they represent patriotic and nationalist values - one of the core pillars, in my opinion, of a healthy and robust society (even though I'm not a burger myself).
Proper blackpilled governance would consist of, but not necessarily limited to, the following points:
  1. The elimination of any and all genetic disorders, including neurodevelopmental ones, ones responsible for causing excessive neurodivergence, etc.
  2. The elimination of poor looks and ensuring the general population maintains a looks level of around at least 6 on the 1-10 scale
  3. The elimination or, at least, the heavy modification of female hypergamy in order to prioritize personality traits and behavior so as to equalize it or even make it more important than pure looks
  4. The elimination of female infantilism, thawing of Briffault's law, and other evolved traits generally responsible for female aversion to accountability
  5. The establishment of governmental committees, offices, research organizations, and anything else required that will monitor, research, and explore the human genome and any unexpected changes in both it and the environment, allowing the government to predict future potential Gaia-type events - allowing humanity to always be one step ahead (e.g. antibiotic resistance, etc.)
  6. The proliferation of the blackpill on all levels of education, beginning from an early age, yet in such a way so as to enhance morality and strike a balance between collectivism and individualism
  7. Where needed, the containment, transhumanization/modification, or, if necessary, other methods of dealing with Genetic Noncompliance Offenders
  8. The total dismantling of the bluepill, including its associated bluepill ideological-industrial complexes - all ideologies directly associated with it (feminism, modern leftist so-called progressive liberalism, so-called social justice, etc.) and all industries (such as the divorce industry, the cheating industry, the dating app industry, the entertainment industry, etc.) associated with it, including every single thing that links the two together (the ideological-industrial complex as a whole).
I have provided some additional information here that I have come up with, including modifications to already-existing points and the addition of new ones:

8. The total dismantling of the bluepill, including its associated bluepill ideological-industrial complexes - all ideologies directly associated with it (feminism, modern leftist so-called progressive liberalism, so-called social justice, etc.) and all industries (such as the divorce industry, the cheating industry, the dating app industry, the entertainment industry, etc.) associated with it, including every single thing that links the two together (the ideological-industrial complex as a whole). I am NOT necessarily talking about destroying religions, spirituality, etc. in an attempt to introduce Reddit-tier soy atheism and materialism - which is actually precisely what is being suppressed here. This will include eliminating the influence of the Frankfurt school, for example.

9. Responsible usage of propaganda and societal engineering: the correct values should be promoted and constant monitoring of the national/global situation in a sociological sense should be undertaken. Promote pro-social activities, such as youth groups, proper socialization, tolerance of diversity (ironically) but in a non-globohomo way (i.e. just because someone's been disadvantaged in some way doesn't mean he should be treated as a subhuman, as this means our society is regressing), etc. This point would be complemented by the blackpill education referred to in point 6 and destruction of the bluepill in point 8.

10. The combination of ALL of the above, and especially points 6, 8, and 9 in order to quash degeneracy and attempts at societal subversion on the nation-wide and, if possible, species-wide scale. This includes layers upon layers of military and civilian intelligence and counterintelligence agencies, security directorates, anti-corruption commissions, law enforcement bodies, etc. operating e.g. massive quantum supercomputers, in addition to the elimination of enemy institutions and organizations (to obviously be classified as terrorist criminal organizations). This will include the termination of pedophiles.
I just noticed, brutal embed failure.
Holy fuck, I thought I am going to write about this, that’s why I registered on this forum in the first place.
But damn man you read my mind. I am happy to find likeminded person.
very high IQ post, especially the end. tbh the only ideology that would fit with what you said would be national socialism since it also tackled the issue with poor genetics and rooting out anything that corrupted the german society (poor genes, feminism, liberalism, extreme individualisim, marxism, etc.)
The reason why there's good traits is because over millions of years, nature has spammed various different types of genetic code and basically had billions/trillions of specimens die in brutal competition to see what random genetic complex would survive.
Darwinism is bs
Life is a giant IQ test. The only people making it out of this dystopian culture are people with a complete desire to LIVE. Like autism level survival. Population exploded due to industrial revolution, allowing dysgenic freaks to stay alive. The elite see the cliff were all headed towards, decided around the mid 20th century to put up a filter. If you can make it thru the LGBT/nigger killers/chemical toxins/etc you deserve to live and will be repopulating in the golden age.

Basically get out of cities and homestead
Life is a giant IQ test. The only people making it out of this dystopian culture are people with a complete desire to LIVE. Like autism level survival. Population exploded due to industrial revolution, allowing dysgenic freaks to stay alive. The elite see the cliff were all headed towards, decided around the mid 20th century to put up a filter. If you can make it thru the LGBT/nigger killers/chemical toxins/etc you deserve to live and will be repopulating in the golden age.

Basically get out of cities and homestead

I see nothing eugenic about these fat neanderthal apes.
Judge overturns suspension of prosecutors in Ted Stevens case - The ...
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I see nothing eugenic about these fat neanderthal apes.
Judge overturns suspension of prosecutors in Ted Stevens case - The ...
They won't do shit. If they do, they'll just shoot a Lazer beam from the moon base and kill them all. They eat shit, consume astroturfed alt media and are super low IQ monkeys.
Right, I don't really want to go into too much unnecessary detail so I'll try keeping this short. After talking to a friend of mine and doing a bit more research on some stuff that he brought up during our discussions, I've come up with some more possible concepts and ideas that may be worthy of us taking a look into.

The inceldom epidemic, aside from the other various factors I've mentioned in my previous must-read post, is also tied in to a whole bunch of other stuff. The first and most obvious issue is that there is presently no such thing on our world as a benevolent blackpilled elite. Why? Because it's rare to find blackpilled yet productive and sociable/non-psychopath people; most blackpilled people (i.e. those who know the truths of this world and how it operates) are very dark triad if successful, or subhuman losers, LDARers, NEETs, etc. You need a mix of high IQ, good and dark triad traits, and an ability to dismantle coping mechanisms without turning yourself into a hyper-materialistic sociopath. We're literally talking about someone who is one in a billion.

We've talked about behavioral sink before in our circles, we've talked about the utopia mouse experiment, but we haven't talked about a few more critical things in detail. I've seen some of them mentioned before, but I'll just go ahead and list them out right now. The things I'm going to be talking about in this post are:
  1. Spiteful mutants
  2. Malthusian curve
  3. Gaia hypothesis
Rampant Dysgenics - Spiteful Mutants
When you give organisms - whether it be during mouse utopia experiments or entire human societies - relatively unlimited resources (at least, compared to the prehistoric times their original genetic code was forged in), you reduce selection pressures in an unprecedented manner. In the past, you'd possess certain desirable traits and lack undesirable ones or you'd die. There's no such thing as a participation medal or trophy in nature; you either die or you do not. You either defeat your enemies and competition, or you are in turn defeated and at the mercy of anyone and anything that overpowers you. What does this mean for us? This means that we're potentially seeing an increase in useless and/or harmful genetic traits/phenotypes/mutations (especially since (((someone))) and their normie pawns are polluting this earth more and more, putting hormones and bullshit in the air, water, food, etc.) due to said reduced selection pressures. Industrialized western nations that make sure everyone, including actual abominations, survive, and shithole third world islamic countries where arranged cousin marriages lead to incel-tier ugly and low IQ men and women reproducing and perpetually spreading actually dogshit genetic material. I also am going to include women settling for oofy-doofies in the west here, because come on. Anyways - people with undesirable/sick genes that would have otherwise died in earlier ages make it to adulthood, and then (decreasingly so, however, due to hypergamy and unlimited female options) go and reproduce on top of that - spreading unregulated genetic material which, in most cases, is detrimental. To put it simply, mutants are produced due to higher mutational/genetic load. The thing is, though, that physical mutations are often correlated with mental ones, leading to runaway individualism. These mutants often have antisocial thought processes, and due to the fact they are mutated are often seen with distrust on a subconscious level - becoming one of the factors, at least, leading them to hate or to at least not be able to identify with their own culture, ethnicity, race, even species (furfags), etc. (an identification which is critical in the formation of stable and adaptable societies). Since they're also not capable of getting power normally, they will almost always sympathize with outsiders as they are evolved to gain power by collaborating with enemies and invaders.

Reciprocally Spiteful Mutants
In my opinion, however, there's also the other extreme opposite end of this where people with really good genes often just stop relating to the majority of the population and consciously/subconsciously see themselves as above it, as something to dominate, use, abuse, and discard when it's no longer of any use - which is what can partly explain a portion of the elites' apparent sociopathy (when referring to the portion of the elite that has the potential to actually be talented and not as nepotistic). The current elite are very much blackpill aware, probably from ancient knowledge thousands of years old (or more), and cynical; they just don't say it to gullible normies. Most blackpillers with power only care about themselves and are evil - why do you think the elites are all about drugs and orgies, Epstein-level pedo rings, human sacrifice and torture, etc.? They are not bluepill personality types, and only their useful idiots and tools/weapons are. Most people who are blackpilled people are high IQ and okay looking, in addition to having very good social connections OR low IQ, non-NT, or other types of losers/dregs of society.

Don't believe me? Just look at what we think of normies. Now take what we think of normies, and apply it to someone who is actually incredibly evil, incredibly motivated/fanatical, incredibly powerful, and not at all afraid of consequences. Yeah, you see the problem yet?

Why is unregulated spreading of various types of genetic material bad?
Because you're essentially winging it when it comes to complex physico-chemical and biological complexes, further amplified by the arguably even more complex effects of sociological interactions. Mutation isn't something like in Marvel movies where you're hit by some radiation and get superpowers, JFL. Most of the time, you either get cancer and die, and in the cases where you do not it's just a random-ass change in your genetic code with unpredictable effects. Programmers here will understand what I'm saying: if I took your code, smashed in a bunch of random letters like "aJJIOHFGDUSADH83H" in, and then tried to run it, what would happen? It won't be able to run at all, cause it's just a bunch of random gibberish. The reason why there's good traits is because over millions of years, nature has spammed various different types of genetic code and basically had billions/trillions of specimens die in brutal competition to see what random genetic complex would survive. The difference now is that we can't just fucking wing it, because our society will collapse and suffering exponentially increase.

In order for genetic material to have specifically positive results, it needs to be changed and structured in very specific ways. Essentially, when it comes to mutation, it's incredibly easy to fuck it up and much harder to improve it/get it to do something beneficial. We are, essentially, at the mercy of nature - and nature has often shown us it's against us.

Malthusianism is the belief that population growth is possibly exponential, but that the supply of food/resources is linear. Essentially, the population growth rate will exceed the growth rate of our resource supply and trigger a population decline; too many people exist and they become surplus to supply - which reduces the individual value of a human being and its bargaining power, especially that of men (since women will always have both an inherent biological and artificial propaganda subsidy to their SMV/DMV and general worth as a human being, though it will also affect them). Look at countries like India, for example, who have such a high population and population growth where it essentially become a cagefight country (as Rehab Room/ITV referred to it as) where people compete for resources like it's the end of the world. Just look at all the scammers coming from India, or people like Sunil Richardson who will agree to any and every risky and delusional plastic surgery JFL. Add in the effects of what I previously mentioned, and you have a recipe for disaster. What's even worse is when they eventually not only become surplus to supply, but start becoming an added strain on the society: it's here they're truly fucked, as the only way to get rid of them is to just either let them starve and die or kill them in a war.

Gaia Hypothesis
The Gaia hypothesis is a theory created by a chemist called James Lovelock and a microbiologist known as Lynn Margulis. The theory states that living organisms interact with their inorganic surroundings on Earth in a sort of synergistic and self-regulating complex system that maintains and perpetuates the conditions of life on the planet. Essentially, humans interact with the environment and vice versa. Normies criticize it for being too teleological (fatalist) and against the principles of natural selection, but viewed through a blackpilled lense it deserves some merit (especially since we know their aversion to fatalism is more or less artificially programmed into them as a weapon).

Combining Everything
I think some of you may know where I and my friend were going with this, but if you don't I'll spell it out for you: humans are still in an ecosystem, and nature also balances things in a civilization just like it does in everything else. Once science grows too much and tech becomes too developed, the percentage of the population with defects grows due to unregulated spreading of genetic material as a result of reduced selection pressures. Right now, we are going above carrying capacity; it's why a lot of us are incel losers and blackpilled, and also one of the reasons why a lot of normies and bluepillers in denial are exhibiting degenerate symptoms (furfags, fags, trannies, etc. who screech and terrorize you if you do not conform to their fucked up and delusional view of reality). Nature finds ways of bringing the number of these muties back to capacity, and, for example, right now inceldom is removing surplus males. Another example is as medicine keeps advancing and keeps too many people alive forever, some plague evolves and breaks through our defenses - wiping out people whose natural immune system was weakened either due to epigenetic or genetic reasons (as in, people with shit genes for dealing with diseases artificially made to survive). Or when people pollute rivers and it makes people gay or sick or whatever, or when scientists cheat diseases and a mental illness plague is regulating the population. People who would have been dead long ago are kept alive due to modern medicine; your average unhealthy genetic trash is alive and passes dogshit-tier genes to the rest of the population.

This shit has probably happened before. It's likely one of the things that, 12,000 or so years ago, lead to the destruction of the civilization who built the pyramids, Atlantis, etc. or something of this order. Perhaps there were also other factors, but nearly all traces of this civilization ultimately disappeared. Humanity simply will not be able to progress and become intergalactic, as we haven't learned to cheat, bypass, and work around nature. We refuse to accept it, so we instead just keep coping harder with bluepilled myths and burying our head in the sand - calling people the usual buzzwords (incel, nazi, etc.) if they raise these points.


' , . .View attachment 1129970

In the Fallout franchise, the world was devastated by a global nuclear war and usage of biological and chemical weapons. Both the radiation and said weapons, whether it was because they had been tactically deployed during the fighting, or just because the containment systems in research and military bases they were stored in failed, spread through the surviving human population like wildfire. Elements of the United States shadow government managed to survive the subsequent nuclear exchange and enacted continuity of government protocols. When they emerged from their fortified installations years later, they refused to intermingle and coexist with the wider population of the wasteland and regarded them as mutants fit only for extermination.

Obviously the Enclave was made out to be evil and was almost comically incompetent, arrogant, and genocidal, and in the end you have to destroy them both because they cannot be reasoned with due to what I described and because of 'muh equality,' but the core ideas and themes this situation brought out in the Fallout universe remain. I admit this section of my post doesn't really matter much and can comfortably be skipped by any reader, but I just simply want to add my own two cents to the discussion. What needs to be done, in my opinion, is the formation of a global sort of blackpilled technocratic "Enclave," or, at least, the formation of such governments in as many countries as possible and the consolidation of their power. Governments that will indeed engage in genetic engineering and ensure the responsible reproduction of their constituent populations, taking careful care to monitor unsanctioned mutants - Genetic Noncompliance Offenders (GNOs) or whatever you may wish to name them - and do whatever it takes to ensure the genetic health of its population and, for those that slip through the cracks, the transhuman augmentation of their bodies in order to level the playing field.

Proper blackpilled governance would consist of, but not necessarily limited to, the following points:
  1. The elimination of any and all genetic disorders, including neurodevelopmental ones, ones responsible for causing excessive neurodivergence, etc.
  2. The elimination of poor looks and ensuring the general population maintains a looks level of around at least 6 on the 1-10 scale
  3. The elimination or, at least, the heavy modification of female hypergamy in order to prioritize personality traits and behavior so as to equalize it or even make it more important than pure looks
  4. The elimination of female infantilism, thawing of Briffault's law, and other evolved traits generally responsible for female aversion to accountability
  5. The establishment of governmental committees, offices, research organizations, and anything else required that will monitor, research, and explore the human genome and any unexpected changes in both it and the environment, allowing the government to predict future potential Gaia-type events - allowing humanity to always be one step ahead (e.g. antibiotic resistance, etc.)
  6. The proliferation of the blackpill on all levels of education, beginning from an early age, yet in such a way so as to enhance morality and strike a balance between collectivism and individualism
  7. Where needed, the containment, transhumanization/modification, or, if necessary, other methods of dealing with Genetic Noncompliance Offenders
  8. The total dismantling of the bluepill, including its associated bluepill ideological-industrial complexes - all ideologies directly associated with it (feminism, modern leftist so-called progressive liberalism, so-called social justice, etc.) and all industries (such as the divorce industry, the cheating industry, the dating app industry, the entertainment industry, etc.) associated with it, including every single thing that links the two together (the ideological-industrial complex as a whole).
These are just my own two cents, and I admit this is a bit of an ideal scenario. I'd love to hear of any thoughts any of you here may have with regards to the issues discussed.
@Fat Link must read?? :feelsaww:
Right, I don't really want to go into too much unnecessary detail so I'll try keeping this short. After talking to a friend of mine and doing a bit more research on some stuff that he brought up during our discussions, I've come up with some more possible concepts and ideas that may be worthy of us taking a look into.

The inceldom epidemic, aside from the other various factors I've mentioned in my previous must-read post, is also tied in to a whole bunch of other stuff. The first and most obvious issue is that there is presently no such thing on our world as a benevolent blackpilled elite. Why? Because it's rare to find blackpilled yet productive and sociable/non-psychopath people; most blackpilled people (i.e. those who know the truths of this world and how it operates) are very dark triad if successful, or subhuman losers, LDARers, NEETs, etc. You need a mix of high IQ, good and dark triad traits, and an ability to dismantle coping mechanisms without turning yourself into a hyper-materialistic sociopath. We're literally talking about someone who is one in a billion.

We've talked about behavioral sink before in our circles, we've talked about the utopia mouse experiment, but we haven't talked about a few more critical things in detail. I've seen some of them mentioned before, but I'll just go ahead and list them out right now. The things I'm going to be talking about in this post are:
  1. Spiteful mutants
  2. Malthusian curve
  3. Gaia hypothesis
Rampant Dysgenics - Spiteful Mutants
When you give organisms - whether it be during mouse utopia experiments or entire human societies - relatively unlimited resources (at least, compared to the prehistoric times their original genetic code was forged in), you reduce selection pressures in an unprecedented manner. In the past, you'd possess certain desirable traits and lack undesirable ones or you'd die. There's no such thing as a participation medal or trophy in nature; you either die or you do not. You either defeat your enemies and competition, or you are in turn defeated and at the mercy of anyone and anything that overpowers you. What does this mean for us? This means that we're potentially seeing an increase in useless and/or harmful genetic traits/phenotypes/mutations (especially since (((someone))) and their normie pawns are polluting this earth more and more, putting hormones and bullshit in the air, water, food, etc.) due to said reduced selection pressures. Industrialized western nations that make sure everyone, including actual abominations, survive, and shithole third world islamic countries where arranged cousin marriages lead to incel-tier ugly and low IQ men and women reproducing and perpetually spreading actually dogshit genetic material. I also am going to include women settling for oofy-doofies in the west here, because come on. Anyways - people with undesirable/sick genes that would have otherwise died in earlier ages make it to adulthood, and then (decreasingly so, however, due to hypergamy and unlimited female options) go and reproduce on top of that - spreading unregulated genetic material which, in most cases, is detrimental. To put it simply, mutants are produced due to higher mutational/genetic load. The thing is, though, that physical mutations are often correlated with mental ones, leading to runaway individualism. These mutants often have antisocial thought processes, and due to the fact they are mutated are often seen with distrust on a subconscious level - becoming one of the factors, at least, leading them to hate or to at least not be able to identify with their own culture, ethnicity, race, even species (furfags), etc. (an identification which is critical in the formation of stable and adaptable societies). Since they're also not capable of getting power normally, they will almost always sympathize with outsiders as they are evolved to gain power by collaborating with enemies and invaders.

Reciprocally Spiteful Mutants
In my opinion, however, there's also the other extreme opposite end of this where people with really good genes often just stop relating to the majority of the population and consciously/subconsciously see themselves as above it, as something to dominate, use, abuse, and discard when it's no longer of any use - which is what can partly explain a portion of the elites' apparent sociopathy (when referring to the portion of the elite that has the potential to actually be talented and not as nepotistic). The current elite are very much blackpill aware, probably from ancient knowledge thousands of years old (or more), and cynical; they just don't say it to gullible normies. Most blackpillers with power only care about themselves and are evil - why do you think the elites are all about drugs and orgies, Epstein-level pedo rings, human sacrifice and torture, etc.? They are not bluepill personality types, and only their useful idiots and tools/weapons are. Most people who are blackpilled people are high IQ and okay looking, in addition to having very good social connections OR low IQ, non-NT, or other types of losers/dregs of society.

Don't believe me? Just look at what we think of normies. Now take what we think of normies, and apply it to someone who is actually incredibly evil, incredibly motivated/fanatical, incredibly powerful, and not at all afraid of consequences. Yeah, you see the problem yet?

Why is unregulated spreading of various types of genetic material bad?
Because you're essentially winging it when it comes to complex physico-chemical and biological complexes, further amplified by the arguably even more complex effects of sociological interactions. Mutation isn't something like in Marvel movies where you're hit by some radiation and get superpowers, JFL. Most of the time, you either get cancer and die, and in the cases where you do not it's just a random-ass change in your genetic code with unpredictable effects. Programmers here will understand what I'm saying: if I took your code, smashed in a bunch of random letters like "aJJIOHFGDUSADH83H" in, and then tried to run it, what would happen? It won't be able to run at all, cause it's just a bunch of random gibberish. The reason why there's good traits is because over millions of years, nature has spammed various different types of genetic code and basically had billions/trillions of specimens die in brutal competition to see what random genetic complex would survive. The difference now is that we can't just fucking wing it, because our society will collapse and suffering exponentially increase.

In order for genetic material to have specifically positive results, it needs to be changed and structured in very specific ways. Essentially, when it comes to mutation, it's incredibly easy to fuck it up and much harder to improve it/get it to do something beneficial. We are, essentially, at the mercy of nature - and nature has often shown us it's against us.

Malthusianism is the belief that population growth is possibly exponential, but that the supply of food/resources is linear. Essentially, the population growth rate will exceed the growth rate of our resource supply and trigger a population decline; too many people exist and they become surplus to supply - which reduces the individual value of a human being and its bargaining power, especially that of men (since women will always have both an inherent biological and artificial propaganda subsidy to their SMV/DMV and general worth as a human being, though it will also affect them). Look at countries like India, for example, who have such a high population and population growth where it essentially become a cagefight country (as Rehab Room/ITV referred to it as) where people compete for resources like it's the end of the world. Just look at all the scammers coming from India, or people like Sunil Richardson who will agree to any and every risky and delusional plastic surgery JFL. Add in the effects of what I previously mentioned, and you have a recipe for disaster. What's even worse is when they eventually not only become surplus to supply, but start becoming an added strain on the society: it's here they're truly fucked, as the only way to get rid of them is to just either let them starve and die or kill them in a war.

Gaia Hypothesis
The Gaia hypothesis is a theory created by a chemist called James Lovelock and a microbiologist known as Lynn Margulis. The theory states that living organisms interact with their inorganic surroundings on Earth in a sort of synergistic and self-regulating complex system that maintains and perpetuates the conditions of life on the planet. Essentially, humans interact with the environment and vice versa. Normies criticize it for being too teleological (fatalist) and against the principles of natural selection, but viewed through a blackpilled lense it deserves some merit (especially since we know their aversion to fatalism is more or less artificially programmed into them as a weapon).

Combining Everything
I think some of you may know where I and my friend were going with this, but if you don't I'll spell it out for you: humans are still in an ecosystem, and nature also balances things in a civilization just like it does in everything else. Once science grows too much and tech becomes too developed, the percentage of the population with defects grows due to unregulated spreading of genetic material as a result of reduced selection pressures. Right now, we are going above carrying capacity; it's why a lot of us are incel losers and blackpilled, and also one of the reasons why a lot of normies and bluepillers in denial are exhibiting degenerate symptoms (furfags, fags, trannies, etc. who screech and terrorize you if you do not conform to their fucked up and delusional view of reality). Nature finds ways of bringing the number of these muties back to capacity, and, for example, right now inceldom is removing surplus males. Another example is as medicine keeps advancing and keeps too many people alive forever, some plague evolves and breaks through our defenses - wiping out people whose natural immune system was weakened either due to epigenetic or genetic reasons (as in, people with shit genes for dealing with diseases artificially made to survive). Or when people pollute rivers and it makes people gay or sick or whatever, or when scientists cheat diseases and a mental illness plague is regulating the population. People who would have been dead long ago are kept alive due to modern medicine; your average unhealthy genetic trash is alive and passes dogshit-tier genes to the rest of the population.

This shit has probably happened before. It's likely one of the things that, 12,000 or so years ago, lead to the destruction of the civilization who built the pyramids, Atlantis, etc. or something of this order. Perhaps there were also other factors, but nearly all traces of this civilization ultimately disappeared. Humanity simply will not be able to progress and become intergalactic, as we haven't learned to cheat, bypass, and work around nature. We refuse to accept it, so we instead just keep coping harder with bluepilled myths and burying our head in the sand - calling people the usual buzzwords (incel, nazi, etc.) if they raise these points.


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In the Fallout franchise, the world was devastated by a global nuclear war and usage of biological and chemical weapons. Both the radiation and said weapons, whether it was because they had been tactically deployed during the fighting, or just because the containment systems in research and military bases they were stored in failed, spread through the surviving human population like wildfire. Elements of the United States shadow government managed to survive the subsequent nuclear exchange and enacted continuity of government protocols. When they emerged from their fortified installations years later, they refused to intermingle and coexist with the wider population of the wasteland and regarded them as mutants fit only for extermination.

Obviously the Enclave was made out to be evil and was almost comically incompetent, arrogant, and genocidal, and in the end you have to destroy them both because they cannot be reasoned with due to what I described and because of 'muh equality,' but the core ideas and themes this situation brought out in the Fallout universe remain. I admit this section of my post doesn't really matter much and can comfortably be skipped by any reader, but I just simply want to add my own two cents to the discussion. What needs to be done, in my opinion, is the formation of a global sort of blackpilled technocratic "Enclave," or, at least, the formation of such governments in as many countries as possible and the consolidation of their power. Governments that will indeed engage in genetic engineering and ensure the responsible reproduction of their constituent populations, taking careful care to monitor unsanctioned mutants - Genetic Noncompliance Offenders (GNOs) or whatever you may wish to name them - and do whatever it takes to ensure the genetic health of its population and, for those that slip through the cracks, the transhuman augmentation of their bodies in order to level the playing field.

Proper blackpilled governance would consist of, but not necessarily limited to, the following points:
  1. The elimination of any and all genetic disorders, including neurodevelopmental ones, ones responsible for causing excessive neurodivergence, etc.
  2. The elimination of poor looks and ensuring the general population maintains a looks level of around at least 6 on the 1-10 scale
  3. The elimination or, at least, the heavy modification of female hypergamy in order to prioritize personality traits and behavior so as to equalize it or even make it more important than pure looks
  4. The elimination of female infantilism, thawing of Briffault's law, and other evolved traits generally responsible for female aversion to accountability
  5. The establishment of governmental committees, offices, research organizations, and anything else required that will monitor, research, and explore the human genome and any unexpected changes in both it and the environment, allowing the government to predict future potential Gaia-type events - allowing humanity to always be one step ahead (e.g. antibiotic resistance, etc.)
  6. The proliferation of the blackpill on all levels of education, beginning from an early age, yet in such a way so as to enhance morality and strike a balance between collectivism and individualism
  7. Where needed, the containment, transhumanization/modification, or, if necessary, other methods of dealing with Genetic Noncompliance Offenders
  8. The total dismantling of the bluepill, including its associated bluepill ideological-industrial complexes - all ideologies directly associated with it (feminism, modern leftist so-called progressive liberalism, so-called social justice, etc.) and all industries (such as the divorce industry, the cheating industry, the dating app industry, the entertainment industry, etc.) associated with it, including every single thing that links the two together (the ideological-industrial complex as a whole).
These are just my own two cents, and I admit this is a bit of an ideal scenario. I'd love to hear of any thoughts any of you here may have with regards to the issues discussed.
Best post I've read here.
tales upon tales
Life is a giant IQ test. The only people making it out of this dystopian culture are people with a complete desire to LIVE. Like autism level survival. Population exploded due to industrial revolution, allowing dysgenic freaks to stay alive. The elite see the cliff were all headed towards, decided around the mid 20th century to put up a filter. If you can make it thru the LGBT/nigger killers/chemical toxins/etc you deserve to live and will be repopulating in the golden age.

Basically get out of cities and homestead
Nice observation with one major flaw

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