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JFL Poltards seething over my thread on misanthropy

Stupid Clown

Stupid Clown

The only good women are the dead ones
Nov 29, 2022
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So I made a post on 4troon out of boredom. The post asks a few simple questions. As expected the comments are full of pure copium.

To start out with you have the typical christ cucks

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Then we have the peak of intellectualism on /pol./ "UHgH actually I've surpassed my primitive instincts because I engage in herd behavior!"

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Ad hominems and desperate attempts to display masculinity. "learn some skills and stop complaining! Grind!"

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Guy responds by questioning how popular I am among "people" because he's such a herd animals that he equates value to popularity. Throws in a few ad hominems as well to epically own me.

Honestly I don't even have the energy to argue with these guys. Doing so is the equivalent of ramming your head against a brick wall. If any of you feel like it you can but I wouldn't suggest doing so
/pol/ was good once, around the 2016 election it was at its peak

Nowadays, it's just foid-worshipers, ethnics LARPing as White, glowies pushing an agenda, etc.

I miss how it once was & the 8chan /pol/
/pol/ was good once, around the 2016 election it was at its peak

Nowadays, it's just foid-worshipers, ethnics LARPing as White, glowies pushing an agenda, etc.

I miss how it once was & the 8chan /pol/
The women worship is ridiculous. Every thread contains gynocentrism or redpill masculinity copers now. Pathetic.
That place is just soyddit now
/pol/ got infected with mainstream retardation and hasn't recovered since
Those 4chan idiots are so crippled by degeneracy they don't even care anymore they'll throw such delusional comments because they know it's over for them as well, but they took the giga delusional coping pill.
I only care to the extent that it would benefit me/serve my own interests, just like every other human on earth does.
Those 4chan idiots are so crippled by degeneracy they don't even care anymore they'll throw such delusional comments because they know it's over for them as well, but they took the giga delusional coping pill.
Idk if they're crippled by degeneracy. The sad truth is that most of them have just never thought deeply about anything. Most people don't. The majority of users on this forum (including myself) only question the game because we've lost at it.

I only care to the extent that it would benefit me/serve my own interests, just like every other human on earth does.
It's sad how /pol/ and conservatives in general have went deep into female worship.

I never thought in 2016 it would be this way where these fuckers ended up being my worst enemies.
I dont see any difference between poltards and the smug right wing yuppies i see in front of bars and shit, they are the same. The only place that's kinda non normie is wizchan and maybe some other obscure image boards i forget the name of
It's sad how /pol/ and conservatives in general have went deep into female worship.

I never thought in 2016 it would be this way where these fuckers ended up being my worst enemies.
Yeah they are barely critical of the current vaginocracy. If anything they agree with it with a weird tradcon simp coomer vibe.
It's sad how /pol/ and conservatives in general have went deep into female worship.

I never thought in 2016 it would be this way where these fuckers ended up being my worst enemies.
Your pals from 2016 are long gone. 2016 4chan is dead. What remained of it (8chan) was shut down by feds. The users that occupy 4chan now are redditors and normies posing and trying to act tough.

I dont see any difference between poltards and the smug right wing yuppies i see in front of bars and shit, they are the same. The only place that's kinda non normie is wizchan and maybe some other obscure image boards i forget the name of
Forums centered around virginity don't attract normies thankfully
Idk if they're crippled by degeneracy. The sad truth is that most of them have just never thought deeply about anything. Most people don't. The majority of users on this forum (including myself) only question the game because we've lost at it.

Makes sense since most people that end up on 4chan are failed normies so they had something to begin with meanwhile for the majority of us it never started. They have something to look back on and smile meanwhile our existence have always been suffering and humiliation for no reason by normgoloids.
Idk if they're crippled by degeneracy. The sad truth is that most of them have just never thought deeply about anything. Most people don't. The majority of users on this forum (including myself) only question the game because we've lost at it.


Makes sense since most people that end up on 4chan are failed normies so they had something to begin with meanwhile for the majority of us it never started. They have something to look back on and smile meanwhile our existence have always been suffering and humiliation for no reason by normgoloids.
Makes sense since most people that end up on 4chan are failed normies so they had something to begin with meanwhile for the majority of us it never started. They have something to look back on and smile meanwhile our existence have always been suffering and humiliation for no reason by normgoloids.
:yes: :yes: :yes:
Forums centered around virginity don't attract normies thankfully
Wizchan did change though and it's kinda sad. Back in the day, just speaking of friedship with normies, social status, or especially of foids and the desire for them was as rare as it was frowned down upon. Disregarding these things completely in an almost organic, non butthurt way - wizards almost being like a different species - was an integral part of the culture, which was pretty based. Of course there were signs of weakness here and there but still, it was different.

I guess with men getting more and more alienated en masse and younger generations arriving this was bound to happen and the site got pretty much absorbed by the blackpill blackhole.
Wizchan did change though and it's kinda sad. Back in the day, just speaking of friedship with normies, social status, or especially of foids and the desire for them was as rare as it was frowned down upon. Disregarding these things completely in an almost organic, non butthurt way - wizard almost being like a different species - was an integral part of the culture, which was pretty based. Of course there were signs of weakness here and there but still, it was different.

I guess with men getting more and more alienated en masse and younger generations arriving this was bound to happen and the site got pretty much absorbed by the blackpill blackhole.
So if went from volcel to incel? Interesting
So if went from volcel to incel? Interesting
Yeah pretty much. I just quickly took a look at it now and holy shit it's grotesque how much it changed. I bet many of the old wizards that must be in their late 30's or older now just gtfo from there and never looked back.
Makes sense since most people that end up on 4chan are failed normies so they had something to begin with meanwhile for the majority of us it never started. They have something to look back on and smile meanwhile our existence have always been suffering and humiliation for no reason by normgoloids.
Many of these communities aren't even failed normies. They're lonely men like us that insist on pretending everything is fine as long as they work hard, women do no wrong and it's all men's faults for struggling socially . Men must always be strong and do everything for a society they even admit is against them.
The greatest curse cast upon man was the other
4chan has completely gone to shit. There is nothing good left to see on that site. Like everything else, it was ruined when the normies came along.
The only semi-blackpilled board left on 4cuck is /r9k/, and even there it’s a minority. Most of those users are trannies and gay crossdressers spreading a psyop, and, of course, /biofem/, aka attentionwhore galore, filled with trannies, simps worshipping them and the odd roaster here and there (always namefags). There are woman worship threads and women “”debating”” incels which sometimes happens there. The whole website is only good for taking a shit on it, especially after they made /lgbt/ into a thing, then the scourge truly befell that website and it started its rapid decline in quality (Also post 2016 when retarded boomers started to infest it, esp on pol)
Many of these communities aren't even failed normies. They're lonely men like us that insist on pretending everything is fine as long as they work hard, women do no wrong and it's all men's faults for struggling socially . Men must always be strong and do everything for a society they even admit is against them.
This is true as well.

4chan has completely gone to shit. There is nothing good left to see on that site. Like everything else, it was ruined when the normies came along.

The only semi-blackpilled board left on 4cuck is /r9k/, and even there it’s a minority. Most of those users are trannies and gay crossdressers spreading a psyop, and, of course, /biofem/, aka attentionwhore galore, filled with trannies, simps worshipping them and the odd roaster here and there (always namefags). There are woman worship threads and women “”debating”” incels which sometimes happens there. The whole website is only good for taking a shit on it, especially after they made /lgbt/ into a thing, then the scourge truly befell that website and it started its rapid decline in quality (Also post 2016 when retarded boomers started to infest it, esp on pol)
It's insane how quickly r9k has deteriorated. Even back in 2021 it wasn't this bad. Now it's nothing but faggotry and attention whores as you stated. I blame YouTubers for milking niche r9k drama that was barely ever relevant for views. Suck a cucked site.
I blame jewtube and other social media for popularizing 4troon. It was once a enemy of soyddit but now most of the users there are soydditors, there are zero based boards there
personal insults, christcucks, and masculinity copers

don't know what I expected before reading the replies
I never managed to get past the verification test.
fuck that shitty shitpost site
The real truth is that all of life is only what we make of it and what we make of it is influenced by which we are able to perceive in the short time we are alive. In your post they all saw something they didn't want to so they condemn you to feel better about their current impression of life. Even under the guise of anonymity they still feel the need to personally prove you wrong despite being as virtually far away from a person as you can be on a forum.
I blame jewtube and other social media for popularizing 4troon. It was once a enemy of soyddit but now most of the users there are soydditors, there are zero based boards there
Yes. 4chan was degraded into a content farm by YouTubers, redditors and Twatter users. The only half decent board is retro games because it doesn't attract the mindless NPCs that fester in every other board.

The real truth is that all of life is only what we make of it and what we make of it is influenced by which we are able to perceive in the short time we are alive. In your post they all saw something they didn't want to so they condemn you to feel better about their current impression of life. Even under the guise of anonymity they still feel the need to personally prove you wrong despite being as virtually far away from a person as you can be on a forum.
4Troon is reddit with slurs. They even have obvious larps too.
Yes. 4chan was degraded into a content farm by YouTubers, redditors and Twatter users. The only half decent board is retro games because it doesn't attract the mindless NPCs that fester in every other board.
Wow didn't knew there was a board of it, i love retro games man not only it helped me cope (because i don't have any high end pc)but i would still be playing those even if i get an gaming pc.
Wow didn't knew there was a board of it, i love retro games man not only it helped me cope (because i don't have any high end pc)but i would still be playing those even if i get an gaming pc.
The only negative to that board is there's a few retards who will attack any thread praising a Nintendo game. Outside of that it's a pretty quality board. Much better than V which is moderated by culture war obsessed trannies
Nice arguments/thread on 4troon

I caged at this random nigga hard :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:
I wonder how much he'd love people and humanity if he was ugly and constantly bullied for his looks
This is true as well.


It's insane how quickly r9k has deteriorated. Even back in 2021 it wasn't this bad. Now it's nothing but faggotry and attention whores as you stated. I blame YouTubers for milking niche r9k drama that was barely ever relevant for views. Suck a cucked site.
Indeed. However, outing the "femboy cult" (yes it was a fucking thing for anyone who doesnt know :feelshaha:) and all the faggots spamming BBC porn and feminization threads on r9k was just the lesser of evil. Yes, zoomtubers made drama about it, on the other hand, it lead to that faggot being doxxed and closing his 'cord server. I'm pretty sure the taint will remain forever, but it's still less bad than it was. I remember when /r9k/ had its catalog wiped by those freaks every couple of days. Straigh up raid type of shit. If Youtubers didn't spread information about it /r9k/ might have been in an even worse state than it is today. Now, I do acknowledge that in the end it's all worth shit all, since the board is still a cancerous shithole, but still. Better than nothing... And you can find the odd incel thread here and there, too. Those are always good.
Modern /pol/ is full of low iq third world monkeys that larp as white nazis, they hate on slavs even tho we are whiter than average Kraut or Britdong. While /v/ is full of sexhavers (with dead bedroom) that eats modern nintendoslop/sonyslop or gachaslop so you can't even have discussion about anything.
Honestly I don't even have the energy to argue with these guys. Doing so is the equivalent of ramming your head against a brick wall.
This is how I feel when I see manosphere dudes/incels arguing with foids, ITtards of what have you.. this is so pointless I can't even force myself to do that, knowing how fruitless it would be. These people are not even fully sentient, they're basically different species, I might as well talk to a pigeon on the street that would be more entertaining.
This is how I feel when I see manosphere dudes/incels arguing with foids, ITtards of what have you.. this is so pointless I can't even force myself to do that, knowing how fruitless it would be. These people are not even fully sentient, they're basically different species, I might as well talk to a pigeon on the street that would be more entertaining.
Very true. You could get the same experience by chatting with an ai bot
Modern /pol/ is full of low iq third world monkeys that larp as white nazis, they hate on slavs even tho we are whiter than average Kraut or Britdong. While /v/ is full of sexhavers (with dead bedroom) that eats modern nintendoslop/sonyslop or gachaslop so you can't even have discussion about anything.
Spot on in regards to V. Most mindless consumer board. They'll call you slurs if you say a mid game isn't a masterpiece. Normies ruin everything
While I never posted on /pol/, it was a funny place to lurk every now and then.

Now it's boring as fuck because there's only three types of posters:

1) low effort contrarian bait spammers
2) unfunny ironybros who are so terrified of looking "cringe" that they never turn off the irony and just say what they believe.
3) the biggest losers who can imagine roleplaying as STOOOOOOOIC "ironpilled" chads.

Also lol @ the romanian loser in OP's post. Even in his autistic fantasy, he needs other men with him to face off against one guy. :feelshaha:
While I never posted on /pol/, it was a funny place to lurk every now and then.

Now it's boring as fuck because there's only three types of posters:

1) low effort contrarian bait spammers
2) unfunny ironybros who are so terrified of looking "cringe" that they never turn off the irony and just say what they believe.
3) the biggest losers who can imagine roleplaying as STOOOOOOOIC "ironpilled" chads.

Also lol @ the romanian loser in OP's post. Even in his autistic fantasy, he needs other men with him to face off against one guy. :feelshaha:
LMFAO. Normies are nothing without their mobs.

All this is spot on. Especially the irony bros and stooooic men. The latter are responsible for how boring the board is now. It's like visiting r/men on reddit. LMFAO

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