Retards on here think Jews push inceldom when all races of man contribute to it. The blackpill is apparent in EVERY human society no matter their race. literally, JUST FUCKING LITERALLY, look at the Greek statues, who did you think made those? Some ripped Greek guy? No a incel, a loser, bottom of the barrel, or maybe a LTN at best. He was only modeling what Chad's genes look like and I know for a fact that sculpter wishes he could have the same body. And guess what? No Jews in sight in ancient Greece.
In other words, soyboys are created by Chads solely because he has better genetics and the soyboy will remain an incel for his entire life (this is how hierarchies in societies are created btw). The soyboy will continue to live this life at the bottom of the barrel because of the Chads, Chadlites, and HTN.