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Discussion Poll: Should Affirmative Action and DEI Policies be Illegal in Western Countries?

Should Affirmative Action and DEI Policies be Illegal in Western Countries?

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Dec 3, 2020
DEI = Diversity Equity and Inclusion
E.g. Women and minorities or LGBTQWXYZ++++++ are given priority in hiring

Today my personal view is that, no, we should do away with these policies and move to a blind interview process and a merit hiring / admission structure.

I’m not completely closed off to the idea in extreme circumstances. For example in the USA following the civil rights movement in the 60s if they wanted to have affirmative action for blacks for a period of, say, 10 years that I can understand.

But what I can’t understand is continuing with the same policies in place basically forever unending when really different groups just aren’t going to give you the same outcome.

I’m a whitey so I’ll use a removed example from myself. If you’re Asian then you’re a minority who’s actively discriminated against in academia and the job market due to no failing of your own. This is because Asians here have a culture of overachievement and generally just work hard compared to other groups. Yet they’re punished in a system like this.

If you’re a straight white male or Asian male in 2023 it is much harder to find a decent job at the moment in no insignificant part due to DEI, affirmative action, and Blackrock.

I’m not ruling out the possibility of some arguments favoring this so let me know what you think. I’ve been wrong before, but seems like all of this just leads to what is effectively discriminatory hiring practices and also people lying on their resumes and applications to say they’re gay or “more than once race” (etc).
for ethnic truecels yes for women fuck no
Yes because it helps women more than anything. Especially white women.

It does nothing to rectify the disparities which it should.
It does little to nothing to mitigate racism aka lookism
Anyone who unironically believes DEI policies can make up towards a more fair process is either corrupt or retarded.
Nope, it's not only discrimination in the other direction, but it is counterproductive to its own goals and sows more racial division. By raising "cultural awareness" DEI ends up making everything more racialized and more stereotyped with less social trust and less casual connection betwren people of different backgrounds.

Also its a waste of resources as a formidable amount of funding and manpower go to this shit nowadays. Better utilized elsewhere
Yes because it helps women more than anything. Especially white women.

It does nothing to rectify the disparities which it should.
My boss is a white woman who was leap frogged into management by “progressive” higher ups since she’s a woman in a nearly all male environment. She does no work at all lol and had been here for I shit you not like 3 months while the guys who were passed over actually do work and were with the company for years
DEI = Diversity Equity and Inclusion
E.g. Women and minorities or LGBTQWXYZ++++++ are given priority in hiring

Today my personal view is that, no, we should do away with these policies and move to a blind interview process and a merit hiring / admission structure.

I’m not completely closed off to the idea in extreme circumstances. For example in the USA following the civil rights movement in the 60s if they wanted to have affirmative action for blacks for a period of, say, 10 years that I can understand.

But what I can’t understand is continuing with the same policies in place basically forever unending when really different groups just aren’t going to give you the same outcome.

I’m a whitey so I’ll use a removed example from myself. If you’re Asian then you’re a minority who’s actively discriminated against in academia and the job market due to no failing of your own. This is because Asians here have a culture of overachievement and generally just work hard compared to other groups. Yet they’re punished in a system like this.

If you’re a straight white male or Asian male in 2023 it is much harder to find a decent job at the moment in no insignificant part due to DEI, affirmative action, and Blackrock.

I’m not ruling out the possibility of some arguments favoring this so let me know what you think. I’ve been wrong before, but seems like all of this just leads to what is effectively discriminatory hiring practices and also people lying on their resumes and applications to say they’re gay or “more than once race” (etc).
It does little to nothing to mitigate racism aka lookism
I wonder if remote jobs where there’s less in person stuff work better for low status ugly guys.
Nope, it's not only discrimination in the other direction, but it is counterproductive to its own goals and sows more racial division. By raising "cultural awareness" DEI ends up making everything more racialized and more stereotyped with less social trust and less casual connection betwren people of different backgrounds.

Also its a waste of resources as a formidable amount of funding and manpower go to this shit nowadays. Better utilized elsewhere
Yeah I think that’s fair. Weirdly it has created a new form of racism where people assume that minority woman only got the job due to their identity politics checkboxes and not because they’re actually qualified — and honestly very often they wouldn’t be wrong given these policies really are in place.
Yes. Attempting to reverse discrimination with different discrimination is still evil discrimination.

And we see the damage that causes when it goes too far the other way with women now.
Affirmative action = getting ugly curries and rice out of college
Anyone who unironically believes DEI policies can make up towards a more fair process is either corrupt or retarded.

It's legalized discrimination of a different kind. "Oh, you're a straight, White male? We don't need more of those. Thank you for your application."
@cvh1991 Brother, you make S-tier threads, but this belongs in lounge. :fuk:
@cvh1991 Brother, you make S-tier threads, but this belongs in lounge. :fuk:
My bad, you’re right I should’ve made it there thinking on it. Can it be moved without nuking the comments? And thanks :feelsYall: Ditto your posts are Elite IQ
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for ethnic truecels yes for women fuck no
So many of societies current problems are downstream of women entering the workforce en masse, them ceasing to fulfill the role of mothers, and them being given political power.

Men and women on average don’t vote the same or support the same policies (though this has changed somewhat due to all the propaganda and feminization of men).

Seriously, before demand was just as high since women and kids still need to consume but wages could be higher given there was a smaller pool of workers — now the labor market is absolutely flooded and the value of labor in general even for well educated people has been ground to dust. The housing market has also in ruins for young people who didn’t get it decades ago.

Women are having way fewer kids now and post feminist societies just stop having children at the replacement level (in part because career women who pursue higher education objectively have fewer to no children and are pickier about who they’ll accept in marriage) and because wages get depressed so only the rich can afford kids. People like Sam Hyde spout this nonsense about how the poor pop out kids like crazy but that’s idiotic because 1) they can’t give their kids a fair crack at a good life usually and 2) many are doing this to exploit welfare loopholes.
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Affirmative action = getting ugly curries and rice out of college
When people realize DEI and AA just means "gays and women"
bey GIF
Yes Affirmative action should be abolished in all western countries
When people realize DEI and AA just means "gays and women"
bey GIF

Anecdotally it does seem like it’s specifically minority women and vocal members of the LGBTQWXYZ++++ mafia are benefiting most in current year.

If one is a minority (not Asian feelsbadman) woman who claims to be gay or trans these companies will keep you on the payroll even if you do nothing and out of fear of lawsuit if they terminate you. That’s how it is where I work currently for example.

I don’t understand this world anymore bros. I don’t even buy that most people claiming to be gay are anymore, it’s just “in” right now and you get lots of built in positive attention and sympathy for it so it’s become a desirable status to have. Well that and the obvious grooming goes largely unopposed in current year and grooming is how these people reproduce.

Side tangent, a huge portion of men find the idea of homosexuality repulsive and frankly disgusting. And this is true in lots of different parts of the world (and leftists have lied about how gay friendly certain parts of history actually were). There’s the study for example where they showed straight men basically have the same response to seeing men kiss as they do seeing cockroaches. And yeah, honestly I do feel that — it’s an involuntary response same as the feeling of disgust people get when seeing bugs and so on. The wokies argue that’s nurture not nature but I disagree. It’s rather the opposite where suppressing those feelings requires indoctrination in most men.

Anyway, if people want to be gay and it doesn’t affect me then fine, but today it does affect me because their propaganda and displays of affection are plastered everywhere, their flag/symbols are everywhere, most gays make their personality extremely overt and flamboyantly gay which is grating (they just have to make sure everyone knows they’re gay :feelsseriously:), and all art such as films and games and comics have been ruined with their propaganda. If they kept it to themselves, private, understood that such behavior disgusts most people, didn’t have a perpetual victim complex (when today they’re one of the most privileged groups), didn’t oppose free speech, didn’t try to shovel illogical bullshit like modern gender/trans/pronoun theory, and didn’t groom kids I wouldn’t dislike most of them so much. But of course the truth is most of them do all or most of those things and thus they’re a group I generally dislike.

Some groups just suck balls on average. I don’t know why companies would ever want to let these people in when what they’ve mostly done is ruin products and you can’t fire them without high risk of a lawsuit since they all think they’re discriminated against despite reality being the complete opposite in western employment.
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My bad, you’re right I should’ve made it there thinking on it. Can it be moved without nuking the comments? And thanks :feelsYall: Ditto your posts are Elite IQ
I can't think of any reason to support it. Even in a hypothetical utopia where it works as intended, it would just mean you're keeping qualified people away. I remember reading a paper that said students in universities that got in tend, in average, to score lower grades and are likelier to drop out. It's just a lazy "solution" to a problem that lays in your local group not valuing education.

All of what I said could just be a cope, given that I'm not in a relatively famous university because I lost my spot due to affirmative action
Obviously. The problem (for normies) is that modern society would collapse if it were. Imagine all brown ethnics being universally excluded from high paying and difficult jobs because it's safer to hire a white, east Asian or jew employee since their average IQ is higher. The whole facade would break and ethnics including me would revolt. Even without explicit affirmative action it's implicitly applied in most white collar workplaces since diversity is always promoted

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