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[Poll] How old are you? Do you feel like it's already over for you?

How old are you

  • 15 and under

    Votes: 2 1.5%
  • 16-17

    Votes: 10 7.5%
  • 17-18

    Votes: 9 6.7%
  • 18-19

    Votes: 21 15.7%
  • 20-21

    Votes: 22 16.4%
  • 22-24

    Votes: 33 24.6%
  • 25-29

    Votes: 23 17.2%
  • 30+

    Votes: 14 10.4%

  • Total voters


Dec 25, 2017
[Poll] How old are you? A lot of incel subjects revolved around age like for example after a certain age it's over. So I'm wondering what ages the incel users are.
Close to 30 and I realised it was over when I was around 14-15.
21, sometimes I feel like I have a few years left in me but I realize that my best years are behind me.
im hoping ill be a betabux at some point. i just need to get a job first and see if girls like me then
23. Knew it was over the moment of my conception.
25, soon to be 26 in a few months.
I'm 27. It's over because I don't want to play the game.
Twisted said:
2 weeks until I’m 19 :(

Literally feeling my youth slip away from my fingers. Man here detest teenagers on this forum but I feel that many of the older guys had the luxury of being bluepilled at my age, ignorance is bliss as they say. I am fully conscious of what’s going on.

Same, I can't even relate to people who have positive social experiences or real good memories from high school and especially elementary school
towncel said:
Same, I can't even relate to people who have positive social experiences or real good memories from high school and especially elementary school

I can't relate either. It was almost entirely a barrage suffering and mockery directed towards me. It's a place of hell for any ugly person or a person who stands out.
Kointo said:
I can't relate either. It was almost entirely a barrage suffering and mockery directed towards me. It's a place of hell for any ugly person or a person who stands out.

In elementary school when we had to go to another classroom for a class I actually got a dopamine rush if I wasn't bullied or mocked in the process
towncel said:
In elementary school when we had to go to another classroom for a class I actually got a dopamine rush if I wasn't bullied or mocked in the process

I got adrenaline rushes when I was mocked.
It never started and never will.
27, I dont really give a shit any more....

It's not over for me.

and I've been blackpilled for twenty years now

I think that climate change-cel is older than me, but he's not really happy with me right now. Hopefully we can kiss and make up.
Im almost 23 and it's fucking over tbh.

Now i have to wait until i grow some balls to end it all.
A Good Friend said:

and I've been blackpilled for twenty years now

I think that climate change-cel is older than me, but he's not really happy with me right now. Hopefully we can kiss and make up.

Hey! Someone my age
I'm 24. It's fucking over for me. After 21 if you're an incel still there's absolutely no hope. Just give up and spend your remaining days rotting away. No girl will want a virgin oldcel, at 22 if you're a cel and old that makes you an oldcel.
23. It's fucking over, i just want earn some money and spent in hookers.
19. Knew it was over the moment I turned 15.
That many kids under 20? You're wasting your lives
Twisted said:
2 weeks until I’m 19 :(

Literally feeling my youth slip away from my fingers. Man here detest teenagers on this forum but I feel that many of the older guys had the luxury of being bluepilled at my age, ignorance is bliss as they say. I am fully conscious of what’s going on.

You can still make it. Don't waste your youth on here.
I'm 26. I just don't see how it's possible to turn this around.
Ayy, love being the old fuck + option at the end.
38. bday was yesterday. i took a hard shit and cried in the bath. its over
Most people here are 18/19 it seems

Shut the forum down.

inceliphate said:
38. bday was yesterday. i took a hard shit and cried in the bath. its over

I know it probably doesnt mean you shit coming from me but happy birthday man.
22, no.

There is still hope for me.
Total Imbecile said:
Most people here are 18/19 it seems

Shut the forum down.

Can you count? There's 34 people older than 18/19 compared to 18/19 and under at 17 people.
inceliphate said:
38. bday was yesterday. i took a hard shit and cried in the bath. its over

Your birthday is one day after mine. That means our parents probably boned on the same day. Well, 7 years apart.
2 months until I'm 18.
Graduating college this semester. It's over.
Graduating HS in a couple of months.
KHHV turbomanlet, practically no interaction with girls, 0 on contact list. It's over
If it's over it's over because you're ugly, not because of your age. 50 year old Chad still pulls.
Almost 20 now. I genuinely think it's over if I'm unable to decrease my skull bone size or replace the mostly scarred face skin. Puberty ruined me overall. Went from a "cute" kid who everyone thought would be a slayer later in life... to a fucking incel in 2 years.
22; I've been catching shit for being an incel since 12. I'm not a framecel, NEETcel, heightcel, minoritycel, dickcel or probably even a facecel. I am marked, though. Somehow these bastards have always seen it; I suppose I have too. It never began. Fuck 'em.
40, going 41 in two months.
I'm way past the expiry date. I think about sui every day but so far haven't had the guts to do it.
19. Need a new brain tbh
Almost 21

its over for me , its has been over since i was 14

FeminismsCancer said:
40, going 41 in two months.
I'm way past the expiry date. I think about sui every day but so far haven't had the guts to do it.

holy shit what keeps going at 40
Pouuop said:
Almost 21

its over for me , its has been over since i was 14

holy shit what keeps going at 40

I'm not a truecel, I used to have sex when I was younger but it was always an uphill battle (never slayed).
It's basically not yet fully accepting that it's over for me now.
I cope with zoosex with female horses.
18. only hope is to find a decent paying job so I can cope with hobbies. still think about roping every day though
so far looks like 53% of people here are 22+. the age some finish college and the start of one of the big over stages.
17, still a little hope
inceliphate said:
38. bday was yesterday. i took a hard shit and cried in the bath. its over

I seem to be the oldest user of this forum. My fellow oldcels are always 38. I'm 41 soon.
22. No, its not over, not yet...
My experiences and a simple look at the mirror. Screams the truth, It is over.
not balding
athletic build
$80k a year

fuck you teenagers around 20.
FeminismsCancer said:
I seem to be the oldest user of this forum. My fellow oldcels are always 38. I'm 41 soon.

I'm 43 soon and still a virgin, despite trying to get sex and relationships.  :(

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