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Serious [POLL] Can people who have had consentual sex in the past claim inceldom, and be accepted as an incel the same way a Truecel KHHV can?

Can people who have had consentual sex in the past claim inceldom, and accepted as an incel t

  • Yes

  • No

  • It depends how old they are and the circumstances they are in.

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Jan 12, 2018
I feel that with all the newsags and sex havers rampaging the forum this needs to be re-iterated that sex havers and KHHV are completely different. Although, I'm open to dialogue if they should be accepted or not. Also, no one go for the 'muh definition of incel' argument, because, you could argue that a female can be incel using muh "definitions" if you tried enough. People I thought were truecel, and people that I liked and defended have been confirmed non virgins to me and it makes me kind of sad. Poll:
I guess so, I think FACEandLMS used to slay when he was younger but he's pretty much a spokes man for inceldom now
It depends how old they are and the circumstances they are in.
if not then escortcels shouldn't be allowed as well. It is a great hypocrisy that those who have sex with escorts daily get to call themselves incels but those who had had sex 5 years ago are considered fakecels.
anyone who isn't black and below 4 PSL provided they're not in a relationship and want to be in one can claim inceldom imo. Bluepilled if you disagree
I'm not sure, afterall the agepill hits everyone, sooner or later.
If you didn't capitalize sufficiently on your good looks in your youth, I can't feel all that bad for it, except if you lost them in some tragic, sudden way I dunno I'm 0 IQ tbh ngl ded srs.
anyone who isn't black and below 4 PSL
kek, ooga booga
No fucking way lol death to all sex havers
The AGEPILL is pretty powerful. As long as they are male and blackpilled, we should accept them.
cope, even this dark subhuman nigger matches with fat thots on tinder

Yes bro, just be 6'4'' additionaly though, but height ain't that important anyway right.:feelsgah:
Also what is this? Some random profile with a couple photos? Where are the matches? Where are actual texts, numbers, and date arrangements?
I'll just fire up some white guy and show the pictures of his profile, like that proves anything.
Portraying fucking fat thots as anything but completely and utterly undesireable.
Of course, looks decline and circumstances change. Maybe they won't be "as much incel" as a kissless virgin truecel for whom it never began but I'm 100% for them being accepted here.
Yes bro, just be 6'4'' additionaly though, but height ain't that important anyway right.:feelsgah:
Also what is this? Some random profile with a couple photos? Where are the matches? Where are actual texts, numbers, and date arrangements?
I'll just fire up some white guy and show the pictures of his profile, like that proves anything.
anyone who claims that landwhale/ugly/black females and etc. don't count belongs on lookism.
Yes bro, just be 6'4'' additionaly though, but height ain't that important anyway right.:feelsgah:
Also what is this? Some random profile with a couple photos? Where are the matches? Where are actual texts, numbers, and date arrangements?
he complained that he could only match with "fat girls" on Tinder under r/tinder, which is where I found the photo

The fact that he gets any matches at all proves that he SMVmog almost all incels on this forum, despite being uglier than a good chunk of them. The only thing the eternal negro has to do to not be incel is mog this 3/10 no chin retard looking goof and he's set. Bbc halo is legit, particularly in countries where they're in short supply like Canada
I'm a Truecel Wizard.
Really, for me it's a pain to talk about normie relationships and stuff, since I've been denied my whole life these simple things (for some). I'm too anxious to talk about sex, ngl. Escortcels, are ok.
anyone who claims that landwhale/ugly/black females and etc. don't count belongs on lookism.
First of all:feelshmm:
I never denied that fucking either landwhales/uglies/blacks didn't absolve you of your incel status.
Second being ugly and being black are clearly different in way that a landwhale is a landwhale ( in most cases, naturally) because of a lazy attitude and a plethora of disgusting unhealthy habits, and I don't see why any reasonably fit (or just not FAT) male should have to stoop this low.
I'm fine with an ugly chick, I'm fine with blacks too (since I'm mixed as well , if I thought any different I would be on the same level as white worshipping noodlefoids), but I cannot tolerate people (especially foids) not living up to their fullest potential looks wise, it disgusts me in way few other things can. Not to say that it's just plain repulsive.
So yes you may not be incel when you fuck a landwhale. But even worse you become a fucking cuck and I'd rather be incel than a FUCKING CUCK.
All of this naturally doesn't imply that I ever had the chance of "ascending" with any of those creatures anyway because I'm a BLACK MANLET, but I feel compelled to add this in just in case you're fishing for ban reasons.
Also where is my discord invite, I messaged you like, ages ago:feelsrope: @knajjd :feelsree:

he complained that he could only match with "fat girls" on Tinder under r/tinder, which is where I found the photo

The fact that he gets any matches at all proves that he SMVmog almost all incels on this forum, despite being uglier than a good chunk of them. The only thing the eternal negro has to do to not be incel is mog this 3/10 no chin retard looking goof and he's set. Bbc halo is legit, particularly in countries where they're in short supply like Canada
This is like cherry-picking, but actually worse since we still don't even have any proof of this guy actually fucking anyone.:feelskek::feelskek:
I literally can't
I literally can't
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I find it funny who the people defending sex havers are...
If you've had sex or any kind of romantic or sexual relationship, no matter how short, you are NOT on the same level as a KHHV truecel.
I'll add that the Blackpill is really hard to swallow, when you're already in the Agepill, at least for me.

Being surrounded by normies, chads and stacies that would bully and ostracize you for your whole life it's difficult to take it, ngl.

Nowadays, I try to find pleasure in simple things. I avoid as much as possible normies/people, can't stand watching stacies and chads or even normies kissing/holding hands in public, I avoid such places and night venues, in general.
It depends how old they are and the circumstances they are in.
anyone who claims that landwhale/ugly/black females and etc. don't count belongs on lookism.
it's so ironic hearing that from the one who facemogs the entire forum
This forum would just turn into lookism.net
Wouldnt want that happening. Im not too fond of most lookism users especially considering that all the ones ive seen were normie tier and even chadlite.
First of all:feelshmm:
I never denied that fucking either landwhales/uglies/blacks didn't absolve you of your incel status.
Second being ugly and being black are clearly different in way that a landwhale is a landwhale ( in most cases, naturally) because of a lazy attitude and a plethora of disgusting unhealthy habits, and I don't see why any reasonably fit (or just not FAT) male should have to stoop this low.
I'm fine with an ugly chick, I'm fine with blacks too (since I'm mixed as well , if I thought any different I would be on the same level as white worshipping noodlefoids), but I cannot tolerate people (especially foids) not living up to their fullest potential looks wise, it disgusts me in way few other things can. Not to say that it's just plain repulsive.
So yes you may not be incel when you fuck a landwhale. But even worse you become a fucking cuck and I'd rather be incel than a FUCKING CUCK.
All of this naturally doesn't imply that I ever had the chance of "ascending" with any of those creatures anyway because I'm a BLACK MANLET, but I feel compelled to add this in just in case you're fishing for ban reasons.
Also where is my discord invite, I messaged you like, ages ago:feelsrope: @knajjd :feelsree:

This is like cherry-picking, but actually worse since we still don't even have any proof of this guy actually fucking anyone.:feelskek::feelskek:
I literally can't

my point was that one can't keep calling himself incel after any such success with a female, reject them or not.

anyone who isn't black and below 4 PSL provided they're not in a relationship and want to be in one can claim inceldom imo. Bluepilled if you disagree
bluepilled if I disagree only because you're a non virgin who claims subhumamity :feelsseriously:
I'm not sure about this one. I'm content with blackpilled people, but I feel like sex havers are more on the bluepilled side of the blackpill spectrum. Sodini types who were once able to get laid but now they can't because they aged subhumanly are ones I'd probably accept on this forum.
People who’ve had sex. especially in their teenage years can gtfo
Anyone who had sex without paying or had a relationship with a foid should be banned from here tbh.
It depends how old they are and the circumstances they are in.
This, and as long as they don't brag, I don't see a problem. I can't entirely relate to them though.
No man, these fakecels can GTFO. They should join MGTOW instead tbh.
So you're saying if this guy defeated all the odds and managed to escortcel for a night he could no longer call himself an "incel"?


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