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Experiment Poll: ban Fat Link?

Ban him?

  • Yes

    Votes: 32 64.0%
  • No

    Votes: 5 10.0%
  • No

    Votes: 4 8.0%
  • No

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters


Disregard my larping efforts. I can't change it.
Dec 29, 2022
nah, ban Broly
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I just want to be able to change my fucking Avi again
No, it isn't lol
It def is compared to EE and many other places (it’s not just my observation). I believe Americans are taught to behave professionally since early life and thats why theor behavior in work places and daily life is so fake.
It def is compared to EE and many other places (it’s not just my observation). I believe Americans are taught to behave professionally since early life and thats why theor behavior in work places and daily life is so fake.
True. If somebody smiled at you on the street in Germany, he either knows you or wants to mess with you. It sounds dark but this system is actually much better than the fake kindness in USA. In Germany you at least know when someone really likes you.
It def is compared to EE and many other places (it’s not just my observation). I believe Americans are taught to behave professionally since early life and thats why theor behavior in work places and daily life is so fake.
I speak from experience, it isn't common. Also, it isn't just smiling. They openly joke around with each other. If the girl in the 3rd (now deleted) thread is the same one, he openly talks about jacking off.

I wouldn't blame you if you don't see the clear IOI's cause you posted BBC porn before to get yourself banned.
True. If somebody smiled at you on the street in Germany, he either knows you or wants to mess with you. It sounds dark but this system is actually much better than the fake kindness in USA. In Germany you at least know when someone really likes you.
American behavior is a by-product of corporate domination. In Poland smiling to strangers would make you a weirdo or even get you badly beaten.
I speak from experience, it isn't common. Also, it isn't just smiling. They openly joke around with each other. If the girl in the 3rd (now deleted) thread is the same one, he openly talks about jacking off.
Maybe youre right.
I wouldn't blame you if you don't see the clear IOI's cause you posted BBC porn before to get yourself banned.
I used to enjoy antisocial behavior but gay niggers aren’t that funny anymore and trolling gets boring.
Nah. I don’t want anime FAGS promoting their foid idols.
No. Who will defeat Fat Ganondorf and save Fat Zelda otherwise? Fat Hyrule needs its hERo.
Kek'd hard at the 3 different no options.
Yes, unironically.

brutal couppill
He's a power tripping shitface. Fucking with people's usernames and avis. He just changed my avi to some curry cartoon character. He needs to call the fuck down and let people post in peace like the other mods do. He's clearly in need of attention and being a .is mod is clearly the highlight of his day.
I'm ambivalent about his behavior. On one hand, he's trolling users for some laughs, and it's not as harmful as it's being portrayed - pretty harmless tbh. On the other, he's setting a bad example for the mods and future mods/admins.
It's bullying, the last place you would want that is on an incel forum, since incels get bullied enough IRL. Laughing at the expense of others' sanity, that's what this is.
@Fat Link Our brocel has a good point. This prank has gone into bullying territory now. Users aren't laughing anymore, they're feeling targeted (because are, KEK).
JFL @ this poll. Butthurt over the avi poll results. :feelskek:

Looksmax moment.
Kek'd hard at the 3 different no options.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand the covert satire within the nuanced artistic merit on display in this thread. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of incels.is' labyrinth of forum lore and metatextual context, most of the humor will go right over a 2022/2023cels' naive little head. Before even opening this thread, scholarly intellectual behemoths such as ourselves recognize it as a direct parody of @Fat Link's now infamous avi poll, which was so utterly contrived and blatantly rigged as to be a spit in the face to any user rational enough to oppose it.
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To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand the covert satire within the nuanced artistic merit on display in this thread. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of incels.is' labyrinth of forum lore and metatextual context, most of the humor will go right over a 2022/2023cels' naive little head. Before even opening this thread, scholarly intellectual behemoths such as ourselves recognize it as a direct parody of @Fat Link's now infamous avi poll, which was so utterly contrived and blatantly rigged as to be a spit in the face to any user rational enough to oppose it.
masstag tranny
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand the covert satire within the nuanced artistic merit on display in this thread. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of incels.is' labyrinth of forum lore and metatextual context, most of the humor will go right over a 2022/2023cels' naive little head. Before even opening this thread, scholarly intellectual behemoths such as ourselves recognize it as a direct parody of @Fat Link's now infamous avi poll, which was so utterly contrived and blatantly rigged as to be a spit in the face to any user rational enough to oppose it.
Stop quoting posts by: @PLA1092
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand the covert satire within the nuanced artistic merit on display in this thread. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of incels.is' labyrinth of forum lore and metatextual context, most of the humor will go right over a 2022/2023cels' naive little head. Before even opening this thread, scholarly intellectual behemoths such as ourselves recognize it as a direct parody of @Fat Link's now infamous avi poll, which was so utterly contrived and blatantly rigged as to be a spit in the face to any user rational enough to oppose it.
It's bullying, the last place you would want that is on an incel forum, since incels get bullied enough IRL. Laughing at the expense of others' sanity, that's what this is.
Nah, some of you guys are just wound way too tight and need very badly to learn to lighten up at least when among friends which is what we all are here ffs. :feelsjuice:
No respect for incels with severe emotional dysregulation that can't handle shit like this. Chad says the same when he bullies incels "it's just a joke bro". Everyone has his own limits of bullshit they can tolerate.
You don’t know what you can and cannot tolerate until you’ve been put to the test. :feelshehe:

Thus far @Broly and all my wonderful test subjects are still alive and well. :feelsokman:

Which only further highlights my intelligence and wisdom. :feelsstudy:

In other words meaning I know what I’m doing and it’s for their own good. :feelsthink:

View: https://youtu.be/_ONb8flonYQ
You can't ban the admin, that's not how it works. :feelsjuice:
He's power tripping. Fucking with people's usernames and avis. He just changed my avi to some curry cartoon character. He needs to call the fuck down and let people post in peace like the other mods do. He's clearly in need of attention and being a .is mod is clearly the highlight of his day.
Yep, he always likes to talk shit about anyone who criticize him because just because he's a mod that we should never offend him.
Extremely narcissistic and egotistical admin, nothing more to say.
True, just because you have certain powers on the forum doesn't mean you automatically warrant our respect, especially if you ban or shit talk people out of your own emotional reasons.
May I remind everybody here that there wouldn't be an incels.is if it wasn't for Fat Link's cleverness that saved this forum website. Everybody forget about that? I haven't. :feelsjuice:
May I remind everybody here that there wouldn't be an incels.is if it wasn't for Fat Link's cleverness that saved this forum website. Everybody forget about that? I haven't. :feelsjuice:
They’re too busy sniffing eachother’s farts to appreciate my epic genius level but I thank you very much for noticing it fellow smart and high IQcel! :feelsahh:
May I remind everybody here that there wouldn't be an incels.is if it wasn't for Fat Link's cleverness that saved this forum website. Everybody forget about that? I haven't. :feelsjuice:
what happened?
what happened?
The previous admin had to leave and we almost didn't have the funds to keep the forum up running due to a Jew York Times article hit piece on us, previous mods and site leaders also left with the previous administration. It was Fat Link himself who saved this forum getting us necessary funding to continue on and this is something this thread clearly forgets it would seem. Incels.is would not still exist today if it wasn't for Fat Link's efforts here. Fat Link brought order out of chaos and brought us back from the brink of nonexistence. Something everybody here should remember. :feelsjuice:
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The previous admin had to leave and we almost didn't have the funds to keep the forum up running due to a Jew York Times article hit piece on us, previous mods and site leaders also left with the previous administration. It was Fat Link himself who saved this forum getting us necessary funding to continue on and this is something this thread clearly forgets it would seem. Incels.is would not still exist today if it wasn't for Fat Link's efforts here. :feelsjuice:
Damn I didn't now the Jew york times wrote a paper on this forum. Do you still have the article link? And tbh I don't know people hate him so much.
Damn I didn't now the Jew york times wrote a paper on this forum. Do you still have the article link? And tbh I don't know people hate him so much.
Basically they used another forum's connection to this forum to shut us all down. I wrote a thread on it which anybody can look up in my post history. And of course, the journalists themselves were all Soros controlled puppets. :feelsjuice:
They’re too busy sniffing eachother’s farts to appreciate my epic genius level but I thank you very much for noticing it fellow smart and high IQcel! :feelsahh:
Perhaps if you decide it is best to do so we could create another voting poll on the anime question, weebs have been around since the very beginning of the internet just as I have been also. Their resentment will pull a wedge on this forum overtime if we don't. Frankly I don't care either way as I'm not really into anime but it might calm current frustrations here if you don't mind me saying so.

Ultimately it is your decision where I'm just trying to calm more recent tensions for everybody on the forum. :feelsjuice:
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Perhaps if you decide it is best to do so we could create another voting poll on the anime question, weebs have been around since the very beginning of the internet just as I have been also. Their resentment will pull a wedge on this forum overtime if we don't. Frankly I don't care either way as I'm not really into anime but it might calm current frustrations here if you don't mind me saying so.

Ultimately it is your decision where I'm just trying to calm more recent tensions. :feelsjuice:
June 1st is their alotted time for this and no sooner my friend. :feelsthink:

Mmm it is the infamous 6 month window so to speak. :feelshehe:

View: https://youtu.be/LzREOvkCtO4

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