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/pol/ Redpill: The Making of an Army



Nov 8, 2017

Someone was super serious when they wrote this manifesto.
Fuck /pol/ and fuck you too.
blickpall said:

Someone was super serious when they wrote this manifesto.

/pol/ is full of this dogma about ""self-improvement"". As if going to the gym and qutting porn is going to do anything if you don't have good genetics to begin with. Fixing your diet (eating plant-based whole foods) may actually help incels. Funny how he didn't mention that.

Hating roasties and degenerates is pretty much the end stage of being redpilled. Being a "hateful neo-nazi" is just following your principles to their logical ends. You would have to be a very very forgiving person not to hate your enemies.
i_a_m_i said:
/pol/ is full of this dogma about ""self-improvement"". As if going to the gym and qutting porn is going to do anything if you don't have good genetics to begin with. Fixing your diet (eating plant-based whole foods) may actually help incels. Funny how he didn't mention that.

Hating roasties and degenerates is pretty much the end stage of being redpilled. Being a "hateful neo-nazi" is just following your principles to their logical ends. You would have to be a very very forgiving person not to hate your enemies.

Can you elaborate on the plant-based whole foods and why that would help incels?
I'd rather be invaded by /pol/ than be invaded by vegans.
Fuck /pol/ and fuck you too.

not an argument.
that's the problem with allowing non-white\non-east asian users on a forum, they usually have no original insights to contribute and get mad if they're called out.
i've come to think of them as not even incels, because being an incel requires a degree of self-awareness that they obviously lack of
oblivioncel said:
not an argument.
that's the problem with allowing non-white\non-east asian users on a forum, they usually have no original insights to contribute and get mad if they're called out.
i've come to think of them as not even incels, because being an incel requires a degree of self-awareness that they obviously lack of

You're thinking of mentalcels. Besides /pol/ sucks dick, and if you defend that crap then you suck dick too. Imagine already being hated by society for being ugly, only to get hated on by fellow incels. It's over for us.
You're thinking of mentalcels. Besides /pol/ sucks dick, and if you defend that crap then you suck dick too. Imagine already being hated by society for being ugly, only to get hated on by fellow incels. It's over for us.

incels are supposed to have the intellectual integrity to face the truth no matter how despicable it is. the fact of the matter is that non-white\non-asian incels are usually pretty retarded, and this is just a fact
oblivioncel said:
incels are supposed to have the intellectual integrity to face the truth no matter how despicable it is. the fact of the matter is that non-white\non-asian incels are usually pretty retarded, and this is just a fact

Fuck off racistcel. :D
Fuck off racistcel. :D

> hurr durr that's racist
you can take a redditor out of reddit, but you can't take reddit out of a redditor
oblivioncel said:
> hurr durr that's racist
you can take a redditor out of reddit, but you can't take reddit out of a redditor

Don't quote me again, I don't wish to communicate with racistcels such as yourself.
oblivioncel said:
incels are supposed to have the intellectual integrity to face the truth no matter how despicable it is. the fact of the matter is that non-white\non-asian incels are usually pretty retarded, and this is just a fact

What are you on about? Where in your post was the fact? If you want to be retarded you're free to do so on /pol/ and larp around. Go race bait on reddit while you're at it too.
Morf12 said:
What are you on about? Where in your post was the fact? If you want to be retarded you're free to do so on /pol/ and larp around. Go race bait on reddit while you're at it too.

do i have to provide you with the countless evidences of pajeets and dindus being unlettered brainlets? just face the music and accept it, perhaps you're the exception that proves the rule
oblivioncel said:
do i have to provide you with the countless evidences of pajeets and dindus being unlettered brainlets? just face the music and accept it, perhaps you're the exception that proves the rule

Yes provide the fact that pajeets and dindus incels are more retarded than you and me. Autism runs free in /pol/ and you seem to imply it's filled with whites.
Morf12 said:
Yes provide the fact that pajeets and dindus incels are more retarded than you and me. Autism runs free in /pol/ and you seem to imply it's filled with whites.

indeed, and that's because only the most sophisticated civilizations achieve a widespread level of autism (white, japanese and chinese). autism is literally the final stage of the tfw too smart
oblivioncel said:
indeed, and that's because only the most sophisticated civilizations achieve a widespread level of autism (white, japanese and chinese). autism is literally the final stage of the tfw too smart

That's cute, a lot of us here had already went through that (I even stayed away from the internet for a month) and nothing much happened.
oblivioncel said:
Morf12 said:
Yes provide the fact that pajeets and dindus incels are more retarded than you and me. Autism runs free in /pol/ and you seem to imply it's filled with whites.
indeed, and that's because only the most sophisticated civilizations achieve a widespread level of autism (white, japanese and chinese). autism is literally the final stage of the tfw too smart

Probably on to something. A lot of the game changing people responsible for our biggest advances in technology, culture and understanding as a civilisation were likely autist/aspie. Its pretty depressing when you're autist/aspie and have no special talents.
Morf12 said:
Yes provide the fact that pajeets and dindus incels are more retarded than you and me. Autism runs free in /pol/ and you seem to imply it's filled with whites.

I'm glad there's incels like you to stand up for what's right. There should be a rule for incels targeting other incels.
I'm glad there's incels like you to stand up for what's right. There should be a rule for incels targeting other incels.

Race bait threads especially the constant shitting on south asian incels can get pretty annoying. If people want an incel community to shit on minorities constantly they should just go to /pol/ and LARP freely. These threads starting popping up on /r/incels when /r/altright got banned and I saw it a mile away.
Morf12 said:
Race bait threads especially the constant shitting on south asian incels can get pretty annoying. If people want an incel community to shit on minorities constantly they should just go to /pol/ and LARP freely. These threads starting popping up on /r/incels when /r/altright got banned and I saw it a mile away.

I appreciate it a lot buddy. Those threads are annoying and seeing them posted with a higher frequency than usual is also weird. But I completely agree with you.
I appreciate it a lot buddy. Those threads are annoying and seeing them posted with a higher frequency than usual is also weird. But I completely agree with you.

No problem man. We're all unwanted brothers here.

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