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PLEASE stop comparing Inceldom to Prison. I was in Jail.

Lol no. I'm not tough.

In fact, I wigged out and started slamming against a wall. The sadistic guards were laughing and making fun of me. They talk to each other all day out there. A lot of it involves how much they hate inmates. Serious.
All the stories you hear about prison guards suggests they are sadistic and get pleasure from inmates harming each other tbh
In my case, they were reading the report of how the cop creatively added charges to fuck me up. In the end, I legally went after that cop.

What saved me was I could tell through the wall and talk to a guy up on a drug charge.

If you could spend 48 hours in solitary, a 12 foot by appx 6 foot cell,. You'd kiss the ground when you got out
For real. But that doesn't mean you should completely accept and be happy with the life you have.
That's often directed at incels "life could be worse, now suck it up. Forget about other people messing with you and focus on you."
No we have a right to complain. This sort of counterfeit thugmaxxed mentality and blaming the victim is part of the reason we are in this mess. Such mentalities didn't use to be so common before the late 20th century.

It's a slave mentality.
Ignore the trolls, prison is definitely worse. A lot of people are acting tough in here but would break down crying going through a day of what you went through
I can buy this. I used to think prison wouldn't be bad, but I'm relatively free to move as I please. I even hated the restrictions of basic training. We joke about us being alone anyway, but we have access to food and internet even as neets. Being stuck in a closet would get old real quick. Maybe the first day at most you'd be cocky.
I haven't been here for a month or two
Nah like a year ago. I went in February 2019 came out October Halloween time. idk, maybe I will go and Elab on it. Make an exposé on their bullshit and how they let very obvious breaches of state regulation go through (shit on the walls, gay sex(consensual but there might’ve been coercion?) cruel/unusual punishments, lying about what the program was, breaches of religious rights and dissolving of the right to not be attacked based on religion because it’s a Christian oriented program etc.)
Nah like a year ago. I went in February 2019 came out October Halloween time. idk, maybe I will go and Elab on it. Make an exposé on their bullshit and how they let very obvious breaches of state regulation go through (shit on the walls, gay sex(consensual but there might’ve been coercion?) cruel/unusual punishments, lying about what the program was, etc.)
Ye fam u should definitely make a new thread on everything that happened?

Were they actually any good in resolving your problem?

And how did you end up there exactly? Did ur mom snitch on u or did da police catch u doin drugs?
Ye fam u should definitely make a new thread on everything that happened?

Were they actually any good in resolving your problem?

And how did you end up there exactly? Did ur mom snitch on u or did da police catch u doin drugs?
Nah it didn’t do shit. Came out the exact same as I came in. Literally nothing changed in my mindset really. I got in there after (I think) a cashier at the store snitched me out for being high and they told me it was either jail or Court ordered rehab stay away program.
Nah it didn’t do shit. Came out the exact same as I came in. Literally nothing changed in my mindset really. I got in there after (I think) a cashier at the store snitched me out for being high and they told me it was either jail or Court ordered rehab stay away program.

1. What a cunt for snitching on you. She probably wouldn'tve done it if you were a chad

2. How bad was the drug? If it was only weed then that's fucking retarded

1. What a cunt for snitching on you. She probably wouldn'tve done it if you were a chad

2. How bad was the drug? If it was only weed then that's fucking retarded
No it wasn’t weed I got fucked over for meth I thought everyone already knew this to an extent when I went on the podcast thingy and then when they tried to get me to do that felony probation interview a while ago. There were a few pot only guys there though which was fucked up because the minimum time there is 9 months if you do good. Some guys also got sent there voluntarily though and checked in voluntarily for not that bad stuff (weed porno etc.)
The book catch me if you can, pretty much demonstrates the difference between french prison, and swedish prison.
Those countries are pretty much shitholes. Especially France; Not a fair comparison to the other prisons OP. I think in Holland you can get video games and shit look at this pic. I'm pretty sure you can buy an xbox and ps4 out of commissary or you're given it for free

I heard it's similar in Sweden but they changed to adapt to the mudslims

This cell probably mogs/is better than a bunch of the homes third world incels on here live in
And by the way. Pic in the link is a "shitty cell" LOL
I got fucked over for meth
Mogs frail tbh. I don't mean to be intrusive but does meth affect you like it does with normalfags? AKA fucks up your skin and makes you look like a fish and shit considering your condition
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No it wasn’t weed I got fucked over for meth I thought everyone already knew this to an extent when I went on the podcast thingy and then when they tried to get me to do that felony probation interview a while ago. There were a few pot only guys there though which was fucked up because the minimum time there is 9 months if you do good. Some guys also got sent there voluntarily though and checked in voluntarily for not that bad stuff (weed porno etc.)
Meth? Wtf Jesus. How do you even get into that? I don't even smoke weed and even if I wanted to smoke weed I would have no idea where to get it from?
Meth? Wtf Jesus. How do you even get into that? I don't even smoke weed and even if I wanted to smoke weed I would have no idea where to get it from?
Usually I seperate drugs into 2 categories: school and nonschool. School drugs are drugs you can get from guys at school which is weed to ecstasy and acid and coke. No school drugs are shit like crack and all that. If you want weed garuntee people have it at the school you’re at, it’s not that hard to find you’ve just gotta be ballsy enough to ask. Although the best way is to know a guy who knows the dealer. I just got lucky because I sort of knew the druggies from middle school (Although I wouldn’t say we were friends.)
Mogs frail tbh. I don't mean to be intrusive but does meth affect you like it does with normalfags? AKA fucks up your skin and makes you look like a fish and shit considering your condition
The skin shit happens with a lot of use. I’m not some 20 year meth addict with rippled skin or anything, although my sense of smell is not very good anymore and my gums are sub-par. When I went into the rehab I apparently had just awful purplish black gums but it looks way better now and it could’ve been just because I wasn’t brushing. hell I knew a worker in my rehab who did it for like 30 years and he didn’t even look that bad except for his teeth and his nose which you could put a paper clip through. Part of me does think the fishy skin and zombie look is fear mongering to scare off kids from doing it which makes sense.
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worker in my rehab who did it for like 30 years and he didn’t even look that bad except for his teeth and his nose which you could put a paper clip through.
damn mogs like 99% of the meth users
damn mogs like 99% of the meth users
That just makes me think it’s fear mongering. I mean he looked terrible especially his dental health but was also in his 60’s or he was 70 on the dot and for that age he didn’t really look all too bad. Especially for someone still working at a retirement age. It was kinda weird to see him actively working a kinda base level job despite being so old. Like a McDonald’s Or Walmart worker being old. He was seen as an asshole though by everyone and was by far the victim of the most sperg outs although I didn’t have any problems with him that I can remember.
The book catch me if you can, pretty much demonstrates the difference between french prison, and swedish prison.
so you went to jail in France? They don't seem as rapey as Latin or Burger prison
so you went to jail in France? They don't seem as rapey as Latin or Burger prison
To find out how anti male on average a country and the people in it are, see how they treat male prisoners of any kind.
No surprise that sites against misandry are commonly visited by a lot of males in angle countries, anglo influenced countries (India) and Latin American countries.
stop complaining bro children in africa are starving.

this is the level of iq this post is.
Prison Corrections officers. In my limited experience, they're the dregs of people who couldn't make it as a cop.

They have zero compassion.

They despise inmates. They think you're a druggie addict, even if you have never used.

A few are sociopaths.
so you went to jail in France? They don't seem as rapey as Latin or Burger prison
French cultural history does not acknowledge rehabilitation.

It's strictly designed to punish criminality.

Dungeons, no light, no books, no medical care.
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I thought prisons were supposed to make people hardened not little bitches
I've never been to jail, but I'd rather be a free incel than ever go to jail.
I've never been to jail, but I'd rather be a free incel than ever go to jail.
You may never have considered, but it's fairly easy to find yourself in jail.

Drinking driving. Accused of sexual harassment. Getting in a public fight. Raising your voice to a foid. Accidentally walking out of walmart with something.

Yada yada
I've never been in prison ever so idk
You may never have considered, but it's fairly easy to find yourself in jail.

Drinking driving. Accused of sexual harassment. Getting in a public fight. Raising your voice to a foid. Accidentally walking out of walmart with something.

Yada yada
Police state tbh
And VAWA made it worse
@Fat Link @GreaseCel @Uggo Mongo
Spend majority of my days in my room and haven't talked to anyone else in weeks. Pretty much just sleep and eat. I don't even watch tv or play games. My life honestly isn't much different, other than the fact I can go outside
Yeah except you know that you have to option to leave your room anytime you want. When you're in solitary there is absolutely zero hope of seeing the outside world again. Being trapped inside concrete walls will make anyone go insane.
Sorry to hear you got triggered so much. Hope your jailwife massages you tonight with her big hands and calms you down
Inceldom is comparable to prison. Actually some prisons are superior our lives, such as Norwegian prisons where they have TV, comfy beds and decent food. That sounds about equal you say? Well, add no responsibilities to that. They get to relax every day with no pressure whatsoever while many of us have to struggle IRL.
He's probably talking about actual prison, though. Not European prisons. In a lot of European countries prison is a reward given to people who aid the government in committing crimes against their populace. Outside of Europe, prison is used as a punishment.
jfl at incels who say that being in jail is nothing
I would probably suffer more from the PTSD tbh
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Wow An ex-convict Incel, At least you earn some street creds. Perhaps you are not an Incel.
I was charged with obstruction in Utah as a result of refusing to talk to a cop, and confess to a misdemeanor.

I legally energized the whole town of 50,000 to fire the cop.

I naively actually REQUESTED to be in solitary, citing a medical condition, thinking I'd just lay around and sleep.

2 days later I had not left the cel. No tv no books, nothing.

Trust me, I would have tried to harm myself if I'd had to go 5 .
Wtf. You could totally refuse to talk to cops. Was the 2 days in solitary your entire sentence or did you do the rest in general population?
jfl at incels who say that being in jail is nothing
I would probably suffer more from the PTSD tbh
I don't doubt it tbh
Sending incels to prison alive is one of the worst things you can do to them after a lifetime of all the bullying they've experienced.
Which is exactly why people that hate incels want to see them rotting in prison.
Wow An ex-convict Incel, At least you earn some street creds. Perhaps you are not an Incel.
Cope. No prison time for your face.
Boyos, being alone sucks. But Prison is horrific.

I was in solitary confinement myself. Granted I wasn't a lifer, but I got the idea fast.

Solitary is claustrophobic. THATS beyond scary. It's NOT the absence of somebody to talk to. It's the claustrophobia.

As an Incel, life is hard. But Prison is 8 billion times worse.

Any prisoner looking at more than 1 year inside, would GLADLY trade places with you.

Please stop comparing
Word bro.
I got 5 months in solitary confinement out of a 1 year sentence.
It was more than 30 years ago but I still remember desperately looking for a hole in the wall to see some sunlight or even see a glimp of the street.
When I finally got out I couldn't remember my old life anymore. I was just blanked out. But I made a promise to never go back there. I'd rather die first.
Boyos, being alone sucks. But Prison is horrific.

I was in solitary confinement myself. Granted I wasn't a lifer, but I got the idea fast.

Solitary is claustrophobic. THATS beyond scary. It's NOT the absence of somebody to talk to. It's the claustrophobia.

As an Incel, life is hard. But Prison is 8 billion times worse.

Any prisoner looking at more than 1 year inside, would GLADLY trade places with you.

Please stop comparing
You can't just make a post like that and not elab
Completely depends on country. I’d love a comfy cell while draining normie taxes
if this post is true
the difference is, that you got yourself in that situation, we didnt, we were born into it and will suffer for the rest of our.. FUCKING LIFE
Word bro.
I got 5 months in solitary confinement out of a 1 year sentence.
It was more than 30 years ago but I still remember desperately looking for a hole in the wall to see some sunlight or even see a glimp of the street.
When I finally got out I couldn't remember my old life anymore. I was just blanked out. But I made a promise to never go back there. I'd rather die first.
Wow. I simply have no idea how you survived that mentally.

Or IF you survived it
Wtf. You could totally refuse to talk to cops. Was the 2 days in solitary your entire sentence or did you do the rest in general population?
See,,,,,you can remain silent, and take the fifth.

BUT this infuriates cops.

So.....they simply charge you with obstruction......

Which you go to jail for....

And will beat the charges, but pay a fine....

So they WIN.

In this case I went after the cop legally, and tried to make him famous.......

Lolzzzz trust me, they really don't like seeing their name plastered all over town legally.

I used a court appointed Attorney. We pled it out. You'd never risk going to trial.
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That is very true, prison is much worse than average incelcom life, this should't even be discussed tbh as it is so fucking obvious.
Anyways, good to see you out here with us than being inside real physical bars and walls.
Yeah except you know that you have to option to leave your room anytime you want. When you're in solitary there is absolutely zero hope of seeing the outside world again. Being trapped inside concrete walls will make anyone go insane.
Thank you for repeating what I just said
It's not comparable. You were thrust in an unfamiliar environment involuntarily with no idea how long you would be stuck there for.
I guarantee if you asked some gangbanger/career criminal if they would rather never have sex ever again and be released immediately or have to finish their sentence I guarantee you the majority would choose to finish out their sentence. Niggas literally turn prison gay from lack of sex.
I believe you. If I had the choice of taking a bullet to the neck or doing five years in prison, I'd choose death.
Greycel tier post
Says the greyest of greycels
OP is on point, I have spent time during a meditation retreat where 10 hours meditation was expected. And for the first few days was horrible. I expect prison would be similarly bad.

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