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Serious please help me, how do i deal with this?



Sep 22, 2023
there is this popular guy in my class, he asked to borrow my calculator during a test and i gave it to him. i was wondering where my calculator is and someone informed me that he broke it. :feelsseriously:
i looked at him and asked him if it was true and he said "yeah, im sorry i dropped it when i was using it and it broke. im sorry"
i wasnt even mad that he broke my calculator because i hardly use it, i was mad that he went behind my back and decided not to tell me personally that he broke it and im tired of people fucking doing that annoying shit to me.

its been two days already, i havent said shit. but im thinking of getting 12 bucks from him (which is extremely a large amount of money where im from) i may decrease it to 10 dollars.
but then again, when i told people i was an athiest he said he wanted to slap me. and when i asked him to help me cheat on my test he said hed charge me by the hour.
im thinking of confronting him privately tomorrow and giving him a deadline to give me the money. i want to jokingly say
"if you dont get me that money by friday, ill make sure your other arm gets broken"
because his arm is broken, which is why he dropped the calculator in the first place.
i need to learn to stand up for myself and talk when i want to talk when something bothers me and not be afraid of people hating me. the pushover mindset is literally a survival instinct for weaker animals to suck up to stronger ones to prevent getting injured/harmed, or even killed.
but i need to snap out of this fucking mindset because i am not weak. im literally 5'10, im fucking 220 pounds and this guy is shorter than me and ways around 120 pounds. wtf is my issue?
there is this popular guy in my class, he asked to borrow my calculator during a test and i gave it to him. i was wondering where my calculator is and someone informed me that he broke it. :feelsseriously:
i looked at him and asked him if it was true and he said "yeah, im sorry i dropped it when i was using it and it broke. im sorry"
i wasnt even mad that he broke my calculator because i hardly use it, i was mad that he went behind my back and decided not to tell me personally that he broke it and im tired of people fucking doing that annoying shit to me.

its been two days already, i havent said shit. but im thinking of getting 12 bucks from him (which is extremely a large amount of money where im from) i may decrease it to 10 dollars.
but then again, when i told people i was an athiest he said he wanted to slap me. and when i asked him to help me cheat on my test he said hed charge me by the hour.
im thinking of confronting him privately tomorrow and giving him a deadline to give me the money. i want to jokingly say
"if you dont get me that money by friday, ill make sure your other arm gets broken"
because his arm is broken, which is why he dropped the calculator in the first place.
i need to learn to stand up for myself and talk when i want to talk when something bothers me and not be afraid of people hating me. the pushover mindset is literally a survival instinct for weaker animals to suck up to stronger ones to prevent getting injured/harmed, or even killed.
but i need to snap out of this fucking mindset because i am not weak. im literally 5'10, im fucking 220 pounds and this guy is shorter than me and ways around 120 pounds. wtf is my issue?
now or never livin' on a prayer
Cuck problems
where are you from?
It never began for calculatorcels :feelsrope:

Never borrow your calculator to normies. I tried beating the sht out of a cnt that sharpened my pen to useless but I got chased after a gang of guys after school :feelscry:
Don't say it jokingly he will dismiss you be firm when you talk to him
Here are some truecel rules:

Never give anything if anyone asks you of something
Never oblige anyone, with homework or notes, opening a door, picking up their pencil when they dropped it or help them carry something heavy or any other "small" favor
Never smile at, laugh with or engage with a normie, if they try to banter, nod and walk away, if they try to rile you up, nod and walk away, they are playing by different rules of socialization then you

Learn to be comfortable alone, sitting like an outcast with earbuds in and some good music or a podcast on like I have done for years now, it is far better then being around scum that only use you for amusement or favors, and it doesn't leave you tired after a day of chatting bullshit ontop of work.
homer simpson fight GIF
Ask him to pay you when he's not around others. God is watching him so he should do whats right!
there is this popular guy in my class, he asked to borrow my calculator during a test and i gave it to him. i was wondering where my calculator is and someone informed me that he broke it. :feelsseriously:
i looked at him and asked him if it was true and he said "yeah, im sorry i dropped it when i was using it and it broke. im sorry"
i wasnt even mad that he broke my calculator because i hardly use it, i was mad that he went behind my back and decided not to tell me personally that he broke it and im tired of people fucking doing that annoying shit to me.
Normal Situation
(which is extremely a large amount of money where im from) i may decrease it to 10 dollars.
but then again, when i told people i was an athiest he said he wanted to slap me. and when i asked him to help me cheat on my test he said hed charge me by the hour.
Chaotic Situation

This made my Head spin.

(I have no idea what to do in your situation)
be strict but polite, intimidating but chill, gentlemanmaxx
You getting beaten
Don't say it jokingly he will dismiss you be firm when you talk to him
okay so be serious when i say it?
Here are some truecel rules:

Never give anything if anyone asks you of something
Never oblige anyone, with homework or notes, opening a door, picking up their pencil when they dropped it or help them carry something heavy or any other "small" favor
Never smile at, laugh with or engage with a normie, if they try to banter, nod and walk away, if they try to rile you up, nod and walk away, they are playing by different rules of socialization then you

Learn to be comfortable alone, sitting like an outcast with earbuds in and some good music or a podcast on like I have done for years now, it is far better then being around scum that only use you for amusement or favors, and it doesn't leave you tired after a day of chatting bullshit ontop of work.
dude whenever i sit alone, they come up to me and ask me why im alone. im gonna start pretending to read or bring my ipad to school (even though we arent allowed) and start listening to music. this is GOLD tier fucking rules.
Don't say that if he's popular and has friends. His friends might beat the shit out of you and nobody would snitch due to him being popular. Just ask him if he will pay you back. If he says no, then don't talk to him anymore (ghost him) and reject him aggressively when he ask you for something. Tell him to piss off or something when he ask for favours. If he tries to fight you, make sure he hits you infront of the teacher/s so you can easily justify why you beat his ass (in Minecraft) as you didn't start it
thanks man. :feelsbadman: another truecel L
be strict but polite, intimidating but chill, gentlemanmaxx
if he broke it he should pay for it. End of story. If he doesnt snatch his phone and keep it as colaterall lol. Let it escalate
Try to get him to buy you a new one or give you the money. If possible go to any authoritative body or your parents for help. We are incels and have limited emotional/material resources so try to be more careful in the future. If someone wants to borrow items/money from you always think if its mutually beneficial. Would this guy help you out if you needed it? If he doesn't give you the money for a replacement then you know the answer.
if he broke it he should pay for it. End of story. If he doesnt snatch his phone and keep it as colaterall lol. Let it escalate
yeah youre right bro, i cant take his phone because we arent allowed to bring them to school
Try to get him to buy you a new one or give you the money. If possible go to any authoritative body or your parents for help. We are incels and have limited emotional/material resources so try to be more careful in the future. If someone wants to borrow items/money from you always think if its mutually beneficial. Would this guy help you out if you needed it? If he doesn't give you the money for a replacement then you know the answer.
yeah he wouldnt jfl unless i paid him
there is this popular guy in my class, he asked to borrow my calculator during a test and i gave it to him. i was wondering where my calculator is and someone informed me that he broke it. :feelsseriously:
i looked at him and asked him if it was true and he said "yeah, im sorry i dropped it when i was using it and it broke. im sorry"
i wasnt even mad that he broke my calculator because i hardly use it, i was mad that he went behind my back and decided not to tell me personally that he broke it and im tired of people fucking doing that annoying shit to me.

its been two days already, i havent said shit. but im thinking of getting 12 bucks from him (which is extremely a large amount of money where im from) i may decrease it to 10 dollars.
but then again,
it's over for you. Your mistake was giving him the calculator at all. Your second mistake was not acting immediately. The window of time has already expired.
when i told people i was an athiest he said he wanted to slap me.
Nigga what?? How did it come up??
Are you that autistic you make your atheism a core trait of your personality?
Like you're double retarded if you did this in a heavily religious area, no one cares you're atheist in the first place, even then, why would you try to make yourself special by telling them?

and when i asked him to help me cheat on my test he said hed charge me by the hour.
That was obviously a joke if there wasn't anything else ur obscuring. You were meant to play along and give him an obviously false proposal to not be charged. Even if he seriously wanted to charge you you could just report to the teacher and kamikaze.

im thinking of confronting him privately tomorrow and giving him a deadline to give me the money. i want to jokingly say
"if you dont get me that money by friday, ill make sure your other arm gets broken"
because his arm is broken, which is why he dropped the calculator in the first place.
i need to learn to stand up for myself and talk when i want to talk when something bothers me and not be afraid of people hating me. the pushover mindset is literally a survival instinct for weaker animals to suck up to stronger ones to prevent getting injured/harmed, or even killed.
but i need to snap out of this fucking mindset because i am not weak. im literally 5'10, im fucking 220 pounds and this guy is shorter than me and ways around 120 pounds. wtf is my issue?
Your issue is that you're trying to harm someone smaller weaker and with a fucking broken army lol.
Stand up for yourself correctly.
If you try to pull up to him and act tough, you will appear like a total bitch cause we know you would, and most importantly, he has friends that WILL jump you for messing with a guy that has a broken arm and you'll get expelled cause there is no way the teachers side with you.
it's over for you. Your mistake was giving him the calculator at all. Your second mistake was not acting immediately. The window of time has already expired.

Nigga what?? How did it come up??
Are you that autistic you make your atheism a core trait of your personality?
Like you're double retarded if you did this in a heavily religious area, no one cares you're atheist in the first place, even then, why would you try to make yourself special by telling them?
first of all, they asked me if i was religious and i said no. these niggers were on my ass trying to CONVERT me to Christianity. insane cult retards jesus fuck. i had to make it heavily clear that i was not interested.

That was obviously a joke if there wasn't anything else ur obscuring. You were meant to play along and give him an obviously false proposal to not be charged. Even if he seriously wanted to charge you you could just report to the teacher and kamikaze.

i cant take jokes nigga im incel

Your issue is that you're trying to harm someone smaller weaker and with a fucking broken army lol.
Stand up for yourself correctly.
If you try to pull up to him and act tough, you will appear like a total bitch cause we know you would, and most importantly, he has friends that WILL jump you for messing with a guy that has a broken arm and you'll get expelled cause there is no way the teachers side with you.
god im just going to give him silent treatment. hes the class jester, i wont laugh at any of his jokes.
god im just going to give him silent treatment. hes the class jester, i wont laugh at any of his jokes.
Idk how to respond to this formating so I'll just split my answers.

1. You want to refrain from being a super reddit atheist in public. Even though I'm Christian myself I'm not telling you to go along with everything they say, but atleast feign an open mind. You don't need to alienate yourself from all your classmates by being an extremist.
"I hadn't thought about it that way."
"I'll think about it."
"Thanks, I'll consider but I still wanna figure out things by myself".
It's that easy.
2. Start observing normies to figure out how to replicate them, if you're still so autistic you couldn't figure out that one. It's not too hard to blend in with the normies after abit of trial and error and mimicking, my specific advice is to keep some minor attention to local sports so you aren't just lost when that conversation inevitably comes.
3. Yes don't make this harder, don't interact with him, but don't refrain from interacting with him when needed, if you pretend he's just never there when he tries to talk with you it will be weird. Don't give him leeway to fuck with you and entertain him as long as you need to.
Don't help normies.
there is this popular guy in my class, he asked to borrow my calculator during a test and i gave it to him. i was wondering where my calculator is and someone informed me that he broke it. :feelsseriously:
i looked at him and asked him if it was true and he said "yeah, im sorry i dropped it when i was using it and it broke. im sorry"
i wasnt even mad that he broke my calculator because i hardly use it, i was mad that he went behind my back and decided not to tell me personally that he broke it and im tired of people fucking doing that annoying shit to me.

its been two days already, i havent said shit. but im thinking of getting 12 bucks from him (which is extremely a large amount of money where im from) i may decrease it to 10 dollars.
but then again, when i told people i was an athiest he said he wanted to slap me. and when i asked him to help me cheat on my test he said hed charge me by the hour.
im thinking of confronting him privately tomorrow and giving him a deadline to give me the money. i want to jokingly say
"if you dont get me that money by friday, ill make sure your other arm gets broken"
because his arm is broken, which is why he dropped the calculator in the first place.
i need to learn to stand up for myself and talk when i want to talk when something bothers me and not be afraid of people hating me. the pushover mindset is literally a survival instinct for weaker animals to suck up to stronger ones to prevent getting injured/harmed, or even killed.
but i need to snap out of this fucking mindset because i am not weak. im literally 5'10, im fucking 220 pounds and this guy is shorter than me and ways around 120 pounds. wtf is my issue?
Punch him in the back of his head (gta)
lure him to a mountain top and say, "im sorry if i was a jerk" then push him off the cliff. in a video game of course.
I am from HK too. Most people are pushover, you just need to ask him to pay for the calculator he broke thats it. If he doesn't pay or refuses to, thats another story. Then you need to give him consequences, If you are truecel, idk why you are so scared. You dont have much to lose. Him as a popular person definitely have more to lose(status wise). If you beat him, his friend will low down on him even if they help and cover for him. You beat him again if he is alone. How many time do you think friends will come for him?
there is this popular guy in my class, he asked to borrow my calculator during a test and i gave it to him. i was wondering where my calculator is and someone informed me that he broke it. :feelsseriously:
i looked at him and asked him if it was true and he said "yeah, im sorry i dropped it when i was using it and it broke. im sorry"
i wasnt even mad that he broke my calculator because i hardly use it, i was mad that he went behind my back and decided not to tell me personally that he broke it and im tired of people fucking doing that annoying shit to me.

its been two days already, i havent said shit. but im thinking of getting 12 bucks from him (which is extremely a large amount of money where im from) i may decrease it to 10 dollars.
but then again, when i told people i was an athiest he said he wanted to slap me. and when i asked him to help me cheat on my test he said hed charge me by the hour.
im thinking of confronting him privately tomorrow and giving him a deadline to give me the money. i want to jokingly say
"if you dont get me that money by friday, ill make sure your other arm gets broken"
because his arm is broken, which is why he dropped the calculator in the first place.
i need to learn to stand up for myself and talk when i want to talk when something bothers me and not be afraid of people hating me. the pushover mindset is literally a survival instinct for weaker animals to suck up to stronger ones to prevent getting injured/harmed, or even killed.
but i need to snap out of this fucking mindset because i am not weak. im literally 5'10, im fucking 220 pounds and this guy is shorter than me and ways around 120 pounds. wtf is my issue?
Over. We are too nice. I also lift weights and train martial arts a lot yet i don’t like to mess with people weaker than me
Isolate yourself and train in the confines of your mind.
Isolate yourself and train in the confines of your mind.

In image training, the trainee envisions his opponents in a variety of situations. This helps to rewrite any misconceptions.
"Hey man can you pay me back for my calculator that you broke? $12 bucks or just another calculator would be enough." If he doesn't then narc on him.
there is this popular guy in my class, he asked to borrow my calculator during a test and i gave it to him. i was wondering where my calculator is and someone informed me that he broke it. :feelsseriously:
I dont mean to make this about myself but damn this is way too fucking relatable.
Jocks, chads, normies would either break my shit or lose it
Rubbers.. Pencils.. Pens.. Rulers.. and the list goes on

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