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TeeHee Planing a date with Foid



Life sucks and I hate everything
Jan 10, 2018
Yesterday was planing to go to the theater with a Foid on Saturday. After one day she already coming up with excuses. She has no time because of her mother. Not texting why.

It's always the same. No Foid is willing do date me and I hate it.
OP: gets rejected
Mods: warning for bragging
And yo ucan even show off your Mercedes.
It doesn't help if we are not going to meet up anyway. She's just another Foid who is "being nice" to me.
OP: gets rejected
Mods: warning for bragging
Tbh, not me, but easily half of this site has had a chance or at least some hope or whatever. Mods expect this to be some truecel only and I hate to use the word "crab bucket". It's retarded. Do I care if a girl smiled at you and then stood you up for a date? Do I care that you "mog me" because you thought you had a chance? Dumb if you ask me, but I guess some people would abuse the rule because people will always do whatever it takes to brag in some form or another, but this really isn't one of those times
I have no woman in my life. Women in my life is like an elephant roaming an American city -- impossible
But also, my original comment was going to be:
I remember someone planed a date back in 2001
:chad: :chad: :banhammer: :banhammer:, srsly CHAD OUT
Tbh, not me, but easily half of this site has had a chance or at least some hope or whatever. Mods expect this to be some truecel only and I hate to use the word "crab bucket". It's retarded. Do I care if a girl smiled at you and then stood you up for a date? Do I care that you "mog me" because you thought you had a chance? Dumb if you ask me, but I guess some people would abuse the rule because people will always do whatever it takes to brag in some form or another, but this really isn't one of those times

Explained it in your last paragraph, not really a fan of reporting OP for this, its really tame, but its supposed to be a "safe space" for us here, even if this expression has been abused everywhere already and lost most of its meaning. I enjoy coming here because I dont have to read blogs about how people are orbiting foids if I know myself how painful that is and because Im unable to engage with them at all romantically.

Everywhere else a chadlite usually comes out of the woodwork and talks about how he fucked a foid the other day but it just wont work out with a relationship. Lets me feel that Im even more alone with my problem, very happy that its different here, even if it means that mods need to crack down hard on anyone posting about even having dates. If a miracle happened and I would get to have a date with a foid, Id just not write about it here, if I actually manage to do the thing and even ascend I would maybe make a last post about what helped me to get there and just leave, dont need to rub it into someones face whos less lucky than me.
Explained it in your last paragraph, not really a fan of reporting OP for this, its really tame, but its supposed to be a "safe space" for us here, even if this expression has been abused everywhere already and lost most of its meaning. I enjoy coming here because I dont have to read blogs about how people are orbiting foids if I know myself how painful that is and because Im unable to engage with them at all romantically.
Sure, but he's talking about a failure. There's no bragging there
if I actually manage to do the thing and even ascend I would maybe make a last post about what helped me to get there and just leave
Please don't. I hate those posts more than anything, anything anything. Just leave the site without saying anything
Explained it in your last paragraph, not really a fan of reporting OP for this, its really tame, but its supposed to be a "safe space" for us here, even if this expression has been abused everywhere already and lost most of its meaning. I enjoy coming here because I dont have to read blogs about how people are orbiting foids if I know myself how painful that is and because Im unable to engage with them at all romantically.

Everywhere else a chadlite usually comes out of the woodwork and talks about how he fucked a foid the other day but it just wont work out with a relationship. Lets me feel that Im even more alone with my problem, very happy that its different here, even if it means that mods need to crack down hard on anyone posting about even having dates. If a miracle happened and I would get to have a date with a foid, Id just not write about it here, if I actually manage to do the thing and even ascend I would maybe make a last post about what helped me to get there and just leave, dont need to rub it into someones face whos less lucky than me.
having a date is not ban worthy imo
It means nothing , cause it wont lead anywhere

JFL this is not bragging , this is just an Incel finding some breadcrumbs once in a while and then getting shit on by mods and greycels
If I was Chad, she wouldn't have rejected me.
but you are nice incel tear either buddy, you got some chances maybe not with stacies but like middle averaged looks girls so get the fuck off this site and work on your self be it gymmaxxing moneymaxxing jestermaxxing or darktriad maxxing. Trust me buddy this is not a place you want to be
I never even had a date scheduled, asked foids out, but they always more or less awkwardly said that they had no time, ever, never got the recognition that OP had, not even for a short time, feel shitty about not even getting to that point, dont like to be reminded of it, would prefer it if OP were more underhand about it, like "tried to go out with foids but they always stand me up/cancel". This shit about "planning a date with a foid" is really suicidefuel for me because I never even had that, I fucking wish I could at least dream about being with a foid somewhere, whenever I pass a venue Id like to visit I really have to bite down on my sadness, because Im so, so fucking far away from it, they are never the least one bit happy about it when I try to get personal with them, never fucking ever.
Screw both of you if you think this isnt humblebrag, it fucking is for me, I feel for OP for being treated so badly, wish it hadnt happened to him, wish he fucking ascended, one person less that has to feel as sad and miserable as me about this, but I still wish that he hadnt brought this up so that I sink into the abyss again.

Please don't. I hate those posts more than anything, anything anything. Just leave the site without saying anything

Dont fucking worry man, it will never come to that, Im just coping, its fucking cope or rope boyo.
I had a date with a foid once, but she ghosted me and the next day explained in detail how she fucked a guy while I was waiting there :feelsrope: :feelsrope: :feelsrope:
having a date is not ban worthy imo
It means nothing , cause it wont lead anywhere

JFL this is not bragging , this is just an Incel finding some breadcrumbs once in a while and then getting shit on by mods and greycels
when i was a bluepilled 18 yo i asked a 16 year old becky for her phone number after school. I was confident and heigh T, because i thought this femoid was my looksmatch ( she was ! but not smv-match because holes= infinite smv ) She said that no one has ever asked for her phone number and she was very speechless, she than gave me her phone number just to ignor my messages and never message me anything, ignoring and avoiding me in school. i wonder why? maybe because of my bad personality? maybe because i wasnt smiling enough? maybe because i didnt make the right amount of eye contact to show CoNfiDEnE??
Apparently failure = bragging

He didnt fail to get the date scheduled, I dont get whats so difficult to understand about this. This thread is primarily about planning to go to a date with a foid and not about being stood up or being rejected any other way, fuck I dont know if Im nitpicky here, but I really dont like this shit, I really, really fucking wish I just didnt get rejected at every fucking instance, it feels so fucking awful, like it really never even began, like even the thought of having a date is a joke.

Did you like my 9/11 joke

Hah, only saw that now, yeah thats pretty funny, thanks for getting my feelings up at least a bit.
Just repeat a cERtain word to solidify your point theorycERtain cERtain cERtain cERtain cERtain cERtain cERtain cERtain cERtain cERtain cERtain cERtain cERtain cERtain cERtain ER ER ER ER ER ERERERERERERERERERERERERER
sorz i sperged out
when i was a bluepilled 18 yo i asked a 16 year old becky for her phone number after school. I was confident and heigh T, because i thought this femoid was my looksmatch ( she was ! but not smv-match because holes= infinite smv ) She said that no one has ever asked for her phone number and she was very speechless, she than gave me her phone number just to ignor my messages and never message me anything, ignoring and avoiding me in school. i wonder why? maybe because of my bad personality? maybe because i wasnt smiling enough? maybe because i didnt make the right amount of eye contact to show CoNfiDEnE??
Mogs me
i was way too high Inhib to ask foids out in school
The first time i started approaching was when i got 20 and felt the strong need to finally lose my virginity
But cold approaching doesnt work and it doesnt help that i have no social circle

I think she was too inexperienced to quickly brush you off , so she gave you her number so the awkward situation is over .
Later on she probably became an expert at rejecting advances from ugly men without giving out her phone number .
when i was a bluepilled 18 yo i asked a 16 year old becky for her phone number after school. I was confident and heigh T, because i thought this femoid was my looksmatch ( she was ! but not smv-match because holes= infinite smv ) She said that no one has ever asked for her phone number and she was very speechless, she than gave me her phone number just to ignor my messages and never message me anything, ignoring and avoiding me in school. i wonder why? maybe because of my bad personality? maybe because i wasnt smiling enough? maybe because i didnt make the right amount of eye contact to show CoNfiDEnE??

Ugly face.
He didnt fail to get the date scheduled, I dont get whats so difficult to understand about this. This thread is primarily about planning to go to a date with a foid and not about being stood up or being rejected any other way

It is over for him regardless.
It is over for him regardless.

Yeah, I mean from my perspective, maybe he can get a date again? And then afterwards again some other time, work his way up slowly and at least get to fuck at some point, its not really something to look forward to since its on par with a freak accident, but its something, wish I could have that.
Hey, she agreed to go in the first place. Mogs the hell outta me.


Laugh 3


Fuck it, mods might as well rename this site to slayers & chads.co

ded srs

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