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Based Pew Research Center: most Americans ambivalent about declining share of white people in population



cope and seethe
Oct 1, 2018
The U.S. Census Bureau released the results of the 2020 census just a few weeks ago, and the results are about as you'd expect: mayos are a smaller share of American society than they were in 2010.

In July 2021, Pew Research conducted a poll on what American adults thought about this decline. (You can read up on their methodology here) The results were released yesterday and are rather based. A vast majority of Americans decided that cumskins' demographic decline was "neither good nor bad", though there were minor variations based on age, race, educational attainment, and political affiliation.

Notably, 32% of Americans aged 65 or above, and 34% of Republicans, considered the decline of cumskins was "somewhat bad" or "very bad". This stands in contrast with the 29% of those aged 18 to 29, and the 24% of Democrats, who said it was "somewhat good" or "very good".


Among white adults, the results are similarly stratified by political affiliation.


Stormfags seething :feelskek:
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? united states is the father of globohomo there's nothing surprising about it
White men racemix more than any other group.
All is going according to plan. :feelsLSD:
That's not based, that's part of the problem.
When do I start crying? :feelshaha:
ethnostate in Antarctica maby?
No ethnostates. They want the global population to be fragmented, low IQ, docile, consumerist mutts with no culture, no history, no ideals.
Easy to rule and manipulate that way.
White decline is good for incels. White's invented Neoliberalism, feminism, social Darwinism etc. All the social factors that caused the Inceldom crisis were made by whites.
White decline is good for incels. White's invented Neoliberalism, feminism, social Darwinism etc. All the social factors that caused the Inceldom crisis were made by whites.
Even when they blame it on jews, it still doesn't make any sense because Jews and Whites are related.
I don't think people should care
Good. The sooner Anglos get bred into non-existence the better for the world.
But where will nonwhites get all their gibs from?
White decline is good for incels. White's invented Neoliberalism, feminism, social Darwinism etc. All the social factors that caused the Inceldom crisis were made by whites.
Actually its the opposite. Ethnostates are strong and resolute, hard to break down. Multiethnic cosmos are divided and easier to divide and rule.
Thats exactly what im saying. They want "districts", not "nations"
rarity = more sought after = more smv

idk i jus t wanna cope.
Will be interesting to see the USA becoming a Brazil-like shithole.
Same is happening in Europe, but not as fast. Not even close. As far as i know, only France is really trying to compete with UUEE in this white genocide. 80% of french people is white, so 1 of every 5 french people is a non white lmao. This is pretty unusual in europe. Not even we spanish, the most feminist and leftist country in the whole EU, come even close to that.
To be honest, even if im white, i just want to watch the world burn. The american white autogenocide is gonna cause even more social unrest and political chaos, so its pure lifefuel for me.
Its not like my kids are gonna suffer from the shithole this planet is becoming. The only way i could reproduce is by raping, and im not gonna do it. And the only people i care of (my parents) are gonna be dead when anything interesting happens.
I just hope i can see the great collapse of the most degenerate civilization in the history of mankind, the western civilization (dont care if its WWIII, a true pandemic, or a fucking meteorite... i just want it to happen while im still alive)
Every SFcel knows America is the head of the globalhomo so it becoming a neo brazil is not a big surprise. I just want to get out of here so I can watch ethnics go for each other's throats when there's not enough gibs leeched off whitey to go around.
No, normie ambivalence sounds incredibly based to me.
Ambivalence is basically apathy, and there is nothing based about not caring.

Asians, for their part, usually elect to live with White people rather than Hispanics or Blacks, and in places where this isn't true (e.g. Oakland), they get abused and victimized by violent crime.
Mix Mexico, China, India and Arabia. What a beatiful place of living will be america:feelskek:
Soon the age of cuckery will end with whites
Despite all the Jewish propaganda telling White women to racemix with Black men, the irony is in the US that White men are racemixing with Asian women.

If I remember correctly, the most common interracial pairing in the US is White men and Asian women. That's way more common than White women with Black men.

I blame Jews for many things, but I can't blame them for White men breeding noodlewhores.

White men are racemixing more than White women are :feelshaha: :feelshaha: :feelshaha:
Same is happening in Europe, but not as fast. Not even close. As far as i know, only France is really trying to compete with UUEE in this white genocide. 80% of french people is white, so 1 of every 5 french people is a non white lmao. This is pretty unusual in europe. Not even we spanish, the most feminist and leftist country in the whole EU, come even close to that.
To be honest, even if im white, i just want to watch the world burn. The american white autogenocide is gonna cause even more social unrest and political chaos, so its pure lifefuel for me.
Its not like my kids are gonna suffer from the shithole this planet is becoming. The only way i could reproduce is by raping, and im not gonna do it. And the only people i care of (my parents) are gonna be dead when anything interesting happens.
I just hope i can see the great collapse of the most degenerate civilization in the history of mankind, the western civilization (dont care if its WWIII, a true pandemic, or a fucking meteorite... i just want it to happen while im still alive)
The French deserve it

Every SFcel knows America is the head of the globalhomo so it becoming a neo brazil is not a big surprise. I just want to get out of here so I can watch ethnics go for each other's throats when there's not enough gibs leeched off whitey to go around.
[UWSL]Where would you go JFL[/UWSL]

Ambivalence is basically apathy, and there is nothing based about not caring.

Asians, for their part, usually elect to live with White people rather than Hispanics or Blacks, and in places where this isn't true (e.g. Oakland), they get abused and victimized by violent crime.
Not caring is not necessarily unbased. There is no reason for a normalfag to not be neutral.

Mix Mexico, China, India and Arabia. What a beatiful place of living will be america:feelskek:
White men racemix more than any other group.
That’s not even true. I think blacks do it the most, than Hispanics than whites
Even when they blame it on jews, it still doesn't make any sense because Jews and Whites are related.
?? How are Semitic people from the Middle East related to european peoples from northern europe
EC4CE2D4 15D4 46CE 9973 3E7D4DFD7E5B

White decline is good for incels. White's invented Neoliberalism, feminism, social Darwinism etc. All the social factors that caused the Inceldom crisis were made by whites.
No they didn’t. You see white decline right here. Why do you think that’s happening?

People will understand white genocide and a global war on whites by the globalist Jewish establishment, yet their shitty brown brain can not comprehend why it’s happening. HELLO? JEWS ARE KILLING ARYANS OFF BECAUSE WE’RE THE ONLY ONES WITH CAPACITY TO END JEWISH GLOBALISM. That’s why they’re killing us off and letting brown people in.
The French deserve it

[UWSL]Where would you go JFL[/UWSL]

Not caring is not necessarily unbased. There is no reason for a normalfag to not be neutral.

Thanks. Imagine chinecurry cartel :feelshaha:
?? How are Semitic people from the Middle East related to european peoples from northern europe
View attachment 483434
The title of the picture gives you a hint, they're all Western Eurasian. Even on the map it shows that Ashkenazi Jews cluster with Sicilians, a Southern European people. But since it since it's a continuum a Northern European and a Saudi will be two extremes, but that doesn't matter because Jews are Levantine and Saudis are Gulf Arabs.

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That's because they are ignorant about biological determinism, and profound genetic differences which exist across our racial hierarchy, which makes them believe that the races are interchangeable. They don't realize that biology precedes behavior, ideology, culture, policy and ultimately success. Their ignorance is reinforced by the fall of men in the West. Your typical masculine man will put up a fight in order to defend his borders and resources and prevent conquest. Now however, with the oppression of men and masculinity, borders have become porous under the influence and dictation of bleeding heart roasties who feel the need to coddle and take care of every bit of third word filth they can lay their eyes on.

I mean, as a white worshiping stormfag, I realize that there's no point in getting worked up about this shit anymore. Why? Because the white stormfags themselves are too cowardly to contest against the contraction of their people. They won't speak out openly against the influx of incompatible third worlders, nor will they assert themselves upon their women. They won't enslave their women, and they view women's sexual liberation as good, which means, they are just white-liberal-lite. Such a cowardly population is beyond redemption, which is why I no longer bother to fight in favor of these people.
Whites becoming minorities in their own countries is also genetic determinism because they are genetic cuckholds :dab:
How are Semitic people from the Middle East related to european peoples from northern europe
Your own map shows Ashkenazis cluster with South Europeans lmao:society:
The title of the picture gives you a hint, they're all Western Eurasian. Even on the map it shows that Ashkenazi Jews cluster with Sicilians, a Southern European people. But since it since it's a continuum a Northern European and a Saudi will be two extremes, but that doesn't matter because Jews are Levantine and Saudis are Gulf Arabs.

I should probably let you know that user doesn't consider Southern Europeans or Balkan Europeans to be white. And I've had many discussions with him, so I know he's being serious
Whites fighting globalism = utter failure

Afghans fighting globalism = success


BIOLOGY EXCEEDS ALL. when race changes, so will the culture/value.
this is such an ignorant take on history, politics, and culture, it's almost laughable
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I should probably let you know that user doesn't consider Southern Europeans or Balkan Europeans to be white. And I've had many discussions with him, so I know he's being serious
I'm not even surprised lmao. Why the fuck do Northern Europeans get to decide whos "white" or not, most of the Major civilization in Europe were in the south, at least in the beginning.
Ambivalence is basically apathy, and there is nothing based about not caring.

Asians, for their part, usually elect to live with White people rather than Hispanics or Blacks, and in places where this isn't true (e.g. Oakland), they get abused and victimized by violent crime.
Sort of. Asians (if we don't gather up in Asian enclaves) tend to live in the borderline ghetto areas in the suburbs WHILE some Asian women are able to fully integrate into white society and live right up there amongst white people in white neighborhoods.

On the topic of whitey, I really don't give a damn about them either. White American men date noodlewhores MORE than they date their own white foids here in the bay area. I remember a couple of years ago, it wasn't even this bad.
Its due to increasing feminization and gynocentrism.
Gotta love this two facedness when it comes to your belief in genetic determinism:feelsstudy:. Notice how feminism and gynnocentrism correlates with whitness?:soy::soy::soy:

I'm not even surprised lmao. Why the fuck do Northern Europeans get to decide whos "white" or not, most of the Major civilization in Europe were in the south, at least in the beginning.
Nords are unironically AMAZINGLY predisposed to be cattle for Jews on a genetic level. Nords will betray their family & tribe just to keep muh GDP line going up and will eagerly race mix. Even now Swedish men are marrying Thai women because all the Swedish women are burning coal :feelsjuice:
That’s not even true. I think blacks do it the most, than Hispanics than whites
95% of Asian-White couples are WMAF. White men have a higher response rate than any other group and so do white women. It’s just that women have a much bigger match rate and therefore can choose to select white men and white men go with it because they’re horny. If you think white women “love black men” you’re smoking something dude. Blacked.com isn’t real life and all the “bbc fetish” is /pol tard cope. I’ve been to San Francisco and seen how many white male ethnic female couples there are. @starcrapoo lives there and can confirm this. They’re breeding with the Asians and creating hapacels jfl
Just be mongrel slaves to the Jews Theory
The title of the picture gives you a hint, they're all Western Eurasian. Even on the map it shows that Ashkenazi Jews cluster with Sicilians, a Southern European people. But since it since it's a continuum a Northern European and a Saudi will be two extremes, but that doesn't matter because Jews are Levantine and Saudis are Gulf Arabs.

I guess if you’re sub Saharan nigga you can say that. Jews are still nowhere near aryan tho
Your own map shows Ashkenazis cluster with South Europeans lmao:society:
Not aryans. Sicilian? Corsicans? Those aren’t aryans. Those are Arabs
Whites fighting globalism = utter failure

Afghans fighting globalism = success

View attachment 483464
Guess why they let the taliban go? Lol there’s a reason they just let them go like that. If they wanted to they could literally nuke afganistan and nobody would care. Proving my point yet again.
Suifuel because i’ll never have petite submissive white gf. Lifefuel because fuck white foids they can all die for I care the whores
not happy about it but at the same time i'm not joining political groups and going to make an effort to campaign against it so that leftist voting whores wielding refugees welcome placards can spit at me and call me a neonazi, no nonwhites have ever done anything against me personally, white females have done plenty

if i had one bullet left and being faced with an enemy and a traitor i would use it against the traitor
not happy about it but at the same time i'm not joining political groups and going to make an effort to campaign against it so that leftist voting whores wielding refugees welcome placards can spit at me and call me a neonazi, no nonwhites have ever done anything against me personally, white females have done plenty

if i had one bullet left and being faced with an enemy and a traitor i would use it against the traitor
Based take.
I think the decline is related to self-identification rather than to actual biological (for lack of a better term) numbers, which it might be alarming for some.

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