U never talked about monetmaxxing though.How are you gonna moneymaxx to buy a car without a car?
Moneymaxxing is another topic though. It is also a topic for itself. But in regards to driving... Quote:
''First off, a driver licence in Germany costs more than 2000 Euro at least. Theory lessons are mandatory and you have to do all 14 topics. Then you have to wait at least 2 months for the permission to do theory examination. The test is also harder than in America for example. You also have to do more than driving 5 minutes within a parking area to get your driver licence here. Most likely you have to do more than 20 hours of driving and then you have to do 12 specific driving lessons which are mandatory and you also have to pay for it.
Let us say you need 20 hours of driving. You have to pay 1 Euro for 1 minute. Let us say you have to pay 80 Euro in total (because 80 minutes in total) for one driving lesson and you do have 20 of it.
20 hours of learning x 80 Euro = 1600 Euro
Then 12 hours for mandatory driving lessons, in this case 45 minutes: 12 x 45 = 540 Euro
Mandatory theory lessons: 300 Euro
Learning tool: 80 Euro
First aid, pictures and other stuff: In total 100 Euro
Then you have to pay for theory examination and driving examination which I do not know the exact price for it, but let us assume both together cost like: 100 Euro in total
Let us say, you failed once at driving or theory: Another 50 Euro
Extra costs for official documents and so on: 100 Euro
The driver licence in total: 2870 Euro
I also have to add driving simulation since the driving teacher told me to do this first instead of having the real experience behind a steering wheel. Perhaps you now know where I am coming from.
The driving teacher said to me 10 hours, so the cost will be about more than 200 Euro for that.
Driver licence with driving simulation: 3070 Euro''
Most likely the parents will pay for it in order to give their children an early foundation at life.
you explained how much money you would need to buy a license not about moneymaxxing as your purpose
The thing is, you need to know how to drive in order to be efficient, therefore being able to compete with other people in the first place. A driver licence will not give you endless money but it does give you a foundation at life which is pretty much needed in this life and era. With a driver licence you also have a huge advantage in the general work environment.
What I am trying to say here is, that a driver licence is indeed helpful in order to achieve certain things at life.