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Cope [Personalitypill] Women can easily detect your personality muh body language muh social cues muh blah blah blah



Disregard my larping efforts. I can’t change it.
Sep 26, 2019
First, I’m gonna debunk some dumb arguments by IT

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelTear/comments/hp6o1p/?utm_content=title&utm_medium=post_embed&utm_name=83985472079d437a8e401d6caf5b2ece&utm_source=embedly&utm_term=hp6o1p

My god their arguments are so fucking pathetic.

muh body language. What body language do they think we fuckin use? We use normal everyday body language that everyone uses when women are nearby. We’re mostly just having our whole body relaxed and normal they prolly assume we clench our fists and stare aggressively.

muh language. We don’t even use incel slang irl and the idea that we have evil tones of voices when talking is retarded. Most of us act like typical bluepillers irl. Not hard at all to hide your tone of voice.

muh social cues

I can assure these fucking faggots that if anyone irl knew we use incels.co, all of them would be shocked. I’ve acted like a typical bluepiller in front of others. Most of them act friendly to me and think I’m genuinely bluepilled. And most women who I had to talk to because they’re a tutor or a office worker had no fucking clue that I’m “evil” because I act completely normal with them and act calm as fuck. What do they think I do, make offensive jokes and use weird language? I act as bluepilled as every retard irl does. If ITmet me irl they’d have NO clue that I’m Edmund_Kemper. And also many of us are socially isolated and don’t have anyone around us to talk to and go to a community college or home where people are anti social so this whole body language mental gymnastics is retarded.
If women can detect bad personalities, date rape, domestic abuse etc would never happen.
And even Ted bundy would’ve never deceived his victims
and these fags think we actually discuss inceldom or feminism or politics irl when we usually don’t. And when one guy I have as a social coach brought it up with me sometimes I act bluepilled as hell
And then these retards use anecdotal fallacy “because this one incel I knew” like as if one represents all
and no IT none of us stare at foids. How do they know we stare at foids? How do they know we act aggressive towards women. Most women I’ve met act normal around me (no don’t accuse me of bragging I mean they act like whatever around me like they do around anyone else)

and how the fuck do they know what humor we enjoy. The only people who know our sense of humor are close friends not foids we never speak to
Also aren’t depressed people able to hide their depression, but blackpillers can’t hide their blackpilldom?

Alright now that was a copy and paste of a comment I made on here

now let me show you guys something

if incels can’t hide their personalities, why do rapists succeed at it? Most rape Victims are raped by someone they know, like an intimate partner, friend, acquaintance, relative, etc. Many of them probably trusted the rapist, yet it happened. I’ve read that many rapists have hostile feelings about women and are misogynistic yet they successfully hide it. Many date rape victims had no idea that their date would rape them. Have these ITcels looked up rape by deception as well? Also, 93% of child molestation victims are molested by someone they know and trust and who the family trusts, yet only 38% of child molestation victims report the molester and many times people don’t know about it. Child molesters hid their personality.

Studies show that 5%-% of men are rapists and that 54% of college athletes have admitted to perpetrating some form of sexual coercion. We all probably have been friends with a rapist and had no idea he was one, because he successfully hides it.

Also, many domestic abusers hide the fact that they’re a potential domestic abuser when starting a relationship before the abuse begins, so domestic abusers hide it too, and many times when abuse happens, nobody will know about it and in public, the domestic abuser easily hides it, so many don’t find out. And many closeted Homos hide it (many times we can tell they’re gay but many times we can’t).

Also studies show that rapists often do have consensual sex and in fact have much more consensual sex than non rapists and are much more sexually active and successful than non rapists

also many people with depression hide it and many times nobody knows they’re depressed. A chad in my hs roped and people were shocked because he was always smiling and happy. But he was depressed. Robin Williams also hid his depression and nobody knew he was depressed. The world was shocked when he roped.

Ted bundy tricked his victims and hid the fact that he was a murderer.
If you wouldn't say it in real life why be so violent and hateful online?

In real life you can't say anything negative about women at all lest you want to be arrested for expressing your views.
In real life you can't say anything negative about women at all lest you want to be arrested for expressing your views.
Exactly that question they asked is insane and dumb
When femoids and normies talk about "personality":
He is 6'2 and have a good looking face, he must have a very good personality!

I have at least four female friends from work. So is my body language so good that I can dupe 4 women? Of which at least two are married?
Guess it really is my face.
I have at least four female friends from work. So is my body language so good that I can dupe 4 women? Of which at least two are married?
Guess it really is my face.
How do they treat you?
Didn't read it all, but I get what you are saying
It’s just hilarious to see the retarded mental gymnastics they use to justify that we have bad persinalities. I act completely normal irl. The body language I use is the same. I don’t even make any edgy jokes or anything. Even when I have to talk to a foid in a group project they assume I am a bluepilled normie. Literally anyone I have ever met in person would be really shocked to learn that I am @JosefMengelecel from incels.co.

Also I remember you made a similar thread about this and the comments from that post were practically identical. They were constantly saying autistic shit like it shows in your eyes, your body language, etc. Just fucking lol at how they can make retarded assumptions from absolutely no evidence whatsoever
It’s just hilarious to see the retarded mental gymnastics they use to justify that we have bad persinalities. I act completely normal irl. The body language I use is the same. I don’t even make any edgy jokes or anything. Even when I have to talk to a foid in a group project they assume I am a bluepilled normie. Literally anyone I have ever met in person would be really shocked to learn that I am @JosefMengelecel from incels.co.

Also I remember you made a similar thread about this and the comments from that post were practically identical. They were constantly saying autistic shit like it shows in your eyes, your body language, etc. Just fucking lol at how they can make retarded assumptions from absolutely no evidence whatsoever
They think that ugliness can never possibly cause inceldom jfl
How do they treat you?
Nicely, one of them wants to be a singer. I give her advice about FL Studio.(She wanted someone who can make beats.) She can sing, just chose the wrong genre(Gospel) imo. The other one I just joke with her when I see her, shoot the shit with her. The third & forth women annoy me in a positive way.
Nicely, one of them wants to be a singer. I give her advice about FL Studio.(She wanted someone who can make beats.) She can sing, just chose the wrong genre(Gospel) imo. The other one I just joke with her when I see her, shoot the shit with her. The third & forth women annoy me in a positive way.
you joke with her? and does she have problems with it?
It’s just hilarious to see the retarded mental gymnastics they use to justify that we have bad persinalities. I act completely normal irl. The body language I use is the same. I don’t even make any edgy jokes or anything. Even when I have to talk to a foid in a group project they assume I am a bluepilled normie. Literally anyone I have ever met in person would be really shocked to learn that I am @JosefMengelecel from incels.co.
Lmao, same
They were constantly saying autistic shit like it shows in your eyes, your body language, etc. Just fucking lol at how they can make retarded assumptions from absolutely no evidence whatsoever
:lul: :lul: :lul:
Nicely, one of them wants to be a singer. I give her advice about FL Studio.(She wanted someone who can make beats.) She can sing, just chose the wrong genre(Gospel) imo. The other one I just joke with her when I see her, shoot the shit with her. The third & forth women annoy me in a positive way.
And none of them would ever think you are posting on .co. As is the case with most members here.
i read that rapists usually are sexually successful slayers
Correct. And Chads can be massive misogynists and still slay 24/7. Hmmm, I wonder why
And none of them would ever think you are posting on .co. As is the case with most members here.

Correct. And Chads can be massive misogynists and still slay 24/7. Hmmm, I wonder why
and ITcels are often virgins but respect wahmenz
what jokes do you say?

It's mostly jokes about her hair(grandmother hairstyle) and the supervisor who's got a stick up his ass. I haven't talked to her in five months though because Corona changed everybody's schedule. Pretty much everyone in my new building is a dude, aside from the female supervisor. I joke with her too, mostly about generic relationship troubles (She's definitely not interested in me, has a kid the same age as I who works here too.)
First, I’m gonna debunk some dumb arguments by IT

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelTear/comments/hp6o1p/?utm_content=title&utm_medium=post_embed&utm_name=83985472079d437a8e401d6caf5b2ece&utm_source=embedly&utm_term=hp6o1p

My god their arguments are so fucking pathetic.

muh body language. What body language do they think we fuckin use? We use normal everyday body language that everyone uses when women are nearby. We’re mostly just having our whole body relaxed and normal they prolly assume we clench our fists and stare aggressively.

muh language. We don’t even use incel slang irl and the idea that we have evil tones of voices when talking is retarded. Most of us act like typical bluepillers irl. Not hard at all to hide your tone of voice.

muh social cues

I can assure these fucking faggots that if anyone irl knew we use incels.co, all of them would be shocked. I’ve acted like a typical bluepiller in front of others. Most of them act friendly to me and think I’m genuinely bluepilled. And most women who I had to talk to because they’re a tutor or a office worker had no fucking clue that I’m “evil” because I act completely normal with them and act calm as fuck. What do they think I do, make offensive jokes and use weird language? I act as bluepilled as every retard irl does. If ITmet me irl they’d have NO clue that I’m Edmund_Kemper. And also many of us are socially isolated and don’t have anyone around us to talk to and go to a community college or home where people are anti social so this whole body language mental gymnastics is retarded.
If women can detect bad personalities, date rape, domestic abuse etc would never happen.
And even Ted bundy would’ve never deceived his victims
and these fags think we actually discuss inceldom or feminism or politics irl when we usually don’t. And when one guy I have as a social coach brought it up with me sometimes I act bluepilled as hell
And then these retards use anecdotal fallacy “because this one incel I knew” like as if one represents all
and no IT none of us stare at foids. How do they know we stare at foids? How do they know we act aggressive towards women. Most women I’ve met act normal around me (no don’t accuse me of bragging I mean they act like whatever around me like they do around anyone else)

and how the fuck do they know what humor we enjoy. The only people who know our sense of humor are close friends not foids we never speak to
Also aren’t depressed people able to hide their depression, but blackpillers can’t hide their blackpilldom?

Alright now that was a copy and paste of a comment I made on here

now let me show you guys something

if incels can’t hide their personalities, why do rapists succeed at it? Most rape Victims are raped by someone they know, like an intimate partner, friend, acquaintance, relative, etc. Many of them probably trusted the rapist, yet it happened. I’ve read that many rapists have hostile feelings about women and are misogynistic yet they successfully hide it. Many date rape victims had no idea that their date would rape them. Have these ITcels looked up rape by deception as well? Also, 93% of child molestation victims are molested by someone they know and trust and who the family trusts, yet only 38% of child molestation victims report the molester and many times people don’t know about it. Child molesters hid their personality.

Studies show that 5%-% of men are rapists and that 54% of college athletes have admitted to perpetrating some form of sexual coercion. We all probably have been friends with a rapist and had no idea he was one, because he successfully hides it.

Also, many domestic abusers hide the fact that they’re a potential domestic abuser when starting a relationship before the abuse begins, so domestic abusers hide it too, and many times when abuse happens, nobody will know about it and in public, the domestic abuser easily hides it, so many don’t find out. And many closeted Homos hide it (many times we can tell they’re gay but many times we can’t).

Also studies show that rapists often do have consensual sex and in fact have much more consensual sex than non rapists and are much more sexually active and successful than non rapists

also many people with depression hide it and many times nobody knows they’re depressed. A chad in my hs roped and people were shocked because he was always smiling and happy. But he was depressed. Robin Williams also hid his depression and nobody knew he was depressed. The world was shocked when he roped.

Ted bundy tricked his victims and hid the fact that he was a murderer.

sure women can detect body language, but our body language is a result of our genes, we come off as either creepy or not creepy based on our looks. the same goes for body language.
I've actually consciousness experimented with lots of different body language in the past. Maybe didn't make a difference because Im floating somewhere toward the center of what's called the autism spectrum, or maybe it's because body language doesn't matter.
I say that anyone who uses these arguments is ableist against autists, since our social cues and body language are all fucked up from a brain disease. Also jfl at thinking foids have some sort of personality detector, or that they "pick up on signals." If that were the case, wife beaters literally would not exist.
It's mostly jokes about her hair(grandmother hairstyle) and the supervisor who's got a stick up his ass. I haven't talked to her in five months though because Corona changed everybody's schedule. Pretty much everyone in my new building is a dude, aside from the female supervisor. I joke with her too, mostly about generic relationship troubles (She's definitely not interested in me, has a kid the same age as I who works here too.)
is that female supervisor nice to you?
She's an older model, Personality detectors on that model have stopped receiving updates.
older woman don't usually date younger men (cougars are rare) so that's why she won't date you because you're like what? 21?
My bad looks is the main reason why people think I am a bad person
older woman don't usually date younger men (cougars are rare) so that's why she won't date you because you're like what? 21?
It could be that she has a kid that's the same age as I who works here. All of the women I posted about are older than me though. I just can't seem to fit in with people my age at work. Youngest person I'm able to relate to is some 28 yr old ex-incel (Randomly told me he attempted suicide at one point in his life & that he was bullied in school.) I'm pretty sure he's still a virgin, he turned into a religious crackpot.
It could be that she has a kid that's the same age as I who works here. All of the women I posted about are older than me though. I just can't seem to fit in with people my age at work. Youngest person I'm able to relate to is some 28 yr old ex-incel (Randomly told me he attempted suicide at one point in his life & that he was bullied in school.) I'm pretty sure he's still a virgin, he turned into a religious crackpot.
what do the foids your age say to you?
what do the foids your age say to you?
One of them is fucking annoying. Steals my computer at work and says nothing or if I have the computer she'll talk all about herself until it's time to clock out so much that I cant concentrate on reading a book on the computer. The other one is a couple(I've talked about them, they rarely speak to me skinny white girl & fat white guy. Fat white guy has spoken to me more than the girl & I trained her.) The other is a lesbian girl, I talked to her once about joining the military, as she expressed interest in joining.
One of them is fucking annoying. Steals my computer at work and says nothing or if I have the computer she'll talk all about herself until it's time to clock out so much that I cant concentrate on reading a book on the computer. The other one is a couple(I've talked about them, they rarely speak to me skinny white girl & fat white guy. Fat white guy has spoken to me more than the girl & I trained her.) The other is a lesbian girl, I talked to her once about joining the military, as she expressed interest in joining.
IT can't assume it's your personality, because many foids just are simply rude
We’re mostly just having our whole body relaxed and normal
OP = :chad:

No, most of us will have awkward/submissive language, fearful of being falsely accused of ogling/molesting nearby women

they prolly assume we clench our fists and stare aggressively.

Some of us probably do. I know I so instinctively avoid eye contact that when I try and force myself to make eye contact it could come across as very unnatural. The discomfort could be perceived as aggression.

In a way it IS comparative aggression since our gaze is foraying into new territory.

muh language. We don’t even use incel slang irl and the idea that we have evil tones of voices when talking is retarded. Most of us act like typical bluepillers irl. Not hard at all to hide your tone of voice.
Kemper to play further devil's advocate: I actually may occasionallysound hostile, not because I actually hate a foid, but because I don't want to appear like I'm flirting with her by sounding nice.

I figure she might hate me more for having the gall to flirt with her, so better to risk coming across as hateful even though I just want to avoid her ire or hold her hand.

Also, many domestic abusers hide the fact that they’re a potential domestic abuser when starting a relationship before the abuse begins, so domestic abusers hide it too,
They're more capable of hiding it because women give chad the benefit of the doubt. We don't benefit from rose-colored glasses.

Ted bundy tricked his victims and hid the fact that he was a murderer.
OP = :chad:

No, most of us will have awkward/submissive language, fearful of being falsely accused of ogling/molesting nearby women

Some of us probably do. I know I so instinctively avoid eye contact that when I try and force myself to make eye contact it could come across as very unnatural. The discomfort could be perceived as aggression.

In a way it IS comparative aggression since our gaze is foraying into new territory.

Kemper to play further devil's advocate: I actually may occasionallysound hostile, not because I actually hate a foid, but because I don't want to appear like I'm flirting with her by sounding nice.

I figure she might hate me more for having the gall to flirt with her, so better to risk coming across as hateful even though I just want to avoid her ire or hold her hand.

They're more capable of hiding it because women give chad the benefit of the doubt. We don't benefit from rose-colored glasses.

Ted bundy tricked his victims and hid the fact that he was a murderer.
your experience of how you act doesn't resemble us all. look up anecdotal fallacy

also, not all domestic abusers are chads. and domestic abusers can hide it whether he's with his wife in public or alone in public
domestic abusers can hide it whether he's with his wife in public or alone in public
we should probably not talk about DV as if it's only women who are victims
sometimes the guy tortures her sons instead

*sniff* - I'm sorry, my vibe detectors were off

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