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Discussion Personality traits in men that women love



hop on jj2
Jun 28, 2018
It's odd isn't it... how these can be hard to pin down.

For example as a guy I naturally like sweet, shy women, etc.

Women... I dunno. They definitely like confidence. I think they also like aggression and excitement. They also seem to like maybe a hint of cunning or manipulation. Many aggressive guys can thinly veil that under being a nice guy when it suits them, and I think that is appealing to women too because it feels even more ruthless like they just don't care about tricking people and doing whatever is necessary to get what they want.

Anyway, just some thoughts. I feel like my personality of being... fun-loving, careful, considerate... these things don't seem to attract women much. They come across as soft and lacking in confidence or sufficient aggression to get results.

Possibly, anyway. Just something I've been thinking about tonight.
It's odd isn't it... how these can be hard to pin down
pretty hard to pin down something that doesn't exist. pretty much water information at this point that personality doesn't matter for foids

For example as a guy I naturally like sweet, shy women, etc.
BASED :yes::yes::yes:
The only personality traits women like are the bones in your legs and the bones in your face
The only personality traits women like are the bones in your legs and the bones in your face
low inhib and NT guy with normie face will have higher chances of getting laid than high inhib awkward autist with face on the same level of attractiveness scale
I'm a very hateful person and I don't get any foids
This woman I know... I asked her if she likes Bond or McClane or characters like that. She was so repelled by them.

Eventually I learned why. She likes the VILLAINS. She likes Le Chiffre and people like that.

Ezgif 5 cfa9c53c73

To some degree I think it might work as a bit of an act. Putting on a show so you look a bit more dangerous. George did this in Seinfeld, lol
They don't care about the results of your personality, only what it indicates at the beginning. If it indicates power and dominance, they won't mind being beaten up for not choosing the shy and calm one.
They don't care about the results of your personality, only what it indicates at the beginning. If it indicates power and dominance, they won't mind being beaten up for not choosing the shy and calm one.

I do think they tend to be quite short-sighted and base their impressions and attraction on these very immediate things yeah.

I also think I need to stop talking about "real world" stuff to women. They don't care about business or work or money. What they care about is the man taking care of all that stuff while they are kept safe.

Then that work is "left at the office" so to speak, and the man's conduct around them should ideally be mature and strong.

If I want to talk about real world stuff I should do that with other guys probably. Not a girlfriend.
If two women got into a fight, the male would prefer to marry the loser since it means she's more feminine.
If two men got into a fight, the femoid would prefer to marry the winner since he's more masculine.

Women want the strongest of men, while men want the kindest and sweetest of women.
Nature truly is a bitch.
Some of them would adapt to his behavior regardless of quality as long it is aesthetically pleasing for her at the moment maybe
What matters first is what your face looks like.
No. It is all about looks.
JFL at thinking foids give half a crap about personality :bluepill:
These people saying personality makes no difference... what about dark triad? It means nothing?
These people saying personality makes no difference... what about dark triad? It means nothing?
Only good-looking dark triad types. Like only good-looking any other types.
Foids favourite personality trait in Guys is Good HeightOnality and Good FaceOnality and of course NTOnality
To answer the question, women love psychopathic traits in men. That sucks but at least it's simple and relieves you of moral responsability toward foids.
The one thing that all women agree they like is confidence. That's because it is the result of being attractive. Confidence is your looks.

Attractive people are always in the positive feedback loop. If they feel down, the loop brings them up. With unattractive and even average men it's the opposite. You can do whatever, improve yourself, get rich, get ripped, and society will find a will to bring your down.
Women like height and good facial structure anything else will be interpretet negatively or positively depending on wheter they find the man attractive or not. "Confidence" for example is charming on chad but a napoleon complex on short men. A shy chad will be seen as mysterious or endeering, a shy unattractive man will be seen as a creep.
It's odd isn't it... how these can be hard to pin down.

For example as a guy I naturally like sweet, shy women, etc.

Women... I dunno. They definitely like confidence. I think they also like aggression and excitement. They also seem to like maybe a hint of cunning or manipulation. Many aggressive guys can thinly veil that under being a nice guy when it suits them, and I think that is appealing to women too because it feels even more ruthless like they just don't care about tricking people and doing whatever is necessary to get what they want.

Anyway, just some thoughts. I feel like my personality of being... fun-loving, careful, considerate... these things don't seem to attract women much. They come across as soft and lacking in confidence or sufficient aggression to get results.

Possibly, anyway. Just something I've been thinking about tonight.
I dont know much but i think a women likes it when a man is dominant and confident in his way. This would make rejection brutal but chads dont care they shoot their shot 100 times and hit like 80
Chad views on everything (caused by being a chad)
It's so simple that I don't get why you're confused.

Here are the main personality traits all women like in men :

- 6-foot tall
- 6-figure income
- 6 inch cock

It's been known for millenia, therefore Satan's number has always been 666.
>thinking this is enough
Ryan Gosling Reaction GIF

lol yah it sounded a bit on the smaller side to me too!

I'd say 7 is where it starts to be very comfortably enough for the vast majority of women!

6... I think most are OK with that but it's not as sure-fire!

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