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Blackpill Persoanlity does matter

  • Thread starter NothingButALoser
  • Start date


Mar 28, 2018
Say you are an asocial 25 yo KHV. You looksmax to a 5/10, you get lucky and a girl from work/college agrees to go out with you. What the fuck are you going to do? You have nothing to talk about. You don't have a social life. You don't have a love life. Your only hobby is browsing incel forums. She will get bored, she will realize you are an aspie and she will just dump you.

And you know what's worse? This will most likely be the only time you get lucky and you won't be able to apply your new found experience to another date.

A 4/10 Normie who has life experience and had sex a few times will do better than you and even lay her perhaps. When it comes to dating as a male, you have to be absolutely perfect. No awakward pauses, witty, by Normie standards, comebacks/jokes, interesting stories, being comfortable around girls/touching them etc. You have to make her laugh, keep her entertained all the time while at the same time slowly building up to physical escalation.

Even all these serial killer/child abusers do in fact have a much more interesting personality than the average professional LDARer. Looks only get you to the pussy's door but it's you attitude/character that will get you in it.
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You need everything. NT,looks,job,social status,acceptance,good social media accout. For any even remotely decent girl if u don't have these you arent even relevant.
You need everything. NT,looks,job,social status,acceptance,good social media accout. For any even remotely decent girl if u don't have these you arent even relevant.
And sexual experience of course
And sexual experience of course
No,that one is probably the LEAST important.
What u do need is respectable dick,cause u can learn sex easly but u can never perform it with a small dick.
Looks ARE the personality
Personality is a fucking meme
Not really. I mean depends how good your looks are.

Halo effect is real, if she really finds you attractive, she'll convince herself you are cool and interesting anyway.

But I also see your point. If you are sub 8 in the looks, you CAN'T afford to be a 70iq aspie. But no need to make it look like you need to be most interesting person on earth.

Looks >>>> Personality
Most chads have good, NT personalitites due to years of validation/friendship/sex
Most chads have good, NT personalitites due to years of validation/friendship/sex

That's not a fucking personality jfc. That's just being sheltered and being molded by society. It has nothing to do with personality, they do what society wants them to do.
That's not a fucking personality jfc. That's just being sheltered and being molded by society. It has nothing to do with personality, they do what society wants them to do.
That's what personality is. Being a robot, being a sheep in the herd
That's what personality is. Being a robot, being a sheep in the herd

The fuck are you on about? It's right in the word "PERSONality", meaning it VARIES by PERSON. If you act like a sheep in a herd you HAVE NO PERSONALITY. You're a programmed robot, nothing more.
The fuck are you on about? It's right in the word "PERSONality", meaning it VARIES by PERSON. If you act like a sheep in a herd you HAVE NO PERSONALITY. You're a programmed robot, nothing more.
It's "The" Persoanality, the personality most normies have
It's "The" Persoanality, the personality most normies have

It's not a personality. It's like an operating system that has everything locked down and only an admin can change things. You have zero control and everything gets decided outside. The proper term for would be herd mentality.
My appearance is bad, so I don't get a chance to even go on a date with a girl.
My personality is bad so EVEN if I could secure a date, she'd leave in the middle.
My anxiety is so bad that even if I got her into a bed I wouldn't get hard.
It's not a personality. It's like an operating system that has everything locked down and only an admin can change things. You have zero control and everything gets decided outside. The proper term for would be herd mentality.
Still, this herd metnality is obtained by interactions with others, validation and sexual/social experience
My appearance is bad, so I don't get a chance to even go on a date with a girl.
My personality is bad so EVEN if I could secure a date, she'd leave in the middle.
My anxiety is so bad that even if I got her into a bed I wouldn't get hard.
I think every incel here would fuck a girl's a brains out tbh without any problems
You need to pass a girl's looks requirements for personality to matter.
There's no such thing as attractive people with bad personalities.
>Chad acts like a dick
"He's so dominant and assertive!"
>Incel acts like a dick
"Ew creep, he should go play in traffic."
If personality mattered, I would have gotten laid by now.
Still, this herd metnality is obtained by interactions with others, validation and sexual/social experience

Right, and what does this have to do with personality? Everyone can achieve it, as long as they're accepted by their normie peers in the first place. In other words,

To have a "good" "personality" you need to :
a) be good looking enough to be accepted into society

What a shocker.
There's no such thing as attractive people with bad personalities.
>Chad acts like a dick
"He's so dominant and assertive!"
>Incel acts like a dick
"Ew creep, he should go play in traffic."

You're new here, welcome. I like you.
There's no such thing as attractive people with bad personalities.
>Chad acts like a dick
"He's so dominant and assertive!"
>Incel acts like a dick
"Ew creep, he should go play in traffic."
Chad acts as a dick but he still has more life experience and is street smart unlike incels
Right, and what does this have to do with personality? Everyone can achieve it, as long as they're accepted by their normie peers in the first place. In other words,

To have a "good" "personality" you need to :
a) be good looking enough to be accepted into society

What a shocker.
Yes, this is true, I won't deny it.
Looks ARE the personality
Personality is a fucking meme
unless youre orb level of autistic she could care less about your personality
Right, and what does this have to do with personality? Everyone can achieve it, as long as they're accepted by their normie peers in the first place. In other words,

To have a "good" "personality" you need to :
a) be good looking enough to be accepted into society

What a shocker.
Water is wet? I can't believe that either
Say you are an asocial 25 yo KHV. You looksmax to a 5/10, you get lucky and a girl from work/college agrees to go out with you. What the fuck are you going to do?

Fraud being NT.

A 4/10 Normie who has life experience and had sex a few times will do better than you and even lay her perhaps. When it comes to dating as a male, you have to be absolutely perfect. No awakward pauses, witty, by Normie standards, comebacks/jokes, interesting stories, being comfortable around girls/touching them etc. You have to make her laugh, keep her entertained all the time while at the same time slowly building up to physical escalation.

Just get her to keep talking about herself and keep what you say to a minimum so you don't slip up. Screw being her personal clown trying to entertain her.

Looks only get you to the pussy's door but it's you attitude/character that will get you in it.

It's your character that can only mess it up, not get you in.

Once you established attraction the ball's in your court.
is that a joke? the only thing a 4 or 5/10 can get is the typical "relationship" where the male is a servant that dotes over the female constantly so that it doesn't leave it.

also, the halo effect literally means that good looking people will never be considered to have a "bad personality" or otherwise be boring. anyone who's seen a GL male interacting with a bunch of females knows it: the females laugh at every little thing the dude says, no matter how moronic/unfunny/racist/whatever it may be. be good looking and literally nothing else will matter. maybe you've been reading too much TRP shit.
Fraud being NT.

Just get her to keep talking about herself and keep what you say to a minimum so you don't slip up. Screw being her personal clown trying to entertain her.

It's your character that can only mess it up, not get you in.

Once you established attraction the ball's in your court.

You can't fraud being NT. She is interveiwing you when on a date. She is analzying you. If let her do the talking it's game over. It's like a speaking exam and you let the examiner talk more than you.
Most chads have good, NT personalitites due to years of validation/friendship/sex
just because its ironic doesnt mean its wrong though, personality matters for 98% of males aka not extremely ugly or extremely attractive
it somehow matters but not to the same extend looks do.

A boring ass 7/10 will get laid more than 3/10 with smarts.
Too much disparity
it somehow matters but not to the same extend looks do.

A boring ass 7/10 will get laid more than 3/10 with smarts.
my irl experience= GL boring normies usually get approached by girls i agree

but a 7 aspie will get outslain by a 3 NTchad
Usually guys who say "looks are everything" are already NT and approach women.

Because direct game is all about looks.

You can't start approaching random women on the street unless you're at least a 6. You can't tinder unless you're at least a 6.

So guys who are 4 and NT are like "buhu my looks."

But they're NT, they can get laid indirectly from social circles.
Usually guys who say "looks are everything" are already NT and approach women.

Because direct game is all about looks.

You can't start approaching random women on the street unless you're at least a 6. You can't tinder unless you're at least a 6.

So guys who are 4 and NT are like "buhu my looks."

But they're NT, they can get laid indirectly from social circles.
NT is essential to get laid nowdays

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