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People think that I'm smart but I'm stupid. For months I've been searching for a way to stop being a wageslave/start a business, but I'm too retarded

  • Thread starter Deleted member 7448
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Deleted member 7448

Deleted member 7448

Name is Abdu, live in Laos, born on 24.08.1992.
May 16, 2018
It's a combination of stupidity, anxiety, adversity to risk and lack of imagination.

I've spent so much time, months and maybe years, trying to find some way to escape wage slavery. I've thought about learning new skills to provide services, thinking about what small businesses I could start, what things I could learn.

And after all this researching, all this stress and all this thinking, I have no results. People tell you to look at what you like or what you're good at etc... but I'm not really good at anything in particular, and I don't like one thing besides laying in bed rotting with my laptop playing braindead sitcoms.

I don't want to keep working for $300 a month before tax for the rest of my life. It's killing me.
it's a common thing that happens to people that have been in really bad situations for a long time.
instead of making some kind of solid plan they keep running around looking for an easy way out, like a rat in a cage thinking there was some exit he just hasn't found yet.

there's never an easy way out though, and if there was someone has already taken it because they would have also craved an easy way out.

truth is you need a truly insane amount of focus and calm to actually carve a path out of a shitty situation all by yourself. might be better to try to get some connections.
it's a common thing that happens to people that have been in really bad situations for a long time.
instead of making some kind of solid plan they keep running around looking for an easy way out, like a rat in a cage thinking there was some exit he just hasn't found yet.

there's never an easy way out though, and if there was someone has already taken it because they would have also craved an easy way out.

truth is you need a truly insane amount of focus and calm to actually carve a path out of a shitty situation all by yourself. might be better to try to get some connections.
Tbh I'm not expecting an easy way out. I'd be perfectly willing to work 50 hours weeks or even more, as long as I found something that I don't hate doing and that provides me with at least more than I'm making now. Boy, that would be the dream, working hard, feeling satisfied by your own labor, not having asshole bosses or coworkers. Also, I'm not a guy that can get connections, after 26 years of being a person with literally no friends, I hate networking and such.
Boy, that would be the dream, working hard, feeling satisfied by your own labor, not having asshole bosses or coworkers.
Too bad it's only a dream. Wageslavery always requires being around people who will treat you less because you're ugly.
Too bad it's only a dream. Wageslavery always requires being around people who will treat you less because you're ugly.
Every day I go to sleep hoping for an aneurysm to take me in my sleep. Wageslaving is the main reason why.
I wish I were a wageslave tbh
As an EE you are supposed to work for Westerners as a cheap labor force, shut up, while they slowly and surely introduce degeneracy in your country.

See, you're nothing but a slave to them.
Self employed in a trade if you don't mind some physical work.
As an EE you are supposed to work for Westerners as a cheap labor force, shut up, while they slowly and surely introduce degeneracy in your country.

See, you're nothing but a slave to them.
Or move to Western Europe and work the shittiest jobs possible for salaries not even their teenagers would work for, while living with 3 roommates in the shittiest apartment possible at 40.
Or move to Western Europe and work the shittiest jobs possible for salaries not even their teenagers would work for, while living with 3 roommates in the shittiest apartment possible at 40.
Sad, but true.
I am same boyo. That's why I made a group chat in discord. Let me know if you want to join, we've got few small ideas
Tbh I'm not expecting an easy way out. I'd be perfectly willing to work 50 hours weeks or even more, as long as I found something that I don't hate doing and that provides me with at least more than I'm making now. Boy, that would be the dream, working hard, feeling satisfied by your own labor, not having asshole bosses or coworkers. Also, I'm not a guy that can get connections, after 26 years of being a person with literally no friends, I hate networking and such.
My dream
Too bad it's only a dream. Wageslavery always requires being around people who will treat you less because you're ugly.
Nice avi
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Ask, Seek, Knock
7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.
Matthew 7:7-8 (NIV)
Uncanny. I was just thinking about what we talked about earlier, and how in Eastern Europe, to be happy, you basically have to turn to religion or some other philosophies to brainwash yourself into tolerating this horrible reality.

Are you religious? Maybe that helps. I'm too skeptical and cynical for it, but I'd love to actually be religious, maybe that will dull the pain.
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You should ask yourself, first and foremost.

11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

You should ask yourself, first and foremost.
That's pretty cool. Most people in situations such as ours would hate the world and deny any possibility of God. And yet you believe, that's pretty nice.

I can't possibly believe though, not with my life being such a pile of shit, slaving away full-time for $300 a month, of which the government takes a huge chunk.
Because you are being blurred and stuck in this world of false prophets.

This forum induced me in even more faith.

9 The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.
2 Peter 3:9 (NIV)
Figure out how to lay flooring and start a business doing that. Buy a bandsaw and some kneepads and you're in business. It pays decent money and it's easy. Also you can buy a sit down lawn mower and pick up contracts buy undercutting whatever people are charging
Because you are being blurred and stuck in this world of false prophets.

This forum induced me in even more faith.
That's nice, it can be a good cope. How often do you read the bible? What other religious books do you read?
That's nice, it can be a good cope. How often do you read the bible? What other religious books do you read?
I read a verse everyday. I'm a Christian, but I read also other Religious Books.

I was shocked, when I first opened the Bible and found, that nearly everything what I read, sounds like my own thought. The most popular Jesus phrase " know your place".
You sound just like me.
Based but God let niggers be slaves for hundreds of years, so I’m not sure if believing in God is going to save you from misery. My Christianity has brought me a lot of suffering because I stand up to the moral decay and get shat on for it.
It's a combination of stupidity, anxiety, adversity to risk and lack of imagination.

I've spent so much time, months and maybe years, trying to find some way to escape wage slavery. I've thought about learning new skills to provide services, thinking about what small businesses I could start, what things I could learn.

And after all this researching, all this stress and all this thinking, I have no results. People tell you to look at what you like or what you're good at etc... but I'm not really good at anything in particular, and I don't like one thing besides laying in bed rotting with my laptop playing braindead sitcoms.

I don't want to keep working for $300 a month before tax for the rest of my life. It's killing me.

Yes. Wageslaving fucking sucks.
Based but God let niggers be slaves for hundreds of years, so I’m not sure if believing in God is going to save you from misery. My Christianity has brought me a lot of suffering because I stand up to the moral decay and get shat on for it.
Actually, Blacks were the least attained by slavery. The triangular trade ran for only 300 years, while Whites and people of the same ethnicity/Race endured it for thousands of years, prior or at the same time of Blacks, and after it was abolished for Blacks. But, of course, Blacks are the perpetual victims of Slavery, JFL.
Yes, the biggest victims of slavery were the Whites, Semites and Asians.
You can as well, blame your Freemasons American Fathers for maintaining it for nearly 100 years after America was created; and the Jews which owned most of the slave ships, making enormous profits from this "business".

It's also stupid to blame Christianity for slavery since it existed for thousands of years before it; and thanks to this Religion, it became more humane, and went eventually abolished by Christians. People forget that most slaves worked at home/office jobs, as servants, cookers, etc. Often had civil rights, and were treated decently, even paid, while having food and accommodation for free, were taken care of; many where released from slavery after a few years, if they wished, or could "buy their freedom", which most didn't do of course, because it meant a lot of new obligations, no more free food, accomodation, medical and family care. Not that different from wageslaving/leaving in poverty/unemployed/full of debts today.

This Black Republican representative won't agree with you:
“I thank God for slavery,” she said in one clip. “If it wasn’t for slavery, I might be somewhere in Africa worshiping a tree.”
“You can talk about the Holocaust, but the Jews own everything!” she said in another.
same it’s all cope just a way to pass the time and think for a second we won’t be wageslaves forever

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