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Pajeets are going to replace weebs in JewPan (Source: REDDIT)

Funny asian nationalists say that only West is falling same with African ones, i'm myself from Poland and here we slowly have similiar problems but delusional patriots think something vastly different. Only place to geomaxx for richer guys is SEA. Still your country for sure is full of white sexpats and east asians ones ? I bet that malay girls go insane over kpopmaxxed guys or koreans ? Not that Poland isn't to some degree sexpat destination
Nah for Malaysia, it’s Arab and Kpop maxx plastic surgeon fags. Arab and Koreans had high smv in this place due to our obsession with everything Arabic and of course with young woman to koreans like rest of Asia.
Also don’t listen to those retard… the entire world are fucking getting backshots by the yahudi plan.
Funny asian nationalists say that only West is falling same with African ones, i'm myself from Poland and here we slowly have similiar problems but delusional patriots think something vastly different. Only place to geomaxx for richer guys is SEA. Still your country for sure is full of white sexpats and east asians ones ? I bet that malay girls go insane over kpopmaxxed guys or koreans ? Not that Poland isn't to some degree sexpat destination
I mean my great grandma or grandpa at my father sides, literally married an Arab because he claim he was of Muhammad Descendants, im not even pure Malay lol :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:
Literal retards… how many muslim got treat by that shit… I wonder sometimes.
I mean my great grandma or grandpa at my father sides, literally married an Arab because he claim he was of Muhammad Descendants, im not even pure Malay lol :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:
:lul: :lul: :lul:

I saw that malays and indonesians simp to a degree for arabs but not to that degree lel
Literal retards… how many muslim got treat by that shit… I wonder sometimes.
Not to mention that indonesians, malays, nigs and curries are threated like filth by rich arabs from gulf countries when they fuck russian and ukrainian prostitutes lol
@Uncle Death NGL gult countries are really bizzare for me it has two castes of foreigners

Bottom one
Filipinos, JEET workers, malays and indonesians too and slav prostitutes
Higher one
Rich as hell western influencers
@Uncle Death NGL gult countries are really bizzare for me it has two castes of foreigners

Bottom one
Filipinos, JEET workers, malays and indonesians too and slav prostitutes
Higher one
Rich as hell western influencers
I fucking love how you put slav prostitutes in the same category, fucking Crackaa :feelshehe::feelshehe:
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I fucking love how you put slav prostitutes on the same category, fucking Crackaa :feelshehe::feelshehe:
Pretty sure that we are seen as inferior white people by everyone with cheap and easy women

Pretty sure that we are seen as inferior white people by everyone with cheap and easy women

By anyone with any actual knowledge of Europe, but to be fair, a lot of Thirdies seem genuinely clueless about how much poorer than the West EE is and just assume all of us are Nazis with Swiss-tier salaries:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:.
By anyone with any actual knowledge of Europe, but to be fair, a lot of Thirdies seem genuinely clueless about how much poorer than the West EE is and just assume all of us are Nazis with Swiss-tier salaries:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:.
Lol i remember discussion on reddit by blacks ( especially ), JEETS and asians, latrinos how we have KKK rallies :lul: :lul: :lul:

Avg slav is giga pussy who will promote their slavic beauties to foreigners :lul::lul::lul:
Lol i remember discussion on reddit by blacks ( especially ), JEETS and asians, latrinos how we have KKK rallies :lul: :lul: :lul:
That sounds just about right from what I've gathered about non-Slavs' understanding and knowledge about the region:lul::lul:.

Avg slav is giga pussy who will promote their slavic beauties to foreigners :lul::lul::lul:
And if you tell them any of that they will roll their eyes and attack you for "lying":lul::feelskek:. Mofos really think that random wageslaves in shithole-tier EE villages are just prancing around the entire day singing about how awesome it is to be white:feelskek::lul:.
Lol i remember discussion on reddit by blacks ( especially ), JEETS and asians, latrinos how we have KKK rallies :lul: :lul: :lul:
Im Not that delusional, I know Putin lock up any nationalist dissident and as for Poland didn’t you guys and the Czech were fighting against immigrants? I heard Yugoslavia had created a somewhat of an ethnostate albeit a shitty one under Viktor Orban.
Wait a second… I mean the guy was a racialist conservative … that’s what I meant. He drove the country poor while taking any money he can, to a- point that the migrants there was escaping in mass, atleast that’s what I got from the news I read.
He gutted social programs and increase taxes for him and his buddy, I meant it in sort of irony ways. It became soo poor that migrants were escaping from the country enmass.
Wait a second… I mean the guy was a racialist conservative … that’s what I meant. He drove the country poor while taking any money he can, to a- point that the migrants there was escaping in mass, atleast that’s what I got from the news I read.
He is hungarian that yugo guy was Tito
IMG 2784
Most of those Japanese men marry other Asian toilets (South Koreans, Chinese, Pinay, Thai, Viet, and Indonesians), Japanese toilets meanwhile:

"According IPSSR, American husbands make up 17% of all foreign husbands in Japan, while American wives make up 1% of foreign wives in Japan.[13][14] Since 1965, the percentage of marriages to American women has declined precipitously, from 6% to 1%, which can be attributed to the long-term decline of the Japanese economy.[15]"

- Wikipedia.

View attachment 1192474

View attachment 1192475


Japanese toilets like:

#1 Korean men.
#2 American men.
#3 Chinese men.*
#4 Brazilian men.
#5 British men.
#6 Peruvian men.
#7 Filipinx men.
#8 Thai men.

Japanese men like:

#Super-1 body pillow waifu's.
#1 Chinese toilets.*
#2 Filipinx toilets.
#3 Korean toilets.
#4 Thai toilets.
#5 Brazilian toilets.
#6 American toilets.
#7 Peruvian toilets.
#8 British toilets.

* = Chinese = Taiwan, Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Macau.

None of them are fucking curries in considerable rates. India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka don't even register in high enough numbers to be significant.

Japenese men and toilets all marry mostly from the same nationalities, but in different proportions. JBW seems to be less powerful than the SKD (Small Korean Dick), also, one cannot assume that every American who marries a Japanese toilet is a Non-Hispanic White-American man, there are likely also a large number of Non-Hispanic Asian-American and Hispanic Asian-American men marrying Japanese toilets. Especially the Non-Hispanic Japanese-American and Hispanic Japanese-American ethnicities.
if you compare it to the number of men of each nationality in the country. whites are like 13x more likely than koreans to be married to a japanese woman

koreans are a joke to jap women. theyre the exact same as japs. subhuman brown squinty manlets with micropenises
if you compare it to the number of men of each nationality in the country. whites are like 13x more likely than koreans to be married to a japanese woman

koreans are a joke to jap women. theyre the exact same as japs. subhuman brown squinty manlets with micropenises
Hmm, samurai gooks hate pajeets for their skin tone but buy tons of bbc porn (blackedjav.com - found it in jav porn thread with ricecels praising it :lul: ). The devil is truly wicked in his treatment of pajeets.
Hmm, samurai gooks hate pajeets for their skin tone but buy tons of bbc porn (blackedjav.com - found it in jav porn thread with ricecels praising it :lul: ). The devil is truly wicked in his treatment of pajeets.
IMG 2301

Japan was Blacked?
Somebody needs to warn Japan that pajeets are fucking retarded, lazy, have zero skills or education, and are all scammers that exaggerate their skills and talent.

Canada has been annihilated by them. It's a fucking cow dung disaster now.

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