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It's Over Pajeetcels on Suicide Watch



The Meeks shall inherit the Earth
Mar 19, 2018

Screenshot 20180520 101950

Sorry for shit pic size
what makes it even more suifuel for curries is that TSR is PC as fuck.
For currycels it never began.
Atleast they are being honest especially with the whole bollywood actor thing saying she wouldn't even find the top curries attractive
Better than them spouting some bluepilled shit about curries needing Muh confidence
Even the curry Chad is not enough for her

Damn those Pajeets and ricecels have it the hardest. I would end it if I were in their foot steps.

I like curry food though. It's so different from eating Spanish food.
Damn those Pajeets and ricecels have it the hardest. I would end it if I were in their foot steps.

I like curry food though. It's so different from eating Spanish food.

Why? Pajeets can do their own women. Why most all men compete for white women and then whine when they are rejected?
Why? Pajeets can do their own women. Why most all men compete for white women and then whine when they are rejected?
Cope, Curry and noodlewhores are chasing and getting for the most part, white men.
Why? Pajeets can do their own women. Why most all men compete for white women and then whine when they are rejected?
Because other races of women view currycels and asiancels as low class. Blacks have an advantage with the BBC shit in which I can confirm is true (no homo).

Currycels don't even have a chance with white women. All they have are Indian females who are almost the equivalent to black females in which most man try to stand away from.

Are you a curry?? didn't mean to hurt your feelings bud. :(
Cope, Curry and noodlewhores are chasing and getting for the most part, white men.
Curry women aren't as bad as noodlewhores. They try to be white so fucking hard it disgust me.. They offer high paying jobs in Asia just for being white. LMAO!!

Asians don't have pride in their own race, that makes them inferior when it comes to sexual prowess.
It's worse when some ugly, hairy, smelly curry bitch says the same thing.
Because other races of women view currycels and asiancels as low class. Blacks have an advantage with the BBC shit in which I can confirm is true (no homo).

Currycels don't even have a chance with white women. All they have are Indian females who are almost the equivalent to black females in which most man try to stand away from.

Are you a curry?? didn't mean to hurt your feelings bud. :(

And Indian men look any better than Indian women? No they are exactly looksmaxed but currycels won't bang their own women
It never began for them, R.I.P.
2012. Now roasties will lie and say they find them attractive. Some probably have convinced themselves that they are in order to think away the "racism"
There's a small number of currycels that can almost fraud white, and many who look really good too. If she was told these men were white, she would rate them hot, but being told they're currycels, she instantly views them as less attractive.

This is proof positive it's pretty much about perception.
Damn, she wouldn't even be with a rich bollywood Curry Chad.

It's over for bollywoodcells.

They never even had a chance.
There's a small number of currycels that can almost fraud white, and many who look really good too. If she was told these men were white, she would rate them hot, but being told they're currycels, she instantly views them as less attractive.

This is proof positive it's pretty much about perception.

Won't make a difference tho. If she ever met up with the guy, the moment he opens up his mouth she will know.
Curry women aren't as bad as noodlewhores.

Yes, they are even worse than noodlehos.

^Video where Indian youtuber Lily Singh tells the world how she thinks whitey is superior.
Damn those Pajeets and ricecels have it the hardest. I would end it if I were in their foot steps.

I like curry food though. It's so different from eating Spanish food.

Lmao I'm glad that you enjoy our cuisine. I also agree that we have it the hardest, every day is such a fucking struggle man.
All of this only applies to people below 8/10. Any person with above 8/10 height and face structure, regardless of race, is attractive.

All of this statistics and general populations crap is just coping by the bottom tier of humanity. Life begins at 8/10, whatever the unattractive people choose to fuck and find attractive isn't even worth considering.

Who gives a fuck if a 5/10 curry can't get a 5/10 white or ethnic - these people don't even exist on the radar for the 8/10 elite

All of this only applies to people below 8/10. Any person with above 8/10 height and face structure, regardless of race, is attractive.

All of this statistics and general populations crap is just coping by the bottom tier of humanity. Life begins at 8/10, whatever the unattractive people choose to fuck and find attractive isn't even worth considering.

Who gives a fuck if a 5/10 curry can't get a 5/10 white or ethnic - these people don't even exist on the radar for the 8/10 elite


Did you even read what she said? She wouldn't even date a Curry Chad.

Life never begins if you're Curry, not even if you're 9/10.

JBW Theory proven once again.
Did you even read what she said? She wouldn't even date a Curry Chad.

Life never begins if you're Curry, not even if you're 9/10.

JBW Theory proven once again.

>Listening to what they say and not what they do

Pathetic. None of you here are blackpilled. You're all fucking fakes. This isn't a forum for blackpills, it's just a forum for losers to cope

Attractive people globally live in a different reality. Cope as hard as you want, your race isn't playing any factors or giving you any points. You're either attractive or (obviously) you're not. And if you're not, it's over and you need to shut the fuck up about the 8/10+ life that you know nothing about.

Just be white, just be black, just whatever race theory the goblin sub-human garbage uses in its mating is inconsequential. The 8/10+ crew gives no fucks, attractive is attractive and that's all
Did you even read what she said? She wouldn't even date a Curry Chad.

Life never begins if you're Curry, not even if you're 9/10.

JBW Theory proven once again.
Don't leave us arabs out. Middle easterns have it almost as bad as Curries.



the difference btw curries and middle easterns are minimal. hell, black women like curries better than sandniggers.

JBW is as real as gravity.
You might find some comments saying like "I am a white british girl and once I got attracted to one indian guy". Please don't get it wrong, they are talking about these type of guys:

Yes, they are even worse than noodlehos.

^Video where Indian youtuber Lily Singh tells the world how she thinks whitey is superior.

This video is one of the cringiest things I have ever seen my entire life.
I laughed so hard at the title I couldn't even read the content lmao.
Whites don't usually date outside of their race.
I would kill myself immediately if I turned into a curry.
I would kill myself immediately if I turned into a curry.
Honestly there's nothing worse than being a balding manlet pajeetcel.
She litterally only says she finds white European men attractive

in fact the fact that she is talking about curries and doesn't even mention other ethnics arguably mean actually she might hypothetically actually put curry after white, and hate blacks and Changs even more

this is hard racepill for all ethnics
And Indian men look any better than Indian women? No they are exactly looksmaxed but currycels won't bang their own women
Haha fuck that, white women or nothing, you can have the curry bitches and noodle whores.
All of this only applies to people below 8/10. Any person with above 8/10 height and face structure, regardless of race, is attractive.

All of this statistics and general populations crap is just coping by the bottom tier of humanity. Life begins at 8/10, whatever the unattractive people choose to fuck and find attractive isn't even worth considering.

Who gives a fuck if a 5/10 curry can't get a 5/10 white or ethnic - these people don't even exist on the radar for the 8/10 elite

Such a extremely minority of men are 8/10. We are talking about the general population not elite tier male models
She's being honest. Most white girls will say they're open to dating brown guys but they aren't. They're just virtue signaling.
Even though Indians are the most detested race, the fact that she doesn't find literal top-tier 1% bollywood stars attractive is kinda tellin gof how shallow she is. Those guys are pretty much white.
Even though Indians are the most detested race, the fact that she doesn't find literal top-tier 1% bollywood stars attractive is kinda tellin gof how shallow she is. Those guys are pretty much white.
Indeed. Saying she doesn't find Hrithik Roshan attractive is a massive cope.
Indeed. Saying she doesn't find Hrithik Roshan attractive is a massive cope.
All the Indian girls at my high school fawned over him until they moved on to white guys.
All the Indian girls at my high school fawned over him until they moved on to white guys.
Currywhores worship white skin. They'd settle for Arabs too but they know Arabs wouldn't want to be with a currywhore.
Currywhores worship white skin. They'd settle for Arabs too but they know Arabs wouldn't want to be with a currywhore.
Do Arabs hate curries or something?
Do Arabs hate curries or something?
no but curries have it worse than arabs(jfl @13k), cuz even though black women "like"(aka betabuxx because they are used up from chad and tyrone dick) curries, Arabs can actually get a curry foid as well if thye are both muslim, and when women say they are open to brown guys they do not think Indians, they think MENAs
no but curries have it worse than arabs(jfl @13k), cuz even though black women "like"(aka betabuxx because they are used up from chad and tyrone dick) curries, Arabs can actually get a curry foid as well if thye are both muslim, and when women say they are open to brown guys they do not think Indians, they think MENAs
Most MENAs are ugly as sin, and everyone hates us because of the whole Muslim stereotype.
Most MENAs are ugly as sin, and everyone hates us because of the whole Muslim stereotype.
JFL at least you guys have liberal white roasties crawling onto you, if the refugees were curries they would run away faster than Sonic, and it is not even most, it is just that you are the 50% of MENAs(that are ugly), the non ugly ones are usually Chadlites at the very least
This video is one of the cringiest things I have ever seen my entire life.
Damn I'm white and should think it's lifefuel but it made me cringe too. What's with that black ghetto style? And JFL at watching Saved By The Bell. That's pure Black Pill with handsome Zack getting cute Kelly and nerdy Screech being pure incel material.
Do Arabs hate curries or something?
They do. Arabs see themselves as superior to others.. you've even got curries pretending to be Arab.
no but curries have it worse than arabs(jfl @13k), cuz even though black women "like"(aka betabuxx because they are used up from chad and tyrone dick) curries, Arabs can actually get a curry foid as well if thye are both muslim, and when women say they are open to brown guys they do not think Indians, they think MENAs
I don't know where you live but Arabs definitely look down upon curries.

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