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Paint a picture of your ideal world for me (hint: no women)



Misogynistic God of the New World
Dec 4, 2020
Negating things like "you can't just kill all women" or "you can't end crime, that's impossible"-- if you could create an IDEAL world, what would it look like? Obviously no chads and no femoids, but what would daily life look like for you? I'm a little curious. I have my own fantasies, but I want to hear what others think since I'm new to the forums.
Death note maxxing is legit. Just be god of the new world bro
I would still want foids and every incel gets one
forced monogamy and only people with blonde hair blue eyes. If I can change myself I’d make it so everyone (including myself) is 6’5 (but not the weird looking 6’5 like you don’t look like a lanky retard). I.e turn everyone into the classic (probably revisionist) Übermensch

I’d also make it so aliens exist so that race is still important (as with no other races obviously there’s no reason to be racially cohesive really anymore and society will start dividing itself based on other things)

no classes as everyone is part of the state like in fascism, all the people in the state unify to be the state. Also no gays or any of that.
forced monogamy and only people with blonde hair blue eyes. If I can change myself I’d make it so everyone (including myself) is 6’5 (but not the weird looking 6’5 like you don’t look like a lanky retard). I.e turn everyone into the classic (probably revisionist) Übermensch

I’d also make it so aliens exist so that race is still important (as with no other races obviously there’s no reason to be racially cohesive really anymore and society will start dividing itself based on other things)

no classes as everyone is part of the state like in fascism, all the people in the state unify to be the state. Also no gays or any of that.
I like this
forced monogamy and only people with blonde hair blue eyes. If I can change myself I’d make it so everyone (including myself) is 6’5 (but not the weird looking 6’5 like you don’t look like a lanky retard). I.e turn everyone into the classic (probably revisionist) Übermensch

I’d also make it so aliens exist so that race is still important (as with no other races obviously there’s no reason to be racially cohesive really anymore and society will start dividing itself based on other things)

no classes as everyone is part of the state like in fascism, all the people in the state unify to be the state. Also no gays or any of that.
I’d make a multicultural feminist Neo-Marxist world where bummer drummer is immortal so he can’t die and so he will forever be stuck on that kind of world
I’d make a multicultural feminist Neo-Marxist world where bummer drummer is immortal so he can’t die and so he will forever be stuck on that kind of world
New world plan:
Everyone is now a 6’5 Congolese man with AIDS except for @HidekiTojota and they’re all gay and horny
my ideal world is just exactly the world we have now except without jews
1 u YYrm882aOoKhyK6b5CIQ
I'm an ominpotent god-like who can do anything and make anything i desire.
I'd honestly create a world vastly different from this one. A more interesting and beautiful earth with more meaningful creatures, plants, and animals. I'd make the life of an average man and Gorilla full of excitement and adventure.
remove sex and turn everyone into childish autists who just want to have sleepovers and tea parties
What you will be doing in the world without foids? Gaymaxxing? :dafuckfeels::feelsseriously::worryfeels::feelsohgod::feelspuke:foids should exist but only as domestic animals with zero rights
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I just want a world with no lies.
Negating things like "you can't just kill all women" or "you can't end crime, that's impossible"-- if you could create an IDEAL world, what would it look like? Obviously no chads and no femoids, but what would daily life look like for you? I'm a little curious. I have my own fantasies, but I want to hear what others think since I'm new to the forums.
If I could create my own world I’d throw this one in the trash and change foid’s brain so they can have common sense, not be deceptive, and like men like how men like girls, meaning even the ugliest guy can get a girlfriend. After that I’d make it an international law to not allow immigrants into countries, and promote domestic products and companies. I’d make it so only men who are 35 or older can vote. Gay people being generally seen as retarded because of the useless hedonism of them. Social media would survive for about a month but both women and men would realize it is destructive and sinister and boycott it. Women sleeping around would belong to every man that has not lost their virginity yet, they will be encouraged to have sex with men who are still virgins. Feminism is utterly useless in this world, men and women have their traditional roles which make them happy and help society function and develop a good future. Nobody would really care how you look in this world, the thing that would stand out the most is work ethic and a good personality.
a world everyone has superpowers, plus high tech and i can have any superpowers i want but only one at a time.
Everyone looks the same on each gender, and has the same genetic potential for anything. A truly meritocratic utopia, that personality and hard work would actually matter.
Your power would be storage.
i thinking more accurately will be power shifting, but you did give me an idea for a power the abilty to take others powers and store them in me for my use but one at a time. you should check out powerlisting fandom/superpowers wiki its good place for that.
Everyone looks the same on each gender, and has the same genetic potential for anything. A truly meritocratic utopia, that personality and hard work would actually matter.
what if everyone stars off the same but everyone has infinte genetic potential and control it by there thoughs now that will be sick.
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I’m incredibly rich gigachad with huge cock that fucks a new stacy every day
A matriarchy run world with a deadly virus in need of a vaccine. The vaccine is secretly made to KAM (kill all men). The vaccine kills off 99% of the male population due their lack of recombinant genes because of only one X chromosome. The women with two X chromosomes survive the vaccination due to more backup DNA and are thirsty for men because of their rarity.

Women then become deprived of sex and affection and seek it out from any male they see. Women will walk down the street for days without seeing a man and once they finally come across a man they uncontrollably run over to him and drain his seed. Every man alive will have his pick of sexy ass women begging for his cawk.
I'd honestly create a world vastly different from this one. A more interesting and beautiful earth with more meaningful creatures, plants, and animals. I'd make the life of an average man and Gorilla full of excitement and adventure.
forced monogamy and only people with blonde hair blue eyes. If I can change myself I’d make it so everyone (including myself) is 6’5 (but not the weird looking 6’5 like you don’t look like a lanky retard). I.e turn everyone into the classic (probably revisionist) Übermensch

I’d also make it so aliens exist so that race is still important (as with no other races obviously there’s no reason to be racially cohesive really anymore and society will start dividing itself based on other things)

no classes as everyone is part of the state like in fascism, all the people in the state unify to be the state. Also no gays or any of that.
Sounds nice
All foids stop aging around 13-15, mass jailbait. Milf fags get fucked. No gays or trannies either, sorry. Magic would be real too, life would be like a jrpg except all the females would be cute and fuckable 24/7. The terrible traits in their personalities would be dialed back a bit too since this society wouldn't be feminist like the modern west. I was actually working on a fictional universe like this but if I went more into detail id be called a fag. Females would mostly be treated as cute pets and would actually be loyal and capable of love. Everyone would have mostly chad-traits though physically. Also no cultural marxism or post-modern art. Jewish shit wouldn't exist for the most part or if it did would be highly demonized since a universe like this needs an antagonistic faction to make stuff interesting.
Women would be second class citizens, and no simps or Chads.
In my ideal world humans would live in a technically advanced, beautiful paradise. Pretty much like I imagine heaven.
People would not age beyond 30 and would never die. There would be differences between them in terms of looks (so not everyone would look the same), but everyone would be attractive.

People would live in a state of euphoric harmony, with no care, problems, wars, selfishness, and stuff like that.
Everyone would be equal, enjoying the same, top-quality living standards.

The male-female gender ratio would be around 1:4. Each male would have multiple wives.
Life would be about sex, food, recreational drugs and happiness. Everyone would be happy.
the good guys actually win the second world war
Try as you might there will never be such a thing as an ideal world.
forced monogamy and only people with blonde hair blue eyes. If I can change myself I’d make it so everyone (including myself) is 6’5 (but not the weird looking 6’5 like you don’t look like a lanky retard). I.e turn everyone into the classic (probably revisionist) Übermensch

I’d also make it so aliens exist so that race is still important (as with no other races obviously there’s no reason to be racially cohesive really anymore and society will start dividing itself based on other things)

no classes as everyone is part of the state like in fascism, all the people in the state unify to be the state. Also no gays or any of that.
It's phantasizing, mental masturbations, allays our grieve in this shitty world.
Who's to say that:
this current world is the idea of someone, who thought they could make a more ideal world than the one that existed before?
Who's to say that:
this current world is the idea of someone, who thought they could make a more ideal world than the one that existed before?
Society isn't the reflection of one individual, but the evolution of how the masses changes according to cultural changes, technological advances, revision of ideologies, artistic values.
Basically is the reaction, how the masses toughts evolve, their way of seeing the world.
Society isn't the reflection of one individual, but the evolution of how the masses changes according to cultural changes, technological advances, revision of ideologies, artistic values
Once made it isn't completely in your control no matter what. There will always be elements of subversion or things that naturally go awry that you didn't plan for. It's the nature of this universe imo but that's getting into the philosophical aspects of creating as ideal a world as possible.
Once made it isn't completely in your control no matter what. There will always be elements of subversion or things that naturally go awry that you didn't plan for. It's the nature of this universe imo but that's getting into the philosophical aspects of creating as ideal a world as possible.
Also that, keep in mind that "evolving" means adapting to new tendecies, creating new complex systems and losing what isn't needed.
Everything trough the subconcscious of the masses, everything becomes subject not only of subtle changes by niche, but how our nature develops, how we face those challenges.
The mistakes of the masses can only be corrected once they get to a pivotal point, a decisive moment for the future of the masses.
Little events have no impact no how the masses will "react", but rather their constant recollection that becomes into an influx point.
Also that, keep in mind that "evolving" means adapting to new tendecies, creating new complex systems and losing what isn't needed.
Yeah evolution while not always a linear process can be very chaotic and unpredictable and benefits gained today can be detrimental in another era to come.
Everything trough the subconcscious of the masses, everything becomes subject not only of subtle changes by niche, but how our nature develops, how we face those challenges.
True while normies are unfortunately closer to being NPCs that blindly believe the media they still have their quirks, own interpretations of this world and ideas of what is best to carry out that inevitably lead to conflict and produce different possible paths that history could have taken.
The mistakes of the masses can only be corrected once they get to a pivotal point, a decisive moment for the future of the masses.
Little events have no impact no how the masses will "react", but rather their constant recollection that becomes into an influx point.
Some call that decisive moment the rapture. Others may call it the singularity. Others call it reaching the pinnacle of human progress and purging the bigots. If there is a hivemind forming in humanity's future then there are assuredly people today wanting to affect what the ultimate character of that hivemind and its tendencies will be.

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