u get shredded as fuck but cant sleep so you get kinda retarded, you know how your mind is foggy after 1-2 days of very low sleep?
It gets exponentially worse after weeks of that so you become kind of retard and schizo very paranoid about shit. i don’t really get mad though. maybe irritated more easily.
not a monster tbh I’m giving you my peak weight on watery shit like adrol, deca. maybe I was ~13%?
without the water and bordering on single digits 200ish but even still just test gives you like +10lbs scale weight
I should make a tren-cel thread tbh ngl. Based drug for incels, would probably create more ERs, and the fakecels would become attractive enough to get laid jfl
run tren long enough n your logic goes to shit and you start to become paranoid about worst possible scenarios, impulsive.
i came off tren because as I turned onto a street the light turned yellow and i was so fucking pissed that the light wasnt green I just accelerated, it was red like 50+m before I entered the intersection and just blatantly ran a red at a busy intersection and almost got into accident.