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RageFuel Our son is a Incel

Lol such incredible larp. Yeah bro the evil inkwell who doesnt shower and watches large amounts of pornography and sniffs sisters panties :feelshaha:. This is such a fake stroy i just cant read it sithout laughing. It hits all the notes.
-trump supporter

like they throw everything at the wallhopefully for some shit to stick
It's Reddit in a nutshell. Someone will come up with a tale that somehow fits into every single stereotype, every single cliche, and the hordes of soys will lap it up.
Who should play the incel in this movie though?
We got my son therapy but he refused to engage with the therapist, calling him a “sand nigger” and “pajeet” and “terrorist”. His next therapist was a “chad”, so he didn’t relate to that either
This one made me laugh ngl
Video evidence or LARP
It hits all the notes.
-trump supporter
Who cares if you have made an edit. Why does everyone on reddit always have to clarify it. Only places I don't see this are the subs that require at least a slight bit of intelligence.
Just a shit fanfic wrote by normies
probably an IT LARP
I remember when the story first came out. Even the Inceltears agreed it was way too stereotypical and probably a made up story.
My son went on a tirade about how he found birth control pills and heard “whore” sounds from her room, so he kicked open her door and discovered them having sex, he said he couldn’t believe his own sister would “be a nigger’s whore” and called the poor boy a monkey and other things.

Yea i would literally slaughter my family if i had a sister and heard her having sex next to my room, my life is already misery and despair as is but this would completely break me
Yea i would literally slaughter my family if i had a sister and heard her having sex next to my room, my life is already misery and despair as is but this would completely break me
I don't understand. Why?

BTW, I think it's not LARP. Maybe many stereotypes in it, but no person gets a good image in the story and no person is the stereotypical monster. Even this wicked son he loves and named some good traits of him.
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Bluepilled normal fags, soys, foids and Chad's will never realize that the reason we are here is because we were treated like scum before we could even try to be nice
Have seen this so many times before. Am still convinced that this is a LARP.
it 100% is a LARP. There are so many red flags and its full of stereotypes. It comes off like a huge lie.
I am pretty sure this was here before in another thread
I read up until the point the dad did nothing about the son shoving his wife.

If I did that to my mother my father would have annihilated me right there and then. the father is a low T CUCK for doing nothing
Anyone should know right then and there the story is a total and complete LARP/bad fan fiction since a father that is as low T and cucked as the one portrayed in this story would be too afraid to physically go after his son.

He’d prissily scold the boy for insulting his mother and in true low T cuck fag fashion would waggle his pointer finger at his son and say “that’s it mister, that is your very last time disrespecting your mother and this house! I am now going to go and call the police on you!!”

See the cuck who wrote this slop got too involved in it and didn’t keep himself and his emotions/feelings out of the story enough to make it ALL add up and sound 100% across the board legitimate.

There are parts that do sound totally legit but parts like the above that give the game away because the cuck couldn’t maintain enough emotional distance to properly serve the characters and make them authentic at all times and what I mean is that because the author is most likely a weak, spineless, sissified cuck he had his cuck character the dad do what he himself always wished he could do to bullies which is to stand up and confront them and put them in their place physically if necessary.

Well by granting his own wish he did a disservice to his cuck father character and ruined the authenticity of his own story because his emotions got in the way and motivated him to want to see the cuck in the masculine role as a hero that takes action for a change instead of a pussy and thereby he could obtain a fleeting moment of self gratification by vicariously living through the unrealistic actions/experiences of his cuck father character who again would never be able to even bring himself to commit such an act were he properly portrayed.


After reading the entire thing it's LARP for sure. Very entertaining however, and the author must have a decent knowledge of Incels to be able to write this. But if any man could create incel children, it's a redditor.
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Lol such incredible larp. Yeah bro the evil inkwell who doesnt shower and watches large amounts of pornography and sniffs sisters panties :feelshaha:. This is such a fake stroy i just cant read it sithout laughing. It hits all the notes.
-trump supporter

like they throw everything at the wallhopefully for some shit to stick
what a fcking larp :feelskek:
His son is too low inhib to be an incel :feelskek:
larps me but just how many soycucks like this are out there failing their sons?
i read it , i'm not a lazycel
the dude was fucking pond scum

not one of us
Jesus fuck, we have a fucking luxury villa in normie heads
imagine spending HOURS typing this shit out
he could've spent some of this time making it at least somewhat believable instead of adding every "le evil creep" stereotype possible
The dad is a cuck who should be beaten to a pulp if it's real, but I'm sure it's just a soy wet dream.
Amazing larp 7/10 for effort.
i aint reading all that shit espcially a foid
Sounds like some CuckTea user's fantasy
The post reads like the script of a movie made about incels based solely on what the media says about us, making sure to include every false stereotype along the way.
So this guy has kicked out of his own white son, with no means to survive, and in the same time, has let a Black fuck his own daughter in his own house ?

What kind of father is it ? He's just posting this anti-Incel long shit on Reddit just because he knows we will never be authorized to reply, but most of all, to get the normies' approval about the horrible decisions he took against his own son.

Sooner or later, this be-said father will have to pay the price for what he did. It will be either his son doing it, either another Incel who would send verbal blackpilled nukes in his face.
pretty sure its someone LARPing.
I like reading that, if it was real that incel would be based af.:dab:

yeah that's fake and gay
You don’t have a crusty pair of panties hidden, or racist trump memes or cartoon porn of questionably underage girls?
Do you remember that time when some ITcel took the time out of his life to write an entire fictional book about an incel that went to prison. JFL
Degenerate father and mother characters- are perfectly fine with their young 18 year old daughter fucking Colvin
You're LARPing hard.

I approached 105 foids and all of them rejected me. I got ZERO matches on tinder even after months of using it. I literally can't even get 2/10 landwhales.

No foid wants to fuck me and no foid's parents want their daughter fucked by me. You are a cuck troll if you deny this and will be added to my ignore list.
You're LARPing hard.

I approached 105 foids and all of them rejected me. I got ZERO matches on tinder even after months of using it. I literally can't even get 2/10 landwhales.

No foid wants to fuck me and no foid's parents want their daughter fucked by me. You are a cuck troll if you deny this and will be added to my ignore list.
LOL, chill little homie.

I thought you knew you were a site wide "BBC always wins" nigga meme at this point?
You mean you haven't seen the posters saying "Colvin lives matter" which is clearly a BLM reference?

What about the topic/post where someone made about you claiming you to be an African villager being roasted alive by other villagers??

That one was...well...not truly "funny" in a "haha" kinda way but rather because the poor little victim nigga seemingly possessed your level of shortness. That shit was totally NOT cool that they were roasting a fellow brotha alive but yeah just saying ie giving you the "411" as it were on today's Colvin topics and memes.

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I still can't believe some coping retard incel in denial took time out of their day to type up this Master's thesis of a LARP. Holy fucking shit, IT users and bluepillers literally have no lives at all.
Gotta appreciate the effort tho, you don't see a LARP like that everyday JFL.
You mean you haven't seen the posters saying "Colvin lives matter" which is clearly a BLM reference?

What about the topic/post where someone made about you claiming you to be an African villager being roasted alive by other villagers??

That one was...well...not truly "funny" in a "haha" kinda way but rather because the poor little victim nigga seemingly possessed your level of shortness. That shit was totally NOT cool that they were roasting a fellow brotha alive but yeah just saying ie giving you the "411" as it were on today's Colvin topics and memes.

I am already aware of Colvin Lives Matter and it has nothing to do with BBC/Slaying and was actually started by one of my friends lol (either @FallenPrime or @pp183). #ColvinLivesMatter #IncelLivesMatter.

Other colvin jokes like bbc/slaying are basically slander if they're not posted in the sewers only.
I am already aware of Colvin Lives Matter and it has nothing to do with BBC/Slaying and was actually started by one of my friends lol (either @FallenPrime or @pp183). #ColvinLivesMatter #IncelLivesMatter.

Other colvin jokes like bbc/slaying are basically slander if they're not posted in the sewers only.
:feelsgah: :feelsgah: :feelsgah: :feelsgah: :feelsgah: :feelsgah: :feelsgah: :feelsgah:
I am already aware of Colvin Lives Matter and it has nothing to do with BBC/Slaying and was actually started by one of my friends lol (either @FallenPrime or @pp183). #ColvinLivesMatter #IncelLivesMatter.

Other colvin jokes like bbc/slaying are basically slander if they're not posted in the sewers only.
Women in a nutshell: SJWs in the streets KKK in the sheets (except for 6 ft Square Jawed Wideframed Tyrone, or maybe starfish sex for some kpop star)
So this guy has kicked out of his own white son, with no means to survive, and in the same time, has let a Black fuck his own daughter in his own house ?

What kind of father is it ?

a lowT soy progressive piece of shit, thats what. Assuming this is true (which I doubt it is), the nigger he let in will either : impregnate the bitch and disappear, or chimp out beat up the sorry excuse of a man over an imagined slight.
I bet both of the kids aren’t his anyway (again, assuming this is a true story)

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