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[Whitepill] Our Political and Economic System is Not Rigged, There are Flaws, but it is not Rigged

  • Thread starter Deleted member 43188
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Deleted member 43188

A lot of incels see how rigged the dating game is and apply it to everything in life. They believe that because we've been unfairly led to believe that the dating market is more just than it is, then the same could be said about government and the economy. This could not be further from the truth.

Governments today are far more fair, efficient and least corrupt than any time in history. It's easy to point out the bad and ignore the good, the occasional bribe here and there.. but overall things have gotten better. Fintech, advanced auditing procedures, and enhanced control systems ensures that corruption is minimized, especially at the top levels. Your tax money is spent efficiently and on things that benefit you, and despite our flaws, the wealthy pay for the vast proportion of our national budget.

I feel it's important for me to say this so incels realize that not everything in the world is bad, not everything is negative, and not everything is rigged against you. Our Democracy works, it is simply flawed.
Didn’t read
I wish you would jump feet first into a woodchipper. Everyone hates you and is tired of seeing these Reddit-tier bluepilled posts of yours shitting up the forum.
Would you rather live in USA or WE?
Personally Western Europe, ideally somewhere more progressive.
Why? You would make far less money, would have less freedom of speech, would pay 3 times more for your gas, more for your rent, more for your eletricity, pay more taxes (especially for services that you don't vastly benefit from, since you aren't married with kids) and so on
You seem like a really good and nice person, and I do want to sympathize with you but you bootlick and are beyond cucked. You already support neo-soycialist policies and tyrannical leaders. You really need to get your head out of your ass.
He’s the average christcuck.

The government doesn't give a single flying fuck about the people. Their goal is to maintain their wealth and power and keep everyone else docile.

Money in and of itself has no real worth and are just pieces of paper or digits on a screen created by Jews to keep people enslaved by debt.

Your taxes are being used to fund wars, propaganda, abortions, single moms with bastard children on welfare, paying agents to carry out dirty deeds, the spread of faggotry and degeneracy, and lining the pockets of politicians.

Capitalism is fueled by human exploitation, animal cruelty, environmental degradation, widespread poverty and hunger in the third world, and the destruction of the natural world.

You think these rich fucks pay their taxes? They keep their money in off-shore accounts and use legal loopholes to avoid having to pay.

Abolish money. We should go back to the barter system.
Lmao this gay faggotry bluepilled post just end yourself
Why? You would make far less money, would have less freedom of speech, would pay 3 times more for your gas, more for your rent, more for your eletricity, pay more taxes (especially for services that you don't vastly benefit from, since you aren't married with kids) and so on
>make far less money

I make too much money as it is, I don't want to see people suffering on my way to work. I also don't want rich assholes in high-towers to be making six figures while others go without food.

>less freedom of speech

I am really going to have to explain my position on this, because it sounds so hypocritical of me to say tihs on an incel forum, but im not entirely for absolute freedom of speech. This isn't THAT serious for me, I understand the pros and cons to it... but I think in the age of mass communication such as ours.... restriction of some dangerous speech can be a stabilizing influence on society.

>would pay 3 times more for your gas, more for your rent, more for your eletricity, pay more taxes (especially for services that you don't vastly benefit from, since you aren't married with kids) and so on

Well this goes back to the economic argument. I already make more money than I know what to do with, I want a better society. I would rather live in a more socialist society.
I make too much money as it is, I don't want to see people suffering on my way to work. I also don't want rich assholes in high-towers to be making six figures while others go without food.
Just give up everything you have and choose to voluntarily live life as a hermit monk in the woods.
>make far less money

I make too much money as it is, I don't want to see people suffering on my way to work. I also don't want rich assholes in high-towers to be making six figures while others go without food.
Then move to a rich area.

If you really care about overall poverty, donate your money to third world countries, if anything, those need your help much more than the ones who are on welfware in 1st world countries.

I am really going to have to explain my position on this, because it sounds so hypocritical of me to say tihs on an incel forum, but im not entirely for absolute freedom of speech. This isn't THAT serious for me, I understand the pros and cons to it... but I think in the age of mass communication such as ours.... restriction of some dangerous speech can be a stabilizing influence on society.
Who is talking about absolute freedom of speech? Not even the USA allows that

The government doesn't give a single flying fuck about the people. Their goal is to maintain their wealth and power and keep everyone else docile.

Money in and of itself has no real worth and are just pieces of paper or digits on a screen created by Jews to keep people enslaved by debt.

Your taxes are being used to fund wars, propaganda, abortions, single moms with bastard children on welfare, paying agents to carry out dirty deeds, the spread of faggotry and degeneracy, and lining the pockets of politicians.

Capitalism is fueled by human exploitation, animal cruelty, environmental degradation, widespread poverty and hunger in the third world, and the destruction of the natural world.

You think these rich fucks pay their taxes? They keep their money in off-shore accounts and use legal loopholes to avoid having to pay.

Abolish money. We should go back to the barter system.
>The government doesn't give a single flying fuck about the people. Their goal is to maintain their wealth and power and keep everyone else docile.

People in my family are former politicians, believe me when I say they are the kindest and sweetest people to ever live. I 100% can tell you that they lost sleep over their constituents. They were not in it for the money, they were in it to make a difference in their community.

>Money in and of itself has no real worth and are just pieces of paper or digits on a screen created by Jews to keep people enslaved by debt.

Not true, taxes give money value, the need for money to pay taxes keeps its value up

>Your taxes are being used to fund wars

Waging war against evildoers and aggressors is a good thing. Even God's angles fought the devils army. Where would we be in world war 2 if the U.S didn't fund the war?

>fund propaganda

Propaganda can serve a purpose, I'm ok with funding propaganda that supports Western values and maintains our geopolitical stability. Our enemies in Russia and China certainly think funding propaganda is useful.


This pisses me the fuck off, abortion should be banned

> single moms with bastard children on welfare

I support a welfare state but yeah i don't like single mothers, if we could cut them off of it that would be great

>paying agents to carry out dirty deeds

I support the CIA if that's what you're suggesting. I think every superpower needs an intelligence agency to collect intel from adversaries and maintain an advanced geopolitical understanding of our world state.

>Capitalism is fueled by human exploitation, animal cruelty, environmental degradation, widespread poverty and hunger in the third world, and the destruction of the natural world.

Agreed, and that's why I want regulations and progressive liberal policies thwart its influence

>You think these rich fucks pay their taxes? They keep their money in off-shore accounts and use legal loopholes to not contribute.

Total myth, everyday I study investments in the Cayman island for our corporate clients and family offices. We study how they can pay as little tax as possible.... there is no way to avoid taxes. The Cayman island just allows them to ACCRUE investments tax-free... so they can reinvest interest on T-bonds without paying tax until they pull their money out.... but they still pay taxes at the beginning and end.
Then move to a rich area.

If you really care about overall poverty, donate your money to third world countries, if anything, those need your help much more than the ones who are on welfware in 1st world countries.

Who is talking about absolute freedom of speech? Not even the USA allows that
>Then move to a rich area.

My job is located where it is, I can't just magically move my office somewhere else

>If you really care about overall poverty, donate your money to third world countries,

Dude, these are global systemic issues, I can't cure poverty with donations, we need radical systematic change

>Who is talking about absolute freedom of speech? Not even the USA allows that

USA is pretty close to that.
You are acting as any kind of collectivism is socialism.
It is but not all socialism is the same.
If anything, christianity, protestantism specifically, actively promoted the individualism we see today
No one is talking about individualism as a xian value. The Bible promotes ideas such as tolerance and all humans being equal which are key tenants of Marxism.
I wish you would jump feet first into a woodchipper. Everyone hates you and is tired of seeing these Reddit-tier bluepilled posts of yours shitting up the forum.
Not to mention inceldom=discussed:feelsseriously:
He is a peon himself, nigga is making 60k a year living in a pod in NYC with faggot roommates what the fuck he is going to donate? His ramen noodles? :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
You're the most privileged person on this forum by a long shot, you're more privileged than the 99% of normies, you don't belong here at all.

Privileged bitch.
>Then move to a rich area.

My job is located where it is, I can't just magically move my office somewhere else
So you prefer to have your money highly taxxed over driving another way to work?

>If you really care about overall poverty, donate your money to third world countries,

Dude, these are global systemic issues, I can't cure poverty with donations, we need radical systematic change
So? You said you care about reducing suffering that results from poverty, you can do that. I never said that you have to solve poverty in third world countries to do that
So you prefer to have your money highly taxxed over driving another way to work?

So? You said you care about reducing suffering that results from poverty, you can do that. I never said that you have to solve poverty in third world countries to do that
>So you prefer to have your money highly taxxed over driving another way to work?

What? I don't understand, i'd have to pay the same taxes

>So? You said you care about reducing suffering that results from poverty, you can do that. I never said that you have to solve poverty in third world countries to do that

The difference i'd make would be mandatory.
>So you prefer to have your money highly taxxed over driving another way to work?

What? I don't understand, i'd have to pay the same taxes
You literally you said you would rather move to a place where taxes are significantly higher than in the USA due to your discomfort when seeing poverty.

>So? You said you care about reducing suffering that results from poverty, you can do that. I never said that you have to solve poverty in third world countries to do that

The difference i'd make would be mandatory.
It's not a matter of [UWSL]optionality.[/UWSL]

[UWSL]The [/UWSL]difference you would make in third world countries would be far higher, I already explained that before
Where are my jets, yachts, lambos, rolls royces, mansions and private islands then? All I see is piss jugs and doritos :society::society::society::society:
You could easily go to any grocery store you want and buy nice T-bone steaks, buy fine wine at the liquor store, and uber wherever you want.
You literally you said you would rather move to a place where taxes are significantly higher than in the USA due to your discomfort when seeing poverty.

It's not a matter of [UWSL]optionality.[/UWSL]

[UWSL]The [/UWSL]difference you would make in third world countries would be far higher, I already explained that before
OHhhh i see what you're saying.

I can't afford to move to a "richer area", im in NYC and i save about $1000 a month as it is.
As a libertarian I think I and nazis can come together against christcuck soycialists.
I’m not sure. Our alliance is very loose. Libertarians dislike NS as much as communism. You will be on the chopping block once they are defeated :feelsdevil:
People in my family are former politicians, believe me when I say they are the kindest and sweetest people to ever live. I 100% can tell you that they lost sleep over their constituents. They were not in it for the money, they were in it to make a difference in their community.
Sure, there might be a few people who go into politics because they want to help people and genuinely want to make the place they represent to be a better place.

But unfortunately those type of people aren't the ones that get to be on top. You have to be a psychopath if you want to be a good politician. Manipulate people by saying what they want to hear in order to gain support, getting people on your payroll to keep yourself in power.
Not true, taxes give money value, the need for money to pay taxes keeps its value up
No. First of all money has value because people use it as a means to exchange. Just like any other commodity, money is affected by supply and demand. If people are buying more, the value goes up, and likewise if people are selling more and increasing the money supply the value goes down.

Money as it exist now isn't backed up by anything. It's just a finite amount of an imaginary resource. Money is created when the banks make loans, the money being lended comes out of nowhere and it disappears when the debt is paid off. Debt is the way to keep people enslaved, to keep them waging away while the lenders get rich off their work.

And yes, if it wasn't shit for taxes, rent, etc. and if the people in control weren't artificially manipulating the prices for things we would be much better off. There would be less conflicts, less homelessness, less exploitation, etc.
Waging war against evildoers and aggressors is a good thing. Even God's angles fought the devils army. Where would we be in world war 2 if the U.S didn't fund the war?
In war, there is no "good side" vs "bad side". Every side has their own goals and intentions that they want to be met. It's propaganda to say that the group your fighting against is the enemy.

The U.S. has commited a lot of atrocities against people in Latin America, the Middle East, Vietnam, etc. in order to protect its economic interests.

Why do you think America when to war with Iraq? It wasn't because the people there where terrorists. It was because Saddam Hussein wanted to break off control from the U.S. over its oil supply. In the perspective of the people living there, they say the U.S. as invaders who were threatening their values and their way of life, and they wanted to protect themselves and their family.

Also keep in mind that Osama bin Laden and most of the 9/11 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia, but of course the U.S. didn't attack the country because it's basically an American puppet state.

And it's funny that you mention the Nazis because many of them were hired by the U.S. government because they were interested in Nazi technology and tactics.
Propaganda can serve a purpose, I'm ok with funding propaganda that supports Western values and maintains our geopolitical stability. Our enemies in Russia and China certainly think funding propaganda is useful.
Propaganda twists the truth in order to get people to think in a way that supports the current regime and to keep them docile. They don't care about showing the whole unbiased truth.
[UWSL]I support the CIA if that's what you're suggesting. I think every superpower needs an intelligence agency to collect intel from adversaries and maintain an advanced geopolitical understanding of our world state.[/UWSL]
Fuck the CIA, fuck the FBI, fuck the government and everyone paid to enforce them.

They don't enforce the law because of the goodwill of the people. If the government doesn't like something they'll get someone to stamp it out.
Agreed, and that's why I want regulations and progressive liberal policies thwart its influence
Policies ain't going to help because again, regulations don't exist to do good. You have lobbyists twisting the rules in order to protect their interests. People in the third world will still be exploited to make products that we consume.

The only solution is to decrease our consumption and go back to localizing production.
[UWSL]Total myth, everyday I study investments in the Cayman island for our corporate clients and family offices. We study how they can pay as little tax as possible.... there is no way to avoid taxes. The Cayman island just allows them to ACCRUE investments tax-free... so they can reinvest interest on T-bonds without paying tax until they pull their money out.... but they still pay taxes at the beginning and end.[/UWSL]
They might still pay some taxes, but definitely not the amount that they actually owe nor does the amount they have to pay makes an impact on their net worth. To them it's like giving away a few pennies.
Sure, there might be a few people who go into politics because they want to help people and genuinely want to make the place they represent to be a better place.

But unfortunately those type of people aren't the ones that get to be on top. You have to be a psychopath if you want to be a good politician. Manipulate people by saying what they want to hear in order to gain support, getting people on your payroll to keep yourself in power.

You don't have to be a psychopath, you can be a Machiavellian, just like my family was. They lied their asses off but it was always for a better cause. Hitler told lies but he truly believed he was doing it for a better Germany. Lincoln, Ghandi, etc... all told lies to get where they were... but once they were in power they did what they believed was right, a lot of people are like that.

No. First of all money has value because people use it as a means to exchange. Just like any other commodity, money is affected by supply and demand. If people are buying more, the value goes up, and likewise if people are selling more and increasing the money supply the value goes down.

And where does the root demand for money come from? From your need to pay taxes. Taxes make it so that every person needs money in order to survive (or not go to jail), this is the base demand for money that all value for it derives from. Otherwise, it's just a piece of paper that has value because others think it has value.

Money as it exist now isn't backed up by anything. It's just a finite amount of an imaginary resource. Money is created when the banks make loans, the money being lended comes out of nowhere and it disappears when the debt is paid off. Debt is the way to keep people enslaved, to keep them waging away while the lenders get rich off their work.

It's backed by the ability of the government to punish you if you don't pay taxes, and you need the dollar to pay taxes.

And yes, if it wasn't shit for taxes, rent, etc. and if the people in control weren't artificially manipulating the prices for things we would be much better off. There would be less conflicts, less homelessness, less exploitation, etc.

There is no conspiracy to keep you poor, most people in power got there because they were elected to help you get rich. The truth is there is just not enough resources to make everyone rich, but the people in power are doing the best they can for the greatest number of people.

In war, there is no "good side" vs "bad side". Every side has their own goals and intentions that they want to be met. It's propaganda to say that the group your fighting against is the enemy.

The U.S may not be perfect, but they're the least bad side and helps the world to a greater degree than its adversaries.

The U.S. has commited a lot of atrocities against people in Latin America, the Middle East, Vietnam, etc. in order to protect its economic interests.

Why do you think America when to war with Iraq? It wasn't because the people there where terrorists. It was because Saddam Hussein wanted to break off control from the U.S. over its oil supply. In the perspective of the people living there, they say the U.S. as invaders who were threatening their values and their way of life, and they wanted to protect themselves and their family.

That's true, but that was only so that the U.S could maintain its economic and thus military hegemony, without which the world would be in a far worse state. It's like if a super-hero hi-jacks a car so he can chase a bad guy down and arrest him. Sure he hi-jacked a car, and you could point that out... but the end result was for the best. If the U.S had not become the U.S hegemony through some of these horrible acts you mentioned, the world would be in a far worse state today.

Also keep in mind that Osama bin Laden and most of the 9/11 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia, but of course the U.S. didn't attack the country because it's basically an American puppet state.

Because doing so would be hitting self destruct on the American empire, and as i mentioned, the world would be plunged into a Russia-China tyrannicracy

And it's funny that you mention the Nazis because many of them were hired by the U.S. government because they were interested in Nazi technology and tactics.

I think that was a good thing. It wasn't the Nazi rocket scientists doing the holocaust or giving the orders, the U.S executed the Nazis who did that. There was no reason not to hire some former Nazi scientists just because they were forced to work for the wrong side.

Propaganda twists the truth in order to get people to think in a way that supports the current regime and to keep them docile. They don't care about showing the whole unbiased truth.

That's why I look at both sides and open-source data. It just so happens that the Western narrative is far more accurate than any of our adversaries.

Fuck the CIA, fuck the FBI, fuck the government and everyone paid to enforce them.

They don't enforce the law because of the goodwill of the people. If the government doesn't like something they'll get someone to stamp it out.

Policies ain't going to help because again, regulations don't exist to do good. You have lobbyists twisting the rules in order to protect their interests. People in the third world will still be exploited to make products that we consume.

Lobbyists don't play as big as a role as you think.

The only solution is to decrease our consumption and go back to localizing production.

They might still pay some taxes, but definitely not the amount that they actually owe nor does the amount they have to pay makes an impact on their net worth. To them it's like giving away a few pennies.

Not true at all, look at any financial statement of any major company. Every year they pay a great deal in corporate tax, and then their exec compensation is all recorded on SEC filings too. Their taxes are pretty public and you can find it yourself.
I wish you would jump feet first into a woodchipper. Everyone hates you and is tired of seeing these Reddit-tier bluepilled posts of yours shitting up the forum.

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