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JFL Orthodox vs Protestant(evangelical) Bird

@Anarcho Nihilist
Protestant have done great damage to Christianity
Protestant have done great damage to Christianity
Yeah. They have freed religion and that is what has allowed Anglos and northern cultures to be hypocritical for their economic benefit rather than social benefit.
Orthodoxy is not so good. All Orthodox countries are poor.

Protestantism makes countries rich, Catholic countries are average, and Orthodox countries are poor. Look at Europe.
I think it's because, protestants have work culture, I forgot what it's called. But yes, you're right. But the downside of protestinism is degenrecey.
I think it's because, protestants have work culture, I forgot what it's called. But yes, you're right. But the downside of protestinism is degenrecey.
Yes, it's like a balance, when each option has advantages and disadvantages: by choosing Protestantism you become a degenerate, but you get rich. By choosing Orthodoxy, you do not have degeneration, but you are poor.
Protestantism makes countries rich, Catholic countries are average, and Orthodox countries are poor. Look at Europe.
It's not that Protestantism makes rich countries, but that Protestantism makes you a person without religion, "sola fide" It is basically living like most Christians live today: I have faith in Jesus but I will kill, rape, steal and commit genocide.
It's not that Protestantism makes rich countries, but that Protestantism makes you a person without religion, "sola fide" It is basically living like most Christians live today: I have faith in Jesus but I will kill, rape, steal and commit genocide.
It's not that Protestantism makes rich countries, but that Protestantism makes you a person without religion, "sola fide" It is basically living like most Christians live today: I have faith in Jesus but I will kill, rape, steal and commit genocide.
Yes, I read somewhere that Protestantism was born out of greed and unwillingness to tithe to the Vatican.
It's not that Protestantism makes rich countries, but that Protestantism makes you a person without religion, "sola fide" It is basically living like most Christians live today: I have faith in Jesus but I will kill, rape, steal and commit genocide.
The Protestants simply did not want to give money, so they created a noble motive in the inconsistency of Catholicism with the Bible and other things. That is, they found a noble motive for reformation, although initially they simply did not want to give the money.
The Protestants simply did not want to give money, so they created a noble motive in the inconsistency of Catholicism with the Bible and other things. That is, they found a noble motive for reformation, although initially they simply did not want to give the money.
i don't think that's the root cause, i think the reform desire was primarily motivated by nationalism and unwillingness for people to subordinate themselves to foreign hierarchies
there's a conception that catholicism is not degenerate whereas protestantism is, which is frankly absurd, the catholic church has a high tendency to become corrupt - look at it today, with all the things the popery is preaching..
besides catholicism is genuinely dysgenic and decadent, with the educated people becoming priests and taking vows of abstinence (leading to a decline in genetic health), and with alms distributed to the poor and sick
there's a conception that catholicism is not degenerate whereas protestantism is, which is frankly absurd, the catholic church has a high tendency to become corrupt - look at it today, with all the things the popery is preaching..
besides catholicism is genuinely dysgenic and decadent, with the educated people becoming priests and taking vows of abstinence (leading to a decline in genetic health), and with alms distributed to the poor and sick
Yes, but Protestants have a weakness for Judaism and a desire to kiss Jews' feet.
there's a conception that catholicism is not degenerate whereas protestantism is, which is frankly absurd, the catholic church has a high tendency to become corrupt - look at it today, with all the things the popery is preaching..
besides catholicism is genuinely dysgenic and decadent, with the educated people becoming priests and taking vows of abstinence (leading to a decline in genetic health), and with alms distributed to the poor and sick
Protestantism is degenerate from the moment its societies proclaim that only with faith will you be saved while your actions are irrelevant, It is the central point that circumcises all criticism. Catholicism, in order to survive, has literally sold itself out since the Second Vatican Council to liberal bishops and cardinals who have demonized the Church; And it is obvious that from the 60s and 70s the Catholic Church died to be absolutely nothing at a social level, almost like an NGO.

You know perfectly well that just because less than 1% of the Catholic population becomes a priest or nun, nothing will change. It is such a tiny population that it is irrelevant to genetic pool quality.
The Protestants simply did not want to give money, so they created a noble motive in the inconsistency of Catholicism with the Bible and other things. That is, they found a noble motive for reformation, although initially they simply did not want to give the money.

There are many reasons, from Luther to the British monarchy to the denunciation of dubious practices by the Roman pontiffs. What has elevated Protestantism as a religious sect is basically its intransigence in not dogmatically following the Bible, but by calling that all human action is in vain, there is only faith or disbelief, So from there you will kill, you will loot, you will create banking institutions, you will ally yourself with kikes, and you will make money your God. In most countries, Protestantism is actually a meme, with only a very few faithful followers, and very noisy ones, of course.
Protestantism is degenerate from the moment its societies proclaim that only with faith will you be saved while your actions are irrelevant, It is the central point that circumcises all criticism. Catholicism, in order to survive, has literally sold itself out since the Second Vatican Council to liberal bishops and cardinals who have demonized the Church; And it is obvious that from the 60s and 70s the Catholic Church died to be absolutely nothing at a social level, almost like an NGO.

You know perfectly well that just because less than 1% of the Catholic population becomes a priest or nun, nothing will change. It is such a tiny population that it is irrelevant to genetic pool quality.

There are many reasons, from Luther to the British monarchy to the denunciation of dubious practices by the Roman pontiffs. What has elevated Protestantism as a religious sect is basically its intransigence in not dogmatically following the Bible, but by calling that all human action is in vain, there is only faith or disbelief, So from there you will kill, you will loot, you will create banking institutions, you will ally yourself with kikes, and you will make money your God. In most countries, Protestantism is actually a meme, with only a very few faithful followers, and very noisy ones, of course.
That's right, Protestants got rich solely because their branch of Christianity is actually a contradiction. It is as if the desire to get rich brought you closer to God when Jesus said that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to go to heaven.
Protestantism makes countries rich, Catholic countries are average, and Orthodox countries are poor. Look at Europe.
In general, that's true. Although I'd argue for example, Italy and Spain don't exactly have a great economy for many years now (not exactly poor but not doing great either). UK is a mess too although not poor.
In general, that's true. Although I'd argue for example, Italy and Spain don't exactly have a great economy for many years now (not exactly poor but not doing great either). UK is a mess too although not poor.
Yes, but Italy is the poorest in Western Europe, but it is still much richer than any eastern Europe. There are no Orthodox countries in Western Europe - only Protestant and Catholic ones. So far, Catholic Poland is richer than Orthodox Romania or Bulgaria.
Yes, but Italy is the poorest in Western Europe, but it is still much richer than any eastern Europe. There are no Orthodox countries in Western Europe - only Protestant and Catholic ones. So far, Catholic Poland is richer than Orthodox Romania or Bulgaria.
Yes, but Protestants have a weakness for Judaism and a desire to kiss Jews' feet.
well, the biggest jew lovers i've seen are evangelical protestants and catholics (orthodoxy and some churches of protestantism aren't)
well, the biggest jew lovers i've seen are evangelical protestants and catholics (orthodoxy and some churches of protestantism aren't)
Almost all Protestantism is love for Jews, because Evangelicals and Baptists dominate among Protestants due to the fact that they use missionary activities to spread their kind of Protestantism.
There are many reasons, from Luther to the British monarchy to the denunciation of dubious practices by the Roman pontiffs. What has elevated Protestantism as a religious sect is basically its intransigence in not dogmatically following the Bible, but by calling that all human action is in vain, there is only faith or disbelief, So from there you will kill, you will loot, you will create banking institutions, you will ally yourself with kikes, and you will make money your God. In most countries, Protestantism is actually a meme, with only a very few faithful followers, and very noisy ones, of course.
but the same could be said about social darwinism (indeed, protestantism seems to be a prototype of such beliefs). giving alms to niggers and the poor is much worse than casting degenerates out of a society as is the case in protestantism, as it is as much in vain and also expends the state's resources, and if successful, is a dysgenic practice.

also, i don't think you're realising that sola gratia and sola fide aren't excuses for licentiousness - all men are subject to God's laws. it is instead an acknowledgement of the primacy of God. good works, obedience to the law of God- and even faith, are the fruit of God's grace. usury is neither a sign of faith in God nor His grace. protestant nations flourished not because of the worship of money, as you say, but because of the practice of ethical and austere stewardship, and the recognition that all men must be industriousness and bear fruit regardless of their possible salvation - a direct opposite of what you claim.

your beloved papistry, on the other hand, has wallowed in centuries of corruption and superstition. the reformation wasn't simply a revolt against papal abuses; it was the reclaiming of a purer, nordic spirit of independence and strength—rooted in the precedence of God's natural order above all else. in the words of Cromwell - 'Christ, not man, is King'.
Almost all Protestantism is love for Jews, because Evangelicals and Baptists dominate among Protestants due to the fact that they use missionary activities to spread their kind of Protestantism.
nordic protestantism (calvinism and lutheranism) is distinctly nordicist however, they are the only churches i am defending here
Protestantism is degenerate from the moment its societies proclaim that only with faith will you be saved while your actions are irrelevant, It is the central point that circumcises all criticism. Catholicism, in order to survive, has literally sold itself out since the Second Vatican Council to liberal bishops and cardinals who have demonized the Church; And it is obvious that from the 60s and 70s the Catholic Church died to be absolutely nothing at a social level, almost like an NGO.

You know perfectly well that just because less than 1% of the Catholic population becomes a priest or nun, nothing will change. It is such a tiny population that it is irrelevant to genetic pool quality.
besides, is it catholicism or calvinism that practises absolution? how is that not degenerate?
but the same could be said about social darwinism (indeed, protestantism seems to be a prototype of such beliefs). giving alms to niggers and the poor is much worse than casting degenerates out of a society as is the case in protestantism, as it is as much in vain and also expends the state's resources, and if successful, is a dysgenic practice.

also, i don't think you're realising that sola gratia and sola fide aren't excuses for licentiousness - all men are subject to God's laws. it is instead an acknowledgement of the primacy of God. good works, obedience to the law of God- and even faith, are the fruit of God's grace. usury is neither a sign of faith in God nor His grace. protestant nations flourished not because of the worship of money, as you say, but because of the practice of ethical and austere stewardship, and the recognition that all men must be industriousness and bear fruit regardless of their possible salvation - a direct opposite of what you claim.

your beloved papistry, on the other hand, has wallowed in centuries of corruption and superstition. the reformation wasn't simply a revolt against papal abuses; it was the reclaiming of a purer, nordic spirit of independence and strength—rooted in the precedence of God's natural order above all else. in the words of Cromwell - 'Christ, not man, is King'.

First off, let's get real about the whole "giving alms to the poor is a dysgenic practice" thing. I mean, are you really suggesting that compassion is somehow a weakness? The idea that helping the poor and vulnerable is harmful to society would only make sense if you believe that the worth of a human being is tied directly to their productivity. Which, last I checked, is the kind of cold, mechanistic thinking that even atheists might raise an eyebrow at. Let alone Catholics, who actually believe in the intrinsic dignity of every human being, not just the ones who meet some arbitrary social standard of strength or wealth.

If we’re being honest, the Protestant Reformation wasn’t exactly a seamless “return to natural order” or some Nordic revival of virtue. It was more like a bunch of different factions and regions breaking away from central authority, driven by everything from legitimate grievances to political ambitions. Pretending it was all about some noble desire to reclaim independence sounds like something someone might say when they've forgotten that Protestantism fractured into so many competing sects it almost gave everyone spiritual whiplash.

"Sola fide" and "sola gratia" are not being misunderstood as excuses for licentiousness, but it is the doctrine that peetime licentiousness and degenerates society to the point that it is not possible to differentiate between an atheist and a christian, because most protestants just create their own faith on their mind because just with sola fide and sola gratia they do not give a fuck. And yeah, Catholics don't need to be reminded of that. The thing is, Catholicism actually balances faith and works in a way that makes sense to people who believe that living out your faith should translate into, you know, actually doing good things for others. Sure, grace is primary, but maybe Catholics just have a hard time swallowing this idea that somehow we're all predestined for salvation or damnation no matter what we do. Free will and human responsibility? They're kind of a big deal.

As for the claim that Protestant nations flourished because of ethical stewardship while Catholicism wallowed in corruption and superstition what oversimplification. I guess the history of European geopolitics, colonization, economic shifts, and the Industrial Revolution can just be brushed aside for the sake of a tidy narrative. Let’s not pretend for a second that Protestant societies didn't have their own share of corruption, power struggles, and, oh yeah, a little thing called usury (which you mentioned). It's easy to point fingers at papal abuses while ignoring the moral compromises that came with capitalism and colonialism in the so-called "virtuous" Protestant world.

Lastly, about Cromwell’s charming little assertion, "Christ, not man, is King." Well, sure, except it’s kind of ironic coming from a guy who was quite comfortable executing his fellow man and installing himself in power. It's always easy to throw around grand religious rhetoric when you're at the top, but Catholics tend to believe that Christ’s kingship doesn’t look like political domination or human rebellion; it looks a lot more like serving others, even those who might seem beneath you. So, maybe give that a thought before getting too excited about “independence” and “strength,” especially when they start sounding like code for arrogance and exclusion.

But hey, I’m sure Cromwell would have had lots of fun casting out "degenerates" and being dysgenically pure if he were still around.
besides, is it catholicism or calvinism that practises absolution? how is that not degenerate?
Ah, absolution, a scandal. Imagine that, people being forgiven for their mistakes and trying to move forward as better humans. Clearly, that's the height of degeneracy, right?

Let’s break this down. Absolution ks tied to confession, where you actually have to admit your wrongdoing, feel genuine remorse, and commit to change your ways. It’s almost like catholics expect people to confront their faults and try to grow instead of pretending they’re perfect or being crushed by guilt forever. If that’s “degenerate” to you, it seems like your definition of moral responsibility is a bit off.

On the other hand, Calvinism doesn’t even believe in absolution in the same way because it’s all about predestination. Basically, your fate is sealed before you even take a breath, so no matter what you do, if you’re not on the saved list, tough luck. Super inspiring stuff. Meanwhile, Catholics have this wild idea that people actually have free will and can choose to repent, change, and grow.

So, remind me again, how is it more “degenerate” to believe people can be forgiven and strive to do better, rather than shrug and say, “Well, it’s all decided anyway”?
On the other hand, Calvinism doesn’t even believe in absolution in the same way because it’s all about predestination. Basically, your fate is sealed before you even take a breath, so no matter what you do, if you’re not on the saved list, tough luck. Super inspiring stuff. Meanwhile, Catholics have this wild idea that people actually have free will and can choose to repent, change, and grow.
such inspiring stuff, yet it was the protestant nations that were so thoroughly successful and ingenious?
and you can't change your fate anyway, if you were really blackpilled you'd know that. protestantism is the incel religion
such inspiring stuff, yet it was the protestant nations that were so thoroughly successful and ingenious?
and you can't change your fate anyway, if you were really blackpilled you'd know that. protestantism is the incel religion

That’s like saying the richest people are the most moral, or that the bigger empire automatically means a better civilization. Ever heard of Spain? Pretty Catholic, and they managed to dominate half the world for a good chunk of history. So, by that logic, is Catholicism superior when Spain was the powerhouse? Of course not. Success in terms of wealth and power doesn’t prove some divine favor; it just proves that countries played their cards right when it came to politics, economics, and conquest. It’s not like God’s sitting up there awarding trophies based on GDP.

As for not being able to change your fate, that’s a pretty bleak view. If you’re really that deep into the blackpill, why bother with religion at all? Why bother with anything? But hey, if calling Protestantism the “incel religion” makes you feel better, go for it. I’m sure the Calvinists would love that comparison. But here’s the thing: You’re not stuck in a permanent rut where nothing you do matters.

In any case, jihadism would be the closest thing to an incel religion, than crying night and day, because that is what feminism and all whitethought have achieved around the Globe: cucking theirselves and cucking OTHERS by force. Sola cucke.
First off, let's get real about the whole "giving alms to the poor is a dysgenic practice" thing. I mean, are you really suggesting that compassion is somehow a weakness? The idea that helping the poor and vulnerable is harmful to society would only make sense if you believe that the worth of a human being is tied directly to their productivity. Which, last I checked, is the kind of cold, mechanistic thinking that even atheists might raise an eyebrow at. Let alone Catholics, who actually believe in the intrinsic dignity of every human being, not just the ones who meet some arbitrary social standard of strength or wealth.

If we’re being honest, the Protestant Reformation wasn’t exactly a seamless “return to natural order” or some Nordic revival of virtue. It was more like a bunch of different factions and regions breaking away from central authority, driven by everything from legitimate grievances to political ambitions. Pretending it was all about some noble desire to reclaim independence sounds like something someone might say when they've forgotten that Protestantism fractured into so many competing sects it almost gave everyone spiritual whiplash.

"Sola fide" and "sola gratia" are not being misunderstood as excuses for licentiousness, but it is the doctrine that peetime licentiousness and degenerates society to the point that it is not possible to differentiate between an atheist and a christian, because most protestants just create their own faith on their mind because just with sola fide and sola gratia they do not give a fuck. And yeah, Catholics don't need to be reminded of that. The thing is, Catholicism actually balances faith and works in a way that makes sense to people who believe that living out your faith should translate into, you know, actually doing good things for others. Sure, grace is primary, but maybe Catholics just have a hard time swallowing this idea that somehow we're all predestined for salvation or damnation no matter what we do. Free will and human responsibility? They're kind of a big deal.

As for the claim that Protestant nations flourished because of ethical stewardship while Catholicism wallowed in corruption and superstition what oversimplification. I guess the history of European geopolitics, colonization, economic shifts, and the Industrial Revolution can just be brushed aside for the sake of a tidy narrative. Let’s not pretend for a second that Protestant societies didn't have their own share of corruption, power struggles, and, oh yeah, a little thing called usury (which you mentioned). It's easy to point fingers at papal abuses while ignoring the moral compromises that came with capitalism and colonialism in the so-called "virtuous" Protestant world.

Lastly, about Cromwell’s charming little assertion, "Christ, not man, is King." Well, sure, except it’s kind of ironic coming from a guy who was quite comfortable executing his fellow man and installing himself in power. It's always easy to throw around grand religious rhetoric when you're at the top, but Catholics tend to believe that Christ’s kingship doesn’t look like political domination or human rebellion; it looks a lot more like serving others, even those who might seem beneath you. So, maybe give that a thought before getting too excited about “independence” and “strength,” especially when they start sounding like code for arrogance and exclusion.

But hey, I’m sure Cromwell would have had lots of fun casting out "degenerates" and being dysgenically pure if he were still around.
to coddle the weak endlessly is not compassion; it’s a perversion of God’s natural order and an impediment to societal strength. their fates are sealed. protestantism only seeks to invest in practices that create higher forms - it is asymptotic in this regard, it strives to reach God, though it never shall, directly in tune with our biological imperatives. catholicism is fundamentally a degenerate and conservacuck religion due to this.

and regarding my portrayal of the reformation as a 'seamless return to natural order'— sure, it wasn’t seamless, but it was a necessary tearing down of the rotten edifice of roman catholishitism. sure, the reformation fragmented into various sects, but that only speaks to the inherent strength of independent, God-fearing men to wrestle with the truth themselves, not blindly submit to the yoke of a corrupt and degenerate foreign hierarchy. the reformation unleashed a spirit of self-determination that directly reflected the nordic soul's longing for autonomy and its own nation.

additionally, regarding protestant nations flourishing; don't let's get bogged down in revisionist history. yeah, protestant societies had their struggles, but they also had an inherent ethic of stewardship and responsibility that elevated them above the corruption you seem to downplay in catholic nations. usury? sure, it existed, but calvinism outright condemns greed and materialism, while catholicism has spent centuries turning a blind eye to far worse abuses- abuses that become inherent in the papistry, and are difficult to get dig out. the protestant work ethic wasn’t about amassing wealth for its own sake but about glorifying God through labour, discipline, and dominion over creation

yes, sola fide and sola gratia can be misunderstood and abused, but what doctrine isn’t? you do act as though popery has somehow avoided licentiousness and degeneracy, when in fact, the roman church has a notorious history of indulgences, bribery, and sexual abuse. if protestants are guilty of creating 'their own faith,' catholics are no better—they’ve just swapped individualism for mindless obedience to a corrupt institution that sold its spiritual integrity long before the reformation. at least protestantism places the responsibility squarely on the individual to live out their faith according to scripture, instead of relying on the whims of a centralised and authoritarian religious bureaucracy. just look at how the popery banned bibles in languages other than latin.

as for your dig at Cromwell, spare me the sanctimoniousness. Cromwell's actions were motivated by a desire to bring about a godly order in a world ruled by corrupt and ungodly forces—exactly what the reformation was all about. his declaration of 'Christ, not man, is King' was a rejection of earthly tyranny, whether from a king or a pope. catholics love to trot out their supposed humility and service, but in reality, your church has consistently placed man-made authority over the word of God, and has been more concerned with preserving its own power than serving anyone. Cromwell, for all his faults, at least understood that independence, strength, and adherence to God's law were the only ways to preserve a truly godly society. the popery, meanwhile, have preferred to wallow in false humility while endorsing a system that props up the weak and the degenerate at the expense of the strong and the righteous. so yes, Cromwell would have no doubt continued to cast out degenerates, as any society seeking to preserve its purity and strength should.
to coddle the weak endlessly is not compassion; it’s a perversion of God’s natural order and an impediment to societal strength. their fates are sealed. protestantism only seeks to invest in practices that create higher forms - it is asymptotic in this regard, it strives to reach God, though it never shall, directly in tune with our biological imperatives. catholicism is fundamentally a degenerate and conservacuck religion due to this.
Coddling the weak isn’t a perversion, it’s called having a shred of humanity. The idea that fate is sealed is just a convenient excuse to ignore suffering. As for Protestantism creating higher forms It's not a grand project to reach God, supposedly, it’s just another power play dressed up as theology. Calling Catholicism degenerate because it values compassion is stupid. Real degeneracy is pretending cruelty is somehow virtuous.

You could, if you wanted, eugenize yourself and lick the asses of your religious leaders' sexhavers once again to prove that you follow the natural order, cucking yourself with death.
and regarding my portrayal of the reformation as a 'seamless return to natural order'— sure, it wasn’t seamless, but it was a necessary tearing down of the rotten edifice of roman catholishitism. sure, the reformation fragmented into various sects, but that only speaks to the inherent strength of independent, God-fearing men to wrestle with the truth themselves, not blindly submit to the yoke of a corrupt and degenerate foreign hierarchy. the reformation unleashed a spirit of self-determination that directly reflected the nordic soul's longing for autonomy and its own nation.
So, the Reformation wasn’t seamless, but it was necessary right? Funny how a mess of fragmented sects is suddenly a sign of strength. Independent, God-fearing men? More like endless bickering because no one could agree on anything. That’s not strength, that’s chaos. As for this “Nordic soul” businessn it was about power, control, and politics, not some mystical return to purity or autonomy. The rotten edifice you love to mock? It still stands, after more than two thousand years as the branch of Christianity with the most followers.
additionally, regarding protestant nations flourishing; don't let's get bogged down in revisionist history. yeah, protestant societies had their struggles, but they also had an inherent ethic of stewardship and responsibility that elevated them above the corruption you seem to downplay in catholic nations. usury? sure, it existed, but calvinism outright condemns greed and materialism, while catholicism has spent centuries turning a blind eye to far worse abuses- abuses that become inherent in the papistry, and are difficult to get dig out. the protestant work ethic wasn’t about amassing wealth for its own sake but about glorifying God through labour, discipline, and dominion over creation

Protestant nations flourished for a variety of reasons political, economic, and colonial not because of some magical work ethic. Calvinism condemns greed, sure, but it didn’t stop wealth accumulation or exploitation. Let’s not act like Protestant societies were immune to corruption. Meanwhile, Catholicism teaches stewardship too: there’s a reason the Church has been a global institution for centuries. As for abuses, you really want to point fingers? Protestant nations weren’t exactly beacons of moral purity either. Wealth wasn’t always about glorifying God, and you know it.
yes, sola fide and sola gratia can be misunderstood and abused, but what doctrine isn’t? you do act as though popery has somehow avoided licentiousness and degeneracy, when in fact, the roman church has a notorious history of indulgences, bribery, and sexual abuse. if protestants are guilty of creating 'their own faith,' catholics are no better—they’ve just swapped individualism for mindless obedience to a corrupt institution that sold its spiritual integrity long before the reformation. at least protestantism places the responsibility squarely on the individual to live out their faith according to scripture, instead of relying on the whims of a centralised and authoritarian religious bureaucracy. just look at how the popery banned bibles in languages other than latin.
Sola fide and sola gratia may be misunderstood, but theynot inherently flawed And that is the morality that is established in Anglo-Saxon countries and the degeneration that overwhelms you.

Claiming that Catholics merely obey a corrupt institution misses the depth of Catholic tradition, which values community and moral teaching. Protestantism may emphasize individual responsibility, but that often leads to confusion and fragmentation, as everyone interprets scripture differently (literally more sects than marxism).

The claim about banning Bibles is a simplification. It was about maintaining doctrinal integrity, not just oppression. Catholicism provides a framework that prevents misinterpretation and chaos, unlike the free-for-all that can come with unchecked individualism in Protestantism.

as for your dig at Cromwell, spare me the sanctimoniousness. Cromwell's actions were motivated by a desire to bring about a godly order in a world ruled by corrupt and ungodly forces—exactly what the reformation was all about. his declaration of 'Christ, not man, is King' was a rejection of earthly tyranny, whether from a king or a pope. catholics love to trot out their supposed humility and service, but in reality, your church has consistently placed man-made authority over the word of God, and has been more concerned with preserving its own power than serving anyone. Cromwell, for all his faults, at least understood that independence, strength, and adherence to God's law were the only ways to preserve a truly godly society. the popery, meanwhile, have preferred to wallow in false humility while endorsing a system that props up the weak and the degenerate at the expense of the strong and the righteous. so yes, Cromwell would have no doubt continued to cast out degenerates, as any society seeking to preserve its purity and strength should.
Cromwell’s actions were driven by ambition as much as by a desire for a supposed godly order. His regime was marked by violence and repression, which contradicts the very principles of humility and service he claimed to uphold. Declaring “Christ, not man, is King” doesn’t change the fact that he ruled with an iron fist, suppressing dissent and enforcing his version of belief.

As for Catholicism placing authority over the word of God, that’s a simplistic view. The Church emphasizes the importance of tradition and teaching, which provides a foundation for understanding faith. True service is about compassion and community, not just an obsession with purging society of those deemed degenerate.

You'd better read the New Testament, or openly declare that you have an invented religion like all Protestants, individualistic and intertwined in your whims and desires rather than what the gospel itself is.
You guys are coping hard. Salvation by faith ends up leading followers to adhere to a very austere lifestyle, in order to demonstrate they’re actually faithful to the Bible. The Protestant work ethic is a consequence of this. Nowhere to spend money because you’re anti-degen, so you invest or give it up. Few wholesome uses of your time, so you just spend time working, etc. In Protestant communities, many decisions are put under a microscope to determine whether they’re pleasing to God. This clearly manifests in Protestant vs non-Protestant communities worldwide and the movements (observing) Protestants pursue.

In contrast, far too many people in LATAM or Latin Europe act degenerate but still claim to be Catholic because they’re confirmed and go to mass. I can’t blame them for thinking so. It’s far easier to be culturally Catholic than it is culturally Protestant. If you don’t have faith as a Protestant, you’ll just disaffiliate, whereas you can be an “agnostic Catholic” like Macron, likely because he adheres to some practices despite not believing.

Anyways, I can see on here, and elsewhere, there is a big push in MENA countries to try and shit on Protestants because they tend to be pro-Israel. That’s only true in Western Protestant nations as they were more accepting of Jew Refugees in the past. While an outwardly a good thing, this has led to their nation’s institutions and media being heavily influenced by Jews. Protestants outside the West who haven’t been manipulated by Zionists don’t care much for Israel. A large part of pro-Israeli sentiment is also just Islamophobia in the wake of 9/11.
Coddling the weak isn’t a perversion, it’s called having a shred of humanity. The idea that fate is sealed is just a convenient excuse to ignore suffering. As for Protestantism creating higher forms It's not a grand project to reach God, supposedly, it’s just another power play dressed up as theology. Calling Catholicism degenerate because it values compassion is stupid. Real degeneracy is pretending cruelty is somehow virtuous.

You could, if you wanted, eugenize yourself and lick the asses of your religious leaders' sexhavers once again to prove that you follow the natural order, cucking yourself with death.

So, the Reformation wasn’t seamless, but it was necessary right? Funny how a mess of fragmented sects is suddenly a sign of strength. Independent, God-fearing men? More like endless bickering because no one could agree on anything. That’s not strength, that’s chaos. As for this “Nordic soul” businessn it was about power, control, and politics, not some mystical return to purity or autonomy. The rotten edifice you love to mock? It still stands, after more than two thousand years as the branch of Christianity with the most followers.

Protestant nations flourished for a variety of reasons political, economic, and colonial not because of some magical work ethic. Calvinism condemns greed, sure, but it didn’t stop wealth accumulation or exploitation. Let’s not act like Protestant societies were immune to corruption. Meanwhile, Catholicism teaches stewardship too: there’s a reason the Church has been a global institution for centuries. As for abuses, you really want to point fingers? Protestant nations weren’t exactly beacons of moral purity either. Wealth wasn’t always about glorifying God, and you know it.

Sola fide and sola gratia may be misunderstood, but theynot inherently flawed And that is the morality that is established in Anglo-Saxon countries and the degeneration that overwhelms you.

Claiming that Catholics merely obey a corrupt institution misses the depth of Catholic tradition, which values community and moral teaching. Protestantism may emphasize individual responsibility, but that often leads to confusion and fragmentation, as everyone interprets scripture differently (literally more sects than marxism).

The claim about banning Bibles is a simplification. It was about maintaining doctrinal integrity, not just oppression. Catholicism provides a framework that prevents misinterpretation and chaos, unlike the free-for-all that can come with unchecked individualism in Protestantism.

Cromwell’s actions were driven by ambition as much as by a desire for a supposed godly order. His regime was marked by violence and repression, which contradicts the very principles of humility and service he claimed to uphold. Declaring “Christ, not man, is King” doesn’t change the fact that he ruled with an iron fist, suppressing dissent and enforcing his version of belief.

As for Catholicism placing authority over the word of God, that’s a simplistic view. The Church emphasizes the importance of tradition and teaching, which provides a foundation for understanding faith. True service is about compassion and community, not just an obsession with purging society of those deemed degenerate.

You'd better read the New Testament, or openly declare that you have an invented religion like all Protestants, individualistic and intertwined in your whims and desires rather than what the gospel itself is.
>i love globohomoism, everyone is equal, the blackpill is false, eugenics is bad, i love subjugating myself to foreign institutions
you must loooooove liberalism
You guys are coping hard. Salvation by faith ends up leading followers to adhere to a very austere lifestyle, in order to demonstrate they’re actually faithful to the Bible. The Protestant work ethic is a consequence of this. Nowhere to spend money because you’re anti-degen, so you invest or give it up. Few wholesome uses of your time, so you just spend time working, etc. In Protestant communities, many decisions are put under a microscope to determine whether they’re pleasing to God. This clearly manifests in Protestant vs non-Protestant communities worldwide and the movements (observing) Protestants pursue.

In contrast, far too many people in LATAM or Latin Europe act degenerate but still claim to be Catholic because they’re confirmed and go to mass. I can’t blame them for thinking so. It’s far easier to be culturally Catholic than it is culturally Protestant. If you don’t have faith as a Protestant, you’ll just disaffiliate, whereas you can be an “agnostic Catholic” like Macron, likely because he adheres to some practices despite not believing.

Anyways, I can see on here, and elsewhere, there is a big push in MENA countries to try and shit on Protestants because they tend to be pro-Israel. That’s only true in Western Protestant nations as they were more accepting of Jew Refugees in the past. While an outwardly a good thing, this has led to their nation’s institutions and media being heavily influenced by Jews. Protestants outside the West who haven’t been manipulated by Zionists don’t care much for Israel. A large part of pro-Israeli sentiment is also just Islamophobia in the wake of 9/11.
high iq post. most properly religious (and not cultural) catholics in the west are just as likely to support israel as protestants i'd add
>i love globohomoism, everyone is equal, the blackpill is false, eugenics is bad, i love subjugating myself to foreign institutions
you must loooooove liberalism
Literally irrelevant.
You guys are coping hard. Salvation by faith ends up leading followers to adhere to a very austere lifestyle, in order to demonstrate they’re actually faithful to the Bible. The Protestant work ethic is a consequence of this. Nowhere to spend money because you’re anti-degen, so you invest or give it up. Few wholesome uses of your time, so you just spend time working, etc. In Protestant communities, many decisions are put under a microscope to determine whether they’re pleasing to God. This clearly manifests in Protestant vs non-Protestant communities worldwide and the movements (observing) Protestants pursue.
You say salvation by faith leads to some austere life? Nah, look around. In the U.S., folks are living large, and consumerism is the real deal. Ain’t nobody living like they’re in a Puritan novel. People are spending cash like there’s no tomorrow, rocking all the latest trends, and drowning in a sea of stuff. Those who follow the Gosple are a minority. Most are Christians in word while they are the ones who degenerate society.

More than work ethnic It is like a hustle to keep up with the Joneses. If you’re so busy grinding away just to prove your faith, you ain't living life you’re missing out on the fun, something almost no one is doing: Protestant communities are just as sectarian as years have the catholic church; It's a meme, there's really no one who believes it.
In contrast, far too many people in LATAM or Latin Europe act degenerate but still claim to be Catholic because they’re confirmed and go to mass. I can’t blame them for thinking so. It’s far easier to be culturally Catholic than it is culturally Protestant. If you don’t have faith as a Protestant, you’ll just disaffiliate, whereas you can be an “agnostic Catholic” like Macron, likely because he adheres to some practices despite not believing.

Just going to Mass or being confirmed doesn’t cut it; the Catechism stresses that faith means living according to Church values, not just cultural identity. But that happens in all religions, and even more so in Protestantism, where with sola fide they have a free hand to do whatever they want.

The idea of being an “agnostic Catholic” like Macron is basically nonsense. The Church, like all religious institutions call to commitment to faith and morality. You can’t just pick and choose when it’s convenient, But again, this is hypocrisy in religion, not religion itself.

Anyways, I can see on here, and elsewhere, there is a big push in MENA countries to try and shit on Protestants because they tend to be pro-Israel. That’s only true in Western Protestant nations as they were more accepting of Jew Refugees in the past. While an outwardly a good thing, this has led to their nation’s institutions and media being heavily influenced by Jews. Protestants outside the West who haven’t been manipulated by Zionists don’t care much for Israel. A large part of pro-Israeli sentiment is also just Islamophobia in the wake of 9/11.

Evangelicals, who are a good part of Protestants, are a real pain in the ass regarding this and they don't stop. The biggest cucks I've ever seen.

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