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Blackpill [OPIOID PILL] "The reason I love the opioid high so much is because it completely gets rid of any desire to socialize"

  • Thread starter Atavistic Autist
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Atavistic Autist

Atavistic Autist

Intersectional autistic supremacy
May 28, 2018

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/opiates/comments/17g52u0/lonely_lost_and_addicted/

I realize the reason I love the opioid high so much is because it completely gets rid of any desire to socialize. I can sit in my little room alone all day, getting high and be completely ok with being a total loser and loner. Been like this for two years now, tried to quit many times with no success because I was never able to solve the root problem - i.e. being the weird kid, an outcast with zero social skills, no game with girls whatsoever, not belonging anywhere and now also being so bitter, angry, depressed etc. that I've given up and accepted my fate of being alone and dying alone. I am such a degenerate now that I can't even imagine anyone actually want to hang out with me. The pills and powders are my only friends now.

Here is another post from years ago saying the exact same thing:


The only pushback I would make on these posts is against the idea that just because you take an opioid, you are an "addict" who is "getting high." This completely depends upon how you use the drug, and whether you take the appropriate steps to ensure that your opioid use is as medicinal as possible by consuming only the lowest effective dose and controlling tolerance.

It is ironic that people who use a substance which takes away shame and social pain cannot free themselves from the notion that they are "degenerate druggies" for it. It's like, dude, you have literally found the Holy Grail against depression and social expectation but are still allowing yourself to be browbeaten by the superego, or the collective opinions of others :feelshaha: This actually has everything to do with a failure to establish proper protocol. These people are not taking the lowest effective dose of an opioid agonist at regular intervals, but rather are taking opioids randomly and haphazardly, and sporadically entering opioid rebound and withdrawal. What a nightmare -- it would be tantamount to injecting hormones with no plan for how to make it sustainable!

As I have written in my many threads on the Opioid Pill, opioids were COMMONLY PRESCRIBED for depression over the course of a century (from about ~1850 to 1956). And they were used since ancient times by all peoples, from Europe to Asia. This is a gift that nature has given humanity, which is why I want to share it with all of you on this forum who are suffering so much from loneliness.

In my own experience, opioids have enabled me to deal with the fact that I am a lonely sperg with no social status for the first time in my life. Combining it with a stimulant has not only gotten rid of my lifelong depression and BPD-tier symptoms, but my ADHD and fatigue too and has made me the most productive I've literally ever been.

My life is not a waste just because I can't fit in with normalfags/foids and have to take an opioid to supplement for the missing social attachment; on the contrary, these have been the best days of my life. And I am just using the lowest effective doses of my opioid agonist and stimulant -- not "getting high" like a retard, but dialing in a therapeutic dose and benefiting tremendously for it.

Indeed, I never really liked interacting with people ever since I was a young child. The only thing that made me want to do so was a desire to ameliorate a sense of pain, and gain comfort in the presence of others. In other words, a negative motivation, not a positive one. Except that people are backstabbers and judgmental, and will use you and discard you. They are not to be relied upon, especially in this alienated soyciety where humans are rendered as disposable as the cheap, consumer goods they worship.

Opioids give you the sense of unconditional belonging and love that you always wish you had, and that our soyciety fails to provide to even many well-adjusted people. Being able to be comfortable in my own skin, and not desperately need regulation from others is a godsend. I will never be dependent upon another person again. Perhaps this will one day enable me to take advantage of others, for a change :chad:
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Who else high asf rn?
Who else high asf rn?
Not me because I reject the premise of using drugs to get high. I argue for prudent self-medication against the incel condition.
I've took a hydrocodone one it was nice But day after i felt a bit of nausea.

Also took 1000mg of Gaba and that was nice too Killed most of my anxiety

No side effects afterday either
I wish I knew how to get access to opioids. Unfortunately I live in a country with strong anti-drug laws. Jfl I have to suffer sober.
im try some kratom
I wish I knew how to get access to opioids. Unfortunately I live in a country with strong anti-drug laws. Jfl I have to suffer sober.
Governments would rather have you dead than be freed from depression.

But do not despair -- there is always a way. Even the most authoritarian regimes couldn't stop underground dissent.

And it is an act of rebellion to make yourself content and happy through opioids despite all the social pressures demanding that you suffer and die.
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Unfortunately the only drug I ever get access trough is alcohol due to not having any connections to people that deal drugs.
Unfortunately the only drug I ever get access trough is alcohol due to not having any connections to people that deal drugs.
I thought weed was legal in Belgium?
When the Harrison Act banning heroin and cocaine was written in 1914, it contained a very clear and deliberately designed loophole. It said that doctors, vets, and dentists had the right to continue giving out these drugs as they saw fit—and that addicts should be dealt with compassionately in this way. Yet the loophole was tossed onto the trash heap of history, as if it didn’t exist—until Edward Williams decided to dig it out and act on it. He helped to build a free clinic for addicts, and he volunteered his own time there. He wrote his prescriptions for whoever needed them. And he waited to see the results.
Even he was surprised by what he saw. Patients who had come in as unemployed physical wrecks were able, slowly and steadily, to go back to work, support their families, and look after themselves again, just as they had before drugs were criminalized. The order and calm that had existed before narcotics prohibition started to return to their neighborhoods. The mayor of Los Angeles came out and celebrated the clinic as a great gift to the city, and the local federal prosecutor announced that these clinics accomplished “more good . . . in one day than all the prosecutions in one month.”
Thousands of miles away, the Federal Bureau of Narcotics was furious. Harry kept picturing the addicts he had seen in his childhood, and in Europe, and he wanted to stop this contagion from spreading. Or did he—as Henry Smith Williams was beginning to suspect—have darker motives?
Harry said that building clinics for heroin addicts was like providing “department stores for kleptomaniacs” where they could steal whatever they wanted. The tabloid newspapers, after briefings from the bureau, savaged the clinics as dens of sin, and the stool pigeons began their flight. In Portland, Oregon, a doctor stood in his clinic as Anslinger’s men forcibly shut its doors and asked them pleadingly, was there anything he could legally do to help all these addicts? “Yeah, sure: there’s plenty you can do,” the agent told him. “Run the whole bunch of them down to the ocean and kick ’em in. They’ll make fair fish food. That’s all any of them are good for.”
After the clinic in Los Angeles closed and doctors like Edward Williams were busted, almost all the addicts lost their jobs and were reduced once again to constant scrambling for the money for a fix. They fell into crime and homelessness, and dozens of them died. The bureau was defying the clear ruling of the Supreme Court that the Harrison Act allowed doctors to prescribe to addicts, but “the Supreme Court has no army to enforce its decisions,” the press noted with a shrug.
-- Excerpt from the book Chasing the Scream: The First and Last Days of the War on Drugs

GOVERNMENTS WOULD RATHER HAVE YOU DEAD THAN BE FREED FROM DEPRESSION. Because your suffering rakes in a lot of money for the worthless bureaucrats and police officers enforcing the War on Drugs.
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I thought weed was legal in Belgium?
Not really, you can own anything under 5 grams, but we don't have coffee shops like they do in the netherlands
Not really, you can own anything under 5 grams, but we don't have coffee shops like they do in the netherlands
I c; better than my State in the U.S. at least where having a THC vape pen is basically a Felony. Boomer-ran shithole mang:feelsugh:.

I'm so glad weed is such a common drug & legal in other states here, makes it so much easier to find even if it's illegal. One of the few times I'm glad to be an American.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/opiates/comments/17g52u0/comment/k6h08ji/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

There's another poster in the replies who mentions that they've been taking opioids for years, and have not experienced the typical trajectory of "addiction." He has been able to take them sustainably, much like me.

The Reddit OP also says that "Nothing else helps btw, opioids are the only antidepressant I found actually works. It's the ultimate antidepressant for me."

When will YOU take the opioid pill and quit bitching about life on the .is?
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kratom illegal here, dont have any options fr and im not tryina jailmaxx
High IQ thread, This is something that i have been thinking about myself but couldn't put it to words but i will say this

Experiment with other drugs if few don't work, MAOIs for example, which are apparently known to be more effective anti depressants than those shitty SSRIS and i would suggest taking tolerance breaks for recreational drugs as well, even two days would do

There are tons of drugs/research chemicals out there that could help and i believe a lot of them have potential to help somehow, therapy and all of this generic advice that has been spouted by normies so many times never works, its just all coping mechanisms which they call ''skills'' to further delude yourself but you have to remember your brain is an organ, you cannot train it to do what you want it to do, especially when you haven't been gifted with such skills in the first place to manage with the shit that goes on within your head
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Maybe you have good will power where you can take opiods safely.

These people are addicts and when u are an addict any drug becomes the worst thing ever.

Im addicted to lyrica but im tampering off of it because first i dont have money second it did its job
If it's working so well, why do you feel the need to still post here?
Maybe you have good will power where you can take opiods safely.

These people are addicts and when u are an addict any drug becomes the worst thing ever.

Im addicted to lyrica but im tampering off of it because first i dont have money second it did its job
It is all about the will power, I have for example done drugs that might be considered hardcore but i never had any sort of cravings for them or even want to do them everyday, there might have been times where i wanted to redose because i wanted to extend it a bit but it never lead to a week of binging
It is all about the will power, I have for example done drugs that might be considered hardcore but i never had any sort of cravings for them or even want to do them everyday, there might have been times where i wanted to redose because i wanted to extend it a bit but it never lead to a week of binging
What drugs?
What dose do you take? Even something as small as 30mg of codeine gives me a relaxed feeling. But I doubt I could ever do small doses since I'd just end up fiending
I have no knowledge about any kind of drug and tbh I don't even know if it's a illegal drug or just a common medicine

I just wanna stop this feeling of always reminding of how undesirable I'm
No opiods for your FACE.
I'm already content with being alone. I don't need kike drugs to make me feel like that.
Never done any drugs, prescription or illegal. Alcohol's always been my way to forget who I am, forget my pathetic existence. Hell, my dad (not biological) was an alcoholic which ended up killing him anyway. Being sober's too gay, could never do it.
I don't even drink but I'm interested in substances that specifically replace social interactions
I refuse alcohol, so I will have to pass this too

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