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Blackpill ONLY the top 15% of men is getting laid



Mar 28, 2018
Us beta males need arranged marriage to get pussy but thanks to feminism our one source of happiness has been eliminated. Now, ONLY the top 15% of men has acess to sex. The rest are all sex starved incels and we are at the bottom of the barrel.

Hypergamy is out of control and women are becoming more picky with each breath you take. Females want superior genetics, they are programmed to do so, stop denying it. Us subhumans don't stand a chance.
Now, ONLY the top 15% of men has acess to sex. The rest are all sex starved incels and we are at the bottom of the barrel.

Correction: Only the top 15% are getting laid regularly by multiple women
Way less. I'd say 2%. Attraction is based on relationality. But only 10% is getting laid at all
Massive cope. Sooo many beyond 15% get laid. It's more like 85%. We are just that low.
Did you pull out 15% out of your ass in one block or was it a string that first pulled 1 and then 5 and then %?
Way less. I'd say 2%. Attraction is based on relationality. But only 10% is getting laid at all
you actually believe what youre saying?
Correction: Only the top 15% are getting laid regularly by multiple women
Only the top 15% of men are getting laid at all. Most men are incels in denial
EXTREME cope. average man get laid just fine
The average man is a betabux cuck dude
If you're referring to the 80/20 rule or some other version of it, I think it goes something like this: the top 20% are getting laid all the time/frequently, 40% are normies and are getting sex like every 2 months or so, whereas then the other 40% I'd gladly say are either incels or volcels.
If you're referring to the 80/20 rule or some other version of it, I think it goes something like this: the top 20% are getting laid all the time/frequently, 40% are normies and are getting sex like every 2 months or so, whereas then the other 40% I'd gladly say are either incels or volcels.
ONLY the tope 15% get laid in 2018
ITT the biggest copers alive
This is silly...
extremely low iq thread
EXTREME cope. average man get laid just fine

If you are at least average life will be good. Anything below that and the quality of life drops massively.
Massive cope. Sooo many beyond 15% get laid. It's more like 85%. We are just that low.
Apparently it's 60% amongst guys our age:

I wouldn't be surprised if these guys only got laid a couple times a year though, while the roasties get it everyday.
i dont know about exact numbers but it IS WHAT IT IS! I dont know what will change this problem Cope or ER tbqh.
Apparently it's 60% amongst guys our age:

I wouldn't be surprised if these guys only got laid a couple times a year though, while the roasties get it everyday.

They probably lied in that studied, or they're cucked by landwhales.
Apparently it's 60% amongst guys our age:

I wouldn't be surprised if these guys only got laid a couple times a year though, while the roasties get it everyday.

Exactly, therefore, I honestly believe incels (of all kinds) are a bigger number then we think.
Apparently it's 60% amongst guys our age:

I wouldn't be surprised if these guys only got laid a couple times a year though, while the roasties get it everyday.

Exactly, therefore, I honestly believe incels (of all kinds) are a bigger number then we think.

The survey was only asking if they had sex within the last year, so the 40% aren't incels. Normie males usually only get laid if in relationships, and often stay single for some periods of time
OP with the GIGAcope
Its because these slutls feel entitled to chaddick, its because they think that they are better then every incel male, its because they are getting pickier each day because of tinder and such.

Its partly true that its wired in their system, but their behaviour is out of control every female is demanding too much while they only have a vagina to offer.
In the past women couldnt afford to be picky they had to do with what they get. These relationships were stable etc.
Its because these slutls feel entitled to chaddick, its because they think that they are better then every incel male, its because they are getting pickier each day because of tinder and such.

Its partly true that its wired in their system, but their behaviour is out of control every female is demanding too much while they only have a vagina to offer.
In the past women couldnt afford to be picky they had to do with what they get. These relationships were stable etc.
Women are BILOGICALLY wired to seek superiro genes in order to ensure a better offspring.

In the past, women were not picky not because they didn't want to but because most of sex happened due to soceital conditioning. Nowdays, we are returning to our root when looks mattered the most
You must literally never leave basement if you believe this

I feel sorry for your mother, she gave birth to blind and low IQ incel. It's better off if you just rope now or go ER to save yourself from further embarrassment
Only the top 20% are attractive to women and need minimal or no effort to get casual sex and relationships.

The next 30% needs to work hard for pussy, they have sex sometimes although usually with long-term girlfriends, but rarely casual sex and get cucked often by the top 20%.

The next 40% are failed normies and incels who have sex maybe a few times in their life. For example with a really drunk girl who probably regrets it the next morning or a putrid 500lbs landwhale.

The bottom 10% is the truecels who are too ugly, autistic and/or mentally ill to have sex with any girl, except maybe with hookers, for their entire life.

The top 20% category is in my opinion shrinking, maybe in some years it will be the top 10%. The rest of the categories are growing, as female standards and hypergamy increase to beyond retarded unrealistic levels as betacucks continue to worship and white knight for females.
You must literally never leave basement if you believe this

I feel sorry for your mother, she gave birth to blind and low IQ incel. It's better off if you just rope now or go ER to save yourself from further embarrassment
Shut the hell up, traitor.
Nah you're coping, it's definitely top 0.01% that's actually seeing pussy.
Nah you're coping, it's definitely top 0.01% that's actually seeing pussy.
Yes, women are extremely picky nowdays that most men are invisible at best if not repulsive
Only the top 20% are attractive to women and need minimal or no effort to get casual sex and relationships.

The next 30% needs to work hard for pussy, they have sex sometimes although usually with long-term girlfriends, but rarely casual sex and get cucked often by the top 20%.

The next 40% are failed normies and incels who have sex maybe a few times in their life. For example with a really drunk girl who probably regrets it the next morning or a putrid 500lbs landwhale.

The bottom 10% is the truecels who are too ugly, autistic and/or mentally ill to have sex with any girl, except maybe with hookers, for their entire life.

The top 20% category is in my opinion shrinking, maybe in some years it will be the top 10%. The rest of the categories are growing, as female standards and hypergamy increase to beyond retarded unrealistic levels as betacucks continue to worship and white knight for females.
I think most men are incels. At ;east 80% of them. Remember, 80% are ugly for women. Only top alpah male chads are considered gl. That's why rating don't mean shit. Anything below MM tier is 0. MM or death imho.
Just fucking lol this is typical incel cope that no one is getting laid so you feel good about your situation, nigga everyone is getting laid EXCEPT us we're literally complete bottom of the barrel trash with no value to anyone
Just fucking lol this is typical incel cope that no one is getting laid so you feel good about your situation, nigga everyone is getting laid EXCEPT us we're literally complete bottom of the barrel trash with no value to anyone
Only a handful of men are getting laid. The rest of them are here. This is why this foum is so popular. This is why porn is so popular. This is why video games are so popular. This is why anime is so popular. This is why extra curriculum activities are so popular. Men cope for the lack of pussy.
>this forum is popular

yes with like 200 posters at peak times top kek (and there's only like what 10 posters here who have a shit ton of posts) jfl if you think this shit is popular, and there's way less on lookism

Of course coping is popular, do you think Chad just has sex all day and nothing else? fucking lol, you guys need to leave basement srs. even in my uni i see so many subhumans with girls i seriously wonder if its just placebo effect incel cope, you only detect GL guys with girls and that's all that your brain ever registers
Women are BILOGICALLY wired to seek superiro genes in order to ensure a better offspring.

In the past, women were not picky not because they didn't want to but because most of sex happened due to soceital conditioning. Nowdays, we are returning to our root when looks mattered the most

Fuckoff cuck women knew their place back in the day even in the caveman erra. These hoes knew they should take care of the family by cleaning cooking dinner etc. That is THEIR NATURE NOT seeking for the genetic superior male altho they would prefer it offcourse.
>this forum is popular

yes with like 200 posters at peak times top kek (and there's only like what 10 posters here who have a shit ton of posts) jfl if you think this shit is popular, and there's way less on lookism

Of course coping is popular, do you think Chad just has sex all day and nothing else? fucking lol, you guys need to leave basement srs. even in my uni i see so many subhumans with girls i seriously wonder if its just placebo effect incel cope, you only detect GL guys with girls and that's all that your brain ever registers
If they have girl they are clearly not subhumans. They are at the top 15%. All guys with gfs are in the top 15%.

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