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only 7% of people in twenties have sex twice a week or more??????

Those people are all Chads and Stacies, nothing new really. Most people are either average, if not ugly, so it's not much of a surprise.
Married couples have sex maybe once a week. Remember this includes both males and females, and females are likely to lie lol. Idk
Married couples have sex maybe once a week. Remember this includes both males and females, and females are likely to lie lol. Idk
Huh? More like once a month once the children are born.
my mom and dad had sex only twice - once for me and once for my sister
My father can’t get it up anymore due to prostate problems, but before that I think it was once every few months.
If you exclude the gays only about 2-4% of people have sex that often
That sounds misleading, maybe it is the 2-5 times a week what's skewing it, not 2+... Chad gets laid 14 times a week easily if he wants to, and since females might be sharing the same chad 10 to 1 they are only getting him once a week, sometimes twice, since they can get unlimited amounts of attention from their orbiters from hoeing in instagram they don't even bother going for more.
It's over for ...uhm...everybody.
That sounds misleading, maybe it is the 2-5 times a week what's skewing it, not 2+... Chad gets laid 14 times a week easily if he wants to, and since females might be sharing the same chad 10 to 1 they are only getting him once a week, sometimes twice, since they can get unlimited amounts of attention from their orbiters from hoeing in instagram they don't even bother going for more.
so whats the point of us acting like normies and incels are different? they aren't getting fucked it seems
It's already becoming harder for chads... they need to put a lot of effort now in 2019 to get what they are biologically entitled to.

Sex is going to be a thing of the past, the aliens sitting inside Washington are exploiting the weakest gender in the human race through degenerate cultural programming.

They are artificially driving their entitlement up so less sex is taking place.. FOIDS would rather be alone and rot then fuck an average/sub 8 man.

If you follow the pattern... ITS ONLY GETTING WORSE as the years go by.

Sex is on the decline.

Female fertility is free falling.

No-body wants kids.

Drug-resistant super STD's & False rape claims are on the rise.

Are we incels missing out on something or dodging a storm ?

Burning city1
Really? The neighbor couple above me does it twice a day. Must be a Chad living there
I like being a virgin tbh
so whats the point of us acting like normies and incels are different? they aren't getting fucked it seems
What I meant is that 2-5 might just be 7% but 5+ might be another 15% and normies get it once a month which is clearly more than the ZERO we get, so we are definitively different.
What I meant is that 2-5 might just be 7% but 5+ might be another 15% and normies get it once a month which is clearly more than the ZERO we get, so we are definitively different.

damn dude, don't these normies have gfs or something?? I guess theres way less people with ltrs than I thought man.
I think it is cope. I'm sure more people having sex unlike this link shows
I think it is cope. I'm sure more people having sex unlike this link shows
I don't know dude this is shocking
damn dude, don't these normies have gfs or something?? I guess theres way less people with ltrs than I thought man.
the amount of sex within an ltr drops pretty fast after the honeymoon period anyway. There is also another very fundamental difference between normies and us incels, they also get hugs, skin to skin contact, smiles, companionship and affection. Things that most of us can only imagine... it's like we are a different species.
Married couples have sex maybe once a week. Remember this includes both males and females, and females are likely to lie lol. Idk

This is true. Most foids aren't attracted to the men they married. Not enough Chads out there.
Women have less sex than most here think. Remember they're extremely low T + exigent as fuck.

That's why women get outraged when called "sluts", they only take like 0,1% of the opportunities they get to fuck. Which ends up already being more than the whole forum combined by the time she's 30.
Never heard that word before. Thanks for inspiring me to learn what it means.
You're welcome. I had my doubts if it existed but the corrector didn't underline it red so I went with it lol. It's how you say it in Portuguese, I think there's a more common word for that in English but I forgot.

Edit: demanding, picky.
It's already becoming harder for chads... they need to put a lot of effort now in 2019 to get what they are biologically entitled to.

Sex is going to be a thing of the past, the aliens sitting inside Washington are exploiting the weakest gender in the human race through degenerate cultural programming.

They are artificially driving their entitlement up so less sex is taking place.. FOIDS would rather be alone and rot then fuck an average/sub 8 man.

If you follow the pattern... ITS ONLY GETTING WORSE as the years go by.

Sex is on the decline.

Female fertility is free falling.

No-body wants kids.

Drug-resistant super STD's & False rape claims are on the rise.

Are we incels missing out on something or dodging a storm ?

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High IQ boyo i see the same thing.

People in high places want depopulation it is obvious.
"49% of people in their 20s have not had sex at all in the past year."

Normies are incel tbh.
Might aswell cut your dick off.
It's already becoming harder for chads... they need to put a lot of effort now in 2019 to get what they are biologically entitled to.

Sex is going to be a thing of the past, the aliens sitting inside Washington are exploiting the weakest gender in the human race through degenerate cultural programming.

They are artificially driving their entitlement up so less sex is taking place.. FOIDS would rather be alone and rot then fuck an average/sub 8 man.

If you follow the pattern... ITS ONLY GETTING WORSE as the years go by.

Sex is on the decline.

Female fertility is free falling.

No-body wants kids.

Drug-resistant super STD's & False rape claims are on the rise.

Are we incels missing out on something or dodging a storm ?

View attachment 88410
New York is the center of power, not Washington. The DC douchebags are just there to do the bidding of the financial aristocracy.
bullshit anti incel falseflag brainwash controlled opposition

everyone is fucking thrice weekly except for us! dont be disheartened by their neutralizing and sedating tactics.

healthy adult humans are horny and want fuck, just as much or more as you!

what do good looking, extroverted people do? they find someone to fuck, they dont fap to trap hentai in their basement like incel losers, they are out fucking like rabbits
Those 7% are Chads and Chadlites.
Im still jealous of normies who get sex 3 times a year
bullshit anti incel falseflag brainwash controlled opposition

everyone is fucking thrice weekly except for us! dont be disheartened by their neutralizing and sedating tactics.

healthy adult humans are horny and want fuck, just as much or more as you!

what do good looking, extroverted people do? they find someone to fuck, they dont fap to trap hentai in their basement like incel losers, they are out fucking like rabbits
This, the people around me only talk about sex, any situation they take the sexual side, just think about the weekend coming that is sacred to them. I dont believe that they dont fuck.
bullshit anti incel falseflag brainwash controlled opposition

everyone is fucking thrice weekly except for us! dont be disheartened by their neutralizing and sedating tactics.

healthy adult humans are horny and want fuck, just as much or more as you!

what do good looking, extroverted people do? they find someone to fuck, they dont fap to trap hentai in their basement like incel losers, they are out fucking like rabbits
It was nice being able to cope before you brought attention to the harsh reality.
Cope. Foids and chads can have as much sex as they want.
West will collapse within our lifetime and i'm glad it will.

30% of males are incels now, soon it will reach Japan/Chinese/India level (50%+)
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The study says one in three 20-somethings have never had sex at all

33% of twenty year olds are virgins, meaning at least half of men in particular! This fully comports with how foids find 50% of men to be unattractive.

The question is how many of these men will become betabux cucks in their 30s instead of developing incel consciousness and working towards the overthrow of all Chads and foids, who don't view them as sexual beings but as eunuchs to be exploited.

Quite a lot it seems, because the passage which follows the one quoted above is:

“You’d think they’d be focused on sleeping around, but really what they’re focused on is getting ahead,” explains Dr. Helen Fisher, a biological anthropologist at Rutgers University and Chief Scientific Advisor for Match. “In their 20s I think they’re working very hard..."
This, of course, alludes to studycelling and wageslaving in the hopes of attaining a post-prime roastie.

Behold the A B S O L U T E S T A T E of the sexual marketplace. If any part of you had delusions of ascending and having a dignified sexual life, just take this confirmation that it's truly over for you.

But the good news is that the Incel Movement is just beginning, and we are its pioneers. Though we could not find success in life as individuals, we will succeed as a collective. We will spread the Blackpill and Omega Supremacism to those in danger of becoming betas, and on this basis society will be reordered. The unequal and exploitative sexual marketplace will be replaced according to the principles of Sexual Socialism: Chad will be castrated, Becky will be paired with her looksmatch, and Stacy will be public property. Society will be just, and it's because of your participation!
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