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SuicideFuel Online friends are not real



Oct 9, 2023
I know, water is wet, but it’s crazy how so many normies can’t wrap their head around this. To them, online friends are just as emotionally authentic and genuine as real life friends.

Just how can they believe this? From their worldview, in order for one to potentially bond with and befriend somebody, they’d have to find a topic of interest to yap about and done, all of a sudden, they’re now friends. Totally not like there needs to be a sense of personal connection through memorable shared experiences or anything. Nope. Just go annoyingly talk to random strangers like a pesky schizo and boom, friends for a lifetime, so of fucking course they think the dude they voicechatted with on Discord for less than 10 minutes is now their new best buddy.

Contrary to their nonsensical assumptions, ACTUAL real life friendships are built upon effort and genuine care. Unlike women, for men to bond, they’d have to resiliently undergo pressure and shared hardship and suffering together (hence the saying: a common danger unites even the bitterest enemies) in real-time and an equally tangible and tailored environment, not a disembodied and impalpable limbo of nonexistent spectrums of fake communication from which zero involvement of concrete eye-to-eye body language, tone of voice etc. can be seen or found.

You can’t MAKE friends because they’re not needed anymore. The paradigm’s shifted over independency and as a result, you can’t foster everlasting companionships for two reasons in particular:

• Lack of common danger (which was discussed earlier)

• The digital age

The latter being the more devastating cause.


The digital world fucked everything up and the further technology advances, the more our loneliness persists. I know, wow, what a hot quirky original take, never heard it before but holy fuck if it’s not true. It’s all now non-verbally personified ergo unsubstantially felt and superficially lived through. There is no humane sense of belonging anymore. Everything feels out of touch (literally) in our digitized society and there’s no longer any incentives to push us out of comfort zone. Why would anyone even bother making real life friends when you can receive an equal amount of dopamine getting 100 likes on Twitter? It’s useless.
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Incels have online friends. Normies only have online friends during their teenage years after the age of 18-20 they drop em
Incels have online friends.
Again, they’re not real. In fact, the mere suggestion of such thing makes it easier to understand why relationships are often pedestalized now by the likes of us in our day and age. It’s so MUCH more easy to be lonely than it’s ever been, and to escape it, you need a REAL CONNECTION. Not through screens. Not through pixels. But by another human in front of you.
Why would anyone even bother making real life friends when you can receive an equal amount of dopamine getting 100 likes on Twitter? It’s useless.
I agree with everything up to this point. In high school I had friends and no matter what you do online nothing beats physically hanging out with people that don't mind you. It might be because I don't use Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, shit like that, and I don't want to associate with that, though. Genuinely not sure what normalscum my age might think. I might be wrong
I agree with everything up to this point.
It was a figure of speech. I don’t actually believe that having a couple meaningless internet UPDOOTS outweighs the benefits of personal and physical connection jfl.

But I think most normies definitely find them equally stimulating and rewarding.

In high school I had friends and no matter what you do online nothing beats physically hanging out with people that don't mind you.
Yeah, that’s the whole point of making this thread my man.
It was a figure of speech. I don’t actually believe that having a couple meaningless internet UPDOOTS outweighs the benefits of personal and physical connection jfl.
Ah, I thought you were saying normgroids value internet good boy points over real life stuff, which unironically could be argued for
Ah, I thought you were saying normgroids value internet good boy points over real life stuff, which unironically could be argued for
I think they find them equivalents since they don’t lack in the more important department (having an actual friend / girlfriend) so they either don’t notice it or just simply don’t care hence they can’t comprehend it when you tell them “online friends are not real.”
Again, they’re not real. In fact, the mere suggestion of such thing makes it easier to understand why relationships are often pedestalized now by the likes of us in our day and age. It’s so MUCH more easy to be lonely than it’s ever been, and to escape it, you need a REAL CONNECTION. Not through screens. Not through pixels. But by another human in front of you.

This is all water wet I’ve heard for years. Most online friends you have will come and go. If you are an incel you cannot have life long friends online or irl they come and go.

Fucking hollyjew made you niggas think friends irl would stay all 75 years of your life
I hear combat makes the best friends. For life.
I feel like if you didnt make frens in school where you were kinda forced to its so much harder in the real world, as adults. My 1 best friend turned trans sjw and hates men now so he's gone
Online friends can be real, but it's rare.
Speak for yourself. I could have never met my true friends were it not for the internet.
Someone on here gave me 300$ none of my so called real friends have ever done that .. Another random dude not on this website gave me his Xbox account to download dlc again my so called real friends at the time never did that
Yes they might not be real but this is the only place is i feel comfortable .
Someone on here gave me 300$ none of my so called real friends have ever done that .. Another random dude not on this website gave me his Xbox account to download dlc again my so called real friends at the time never did that
I get more help and understanding from strangers than so-called frens and family, so I dumped the few remaining fakes that were left in muh circle.
In relation to an individual, I do not require any form of physical contactivity or validity. What I seek in a communal relationship is communication, and the on-line field of the internet offers me just that.
I don't have online friends either jfl. I am too autistic to foster any kind of meaningful relationship. I am completely and utterly alone in every way.

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