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SuicideFuel Online dating is ruining the world



You won't change reality, friend
Jun 13, 2019
Pre online dating woman:

“I’m so tired of going to all these clubs and events at university trying to find a hot guy. Fuck it, Johnny has been my best friend since primary school, I feel bad for friendzoning him. He’s kinda average but not hideous, and super sweet. He’d probably be a really good husband. I think I should give him a chance”
>>happily married with 3 kids and a comfortable life. Husband provides, she has meaning and purpose for her kids. Loves life and her family

Post online dating women:

“Wow I can find all the hot guys immediately online! Haha awesome! I don’t have to waste my life with ugly men anymore lmao awesome. Chad fucked me 2 days ago, Chang yesterday, lemme quickly swipe through and find a Tyrone to fuck tonight. Commitment? Lmao ew fuck off, no way I’m getting married to an ugly incel. Gross! I wanna enjoy my youth carefree, Ive got my contraceptive implant and take the pill, I just wanna fuck everyone and feel like a slut and find myself, I feel like I just need all the dick I possibly can get inside me lmao, I got 63 chads waiting in line for my pussy haha #girlpower”
>>single at age 36, still fucking any willing attractive men she can, refusing and dreading the prospect of having to interact with an average looking man. WILL NOT get married under any circumstances to a non chad, unless she has no other option and needs the money
Pre online dating woman:

“I’m so tired of going to all these clubs and events at university trying to find a hot guy. Fuck it, Johnny has been my best friend since primary school, I feel bad for friendzoning him. He’s kinda average but not hideous, and super sweet. He’d probably be a really good husband. I think I should give him a chance”

She would still cuck him, since he failed to create a "spark" after years of orbiting, unlike the mysterious attractive dude she fucked behind the club at first sight.
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it's in the interest of the state to start regulating these apps

sex or lack thereof is even a greater power that economical inequality

millions of sex deprived angry men can cause havoc without paragon

there's also the issue of an increment of std
Pre online dating woman:

“I’m so tired of going to all these clubs and events at university trying to find a hot guy. Fuck it, Johnny has been my best friend since primary school, I feel bad for friendzoning him. He’s kinda average but not hideous, and super sweet. He’d probably be a really good husband. I think I should give him a chance”
>>happily married with 3 kids and a comfortable life. Husband provides, she has meaning and purpose for her kids. Loves life and her family

Post online dating women:

“Wow I can find all the hot guys immediately online! Haha awesome! I don’t have to waste my life with ugly men anymore lmao awesome. Chad fucked me 2 days ago, Chang yesterday, lemme quickly swipe through and find a Tyrone to fuck tonight. Commitment? Lmao ew fuck off, no way I’m getting married to an ugly incel. Gross! I wanna enjoy my youth carefree, Ive got my contraceptive implant and take the pill, I just wanna fuck everyone and feel like a slut and find myself, I feel like I just need all the dick I possibly can get inside me lmao, I got 63 chads waiting in line for my pussy haha #girlpower”
>>single at age 36, still fucking any willing attractive men she can, refusing and dreading the prospect of having to interact with an average looking man. WILL NOT get married under any circumstances to a non chad, unless she has no other option and needs the money
Yeah but men have been more superficial than women unless they are in a bad rut where they need to settle.
So when you think of online dating, this is also great for men.
Chad has always got the attractive women, but online dating has made it easy for Chad to get the less sociable Beckies too. Even betabuxxing is becoming almost impossible unless you are a Doctor or a Lawyer, most women are making more money than men, especially men that never went to higher education. I see decent looking guys with landwhales everyday.
Yeah but men have been more superficial than women unless they are in a bad rut where they need to settle.
So when you think of online dating, this is also great for men.

Umm...what? How can you be blackpilled and not realize how brutal online dating is for men? Any guy who doesn't have male model good looks is completely ignored on dating sites. And because women can get Chads online as easily as they can order a pizza, they're not receptive to cold approaches anymore. It's basically impossible for any normal or below guy to get laid now because of online dating.
cope it’s made it worse but no woman on earth ever said on their own free will let me date friend zone guy just for altruism
Indeed, online dating is great because it excludes ugly losers.

An approachmaxed PUA is almost dead in the age of Tinder.

I love to see how people who approach women bite the dust. I never liked the hookup culture to begin with because I think that approaching women is wrong. So, for me, online dating is lifefuel.
The women in our society also don't look that happy. A happy woman in history has always been a mother in a stable family.

When she marries women are always sad they didn't get the superchad they wanted and 'knew' they deserved. But when they get pregnant and start having kids their life changes to being a mother.

Its like the change in life from a little girl doing girly things, to that period of her life where she becomes interested in dating. But because of our society is ran by ignorant goody-two shoe cucks, women are not making the jump from that dating period to becoming a mother.
Chad has always got the attractive women, but online dating has made it easy for Chad to get the less sociable Beckies too. Even betabuxxing is becoming almost impossible unless you are a Doctor or a Lawyer, most women are making more money than men, especially men that never went to higher education. I see decent looking guys with landwhales everyday.
I've seen chadlites LTRing low tier beckys and landwhales because they know their looksmatch will cuck them for chad and tyrone. When chadlites get cucked by chads, they get a taste of the black pill and it hits them so hard they lower their standards in hopes of avoiding that shame ever again... With that in mind, it's over for all Sub8s. Why even bother?

it's in the interest of the state to start regulating these apps

sex or lack thereof is even a greater power that economical inequality

millions of sex deprived angry men can cause havoc without paragon

there's also the issue of an increment of std
Unreal how the state heavily regulates mundane areas of society, but one of the biggest, if not the biggest threat to the system is left totally unchecked. unrestricted female sexuality/Eugenics platforms will entropy society very very quickly. It’s akin to boiling the frog. One day In the not too distant future, People will wake up and realize a non-insignificant percentage of men can no longer be coerced. Their behavior can not be controlled, and they can no longer be appeased/rewarded for compliance.

the vast majority of men now have no currency with which to purchase sexual access, and no way to acquire any. money within normal ranges no longer matters (it’s no longer necessary. Women can survive just fine without a betabux), leaving sperm quality as the only remaining currency. And as a rule, most men have inadequate sperm quality.

the next few years will be interesting to See unfold
Unreal how the state heavily regulates mundane areas of society, but one of the biggest, if not the biggest threat to the system is left totally unchecked. unrestricted female sexuality/Eugenics platforms will entropy society very very quickly. It’s akin to boiling the frog. One day In the not too distant future, People will wake up and realize a non-insignificant percentage of men can no longer be coerced. Their behavior can not be controlled, and they can no longer be appeased/rewarded for compliance.

the vast majority of men now have no currency with which to purchase sexual access, and no way to acquire any. money within normal ranges no longer matters (it’s no longer necessary. Women can survive just fine without a betabux), leaving sperm quality as the only remaining currency. And as a rule, most men have inadequate sperm quality.

the next few years will be interesting to See unfold

this paragraph right here

to a normie sounds like a load of incel garbage

But the hilariously ironic thing is, that this shit is ABSOLUTELY TRUE

and has never been more applicable.

The sexual market value concept is a real, tangible, extremely powerful concept in the modern world and our experiences and analyses of it are one brutal blackpill after another, pure truth, and yet to say it out loud defies common sentiment of civility, it seems so unnatural and unnecessary to say it out loud, even awkward, and yet now more than ever its important for us to get our point across and speak the truth.
Unreal how the state heavily regulates mundane areas of society, but one of the biggest, if not the biggest threat to the system is left totally unchecked. unrestricted female sexuality/Eugenics platforms will entropy society very very quickly. It’s akin to boiling the frog. One day In the not too distant future, People will wake up and realize a non-insignificant percentage of men can no longer be coerced. Their behavior can not be controlled, and they can no longer be appeased/rewarded for compliance.

the vast majority of men now have no currency with which to purchase sexual access, and no way to acquire any. money within normal ranges no longer matters (it’s no longer necessary. Women can survive just fine without a betabux), leaving sperm quality as the only remaining currency. And as a rule, most men have inadequate sperm quality.

the next few years will be interesting to See unfold

I think deep down the issue is that politicians, which are glorified cucks. view the state as something emanating from a piece of paper, when in reality is the organic embodiment of the nation. The state should be seen as a human body. Letting women and technology bring misery to million of males is akin to letting harmful bacteria go unchecked. This kind of neglect will result in anarchy and unrest, just as fever being a natural response when something is disrupting homeostais.
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I fucking hate chads that pump and dump a new retarded tinder thot every few days. FUCKING BASTARDS!!!!! WHEN IS IT GONNA BE ENOUGH? Fucking greedy motherfuckers with 500 girls notch counts this shit is INFURIATING


everytime i see a chad i go out of my way to discomfort him, i dont hire chad doctors, chad lawyers, chad waiters, NO CHAD IS GETTING MONEY OUT OF ME WILLINGLY. fuck these fucking CHADS ALREADY STOP IT YOU FUCKING BASTARDS!!!!!!!!
I fucking hate chads that pump and dump a new retarded tinder thot every few days. FUCKING BASTARDS!!!!! WHEN IS IT GONNA BE ENOUGH? Fucking greedy motherfuckers with 500 girls notch counts this shit is INFURIATING


everytime i see a chad i go out of my way to discomfort him, i dont hire chad doctors, chad lawyers, chad waiters, NO CHAD IS GETTING MONEY OUT OF ME WILLINGLY. fuck these fucking CHADS ALREADY STOP IT YOU FUCKING BASTARDS!!!!!!!!
Keep fighting the good fight fellow brocel

When I was the accountant of a big american company I also did everything in my power to undermine chad and foids with my high IQ internal accounting politics

A lot of chads and foids resented me because I stripped them of their unearned privileges which they take for granted

I had to quit due to the pressure I was put on by cuck CEO
Keep fighting the good fight fellow brocel

When I was the accountant of a big american company I also did everything in my power to undermine chad and foids with my high IQ internal accounting politics

A lot of chads and foids resented me because I stripped them of their unearned privileges which they take for granted

I had to quit due to the pressure I was put on by cuck CEO

I see youve taken the machiavellipill brocel. I salute your efforts. I bet it was lifefuel to fuck with all those uppity chad shytes walking around like they own the place in their suits n shit, let alone fucking with braindead stacy whores just walking around with skimpy short skirts and creating drama while taking good jobs from deserving men in the corporate world
The foid in the first scenario would divorce-rape or cuck her husband. JFL if you think a roastie who's been to nightclubs could make for a good wife and mother. Allowing foids to lose their virginity before marriage was what really ruined the world.

I actually prefer the second scenario. Foids are being whores completely out in the open which means that every man that isn't braindead now knows their true nature and we come closer to returning to a blackpilled patriarchy everyday. Pre-Tinder, many men probably thought that foids were all pure angels and that "game" was all they needed to get one, they didn't realize what evil they were capable of.
I’m so tired of going to all these clubs and events at university trying to find a hot guy. Fuck it, Johnny has been my best friend since primary school, I feel bad for friendzoning him. He’s kinda average but not hideous, and super sweet. He’d probably be a really good husband. I think I should give him a chance”
>>happily married with 3 kids and a comfortable life. Husband provides, she has meaning and purpose for her kids. Loves life and her family "

I don't want to be a mule that provides and provides and provides. Sometimes I think that my manletism and ugliness actually saved me from a lot of potential troubles and hard life.
Giving women posibility to use internet was wrong
Umm...what? How can you be blackpilled and not realize how brutal online dating is for men? Any guy who doesn't have male model good looks is completely ignored on dating sites. And because women can get Chads online as easily as they can order a pizza, they're not receptive to cold approaches anymore. It's basically impossible for any normal or below guy to get laid now because of online dating.
It is worse because men are more unnecessary this day around, while women were mroe unnecessary 500 years ago.
Agreed they're not receptive to giving any opportunity when they have contacts upon contacts. They cycle back.
All I am just saying is when girls would approach guys, men are equally primal, although women lack the sense/ grace men have to establish things beyond mere immediate libido benefit. Men, if they're looking for a long term partner will make it. Unless they're neanderthals/ looting and raping. But men often are the ones at the end of the day who are the nerve system/ thought processo f families. It just depends on the time period.
I think it;s good.
True but 99% of women still want a relationship with chad, not just sex.

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