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JFL Oneitis cuck trait: stalking your oneitis so much on social media she privates her account.



Dec 17, 2023
Not gonna lie I did this before being blackpilled I stalked her so much she private’s her jewstergram account, because the insights and constantly viewing her stories. We’re you a oneitis cuck in the past? Don’t lie!
It's kinda funny seeing them get uncomfortable because of you.
I had a scary profile picture aswell haha she must of got scared for her life.
Creeping them out and weirding them out is funny too

stalking your oneitis so much on social media she privates her account.​

I've done that. I've even liked and commented on her posts. But she's never privated her account. In fact, she's liked my comments and even replied to them. :feelscomfy:
Bro I love doing that, even with girls I barely know. How does that make me a cuck? idc about who she fucks, I just want to make her uncomfortable.
Creeping them out and weirding them out is funny too
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I've done that. I've even liked and commented on her posts. But she's never privated her account. In fact, she's liked my comments and even replied to them. :feelscomfy:
My profile was completely anonymous to her as she hardly knew me.
Bro I love doing that, even with girls I barely know. How does that make me a cuck? idc about who she fucks, I just want to make her uncomfortable.
I was a gigacuck because I actually was “in love with her” I cringe thinking about what I did JFL
I was a gigacuck because I actually was “in love with her” I cringe thinking about what I did JFL
Being in love sucks. Although being in love adds to the stalker thing because it makes you more determined to scare her.

At least thats how I see it.
Kys oneitiscuck
I stalk several whores
I remember when I was still on FB (middle school / HS years) and I happened to see a "recommendation" of adding a friend or whatever, one of the people was some chick from an art class and I remember thinking "yah, I remember her, I never talked to her, but she was cute asf", so.. retarded youngself decided to (instead of just directly messaging her), commented on one of her posts that was old asf, but it would've been around the time of our HS years, so.. .I thought it was "appropriate". Anyways, I made a comment (nothing terrible btw) and within the next day, I never tried finding the same profile and it disappeared like it never existed. That's when I realize she must've saw who it was (me) and blocked my ass.

Makes me wonder sometimes... there's always bitches that you don't even acknowledge / hint as a "crush", but those same chicks are like spies, bro. They take note of dudes they find absolutely abhorrent and like.. as a mental note, will remember your ass just by the "face". Anyways... the cunt show'd her true feelings at that moment and I was like "whatever" and moved on... but that definitely added to my justification for (in the long run) my future hatred of foids.
I used to stalk my high school crushes on Instagram with a fake profile. They somehow blocked me and turned their profiles private :feelskek:
I stalk my 2 Oneitis on Facebook and Tiktok, they don't post much though. Haven't found there Instagram yet, still working on it.
Mogs me in stalking, even do I know the first and last name of all of my crushes I never found any of em online.
I was a gigacuck because I actually was “in love with her” I cringe thinking about what I did JFL
:feelsaww:We are kindred spirits.

If I met my past, bluepilled self I would kill him, on sight, slowly, no hesitation.
I used to stalk my high school crushes on Instagram with a fake profile. They somehow blocked me and turned their profiles private :feelskek:
There’s certain apps they probably use to track who views their profile JFL
I remember when I was still on FB (middle school / HS years) and I happened to see a "recommendation" of adding a friend or whatever, one of the people was some chick from an art class and I remember thinking "yah, I remember her, I never talked to her, but she was cute asf", so.. retarded youngself decided to (instead of just directly messaging her), commented on one of her posts that was old asf, but it would've been around the time of our HS years, so.. .I thought it was "appropriate". Anyways, I made a comment (nothing terrible btw) and within the next day, I never tried finding the same profile and it disappeared like it never existed. That's when I realize she must've saw who it was (me) and blocked my ass.

Makes me wonder sometimes... there's always bitches that you don't even acknowledge / hint as a "crush", but those same chicks are like spies, bro. They take note of dudes they find absolutely abhorrent and like.. as a mental note, will remember your ass just by the "face". Anyways... the cunt show'd her true feelings at that moment and I was like "whatever" and moved on... but that definitely added to my justification for (in the long run) my future hatred of foids.
Damn bro read every word, brutal
Not a masochist, and I knew as early as I started having feelings for girls that they don't give a fuck about me.

Still cried, still was miserable, but torturing myself was never on my list.
Not gonna lie I did this before being blackpilled I stalked her so much she private’s her jewstergram account, because the insights and constantly viewing her stories. We’re you a oneitis cuck in the past? Don’t lie!
Should've used a burner
JoinedDec 17, 2023Posts663
This was before I was blackpilled you fag.
Don't give a fuck nigger, u oneitis cucks are pathetic either way. The last time I had one was in fucking middle school. How do you as a grown adult, or even in your late teens lack the self-awareness to see how juvenile it is? You're pathetic, obsessing over some hole that doesn't even know u exist
Yes my oneitis privated her IG but I think it was because she was being stalked by multiple incels at once jfl. I kinda stopped looking her up ever since then. I never interacted with her stuff because I’m not a skitzo.
How did she know you were stalking her?
How did she know you were stalking her?
Im guessing homie was not using a burner account. The whole point is to make sure she knows that you are the one making her uncomfortable.
How many times do you have to text someone on Facebook messenger before they freak out and block you?

She just leaves me on read now, I'm worried ill get blocked and lose access to her pics.
How did she know you were stalking her?
It’s because of the jewstergram insights. And frequently viewing her stories which they can directly see who views their stories.
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How many times do you have to text someone on Facebook messenger before they freak out and block you?

She just leaves me on read now, I'm worried ill get blocked and lose access to her pics.
Don’t know don’t use Facebook so not sure.
Her college friend declined my follow request when I wanted to see more pics of herself. She just never posts
The age of parasocial relationships and it’s consequences
I sent photos to my former oneitis' parents of her being a slut and for the past 5 months, her Instagram and TikTok accounts are private and under different names lmao
I've put some of the photos i collected together into a montage and made it my wallpaper and there is nothing they can do about it hehe.
I’m too high inhib to do this

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