Title. I'm sure we all knew some girl in class or a foid family member who was always extra happy and joyful all the time. I find it so ironic how these types of women are praised for being so "positive". So they really think that's some sort of flex?
I mean, it would be pretty fucking hard to not be happy and joyful if you got love from the opposite sex whenever you wanted and everyone treats you great. Imagine waking up to a life where members of the opposite sex want you and will give you a loving relationship and sex whenever you so choose. Also Imagine how it must feel to receive compliments daily (even when it's not deserved at all), and to have everyone ignore your wrongdoings and overexaggerate all the good things you do. Imagine not being judged for not having a good job. Imagine being told you are worth something even if you get fat as fuck.
How would it be possible to live such a life and NOT be happy? Almost all women live lives just like I described. Genuinely, how could you have all your needs satisfied along with so many extras and still not be happy with life? I will never understand how anyone thinks that women having a "pOsItiVE MInDSeT" is a flex. It is not. It's just cause and effect. A good life = a positive and optimistic outlook on life. A bad life = a negative and pessimistic outlook on life, simple as that. How mainstream society doesn't realize this is beyond me.
This is also why the "jUsT hAve a PosiTiVe mINDset BrO" advice is nonsense. Nobody can magically spawn a positive mindset from nothing. It has to come from life experiences. You either have the life experience to be positive or you do not.
The fact the average woman STILL COMPLAINS while living a life like this is absurd. Unreal that someone who has it so easy is allowed to complain, yet a man like me or any of us with none of our human needs met is criticized just for mentioning how lonely and hard his life is. Women wouldn't last a day in our shoes. Remember that. The fact we are even still alive is far more impressive than some dumb bitch acting happy.