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Venting One of the biggest blackpills is that your relationships with immediate family aren’t as strong as you think they are and they’ll resent you over time

Sounds brutal. My mom use to listen to me vent when I was a teenager but she's made it clear she's grown tired of it. I don't complain to her that often anymore but on the rare occasion I do, she gets annoyed. My parents were pretty pissed that they wasted a lot of money on me going to college just for me to drop out and live at home again. It's honestly somewhat understandable but it still makes me feel like shit.
Fucking brutal. It was mostly the same for me. My mom would listen to my vents and be empathetic when I was a young teen, but now she usually gets annoyed so I rarely ever vent to her. Awful feeling. Just plain awful.
Also ignore @NiggerAnnihilator he's just a fag trying to be edgy
I know, he’s just a brainrot TikTokcel
Fucking brutal. It was mostly the same for me. My mom would listen to my vents and be empathetic when I was a young teen, but now she usually gets annoyed so I rarely ever vent to her. Awful feeling. Just plain awful.

I know, he’s just a brainrot TikTokcel
yeah my mom pretty much did a 180 when it comes to having empathy for me. I won't say she doesn't care about me at all but she makes it abundantly clear she doesn't think my problems are worth feeling bad over. I know she would feel sad if I were to rope, but tbh she gives off the vibe that I make her life worse overall. Sad part is she's probably not wrong. There's a point in every relationship where both parties realize they've become too different to maintain a bridge between them.
yeah my mom pretty much did a 180 when it comes to having empathy for me. I won't say she doesn't care about me at all but she makes it abundantly clear she doesn't think my problems are worth feeling bad over. I know she would feel sad if I were to rope, but tbh she gives off the vibe that I make her life worse overall. Sad part is she's probably not wrong. There's a point in every relationship where both parties realize they've become too different to maintain a bridge between them.
Yeah the same thing is happening with me and my mom. It’s so brutal man
Yup, My parents are horrible POS people who should've never bred me into existence. Not only where they insanely helicopter parenting me for my whole life fucking over my social life making me miss out on teen love, having friends and being a teenager. They were also physically abusive justifying it with "Physical discipline". I am very distant from my family while I am still living under their roof which they blame me for instead of accepting the accountability that they were truly the ones at fault. Having a narcissistic family is such a brutal hellhole for anyone enough to get insane.
My mom often does that as well; she dismisses everything I say and treats me as if I am a child. She even goes as far as mocking my problems and making fun of me.

That's exactly why I don't confide in anyone about my problems anymore. Even when they know the truth, they try to give meaningless platitudes, suggesting that it's my own fault and that I must have brought all of my problems upon myself. And at worst they mock me for those problems.

But we both know it's not that simple. It's a lot worse than most people realize, being incel is like a curse. And like you have stated, they are simply unable to empathize with us because they aren't in our shoes. It's easy for them to dismiss our suffering as nothing.

It is really ironic—and frustrating—that so many people refuse to understand our struggles despite the fact that their lives are usually filled with love, friendship, and intimacy, which are three things we've never had.
Same, I still tried to tell my parents about me missing out on most of my life from their insane helicopter parenting to which I was met with gaslighting "The past is in the past", "Get over it" "There are kids who have worst parents than us" "parenting doesn't come with a manual". even our own parents can be our worst enemies.
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I feel this way with my family. As a kid they were more forgiving if you showed traits of loserdom because they felt you would eventually grow out of it. Fast forward to now in my late 20's, and I've never been in a relationship, no friends, no family of my own, nothing. Now my Mom, and oldest sister mocks me for it. Being the only men in the family doesn't help either as I don't have a brother who might have a level of understanding to confide with.
I was met with gaslighting "The past is in the past", "Get over it" "There are kids who have worst parents than us". even our own parents can be our worst enemies.
It's brutal af, I hate when my mom says that :feelsbadman:
Incel life is pure suffering, they should be punished for allowing us to be born, they create us and wonder why we want to go er rape or die.
Tuning her out her negativity is the best thing you can do... (Other than leaving.)

Ofc, that means you cannot dump you're own negativity on her too.... = Act like a normie! (Ouch!)

Living purely on you're own is brutal AF, so even a shit FAM is better than no FAM.

As far as you're inner sadness at you're fate...

You'll just have to accept it and move on.

It's not like you can improve your inceldom by dwelling on it.

(Picking a emo scab only makes it bleed more...)

Focus on things you CAN control.
Any time I complain I get threatened with being kicked out and forced to live on the street. Not like it matters since the advice always boiled down to meaningless platitudes reassuring me that I'll somehow get a woman eventually or my dad telling me to shut up and get a job despite my health issues.

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