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LifeFuel Once you realize foids are litterally children do you still feel the need of validation and affection from them?

  • Thread starter Cybersex is our hope
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Cybersex is our hope

Cybersex is our hope

Jul 4, 2018
Today we basically have the science that is able to tell us exactly what foids (female homo sapiens) are: neotenic males. Underdeveloped males. Unfinished males. They litterally are nothing different from a sort of overgrown 10 years old child.

Just consider how easy it is for a foid to turn into a man: 6 months to 1 year of testosterone+gym and that hottie turns into a bearded dude who hangs out with you to drink some beers
Just google Morris Syndrome: biological males with damaged androgens receptors just grow into attractive foids
Nearly every foid who appears to think differently from other foids and is original/innovative etc looks masculinized as fuck in body and face

Foids= unfinished men
Men= foids on roids
Foids have never been the opposite of men, they just are me and you...with less androgens and less development (hence prepubescent children)

Besides of sex what is the point in being sad about them not loving you? It's kinda like being sad about your 9 yo cousin not thinking about you or not caring about you. Litterally the same thing.
Today we basically have the science that is able to tell us exactly what foids (female homo sapiens) are: neotenic males. Underdeveloped males. Unfinished males. They litterally are nothing different from a sort of overgrown 10 years old child.

Just consider how easy it is for a foid to turn into a man: 6 months to 1 year of testosterone+gym and that hottie turns into a bearded dude who hangs out with you to drink some beers
Just google Morris Syndrome: biological males with damaged androgens receptors just grow into attractive foids
Nearly every foid who appears to think differently from other foids and is original/innovative etc looks masculinized as fuck in body and face

Foids= unfinished men
Men= foids on roids
Foids have never been the opposite of men, they just are me and you...with less androgens and less development (hence prepubescent children)

Besides of sex what is the point in being sad about them not loving you? It's kinda like being sad about your 9 yo cousin not thinking about you or not caring about you. Litterally the same thing.
i only desire physical contact with women, i actually dont even want to talk to them, they never developed interesting hobbies or personalities because they dont need to, they are not funny
because all they need is look good and they get all the validation and orbiters they need
Today we basically have the science that is able to tell us exactly what foids (female homo sapiens) are: neotenic males. Underdeveloped males. Unfinished males. They litterally are nothing different from a sort of overgrown 10 years old child.

Just consider how easy it is for a foid to turn into a man: 6 months to 1 year of testosterone+gym and that hottie turns into a bearded dude who hangs out with you to drink some beers
Just google Morris Syndrome: biological males with damaged androgens receptors just grow into attractive foids
Nearly every foid who appears to think differently from other foids and is original/innovative etc looks masculinized as fuck in body and face

Foids= unfinished men
Men= foids on roids
Foids have never been the opposite of men, they just are me and you...with less androgens and less development (hence prepubescent children)

Besides of sex what is the point in being sad about them not loving you? It's kinda like being sad about your 9 yo cousin not thinking about you or not caring about you. Litterally the same thing.
Didn't the Romans or something consider foids unfinished men as well jfl
Didn't the Romans or something consider foids unfinished men as well jfl
Yes. I think it was ancient greeks or romans. They got it 100% right then catholicism happened and foids started to be seen as a different opposite reality rather than what they actually are. This civilization was doomed from the beginning
I just want to stick my dick in them ngl. All the validation and affection I could need is to repeatedly move my member in and out their hole.
Yes because biological drives are not based on logical thoughts. They will always be there sorry boyo
Yes, i feel a need to keep them locked up on a display case. Mentally broken and unable to do anything.
Sorry, but male children doesn't get the estrogen like females. Where is the E in this equation?

But also St. Peter did know of the weaker nature of women, it has to be common knowledge for generations.

(1.Pet 3:7)
"Husbands, in the same way, live with your wives with an understanding of their weaker nature yet showing them honor as coheirs of the grace of life, so that your prayers will not be hindered."
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Yes because biological drives are not based on logical thoughts. They will always be there sorry boyo
I don't have the need for validation from them srsl boyo. I only get sometims mad when they want us to accept their feral behaviour as their right but i noticed i'm more and more into low neoteny quasi autistic foids (it would be great being in a LTR with them but unfortunately they are a lottery ticket) and i just ignore NT high neoteny baby faced bitches. They can all die
Sorry, but male children doesn't get the estrogen like females. Where is the E in this equation?
Males and females are nearly indistinguishable when young and children.
XY individuals can produce a female gamete, XX individuals can't produce a male gamete. This reinforces even more the idea of foids= underdeveloped men.
They are weaker and dumber because children are weaker and dumber than adults
I just want to stick my dick in them ngl. All the validation and affection I could need is to repeatedly move my member in and out their hole.
Ok so you want sex but not affection. Good thing. Agree. Foids are incapable of love
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Yes. I think it was ancient greeks or romans. They got it 100% right then catholicism happened and foids started to be seen as a different opposite reality rather than what they actually are. This civilization was doomed from the beginning

tbh the church fathers were Pretty based when it came to their opinons on women:

“I don’t see what sort of help woman was created to provide man with, if one excludes procreation. If woman is not given to man for help in bearing children, for what help could she be? To till the earth together? If help were needed for that, man would have been a better help for man. The same goes for comfort in solitude. How much more pleasure is it for life and conversation when two friends live together than when a man and a woman cohabitate?”
De Genesi ad literam (The Literal Meaning of Genesis) 9.5.9

“. . . woman was given to man, woman who was of small intelligence and who perhaps still lives more in accordance with the promptings of the inferior flesh than by superior reason. Is this why the apostle Paul does not attribute the image of God to her?”
De Genesi ad literam Book 11.42

- Augustine, Bishop of Hippo, Doctor of the Church and Latin Father, 354-430

"Every woman should be filled with shame by the thought that she is a woman...the consciousness of their own nature must evoke feelings of shame"
- St. Clement of Alexandria (2nd Century, Greek Father of the Church)

"Woman is less qualified [than man] for moral behavior... When a woman has relations with a man, she would like, as much as possible, to be lying with another man at the same time. Woman knows nothing about fidelity. Believe me, if you give her your trust, you will be disappointed. Trust an experience teacher. For this reason prudent men share their plans and actions least of all with their wives.

Woman is a misbegotten man and has a faulty and defective nature in comparison to his.

Therefore she is unsure in herself. What she cannot get, she seeks to obtain through lying and diabolical deceptions. And so, to put it briefly, one must be on one's guard with every woman, as if she were a poisonous snake and the horned devil.

If I could say what I know about women, the world would be astonished ... Woman is strictly speaking not cleverer but slyer (more cunning) than man.

Cleverness sounds like something good, slyness sounds like something evil. Thus in evil and perverse doings woman is cleverer, that is, slyer, than man. Her feelings drive woman toward every evil, just as reason impels man toward all good."
-St. Albertus Magnus (13th Century, Doctor of the Church)

This entire Thing only changed drastically with the victorians. The archetype of the female teacher is an Invention of the victorians. These posh motherfuckers condemned entire generations of young boys to suffering.
In the bible it literally says "I suffer not a woman to teach".

12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve.
14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.

- Timothy 2:12-14

Seriously, fuck the victorians for equating being a Woman with being virtuous and noble:

One cultural change was the definition of femininity. In the Victorian era, it was based on moral character. This shifted in the early 1920s when the new feminine idea became based on the body

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Yes because biological drives are not based on logical thoughts. They will always be there sorry boyo
We're not biologically driven to need validation from a chad cumbucket. Sex is way more important for us, validation can only come from a loyal virgin looksmatched gf. @BlkPillPres
Don't want affection from a 3D foid
I don't necessarily believe that women are undeveloped males. That would mean that a foid on test could eventually become a man, making trannyism legit. MRI brain activity scans have proven several key differences between male and female brains in reference to neuron clustering and response to stimuli. Whether this is due to hormones during puberty or neonatal development is still up for discussion, but female brains are different from those of males on a structural level.
If only they never got rights...
All chads are pedophiles
I don't necessarily believe that women are undeveloped males. That would mean that a foid on test could eventually become a man, making trannyism legit. MRI brain activity scans have proven several key differences between male and female brains in reference to neuron clustering and response to stimuli. Whether this is due to hormones during puberty or neonatal development is still up for discussion, but female brains are different from those of males on a structural level.
In the same way a child brain is different from an adult brain. Autistic foids who have more testosterone develop the same white matter or more than NT males. Also just look at how FtM trannies turn into perfectly indistinguishable males with only 6 months of male hormones+gym.

There are other differences but they are subsequent to the different and childish behaviour of foids. Foids tend to have higher social skills and like being around many people more in the same ways children love being around many other children (without any deep connection tho) and other people more than adults do

And as a definitive answer you have Morris Syndrome: lack of testosterone on a BIOLOGICAL XY MALE just turns him into a normal hottie foid
If only they never got rights...
Underdeveloped men shouldn't have autority over society. It's kinda common sense
I need validation from catgirls
Source: mein arsch
Also, physical intimacy is an unavoidable need. No amount of "hoes are so much dumber than me xddddddsdd" will lessen the suffering of being an incel.
Source: mein arsch
Also, physical intimacy is an unavoidable need. No amount of "hoes are so much dumber than me xddddddsdd" will lessen the suffering of being an incel.
Kholber test and morris syndrome are something you can easily google on yourself.
Also speak for yourself. Realizing this just turned me off of majority of foids
Kholber test and morris syndrome are something you can easily google on yourself.
Also speak for yourself. Realizing this just turned me off of majority of foids
Downloadfile 1

You will snap. No rationalisation can override the absolutely emasculating reality of being an incel.
Kholber test and morris syndrome are something you can easily google on yourself.
Also speak for yourself. Realizing this just turned me off of majority of foids

When I realized this I gradually lost that psychological need to seek validation from women.

Basically women want a big, violent, aggressive Chad. And I'm not that. No amount of logic will sway women in the slightest.
View attachment 215508
You will snap. No rationalisation can override the absolutely emasculating reality of being an incel.
I don't give a shit about emasculation i'm a fucked up autistic and i just wanted a foid to love me like a man love a woman (intrinsic value love) not their cold shitty calculated "love". Since they can't give me that i'm just out. They are only good for sex. Still sometimes hope for a genetic failure foid who is a civil success and can be sympathetic toward men and me tho TBH
When I realized this I gradually lost that psychological need to seek validation from women.

Basically women want a big, violent, aggressive Chad. And I'm not that. No amount of logic will sway women in the slightest.
Some common sense here. I'm not a coper and i admit i still need SEX and the touch of a foid but i'm giving up to the idea of finding that kind of relationship i craved for. It's just not going to happen. Foids who can give me that are probably less than 1% of the foids (since their behaviour was genetically unsuccessfull in the past and they never passed on their genes) and they are already taken. Sometimes i'm sad about that and cope by listening synthwave music but that's it
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Giga based and high IQ
In the same way a child brain is different from an adult brain. Autistic foids who have more testosterone develop the same white matter or more than NT males. Also just look at how FtM trannies turn into perfectly indistinguishable males with only 6 months of male hormones+gym.

There are other differences but they are subsequent to the different and childish behaviour of foids. Foids tend to have higher social skills and like being around many people more in the same ways children love being around many other children (without any deep connection tho) and other people more than adults do

And as a definitive answer you have Morris Syndrome: lack of testosterone on a BIOLOGICAL XY MALE just turns him into a normal hottie foid
AIS is not as definitive as MRI brain scans on normally healthy adults though. AIS is a rare medical disorder, and there may be other complicating genetic factors associated with underdeveloped male genitalia leading to secondary neural changes in the brain structure. Although I will admit if idk if child foid brains demonstrate similar brain pattern as child males. That would be a definitive answer to this discussion. I will check through my books and online to see if I can dig something up.
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AIS is not as definitive as MRI brain scans on normally healthy adults though. AIS is a rare medical disorder, and there may be other complicating genetic factors associated with underdeveloped male genitalia leading to secondary neural changes in the brain structure. Although I will admit if idk if child foid brains demonstrate similar brain pattern as child males. That would be a definitive answer to this discussion. I will check through my books and online to see if I can dig something up.
What i'm saying is that adults form their brain out of necessity: what their gender needs is how the brain adapts to be in centuries. So basically women are children and they developed their brain in order to prioritize socialization istead of analysis.
This doesn't eleiminate the fact that: Androgen insensitivity still turns biological male into females (ALSO changing the brain. Mind that), asperger syndrome (with more androgens in females) turn the female brain into a very masculinized brain (androgens= more maturity) and their body usually has the same transformations, and last but not least in kholberg morality test foids score 3/6. Stage 3 in morality means you are basically stuck in pre-school morality (what the group wants you to do. Sounds familiar with foids? LoL). This further proves the theory about the only big difference between men and women being BIOLOGICAL MATURATION. Gender is actually a spectrum but a biological one
i only desire physical contact with women, i actually dont even want to talk to them, they never developed interesting hobbies or personalities because they dont need to, they are not funny
because all they need is look good and they get all the validation and orbiters they need
Same tbh,ı cant think of having a romantic relationship with a women without getting anxiety after ı saw so many of them whoreing around,thank god escort/sex toy/dollmaxxing exists.
What i'm saying is that adults form their brain out of necessity: what their gender needs is how the brain adapts to be in centuries. So basically women are children and they developed their brain in order to prioritize socialization istead of analysis.
This doesn't eleiminate the fact that: Androgen insensitivity still turns biological male into females (ALSO changing the brain. Mind that), asperger syndrome (with more androgens in females) turn the female brain into a very masculinized brain (androgens= more maturity) and their body usually has the same transformations, and last but not least in kholberg morality test foids score 3/6. Stage 3 in morality means you are basically stuck in pre-school morality (what the group wants you to do. Sounds familiar with foids? LoL). This further proves the theory about the only big difference between men and women being BIOLOGICAL MATURATION. Gender is actually a spectrum but a biological one
I see where you are coming from now. I still think that several significant milestones, some of which are derived from sex differences, of brain development occur in the womb prior to any chance of socialization or even fetal androgen development.
Yes, and i dont want prostitutes either, even if, say, the prostitute is a virgin. If having sex is all i want i can just monehmaxx any incel can do that. I wanna be fucking wanted, I want a foid to find me attractive and sux my dick and let me fuck her willingly without cash transaction.

Now in my country, marriage isnt such a bad prospect, but now that i know of the blackpill i dont wanna marry a foid that pretends to be attracted to me, fuck is the point. I dont wanna be in a relationship with a foid that thinks im disgusting.
There is SO MANY dead bedroom case here, becos the foid never really find her husband attractive to begin with. And as he ages he gets even uglier. I dont want to be stuck with a wife that gives me rare starfish sex or dead bedroom. But what are the options, if i dont marry n have kids ill just rot til im ded, and in all honesty dont think i can do that tbh.

My mother barely have any convo with my father, and theyre not romantic at all with each other, the romance is dead something like 20yrs ago. Now he just stays for the sake of the family i think, too much invested to leave. And I think he mustve spent a lot on prostitutes and other cope because were alwas fucking broke! Fuck is the point of marrying then hshaknsnd I reaally dont wanna be stuck like my father, and his kids (us) are ungrateful honestly and barely even pay attention to him, a lotta times wed snap when he ask us someting nicely. Poor fucing guy, stuck with wife and kids that culdnt give a shit about him and he have to wageslave everyday. I reeaally dont wanna end up like him. But also think without a family life would be so unfulfilling. Just lol

Idk what makes my brain think that my wife and my kids would be different, the would love me and care about me, jfl nature trying to fool me to procreate...
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Made a thread about this and went a step further, saying that incels who value female validation are contradicting everything they say and believe and they are just blue pilled

I see where you are coming from now. I still think that several significant milestones, some of which are derived from sex differences, of brain development occur in the womb prior to any chance of socialization or even fetal androgen development.
Idk man the mere fact that AIS not only affect the body but also the mind (just right after fecundation) turning EVERYTHING into feminine just by DENYING the male hormones is kinda telling for me. Also, tbh, i think the difference between men and women (and women themselves) can be definetly and definitively better understood if you just consider women as less developed men (emotionality but not sentimentality, frivolous relationships instead of long lasting ones, materialistic opportunistic attitude instead of idealistic etc). I see many from the greek/roman world came to the same conclusion and i'm happy today we have enough science and diagnosis to go that way and to somehow prove that more and more.
I'm not SJW at all. I think they are a bunch of illogical retarded weirdos but i kinda admit the truth is in the middle: sexuality IS nearly 100% biological BUT it does not create two different beings belonging to two different worlds, both with their differences and strenght, it's more of a maturation spectrum. The more "Manly" you are the more you turn into the final most complete form of human being (as i said just look at how many non NT girls have the neoteny of a 14-15 yo guy instead of the average NT girl who has the face traits of a 9-10 yo male child)
Same tbh,ı cant think of having a romantic relationship with a women without getting anxiety after ı saw so many of them whoreing around,thank god escort/sex toy/dollmaxxing exists.
SImiliar. I don't get anxiety. I litterally don't give a fuck about them since i don't find them psychologically attractive
Didn't the Romans or something consider foids unfinished men as well jfl
Yes. I think it was ancient greeks or romans. They got it 100% right then catholicism happened and foids started to be seen as a different opposite reality rather than what they actually are. This civilization was doomed from the beginning
I've been reading "meditations" by Markus Aurelius, and it's confirmed!

Women were considered less than men, and for a man to be considered "womanly" was an insult to that man.

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