I plan to take my life as well. Try to make peace with death and tie up any loose ends, maybe forgive people who have wronged you (or not) or apologize to people you have wronged. I won't judge anyone who takes their life. The type of people who say "it's selfish" don't realize that them saying this (to keep the other person from killing themselves/for them to stay alive) is actually more selfish because you're keeping a man who is suffering on this Earth for your own gratification and feeling like you're accomplished or something. It's pure narcissism. And people shouldn't butt into other people's lives... or death for that matter. The "it's a permanent solution to a temporary problem" argument isn't really true because inceldom is a permanent problem, and once you have tried all routes, it becomes apparent. Inceldom not only affects your sexual life (being a virgin), but also your social life (most have no friends), work life (most are NEETs, working dead-end jobs, or not working as well as they could as a symptom of their inceldom), and even family life (perhaps there is resentment for being birthed or having a rough childhood or the parents not being more attentive, etc.). "Suicide is cowardly": nothing is more brave than looking down a barrel of a gun and deciding to plunge yourself into oblivion, or looking down from a 1,000-ft bridge. It's not the "easy" way out because it's easy to just go with the flow, live, and not do anything to change your life situation. Suicide is the ultimate difficult act in a society where male loneliness is medicalized as "depression" and "patients" are given pills to change their brain and get brainwashed by professional liars (psychiatrists) to tell themselves "it's alright." Wilkes McDermid talks more indepth about all these arguments in his last post, under FAQ. I recommend you read it.
You all probably have a lot of questions and in an ideal world I would be able to answer them all. However the risks involved in providing a ‘Q&A session’ before death is clearly to…