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Brutal Older ethnicel trait: whites abandon you after high school

(although some whites are drunkards, I don't know any personally)
Nice attempt at racial autofellatio. I've never seen a white dude more than 30 feet away from some form of alcohol. Either whiskey at the dinner table, beer in a mini-fridge, a bottle of spirits under his office desk. But sure, your friends were just the exception to every rule, angelic in every way.
Something I noticed in 2016 onwards with the rise of white supremacist ideology: the ones who speak their racism marry Latinas, the ones who virtue signal anti-racism marry white. Who's actually keeping the 14 words here, the talkers or the doers?
keen observation
noticed this trend with girls from my school they would always have one brown in their friend group but when they left all their posts would be fully white friend groups
I was raised in a really really white neighboorhood, but ever since I graduated high school, whites simply have no need to interact with me anymore. I went to a chinky university, where whites exclusively hung out with each other in frats, and even in work, it's pretty racially segregated. IRL, I think the only people that interact with me beyond a purely neutral level tend to be other ricecels, or autist black dudes into DBZ.

But yeah, I'm sure this is just how it is for most ethnicels. Hitler was right in a way to just segregate us all, because humans tend to do that naturally anyway. What is the gay communist point to try and integrate us throughout our childhood, only for such diversity not to hold up later in life??? That really fucks with a minority's brain. It's almost as though the funneling of forced diversity is just a Jewish illusion. The ideal of a racial utopia is a fucking joke.

Ironically this anonymous .is place, is probably the only place where I interact with a healthy spectrum of different races. If you are an older mayocel in this thread, im sure you have also abandoned any minorities you knew in your youth- perhaps not even maliciously, but I would imagine moreso because minorities offer you no fucking value in your white lives. Hanging out with minorities is simply gets in the way of time spent with other superior whites.
Wish our women were segregated with us
In the times that we hung out they were more avoidant and lets just say less enthusiastic about wanting to be seen with me. I could just tell.
It’s something you feel instinctively almost like a 6th sense. Sometimes, I automatically know when a person wouldn’t want to be seen talking or associating with me.
Anglos, Germanic, Scandinavian. It's Anglos who are formally the supreme race in America, but they regard the other two as similar enough to themselves that they include them. I call them first-class whites.
It’s been (nearly) 2 years since I wrote this and seeing it in action at uni really helped solidify it. I go to a PWI in a very diverse place (New York) and it’s heavily segregated despite how progressive and inclusive it tries to be.

The whites all hang out within their own groups and do their very best to avoid ethnics. Especially white women. White males have a bit more freedom but still choose to do the same. Generally blacks asians and hispanics appear to chill together more often than not. Except the Indian students who seem to also stay in their own groups.

Slavs will say "racist" things, by which I mean perfectly normal and often true things that hysterical Americans would call racist, but will actually be respectful of someone of another race. Slavs are second- or third-class white, it's hard to pin it down, but they know they fill out the white box on forms but are socially non-white. I find Slavs to be very likable and straightforward in their speech.
Funnily enough, you described my experience at this PWI perfectly. The slavs were far more willing to intermingle with ethnics, the same was true in High School too. But when they can, they’d still pick a white anglo or slav group over a ethnic group.

Very, very strange. People unconsciously act based off these things but act like it doesn’t exist. It’s very subtle but when you see it, you view reality as so much more. It’s engaging and enjoyable at least for me.

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