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Serious Oldcels, Where Were You On 9/11?

Wasn’t born yet but my parents just got married the day before kek
Home. Was told we were under attack and I went back to sleep. I didn't give a fuck, we had it coming.
I wasn't born yet
YestERday hERe no (((media))) mentioned that, I forgot about that.

Btw I was born 2 years aftER
Within the United States, it's a common thing for people who were old enough at the time to remember where they were exactly on 9/11, due to it being such a groundbreaking occurrence.

My parents told me they had a family-friend over staying, and that my mom recalled getting a call from her friend about the first plane hitting the tower, which at the time everyone assumed was an accident of some kind. They also both saw the second plane hit the towers live on TV, which they say was literally "ingrained" into their heads.

Apparently, they found out that same week(probably a few days after) that the (((IVF))) treatment they were using to conceive me was "working" jfl, ain't that ironic. :society:

They also recall eventually all the phone-signals going down, due to everyone in the country trying to contact one another.

I wonder if(when) we will experience something like this again within our lifetimes? It's been the speculation of many such things, like in Tom Clancy's The Division iirc

Tagging some oldcels:
@based_meme @nice_try @Uggo Mongo @Fat Link @The Enforcer @incelerated @Jamal Niggerlips II @Subhuman Niceguy @wereq @Emba @Defetivecuckachu
I saw it in TV in my slav shithole village-city.

My mother was very shocked and saw it but to me It just looked abstract like some disaster or something, like a house on fire, it did not register in my mind what a terrorist attack is and that other people flew a plane into it on purpose to me it just looked like some big fire accident and my family didn't explain it to me so...

Only later I realized what a big deal it was.
Yeah, I remember that moment 100%.
Many do.
I was part way through my engineering degree (in New Zealand.) I had one of those bedside alarm clock radios with red digital numbers telling you the time. It went BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP every morning at 6am, and when I smacked the button to stop the beeping, it would switch onto the public radio classical music station. There's always a 6am news bulletin, it used to be the BBC World Service news. I usually sleep through that until there's another BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP a few minutes later. But that morning the news went "... the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York have collapsed, hours after aircraft were flown into them in what is believed to be a terrorist attack..."

I remember instantly reacting with disbelief. "What?" "That can't be right. There's no way that could happen. Maybe a private Cessna got lost in the fog and crashed into a building, there's broken glass on the street, and everyone is just freaking out and overreacting?"
Yeah my parents said they thought it was some kind of accident at first, which would make sense considering it was such a random & unexpected occurrence.
So then I switched on my 14" CRT tube TV, and the very first thing I saw was the footage of the second plane coming in. It was all several hours old by then and the news people were talking about it in the past tense.
Ye cause NZ & Australia or "down unda" is ahead time
And on the other hand, 3,000-ish people killed on 9/11 is relatively small, in the whole world-wide panoply of horrors that regularly kill much larger numbers of innocent people just for the hell of it. But most of the time they are brown people somewhere far away, and there aren't 500 live camera angles on it making it real for a whole generation of western viewers. And of course USA has a huge blue water navy and the ability to take revenge anywhere in the world. So 9/11 became the big moment that set the policy and direction for 20 years of wars and world events.
Ye regardless of wether you believe any theories on it or not, it gave the US massive leverage to use in further justifying wars & other actions such as the Patriot Act

Another reason, is because people from foreign countries died also & because NYC is the de-facto "international city" of the world.
We'll know it when we see it I guess?

In terms of live televised spectacles, the fire in the Ostsnkino Tower in Moscow and then the crash of the Concorde at Paris seemed big and horrible in the pre-9/11 era.
Haven't heard of either of those.
The "Boxing Day Tsunami" killed about 200,000 people, but again they were mostly brown people in shithole countries, there was little sensational tv footage to keep it in the news cycle, and it was a natural disaster not some enemy villain's fault. So it was easy to say "oh no, that's terrible" and then move on.
Ye the fact it was a terrorist attack ofc gave it more of a spotlight

If let's just say, it was just an accident which many thought at first & only one plane hit the tower, I guarantee it would have slipped the minds of at least 95% of people
Back then I used to watch Pokémon and Dragon Ball z every morning. I think that day Vegeta was about to be super saiyan. So I was super annoyed they were showing the news instead (this was on September 12 though since we are 1 day ahead).
Ye back then Soyflix & the such wasn't a thing, so I can imagine how pissed you would have been
It was also annoying that there was rolling coverage of this shit for several weeks for something that happened in another country.
Ye I can imagine, the reason why is because it was in an international city on a financial establishment so ofc people all over the world were in a way "impacted" by it

My parents also told me it changed airports & travel like that, beforehand they were less secure.
For spite I supported Osama Bin Laden
I was 21 years old and in my large trophy room with a smooth wooden floor and my father’s animal heads all around standing or sitting at my old computer at the time and talking with my still living father about the attacks.
Sounds comfy

My dad's really into cars & basically turned our standard garage into that of a car-nuts dream, so maybe that will be something I will remember him by
I not too long after emailed my now former trucel little buddy about it and he messaged me back that someone was going to pay
I see you once were a "Conservative" & probably Reagan-GOP fanboy like I once was, back when I was around 12-14

Little did we know at the time that it was simply a false flag carried out by Israel and the Bush administration to expand world Jewry’s control over the Middle East and eliminate more of its enemies.
Yup, diving down conspiracy rabbit-holes is a "proto-blackpill" as I term it
Many do.

Yeah my parents said they thought it was some kind of accident at first, which would make sense considering it was such a random & unexpected occurrence.

Ye cause NZ & Australia or "down unda" is ahead time

Ye regardless of wether you believe any theories on it or not, it gave the US massive leverage to use in further justifying wars & other actions such as the Patriot Act

Another reason, is because people from foreign countries died also & because NYC is the de-facto "international city" of the world.

Haven't heard of either of those.

Ye the fact it was a terrorist attack ofc gave it more of a spotlight

If let's just say, it was just an accident which many thought at first & only one plane hit the tower, I guarantee it would have slipped the minds of at least 95% of people

Ye back then Soyflix & the such wasn't a thing, so I can imagine how pissed you would have been

Ye I can imagine, the reason why is because it was in an international city on a financial establishment so ofc people all over the world were in a way "impacted" by it

My parents also told me it changed airports & travel like that, beforehand they were less secure.


Sounds comfy

My dad's really into cars & basically turned our standard garage into that of a car-nuts dream, so maybe that will be something I will remember him by

I see you once were a "Conservative" & probably Reagan-GOP fanboy like I once was, back when I was around 12-14

Yup, diving down conspiracy rabbit-holes is a "proto-blackpill" as I term it
Oh not at all.

I was at one time a bleeding heart blue pilled Bill Clinton loving libtard wearing my heart on my sleeve for all the little poor nigger children of the world lmao.

Then years later in the summer of 2009 I got really bored so began truth seeking and really challenging my views and very quickly became racially aware and Jew wise and a follower of the Dr. William Pierce led National Alliance.

So my racial awakening never began with conservative Republicanism or had anything to do with 4chan and /pol/ where most of the yoots (lol) learn race realism and become Jew aware so yeah I skipped right over homosexual Zionist CONservatism entirely fortunately.
was over at a friends house and watched german tv go nuts about it.

I was 8
Must have been crazy at that age

And mang, I remember when I actually had friends as a little kid. :feelsbadman:
I was in middle school, watching the news in the classroom and laughing to be edgy :society:
KEK based
I was in high school and I couldn't understand why a lot of female students were crying even if they didn't lose family members in the attack. I was in a daze trying to understand these normies and their reaction. I was like... OK you were attacked, go hit the one responsible. Don't cry like babies.

I also remember an old teacher who was working past her retirement blame it on the Soviet commies... one of those crazy old bats who thinks there's commies hiding under every rock and they're the big bad. This crazy teacher on a separate occasion, suspected me of being a Chinese spy... because my written English is very good, my quiet attitude, how I don't behave like a typical normie... and of course she was insinuating I'm really older than I look. Yeah... Asian stereotype... we look 18 when we're really 30...
YEah jfl, never got why foids would get so emotional

Them doing that, however, gives certain folks in power the ability to manipulate stuff
Oh not at all.

I was at one time a bleeding heart blue pilled Bill Clinton loving libtard wearing my heart on my sleeve for all the little poor nigger children of the world lmao.

Then years later in the summer of 2009 I got really bored so began truth seeking and really challenging my views and very quickly became racially aware and Jew wise and a follower of the Dr. William Pierce led National Alliance.

So my racial awakening never began with conservative Republicanism or had anything to do with 4chan and /pol/ where most of the yoots (lol) learn race realism and become Jew aware so yeah I skipped right over homosexual Zionist CONservatism entirely fortunately.
Ah, exact opposite of me then jfl
Within the United States, it's a common thing for people who were old enough at the time to remember where they were exactly on 9/11, due to it being such a groundbreaking occurrence.

My parents told me they had a family-friend over staying, and that my mom recalled getting a call from her friend about the first plane hitting the tower, which at the time everyone assumed was an accident of some kind. They also both saw the second plane hit the towers live on TV, which they say was literally "ingrained" into their heads.

Apparently, they found out that same week(probably a few days after) that the (((IVF))) treatment they were using to conceive me was "working" jfl, ain't that ironic. :society:

They also recall eventually all the phone-signals going down, due to everyone in the country trying to contact one another.

I wonder if(when) we will experience something like this again within our lifetimes? It's been the speculation of many such things, like in Tom Clancy's The Division iirc

Tagging some oldcels:
@based_meme @nice_try @Uggo Mongo @Fat Link @The Enforcer @incelerated @Jamal Niggerlips II @Subhuman Niceguy @wereq @Emba @Defetivecuckachu
I was in the pilot seat of a boeing 757 :feelshmm:
Dancing with some israelis
I was in elementary school. A teacher came into my class and whispered something into the ear of my foid teacher. They went into the hallway to discuss it and came back later. Shockingly, she played some of it on the radio. I am a sandcel and it further ostracized me from my classmates. I went home and my dad was watching it on TV while on the phone shouting about it with my uncle. I went to the kitchen grabbed some cereal and watched TV in another room. I didn't realize it at the time but the hysterical reaction was like a mini apocalypse had happened.

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