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Experiment Oldcels, how would your 18 year old self react if you went back and time and told him everything about your current situation?



Original recipe mod from the Serge regime.
Nov 7, 2017
So it's that time in June...people born in the year 2001 are now graduating. I swear, the years just fly by at this point. But this got me thinking about my high school years and what I thought the future would be like when I graduated back in 2005. Like everyone, I was glad to have been finally done with high school, and was optimistic about the future. I thought by this point in my life I would own a house and be a part of the middle class in the very least. Naive, I know, but in my defense the general outlook of my generation was pretty optimistic. Everything worked out pretty well for our parents (baby boomers) so we naturally thought we'd have it just as good, if not better. I think this attitude changed after 2008 (the great recession) but I digress.

I can't even imagine how horrified by 18 year old self would be if I told him:

"At age 32 you will be working two minimum wage jobs, have almost nothing saved up, will still have yet to even kiss a girl despite making tremendous efforts, own nothing of value and live with 2 roommates in the ghetto. You'll be the moderator of a forum solely dedicated to men with zero romantic experience and you're even pathetic compared to a lot of them. Political correctness is worse than you could ever imagine and the views of the most fringe, hysterical, man-hating feminists of today will be the norm in 2019. By my age, you'll have long since given up any hope of having a remotely decent life, and the outlook of the future for society is equally bleak."

I don't think I would believe it even if I could prove beyond a shadow of a doubt I was "me" from the "future". If I did, I would probably just kill myself. I was semi-blackpilled in the sense that by that point in my life I had fully accepted that I was ugly (having been told such many times throughout high school) and I knew about juggernaut law (not by that name, but the basic concept) having already seen many examples of it. But I still had some youthful naive optimism back then because despite this, I still thought everything would work out if I just worked hard enough.

What about you guys? What was your outlook in life when you were wearing your cap and gown? How would your 18 year old self react if you told him everything you know now? No cheating with stock advice, sports results, winning lottery numbers, etc.
He would find a way to kill himself before he becomes me
I'd tell him "just lift bruh"
I don't want to go back to last year tbh
If I went back 20 years and told my 18 year old self what my life would be then I’d rope immediately.
I remember when I was 18 crying on the floor on how bad life was and how I'm literally on the bottom and it can't get any worse. If I could go back. I would pick that fucker up, smack him in the head and then make him look at me and tell him that it's about to get WAY MORE FUCKED UP SON. I would tell him that all this problems I had then was nothing but tutorial mode when you get thrown out to the wolfs and must get a wagecuck job where everyday you wanna kill yourself because everybody is bullying you even at fucking work and if you don't then your only alternative is to become homeless.

And this it. This is your life now son. Enjoy it motherfucker.

HAHAHAHAAHHA When I was 18. I was crying every day I thought it's so bad. HAHAHAHA O MY FUCKING GOD IT GOT SO MUCH WORSE SINCE THEN. It got so fucking bad, that I lost the ability to comprehend how fucked up my situation is. I no longer cry or feel anything really. No fucking point lmao. I am just empty now. I am dead. I am gone. I lost. iT'S FUCKING OVER. I don't even feel sad or angry. I am just saying random shit to kill time. This is all i do now. Kill time kill time. Go work, come home. Browse this forum. Go sleep. Go work. Go home.

Am I even alive anymore?
I am not technically an oldcel because I'm just 27 but I would try to use my blackpill knowledge to look better before they invent Tinder and Instagram.
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Hed realize acting like a bluepilled reddit jester isnt going to get him a gf or impress anyone so hed be giga depressed for awhile, a few years too early, usually it tskes Uni to push him to that spot.
if i went back in time i would kill myself
I'd have roped a long time ago if I knew how things were going to turn out
He would say: "You fuckin worthless loser"
He would be suprised how based iam now.
My 18yo self was already an anxious pessimistic mess. So it wouldn't change much tbh. Maybe my current self could point out some tips how i could use some opportunities better, that I fucked up back then.
If my 18 year old self had the knowledge and had learned the truths I know today I probably would have committed suicide, despite being a regular kid most of my life, once I discovered the blackpill I dont think I would have lasted much longer after high school.
So it's that time in June...people born in the year 2001 are now graduating. I swear, the years just fly by at this point. But this got me thinking about my high school years and what I thought the future would be like when I graduated back in 2005. Like everyone, I was glad to have been finally done with high school, and was optimistic about the future. I thought by this point in my life I would own a house and be a part of the middle class in the very least. Naive, I know, but in my defense the general outlook of my generation was pretty optimistic. Everything worked out pretty well for our parents (baby boomers) so we naturally thought we'd have it just as good, if not better. I think this attitude changed after 2008 (the great recession) but I digress.

I can't even imagine how horrified by 18 year old self would be if I told him:

"At age 32 you will be working two minimum wage jobs, have almost nothing saved up, will still have yet to even kiss a girl despite making tremendous efforts, own nothing of value and live with 2 roommates in the ghetto. You'll be the moderator of a forum solely dedicated to men with zero romantic experience and you're even pathetic compared to a lot of them. Political correctness is worse than you could ever imagine and the views of the most fringe, hysterical, man-hating feminists of today will be the norm in 2019. By my age, you'll have long since given up any hope of having a remotely decent life, and the outlook of the future for society is equally bleak."

I don't think I would believe it even if I could prove beyond a shadow of a doubt I was "me" from the "future". If I did, I would probably just kill myself. I was semi-blackpilled in the sense that by that point in my life I had fully accepted that I was ugly (having been told such many times throughout high school) and I knew about juggernaut law (not by that name, but the basic concept) having already seen many examples of it. But I still had some youthful naive optimism back then because despite this, I still thought everything would work out if I just worked hard enough.

What about you guys? What was your outlook in life when you were wearing your cap and gown? How would your 18 year old self react if you told him everything you know now? No cheating with stock advice, sports results, winning lottery numbers, etc.
4 years ago, i was fully redpilled. It was only in 2016 that i met the blackpill. It came on me like a meteorite. Had severe anxiety for a few months, but i overcame all that necessary adversity to finally understand how fucked up this shithole really is..
50+yo here...
I was a pessimistic hider at that time. I would have blackpilled myself and used the anger as lifefuel to futuremaxx.

Also, I would have saved 10-20% of all my money for a homestead and business somewhere. Using "the richest man in babylon" book as an investment strategy.

However, knowing the black pill makes future plans difficult because things are gonna get worse.

So, joining the mil and using that knowledge to become a mercenary and risking everything and maybe turning alpha - or dying - might have been a shortcut to the wage slave and save result.
Mercenaries were a big thing in the early '80.
It was 2000 when I was 18...Prob warn myself and everyone about SHTF.
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My 18 year old self would be surprised that he becomes 23 without roping.
I was already blackpilled at 18 so I knew what was to come. Tbh, it did not get as bad as I thought it would
If I could back in time, I would do it when I was 13 years old, where I suffered constant bullying and was very bluepilled, I would told myself all the blackpill knowledge and to start learning martial arts so I could defend myself.

At 18 years old (two years ago) I was already blackpilled.
He would have dropped everything, started learning languages, and left the west for a third world shithole. Or killed himself in despair. I'm glad he didn't know. Nothing likely would have changed for the better. Some things it's better not to know.
I don’t know if my 18 yo self would be surprised since at 18 my sexual experience was zero. (No dates, kissing, hand holding etc) but maybe just a little disappointed I didn’t ascend. Would certainly be disappointed at the financial and career failure.
Outside of the incel part, he’d react fairly well. “Whoa, I don’t have to wageslave and many guys who would’ve been normies are struggling?” When I was 18, I thought I would turn into an office drone and still cared about what others thought of me. While I didn’t turn into a guy worthy of being a Baywatch star or I guess a Marvel star by today’s equivalent, I surpassed every other expectation so not too bad.
I’m 21 now. Each year after 18 just keeps getting worse and worse
Back at 18 there was nothing you could tell me to change my view on the world and how optimistic I was. I just KNEW there was a girl for me out there. "There is somebody for everybody" type mentality. I just KNEW I'd end up getting a career. Because that's what adults do and I just KNEW I'd have children and a wife by the time I was 30. Nothing anybody told me would change what I believed because I was so indoctrinated by the shitty Catholic religion and my strict parent upbringing that there was no other way of life. That is just the way it was.

The worst is when you look back in life and truly learn and laugh about all the misconceptions you have as a kid. How I thought there were women out there who were waiting for marriage like me (Hint: There aren't.) How I thought women fell in love with your personality and not your looks (Hint: They only care about looks). And how I thought you could get ahead in life just by working hard and following the rules (Hint: The most famous and celebrated people all took risks and did illegal shit to get where they are.Plus nepotism)
18 year old me would think I would be a super Chad by now, but would listen to my story and would be happy about how I ended up professionally, but would still think I am a loser cause I am not having much free sex and probably will devote a lot of time to only end up in the same exact spot I am today. There really is no other option, the only thin I have is my intelligence, but women only really care about looks, which is something I don't have. If I could get the message to younger me maybe he would get plastic surgery but I think he would be most likely to continue to be a bluepilled fuck and carrermaxx until I become a fat and ugly fuck that no woman would want cause looks trump all. Then I would end up being the same exact person I am today.

Thinking back, almost all paths seem to converge to what I am today. Only path that doesnt converge is the path where I successfuly hook up with the girls I was interested in during highschool, but I think I would've been an average joe normie if that was happened.
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if i told him i’d have roped by now :feelskek:
I'm not 100% sure how my old self would react, my only two guesses are either A. I might just accept it or B. I'd be full of dread and anxiety because back at that time, I was in serious denial and was full of anxiety due to it, but at the same time I was somewhat accepting, it was a weird emotional rollercoster at that time. Also like OP I'm in my early 30's so the blackpill and inceldom was NO where near as big back then as it is now, but the fact we oldcels exist shows how bad things are.
In my 30s now. I thought all the times I studied instead of going out and having fun would be worth it. Instead, my degree got me nowhere and I work a shitty job just to have any kind of income. The same kind of job I went to school to avoid getting. If I had known it was all for nothing, I would have just told myself to try and get in shape, learn a different language like @RageAgainstTDL would have, and just told myself to do my best to cope with the worthless nothingness of life.

He would have dropped everything, started learning languages, and left the west for a third world shithole. Or killed himself in despair. I'm glad he didn't know. Nothing likely would have changed for the better. Some things it's better not to know.
I discovered puahate beofore I was 18. I already knew it was over. I'd tell him that mew is cope and that you should just hurry up and end it because it's smart to give up.
recruit myself into the nhk
I am not having much free sex
not having much

I remember when I was 18 crying on the floor on how bad life was and how I'm literally on the bottom and it can't get any worse. If I could go back. I would pick that fucker up, smack him in the head and then make him look at me and tell him that it's about to get WAY MORE FUCKED UP SON. I would tell him that all this problems I had then was nothing but tutorial mode when you get thrown out to the wolfs and must get a wagecuck job where everyday you wanna kill yourself because everybody is bullying you even at fucking work and if you don't then your only alternative is to become homeless.

And this it. This is your life now son. Enjoy it motherfucker.

HAHAHAHAAHHA When I was 18. I was crying every day I thought it's so bad. HAHAHAHA O MY FUCKING GOD IT GOT SO MUCH WORSE SINCE THEN. It got so fucking bad, that I lost the ability to comprehend how fucked up my situation is. I no longer cry or feel anything really. No fucking point lmao. I am just empty now. I am dead. I am gone. I lost. iT'S FUCKING OVER. I don't even feel sad or angry. I am just saying random shit to kill time. This is all i do now. Kill time kill time. Go work, come home. Browse this forum. Go sleep. Go work. Go home.

Am I even alive anymore?
This is me to a T
"sounds about right"

I was ultra pessimistic until PUA made me a deluded idiot.
Like everyone, I was glad to have been finally done with high school, and was optimistic about the future.

When I remember this I just want to cry, not gonna cry
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Kind of predicted it.
If you are not getting girls in college of school, it's usually a sign it's over
(You will never see so many girls in one place ever again, not even close. When you start work all if any females will be locked down or far beyond your reach)
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I would have told my 18 year old self to buy as much bitcoin as possible and sell it for $16,000 a coin and become a millionaire.
Youngcels be like- a trip to the future!

Anyway, my 18 would say:i knew it, destiny never fails.
I wouldn't be surprised at all. Kind of predicted it. It is exactly how I imagine my life will go downhill due to wrong choices.
When I was 18 was was full of anxiety and despair. It was stuck with an alcoholic parent and I was just a stupid teenager with no life skills to survive. I am much happier now then I have ever been. I make some money and have saved up, have a kickass gaming pc that I always wanted, I have anime fighters that were a dream of the past, got some space to myself now. I also have managed to understand my feelings better and have a waifu that has sustained for me he past 6 years. The only thing I would change would tell him to invest in bitcoin and to excersize a bit more.
Would be depressed getting my 0,001% hope crushed, but I pretty much knew from 14 what was coming. I think he/it would be proud of my dodging of some potential truecel pitfalls though.
Wouldn't be surprised. I mean, life was horrible even then, but if I knew it was gonna get worse (which it definitely did) I would just have spent all my money on whatever I wanted and then rope. There was a rumour about me shooting up the school when I was in high school, should have gone through with it.
Hed realize acting like a bluepilled reddit jester isnt going to get him a gf or impress anyone so hed be giga depressed for awhile, a few years too early, usually it tskes Uni to push him to that spot.
This felt like a personal attack
Before I time travel, can I do some research here in the future to give to Past Me?
I really do wish I could go back in time though.

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