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JFL Oklahoma teen repeatedly stabbed girl at assembly because she only ‘liked him as a friend’


remember guys if you haven't stabbed a girl after a rejection, you ain't incel

[–]GoneWithTheFlaps 24 points 6 hours ago

Oh l'm about to get all motherly in this bitch. You don't hurt children and l swear to God l mean it when l say that l wish horrible things on any psycho who laughs at this poor little girl. You incels are fucking sick and this is what you're doing to children with your "harmless venting". You deserve to be fucking shot and l won't apologize. You're destroying lives with your bullshit and it's not your own so why would your pathetic selfish asses care?? You want to know why you don't get fucked? When you encourage shit like this you're not a human being! When you are targeted in public don't say a mother fucking word. Not one...

[–]ClearDark19 7 points 5 hours ago

Amen! Well said! I know it's not politically correct to say or think this way, but when I hear about men committing crimes like this, I just keep thinking, "Well, you'll get all the sex you want in prison. You won't have a worry about being turned down there. Now you'll have to worry about other guys respecting YOU turning THEM down." and I don't feel sorry for them. Now they'll know the fear women live with because of guys like themselves.

[–]-SpinxS- 1 point 2 hours ago

wait. i don't see this article relevent to incels at all. calm down there, buddy.

[–]Hope2CopeSub8EthnicOreo 0 points 2 hours ago

You got it all out?

Also where did it say in the article that he's an incel?

[–]_negroEmancipatiom -15 points 5 hours ago

She was probably getting spitroasted by Chad and Tyrone before the assembly.


[–]GoneWithTheFlaps 11 points 4 hours ago

She is 14 you fucking piece of shit pervert. 14!

[–]_negroEmancipatiom -13 points 4 hours ago

So? That is the prime whoring stage for females.

[–]GoneWithTheFlaps 10 points 4 hours ago

Really? You're sexualizing a child. 14 is not the age of consent. You're a fucking pervert.

[–]_negroEmancipatiom -8 points 4 hours ago

And you think that they wait until 18 to let Chad do them raw? The Chad and Tyrone I was talking about were probably 14 themselves even though they often let college students have a go but they aren't called paedophiles because they're Chads.

[–]GoneWithTheFlaps 9 points 4 hours ago

Go fuck yourself yet again! Anyone who touches a child is a sexual predator. You people are fucking delusional. Chad Chad Chad! Jesus Christ admit you're fucking gay and get off his dick and suck it already... Wait he doesn't want you either. Meh l'm so ugly l can't get sex and everyone else can! I can't be a fucking loser! It's obviously everyone else and not me! No jackass it's you!

[–]_negroEmancipatiom -4 points 4 hours ago

Anyone who touches a child is a sexual predator.​
Yeah, say that to the College Chads fucking highschoolers. You're only a predator if you're ugly.

Jesus Christ admit you're fucking gay and get off his dick and suck it already...​
The homophobia on this sub is fucking sickening.

Meh l'm so ugly l can't get sex and everyone else can! I can't be a fucking loser! It's obviously everyone else and not me!​
Try showering more and get a hobby. You'll be getting ladies in no time.

[–]MrVeazey 7 points 4 hours ago

If unfounded smugness was water, you'd be Jupiter's moon Europa.

[–]GoneWithTheFlaps 6 points 4 hours ago

I'm a woman you dumbass. I know it's difficult for you to tell. My bad let me try again. Ewww Chad save me from the hideous idiot! Please please please! Do you want some advice? Fucking give up. Jesus you sexualize children. You blame everyone else but yourself when you're the problem. The only woman you deserve is one to smash your fucking head open on the cement.

[–]_negroEmancipatiom -2 points 3 hours ago

14 isn't exactly a child. Teenagers do fuck and denying it because of their age is just stupid.

Watch me lay an intellectual smackdown.

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